Steve Bell (2)

(So tempted to add “End” to header title. Must resist… Day Admin)

A hoist by his own petard cunting for Groaniad cartoonist Steve Bellend, sacked after 40-odd years for a cartoon depicting Israeli PM Netanyahu as Shylock about to cut a pound of flesh from his own torso.

Denying he’s anti-Semitic, Bellend says ‘The cartoon is about Benjamin Netanyahu’s disastrous policy failure which has led directly to the hideous recent atrocities around Gaza…..

Oh I see, it’s all Netty’s fault then, and nothing to do with the genocidal savages who slaughtered 1400 Israelis, targeting children and the elderly and taking 200 hostages as human shields.

It says something when even the Groaniad can’t stomach this cunt’s virulent racism. So suck it up you terrorist lover, you’ve been cancelled, ha ha. And if you want to show us you’re not a Jew hater, draw us a few cartoons tearing Hamas, BLM or piss-stained park bench vagrant St Jeremy to shreds.

What a cunt.

Nominated by Geordie Twatt.

68 thoughts on “Steve Bell (2)

  1. I’m sorry, I wouldn’t even use the Guardian to wipe the shit from Starmer’s arsehole, but why is Benjamin Netanyahu being treated as some omnicient God?. The fat evil old bastard is knowingly killing innocent people to get the Hamas scum could very possibly promote the the Third World War. Hero? – not in my book.

  2. I see that some of the meeja commentariat are claiming Steve Bell-Cunt didn’t mean it like that, he was misunderstood. Well, fuck off Jew baiters. The Bell-cunt is a slimy invertebrate. The UK establishment is a thinly disguised cesspool awash with antisemitism. Both main political parties harbour such scum and need purging, as do the BBC, academe, and the trade unions. Whatever their protests, this is a straight case of decency and civilisation versus barbaric filth. The Crusaders knew this back in the middle ages ffs.

    Good morning, everyone.

  3. If this fat cunt had drawn a cartoon of Mullah Snackbar his life would have been forfeit and the shithouse cunt knows it.

    Such is the state of our country,the enemy is within and half the population have already capitulated.

    Weak as nuns piss.

    Good morning.

    • Oh and Israel is the last Western outpost holding back the demented hordes of Iranian funded extremism who want us dead.

      Hamas wants to turn the world against Israel and they might succeed..but I can think of another country that would have tolerated what Israel has for decades.

      Imagine the Yanks outnumbered and beset by terrorists on their borders?

      Full war with no holds barred,including nuclear weapons.

  4. I’d like to show a muzzıe a highly detailed cartoon of their prophet being fucked at each end by tran§bender pigs and him just loving being slammed by their weird corkscrewy dicks.

  5. Steve Bell earnt his crust drawing.
    He can still draw.

    The dole.
    Fuck him and the Guardian

  6. Looks like a fat headed Alec Baldwin.

    I bet he has taken a accidental discharge on more than one occasion..

  7. Not sure I can agree with this cunting. Yes, like all cartoonists, he’s a coward for never drawing whatever the Izlam sky-daddy in the clouds is called.
    Alll-lload of fucking bollocks.
    Nonetheless, he’s poked fun at all politicians from Major in his pants to shit-eating, perma-grinning Blair. He’s about the only one at the toilet paper I can tolerate.

  8. To support Israel in Lefty circles is very unfashionable.

    It’s verboten.

    ‘Palestinian plight’ is all the rage on university campuses.

    Some say your average Palestinian isn’t Hamas.

    I think that’s untrue .

    I think all Palestinians support Hamas
    Support terror
    Hate the West
    Hate Jews.

    All of them.
    I wouldn’t be worrying about civilian casualties in Gaza.

    Fuck em

    • Whoops, Charlie Concrete’s already been fucked off back to the comments section of The Guardian in what has to be the shortest tenure ever here on ISAC.
      Bit of a shame really, I was just preparing a nice piss-take!

    • He’s been sacked for that? And most of this site are supporting it? Deary fucking me.

      • I did post a comment with links as to why Bennie isn’t mr wonderful but it seems to have disappeared.

        Never mind, I’ll just accept that debate on this subject is ‘verboten’ I come on this site to laugh, vent and stop my piss boiling so expecting open rational debate on subjects that have world changing consequences would be dumb of me.

