The Garda, the Irish PM Leo Varadker, and the Dublin Riots

Unable to do their job properly and prevent children from being stabbed, they resort to the time honoured tradition of blaming the far right.

LBC News

Exactly who are this mythical far right that are responsible for all the world’s ills?
Was it the EDL that ran people over on Westminster Bridge, stabbed police outside The House of Commons, or blew children up at The Manchester arena?

No. We all know who are responsible for the unrest, so stop playing the far right get out of jail free card, and do the fucking job you get paid for you cunts.

Nominated by: Duke of Cuntshire


And on a similar topic there’s this from General Cuntster

Let’s have a, kiss my blarney stone(s) cunting for Irish PM Leo Varadker.

How British are the British Isles these days? Let’s see…Humzangus McYousaf has been mentioned here on IsaC lately. British PM Fishy Rishi is also frequently mentioned here at IsaC, as is London’s own son of a rickshaw driver Suckdick Khunt.

But what about Irish PM Leo Varadkar? We don’t hear much about that cunt. Until now.

It seems another political leader in the British Isles… with Shitholian origins is having a bit of trouble understanding why the bog-trotting natives of the land he Lords over are objecting to being culturally enriched.

Recently, the Auld Sod has been enriched by a massive influx of Shitholians who, unsatisfied with living in a modern western nation (if you can call Ireland that) have taken to stabbing the aboriginals.

True to their victim mentality and like their melanin enhanced American cousins, the Smoked Irish, the spud loving Celts have taken to the streets and are carrying signs that read Irish Lives Matter…ILM as it were.

But actually, who can blame them? Shitholian Josef Pusja was recently convicted for culturally enriching Ashling Murphy with a knife as she was jogging.

Prior to that Yousef Palani, a Sitholistan Immigrant, enriched 2 Irish sword-swallowers by beheading one (oh the irony) and stabbing the other.

And now, a shitholian described only as being of Algerian descent, has sparked a wave of unrest by enriching a 5 year old girl with his knife.

So while it may seem to most reasonable people that the indigenous spud munchers have a right to be angry about continual enrichment of their society, PM Leo Varadlar, a native born son of a shitholian snake charmer, attributes their anger to hate.

Yes that’s right. Unlike the Sitholian enrichers who demonstrate their love by stabbing, the violent Fenians of the Emerald Isle only love riots and anarchy.

Fox News

With all the Shitholians invading Ireland and enriching its citizens it gives a whole new meaning to the old Fenian Anthem, Come Out You Black and Tans.

The world has gone mad.

Morrigan, Neit and Badb save us!

105 thoughts on “The Garda, the Irish PM Leo Varadker, and the Dublin Riots

  1. Funny, I have never heard of a ‘far right’ group operating in Eire ever.

    Also strange how this mythical ‘far right’ Irish group has no name and no leader.

    Could it be because the politicians, the bogies and the media have made them up?

  2. Dublin, Berlin, Paris, Annecy, Manchester, Westminster Bridge, Lee Rigby, Sir David Arness,9/11 and 7/7.

    All the same crime, all the same criminal, all the same religion.
    Acts of terror by muslims.

    • Just this afternoon somewhere off Yemen the cunts have hijacked a British owned ship. A small nuke on an Iranian military installation would make the fuckers think twice before trying it on again .

      • Should have been done after September 11th 2001, Isabel.

        Bush Jnr declared a war on terrorism, but he didn’t go anywhere near far enough.

      • Killing millions to get rid of a few thousand zealots?
        Lets hope Vlad doesnt have the same idea about Britain being full of woke bastards.

    • Agreed, Norman. The insane believers of Dark Ages indoctrinatory fiction that passes for religion won’t listen to reason so what else can we do?

  3. Naturally, this evil piece of Algerian sandfilth is being protected as an ‘Irish citizen with mental health issues’.

    Yet, the ‘far right hate filled thug’ who killed woke favourite, Saint Jo of the Blessed Cox was named within the hour. Name, nationality, shoe size, colour of underpants, the lot.

  4. The brother of an ex- girlfriend of mine from Rotterdam gave me his views on current events in the Netherlands.

    He said that ‘this country went through Hell with Hitler and those German bastards. We will never be tricked or invaded again. And that includes these muslim cunts’.

    And it’s not just him either. The Dutch are sick of them and the government, police and media capitulation. The Irish are sick of it too, and I hope fervently that the British follow suit.

    • Evening Norman, watching the game and I’ve noticed sir Marcus of rashford is sporting a ginger perm, is he a big mick Hucknall fan?

      Or just a cultural appropriator?

      • Evening Barry.

        Rashford looks like a cunt. He usually plays like a knob, now he looks like a knob.

        And the media cunts wetting themselves over our goalkeeper, Onana.

        ‘Oh, he’s made some crucial saves.’

        That’s what he’s bloody paid to do, But because he’s from the Congo, the daft bastards are trying to market Onana as the new Pat Jennings. Which he certainly is not.

