Not only is it almost impossible to have an ordinary old-school, face to face chat with your mates/wife/whatever down the local coffee shop/boozer or restaurant thanks to the arrival of mobile phones and screaming bleedin’ kids, but another problem about having a debate with someone is that you run the risk of being “cancelled” should you wander out too far from your interlocutor’s viewpoint!
You only have to inadvertently broach touchy-feely subjects that are close to woke hearts – such as all the usual “isms”, Brexit, the environment, immigration, the NHS and now of course Israel/Palestine, and you can find yourself in a world of shite!
Suddenly, the friends that you’ve known for years become rather more animated and vocal if you go down any of those dark and twisty roads. Everything has become politicised, and if you’re not on the same side then you’re seen as part of the problem, friend or not!
This is even more apparent/dangerous in work environments. I’m self employed and therefore don’t have to put up with the usual 9-5 scenario of working for someone else. But I have been to customer sites and office workers have often asked me my views on certain subjects. But I have always made an excuse and diverted attention away from such things because I know it will all kick off if I hold the wrong opinion.
We’re all aware of politicians and celebrities ending up being cancelled for similar reasons; but now it seems us mere mortals may face a similar fate, especially if it’s splashed around on a so-called friend’s social media page. All of a sudden you’re name is mud and people just don’t want to know you any more.
Society is becoming ever more fragmented right down to friend & family level..It’s come to a point where even suggesting to a friend about having a Full English breakfast can lead to an outbreak of war just because you like bacon and sausage!
“Good morning!”
“Fuck off and die you animal-murdering fascist!”
Nominated by Technocunt.
” I’m leaving you.”
Cannot have a conversation with the wife, everything I say she thinks I am having pop.
Easier to text her.
Wrongthink is murder.
Great nom Techno.
With me being a loner it works to my advantage. If someone is getting too close and friendly, my feeling will see them off. I’ll probably be telling the truth anyway, with me having my own strong beliefs.
I’ve never given a monkeys cuss anyway, from family and so called friends. That’s why I’m on here, for fuck sake.
You might not believe that my conversations are face to face and mainly with women. For awhile now, I’ve been interested in asking women what is the opposite to misogyny and I’m surprised that most ladies don’t know, which is nothing whatsoever to do with their level of intelligence. To save the ones who don’t know from looking it up, its philogyny. Making me a philogynist. Probably stems from having a loving Mother and three likeable older sisters. Besides loving relationships with the ladies.
I like to talk out of my arse so face to face conversations are rare. Plus I really don’t give a flying fuck if I trigger or upset anybody. Also I don’t work and/or have any friends. Yay me!
Luckily all my customers, friends and family are far-right Brexit voting climate change denying gender critical English patriots too.
And I couldn’t give two fucks about social media either. Cancel away.
I stopped using Facebook and Twitter because hey are fucking pointless. What’s the point of using these sites if you can’t even say what you’d say to some cunt in real life?
Same as me.Stopped using Faeces Book a few years back.Never use Twitter.No crusty smegs awarded.
Not in my neck of the woods it isn’t.
just spent 2 hours chewing the fat over a mug of tea with a neighbour this morning.
I even have the occasional conversation with the wife!
Although she has a smartphone, she only uses it to Skype (or whatever) her sister in the States.
And their conversations have been known to go on for 3 fucking hours+
Nope, the art of conversation is definitely alive and well in Bottlerville.
I say what I want when I want.
Talk just as I do on here.
Some people think I’m joking.
I’m not.
Some people are shocked.
Fuck em.
Some are offended.
I have the right to a opinion.
I don’t care if it upsets you, prefer it!
I don’t care if you disagree.
I don’t apologise for it.
Anyone upset should be gassed.
It’s the only way to be, imo.
Appeasing idiots – that way lies madness.
Exactly. You can now get away with much more in real life than poxy Facebook or Twatter.
Been reported and suspended several times on both.
The police won’t come ’round though. Too far to walk up the drive.
Agree Mis, up until your final sentence, thinking it better, they should understand. Sorry for poking me nose in.
What the fuck do they find to talk about for three hours?
Family matters mostly.
Their dillweed brother who still lives with his idiot mother.
Her sister heading for divorce number 2, plenty of bitching around that.
Her ultra woke niece and autistic nephew.
My exemplary behaviour as a husband and father…
The usual miserable stuff.
Trump, Biden, Sunak & Starmer.
You get the picture.
Great for me!
Keeps her out of my hair for a few hours.
“Full Karen Mode Deployed”..
If anybody takes issue with something that I’ve said, thought or written and gets funny with me I’d be delighted if they fucked me off. Saves me going to the trouble of doing it to them, the brainless cunts.
IE, I don’t think “they” can see or read your thoughts yet, but I’m not sure.