        I really don’t have a dog in this fight.

      • I don’t doubt he’s a cunt but that really isn’t the issue at play here. The issue is the idea of certain groups or people being completely off limits to satire.

      • Netanyahu will be toast at the next election.
        If not sooner.
        The Israeli people are rightly furious.

  9. Cancelling the cunt seems unlikely. Surely that’s what the wokies do to anyfucker with extreme views – women cant have dicks and preverts should use women’s facilities etc.

    Let the cunt scribble so we can see who his audience is. And ask why they support murderers.

  10. Netanyahu is an egregious cunt in my opinion.

    The state of Israel has a right to defend itself and I don’t think anybody can disagree with that though.

    It does however mean that there are going to be a lot of Hamas sympathising Palestinian refugees heading for Western Europe and the UK.

    Although judging by the state of London the last couple of weekends – I think the whole of Palestine may already be here.

  11. Is this the slime bag that published a book ridiculing the military in the Falklands? If so just another smug right on hater of everything British and traditional a dinner party smart arse probably and like all leftie radicals their private life probably doesn’t back up their public one, hypocrisy is often a trait of the left.

  12. Let’s dig up Richard the Lionheart, he’d know what to do.

    However, playing devil’s advocate you’d think we would have learnt something as after over 2,000 years of nine crusades, nothing changed and then that paved the way for the days of raggies taking of Europe, who appeared a bit more successful until the Spics starting spanking them – different times, different means with Calais and rubber boats now playing their part…

    History repeating itself.

  13. More Bell-endish still is the Guardian itself.
    They don’t have to publish anything they don’t like, and I’m surprised their political stance didn’t welcome anti Israeli propaganda with open arms.

  14. The only surprising thing about this story is that he was sacked.

    I thought hating Jewish people was compulsory at the fucking Guardian.

  15. Mosad agents in London could take him out ?

    More cunts in London last night having a sit-in at Liverpool St. station ‘Free Palestine’, quite accurate, Gaza will be worthless once Israel have finished.

    ‘Fucked Palestine’

    • It was some group of feminists called Sisters Uncut at Liverpool Street, protesting for the palis, not realising that in the pali territories, women have second class status. A bit like those Queers for Palestine cunts – chickens voting for KFC

  16. Guardian cartoonists have a tradition to maintain.
    See Martin Rowson’s depiction of Richard Sharp.

    They will never learn, because they don’t fucking care.

  17. Its the excuse from every anti-semite from Miles Plastic/Charlie Concrete to Mel Gibson – “it’s not anti-semetic, I had no idea that cartoons of rabbi’s drinking the blood of christian babies could be interpreted that way, it’s not what I meant at all, etc, etc”. They imbibe anti-semitism with their mothers milk. But there is a cure – a lobotomy.

    Note to admin – isn’t getting banned on this site a bit of a joke when you can be back a few days later with a new handle spreading the same bile?

    • Morning MMCM, I suppose there’d be no way to actually ban someone permanently, especially if they have a VPN or know about TOR.
      Maybe it’d be better to let them on for a day or two and ridicule their preposterousness? It would, at the very least, be an opportunity for a bit of spiteful fun…

  18. I wonder how long will it be, before ghoulish people will want to visit the latest atrocities of Jewish people in the modern era, after shamefully visiting the concentration camps of not so long ago.

  19. I concur with Boggs – since when did this site have a hard on for Netanyahu? The man’s a genocidal maniac.

  20. You have to feel sorry for Starmzy. All he had to do was keep his dumb mouth shut and let the Tories fuck themselves up the arse as they have been doing since 2016.
    Now this shit hits the fan and he has to come down on the side of Israel. Now every lefty wanker and sand w*g in the country is after his blood. It’s the same problem every Labour leader has faced since Kinnochio. I imagine Blair, Mandy and Campbell are busy drawing up plans for the cunt and plotting the final destruction of this country……..?we’ll keep the red flag flying here? ??

  21. Had Bell(end) done a cartoon depicting the muslim savages,
    some smelly Eh-Rab cunt would be chasing him around.
    With a flaming British flag in one hand and a machete in the other.

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