      • The BBC now use this officially as one word…


        And, after repeating this several times, they will tell you again his real name and that he’s a ‘far right activist’,

      • One can imagine a BBC employee having a wank.
        No jazz mags or Pornhub or any of that.

        It’d be ‘Tommy Robinson! Real name Stephen Yaxley Lennon! Far right activist! Known far right islamphobe! Yes! Oh yes!’

  5. The Algerian was described by the BBC as an Irish citizen .

    Yet they were massively quick to describe one of the saviours of those stabbed as Brazilian.

    We all know who the problematic migrants are and they ain’t usually from Brazil .

    The BBC are the worlds biggest cunts

    • Brazilian immigrants get shot in the head just for sitting in a Tube train, courtesy of the Met Police headed by Inspector Clouseau Cressida Strapon.
      No, we haven’t forgotten, bitch.

    • Paddy: Welcome to de Oirish citizens test, Iqbal.
      Iqbal: Alläh be praised.
      Paddy: Do ye loike de Guinness?
      Iqbal: Alläh forbids it.
      Paddy: Oh. Do ye eat potatoes?
      Iqbal: I only eat Halal food.
      Paddy: Who’s ya favourite football player?
      Iqbal: It is forbidden.
      Paddy: Do you ever read Oscar Woilde?
      Iqbal: Homosexuality is a sin.
      Paddy: B’jayzus, what do you do den?
      Iqbal: Violence, terrorism, fanatical religion, and hating the British.
      Paddy: Welcome to Oireland.

  6. Things are turning around , I’m convinced of it.

    I don’t care how many of these savages get hurt as that gains pace here and in continental Europe.

    Live by the sword die by the sword .

    That should appeal to them

    • They don’t like the pork sword up ’em.
      I hope the Irish rediscover some great national crafts, such as… Tarring & Feathering, and kneecapping.

  7. Apparently this fine oirish citizen from Algeria was pissed off that his state benefit was being reduced. So he did what anybody would do and attacked a load of innocent kids.
    And anybody who objects is clearly a nazi.

    • I hope his family is burnt out of their home,have their benefits cancelled forever and are hounded for the rest of their rotten lives.

      If only.


      • Nah, Tez.

        His family will get new names, new homes, and even more money.

        And the Algerian sandmuck himself will be mollycoddled by the Irish health service, then be let out on every benefit in the book.

  8. Terry Venables. One of football’s characters was Venables, very few left these days. He was a decent player too. RIP.

    • And sickening to see The Sun eulogising ‘El Tel’ and saying how much they loved him.

      They were the cunts who hounded him out of the England job.

  9. I dunno how anyone takes Darth Varadker seriously as a head of state.

    I mean there he was, spouting that shit after the goings-on .. (its the ‘rioters’ that the Irish population fears yadda yadda) .. and all I could think was yeah I’m not listening to anything coming out of a dudes mouth that … *this portion censored on legal advice* … coming INto his mouth the dirty bastard … ?

  10. Morning all, turned radio on this morning and predictably Sky Snooze straight away mentioned Tommy’s arrest yesterday and as an after note mentioned 1000’s took to the streets blah blah blah – actually it was over 60,000 but we won’t exaggerated upwards for a pro Israeli march… Exactly what did Tommy do to be arrested by half a dozen fat donut eating lard arses? Shame plod couldn’t be arsed to arrest the FAR LEFT cunts or peacefuls who were jumping around like monkeys on our War Memorials – but hey ho – “no crime was being commited” – but they could have arrested them for “behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace ” – yep the very same one they will be using for arresting Tommy.

  11. Yep get rid of the hated Brits ??
    Then go cap in hand to the EU and look where it’s got them The Republic full of foreigners.Leo Veradkar is the Irish version of Sultan Khan in London ,Irish citizens far right protesting no just sick to the back teeth of Islamic Foreigners trying to take over their country Same as we are in England ??

  12. The response from the media has been telling. Not only has the ‘far right’ narrative completely failed, several outlets now block comments on these stories.

    Forget the comments pages, Facebook and Twitter, traitors. Try blocking your office doors after a few more years of this gaslighting shit.

    The one good thing that has come out of Twitter over the years is now we know what and how these media cunts, presenters, journos, luvvies and ‘comedians’ really think about any issue. as well as vast numbers of ordinary Britons for voting ‘the wrong way’.

    The allure of stardom is gone forever, and by their own words these pampered mouthpieces of the fashionable nonsense of the day will be judged.

    What happens when the particularly mouthy celebrities see the peasants massing at the gates of their drive, or across the river at their houses on the Thames in leafy Chertsey, perhaps after a sustained social media campaign of hatred against the British people, or perhaps after an incident where children are butchered?

    Well done Mr Dorsey and Mr Musk.

  13. And just as people are starting to turn against these human filth kid killers, expect an out of thin air ‘far right’ attack by some ‘lone wolf’. Just like that dickhead in that van.

    Probably done by a BBC employee, a cozzer, or a government person.
    That’s how far I think they’d go to protect these dirt.

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