I take it that when somebody says to me, ‘I know what you’re thinking’ they have a good idea of what’s going through my mind. In fact the wife can tell before I’ve thought it.
The problem with saying the wrong thing isn’t that your opinion could be right or wrong but that it doesn’t fit with social media truth.
Someone tweets, for example on the Gaza subject, and without checking if it valid gets retweeted and so on, then when it is challenged by anyone who has a different view, cancelled!
Having a conversation with these idiots is impossible so why bother, a chat with a mate is fine knowing that the vast majority of people actually wish all the fucking rag heads, Blicks and P’s would just fuck off somewhere else.
Luckily I no longer have these problems. Anyone who was like that was cut out of my life like a cancer during the referendum/Trump derangement era.
I think the best term for the normal white bloke nowadays is an ‘Istaphobe’.. bigot, racist, misogynist, transphobe. All the prats who threw these terms around couldn’t leave their cunt phones alone while in the pub. Jittery if they didn’t get a text or a like. Weird, that.
Although it could be my menacing stare or look of disappointment every time the cunts picked the fucking thing up.
Probably checking if Lily Allen liked their tweet.
Pile of cunts. Straight to Unkle Terry’s Oven.
Sociable bunch of cunts this afternoon gents.
I’m certIn I have some sort of Anti Social personality Deformity, or whatever it’s called. Learned rather than born with it.
I’m a great conversationalist.
Witty, polite, charming as fuck, incredibly interesting.
I’d be Michael Parkinson’s dream interview.
Shame really because I tell most people to get fucked.
I’m looking forward to the IsAC Christmas party myself.
Miles has been uncancelled and is sat next to JP. I think we’ll be using the plastic cutlery this year.
Think Miles has been recancelled LL.
Think he was on as Barry Breezeblock?
Missed it as working ,
But saw a message from admin telling him to fuck off.
As predictable as sun in summertime.
Barry Breezeblock, ffs.
I missed that delight, but caught CAs expected response to the attempted storming of the ramparts.
Old Parky would have asked you where the North Wests premier dogging hotspots are backstage.
You haven’t got any of his old floorboards too have you Miserable?
Not yet, but live in hope! ?
No he fucking isn’t!
Anyway, LL, where can we hold the Christmas party this year, now Lord Fiddlers fucked us off?
Shame really, the huge dining table in the long hall made the perfect stage for my Freddie Mercury impression.
Barry Breezeblock?
An appropriate name for that monumental blockhead.
Normie Blockhead, lol.
You were almost there, MJB.
What a wanker, can’t even come up with a cunning disguise.
What building material will Miles/Charlie Barry make use of in his next nom de plume?
Terry Timber? Gary Glass? Andrew Aggregate? Or how about Norman Non- normie.
It makes no difference. As soon as he opens his mouth you know it’s Miles.
He really cannot help himself.
So sad, because, in general, as Miles he wasn’t too irritating, until he went all Bismillah.
This one?
Absolutely that one!
Miles could never string a sentence together, JP. Didn’t know what he was talking about most of the time.
He sought of went a bit cuckoo, then totally radged, but early days he weren’t too bad.
Mis always found him entertaining.
I did indeed JP.
A devout Catholic on a site full of atheists.
A poetry lover on a site of pornhub lovers.
A one off, I like someone who dances to their own drum.
But I don’t support his love of the Palestinians or his hatred of Jews.
I can see how that would offend other posters.
And I dont blame anyone for being angry or hurt at what Miles said.
But yes I liked him.
He made me laugh a few times over the years.
Shame it went pear shaped.
Word Salads,
Garnished with Catholic bigotry and a side dish of Jew hatred.
Recent posts have been relatively coherent.
Must be using AI.
In all seriousness I did like Miles, his posts and noms were a bit off the wall at times but the stuff from the other week was like it was from a totally different person.
Which makes me wonder if someone hijacked his account, but having said that he could have contacted HQ, and reported it, so no, he came off his meds, is my best guess.
You’re not alone in that view.
I don’t think he knew what he was talking about most of the time.
When Miles kept of the subject of Jews, JP, he was fine.
Ukraine seemed to have unhinged him. He became a Putin apologist. And when the subject of Jews came up he became a raving loon. Over the past year he also seems to have been influenced by Gordon and become one of the tin foil brigade, a raving conspiracy loon harping on about “ normies”.
There’s nowt wrong with MP that an overdose of magic mushrooms wouldn’t put right.
Or these MJB –
Also if the Pope could be persuaded to retract his pronouncement that “antisemitism is a sin and against Christian values” might help, lol.
Poor Miles. I found him interesting, but I don’t think his account was hacked. He’d gone on antisemitic rants and insulted them before.
I’m like yourself in a way. Anybody rubbing me up the wrong way (except the lasses) get short shrift.
Yeah Sammy,
People can rub me up however they want
Just don’t send me the dry cleaning bill.
So long as you don’t get erased, Mis.
Face it, MNC – you’d only be in it for the free Parker pen!
Yep fully agree ?
Having earned my living in IT from 1971 until I retired I have not a clue about Twitter, Facebook, Tik-Tok, etc. Never looked at them, don’t know how they work. Why would I? To me it’s similar to local authorities who put restrictions on me driving into their towns and want to charge me to do so. Couldn’t give a toss, I’ll take my business elsewhere. Fuck ’em all.
Talking of which, OT I’m afraid, went to the symphony hall in Brum yesterday afternoon. Half the streets closed off now for trams (I’m not kidding!) and the convenient car park short level walk to the venue has been closed in preparation for demolition. Only positive was that my car having spark plugs is exempt from the congestion charge tax. Won’t be returning any time soon.
I’m just waiting for the day somebody tries to start a conversation with me along the lines of ‘Hi! My name’s Popocatepétl, I’m non-binary, and my pronouns are they/them’.
‘Fuck off, cunt!’.
Afternoon all (I’m very sociable, under the right circumstances).
I think you would need to be completely of your trolley to use the pseudonym Popocatepetl Ron. But on the other hand Chimborazo or Cotopaxi…..
The pair of you!
Apologies Ron, Jeezum, that’s about the sum total of my knowledge of Walter J Turner’s work.
Don’t apologise, I was giggling for ages.
I hate the word giggling, it’s so girly, but the sn1ggering gets me modded.
We went to some show took my parents,
And there was a market selling stuff that you’d not get on a high street.
My mam called me to a stall.
Arab types flogging them olives?
Mam ” try these! Lovely!”
MNC ” naw, don’t like them.”
Mam ” just try them! You might like em”
MNC ” don’t want to.
I don’t like em’
Arab cunt gets involved!!!
Arab ” finest olives ! Try !
Just try!. delicious!”
Then Mrs Miserable sticks her oar in
” try one, go on!”
MNC fuming ” right”.
” They taste like fuckin shite”
And spat it on the floor.
The crowd took a collective intake of breath.
My mam, an Mrs didn’t speak to me for hours?
Told em I don’t like olives.
I found the cctv footage of it mis.
Now that’s what I call a conversation!
Olives are evil, the Devil’s food.
Now, dill pickles, cornichons and pearl onions, I could eat those all day long.
Big fan of piccalilli, don’t see that much, these days. Oh no, it’s all balsamic onion chutney with added beard twats.
You’re lucky you weren’t arrested for public order offence and aggravated hate crime.
Friends of a left leaning persuasion are only too keen to post their views on everything, whereas the others don’t bother as they’ll get a load of abuse. Only one kind of opinion allowed on Facebook.
Yes, So Long.
It’s their opinion!
Yours, mine, highly regarded scientists not withstanding.
If you do post an unpopular opinion, the fragile lefties report you. If not for the comment, then for something risque you posted years ago.
Had one loon i’d upset go through three years of photos/images to try to get me on a risque image of a topless bird.
Facebook and twatter are the homes of the saddest cunts imaginable. They go to the police these days saying they were offended by a joke.
It’s a waste of time being on there.
The art of conversation is dead?
I don’t know what to say.
Nuff said.
O/T, nice to see the krauts are having similar problems with their carpet kissing friends…?
BBC News – Germany: Illegal migration rise prompts border crackdown
Any society which allows these cunts in en masse will experience societal breakdown, anarchy and disintegration within a generation. They are incapable of assimilating or contributing, unlike, say Hindus.
Don’t know what they’re worried about, Arch.
They’re only there briefly to regroup, until they can arrange their passage to the UK.
And I don’t understand why they pay traffickers for space on a dinghy. Surely all they have to do is wade into the Channel up to their bollocks. 15 feet from the French beach is surely far enough to place them in danger and require the attention of the Royal Navy, Border Farce and the RNLI to rescue them and bring them here.
So it seems.
Zut, alors!
Ring the RNLI!
Or alternatively, the French Navy will tow ( sorry, I meant “escort”) them out until we have no choice but to rescue them, the possibility of shelling hasn’t yet occurred.
We could start by shelling the French coast. Then nuking Paris.
Cannot disagree.
The French Navy and UK Border Force have been colluding all along.
Germany is demographicalky and economically fucked, and they’re slowly realising it.
Well we’ve had Charlie Concrete and Barry Breezeblock.
Is it going to be Miles Tiles, Clement Cement, Neil Steel, or Bricky Ricky next?
slowly working his way through a Wickes catalogue for new names
‘Ere’s a song for Ya!!
I did mention this in a previous nom, however having read this, as he surely will have, I expect him to reappear, using his neighbours Wi-Fi ( cheers, Derek, apparently I can use YOUR Internet as you have zero security, I will have a word about security soon) as “Dark Lord”, or similar.
No .
Hard Rock.
Hit it!
You’ve always got to steal my thunder haven’t you. ?
He’s not Thor, you know?
Good shout ?
Plastic Spastic.
I bet his ears are burning.
Ps MNC, I like poetry and Pornhub.
Yeah me too ?
MMCM same.
Sometimes they bring me out in a Cold Sweat
A nice but if Thin Lizzy, Harold. Back when music was good.
Madam Macadam?
I am never afraid of airing my views about anything. I just don’t care if some stupid cnut disagrees with me. They can cancel me if they like – frankly, I am better off without pricks like that and don’t give a fuck.
As long as you are not hurting anyone (feelings excluded!), then voice your opinions – I do. I always think of the words of the late, great Chris Hitchens –
“My own opinion is enough for me, and I claim the right to have it defended against any consensus, any majority, anywhere, any place, any time. And anyone who disagrees with this, can pick a number, get in line and kiss my ass.”
I really admired that guy …
How splendid!
Now he’s got another admirer.
When I was a teenager I was sitting at a bus stop smoking a fag and this geezer tried to strike up a conversation……..
“Smoking I see? You’ll never get old doing that.”
“Oh yeah, my great grandad is 95.”
“Oh…..does he smoke?”
“No……he just minds his own fucking business.”
Now, that’s the Art of Putdown, which is probably a topic of conversation for another day.
Splendid response, Freddie. Kudos.
Tell me about it. I work in a university. Very few conversations I can actually join in with. Even the thought of someone voting Conservative makes my colleagues’ jaws drop (literally), never mind something like supporting Brexit or thinking that only men have penises. It’s a pretty lonely existence a lot of the time.
Cheer up pal!
Encourage them to flirt with the Far Right.
Women love a man in Jackboots!! ❤️
Start casual
In the staff room, yawn loudly, stretch,
And say in a matter of fact tone
” few to many sooties here isn’t there?”
” cripes, some of those ramjams stink don’t they?!
Cross between a fart and a curry”
At first they’ll be shocked.
Take advantage.
Walk to the sink
And piss in it casually.
As you leave the room click your heels and through a Hitler salute.
You’ll be the most talked about man about the campus ?
I make sure my mates are of a like mind to me, very few youths as they seem to be dim witted scaredy cats but good to wind up by being ultra far right in their company. If I upset someone who gives a tuppeny fuck there are 60 million other fuckers to talk to and to be Frank who wants a sensitive woolly back spineless cunt in your life.
Friday night is music night
Tune that Mali ?
One for Cunt Engine
Actually I think this is more one for Cunt Engine
It’s a good job that there doesn’t appear to be anybody of the peaceful persuasion who posts on here.
The way Miles Plastic has been rounded on is as hypocritical as it is pathetic.
Good Evening
“Where there is the Arab there is a disgusting mess”..
Kweer Stormer PM 2024
Deposed 2 months later and Sadiq Khan is PM..
“Where there is the Jew there is the end of our country”
There ends the long,heroic history of Britain.
Something along those lines anyway
Good evening
Good Evening HJ,
I personally wouldn’t care if there were some on here. It doesn’t bother me. I’d like to think such a poster would give as good as they got a bit like B&WC & DKC used to and some of the posters of the LGBT persuasion.
A few days ago I asked why Miles was allowed back and a number of posters defended him. Just like they did when he was first banned.
It is an echo chamber of sorts though I will agree on that.
I’ve always thought of myself as being slightly left of centre and occasionally slight right of centre on some issues. Quite a few opinions on here I disagree with and some of them disagree with me. That’s how we are I suppose. Imperfect.
The art of conversation will always contain the nuance of how one feels, as conversing is a one on one or a group experience live in the present moment as it were.
However My Face, Twatter X and all other forms of social Mije type platforms are typed words which one could live or die by.
Always thought it a dangerous environment full of cunts only waiting to trigger and pounce on innocent mistakes.
Fk those places but the smart cunt phone has the Morons by the throat and comply they will with the current fashions.
Slava my bollocks and other shit.
A little less conversation, a little more action please
All this aggravation ain’t satisfactioning me
A little more bite and a little less bark
A little less fight and a little more spark
Close your mouth and open up your heart and baby satisfy me
Nobody used that one yet so…….y’know
OT: The thought of the World Cup in Saudi will ruffle a few feathers.
But, on the bright side, Lineker will be 74 by that time. And hopefully he’ll too old or dead to spout his virtue signaling shite.
Mind you, the BBC in 2034 will almost certainly be exclusively all female, gay, an/or black.
And he is now offering his ‘support’ for Hamas loving scum, and he wants them to march on Armistice Day.
What a piece of shit he is. I hope to God that one day somebody finally shuts him up. For good.