Road rage (2)

is a cunt..

Which makes me a cunt because I suffer from it.

OK I’m not one of those do you know who I am people, who leap out of their cars.
I’m the type who swears and curses in the comfort of my vehicle.

Now I know its not going to change a thing but I do it anyway.

I have a 20 mile commute to the office which takes about half a hour, pretty much on 2 and 3 laned A road.
Should be cake walk?
But boy are the roads full of fuckwits..

I know IQ’s are dropping like a stone in this country but how hard is it to drive at a set speed in a straight line?
pretty difficult if all the appalling driving I witness everyday..

And I have to ask when did a indicator become a excuse to cut you up without looking.

so as I have just cunted myself, time to relax with a quiet spin in the motor..
f##k##g #u#ts..


Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.

60 thoughts on “Road rage (2)

  1. I’m a brilliant driver, Top Gear have been after me for quite some time.

    But pretending I get along with that cunt from Friends and paddy fuckin McGuiness?!!!

    that and my road tourettes means I’ve always declined.

    • The viewing public will once again be denied seeing you in your removals van on two wheels on the ‘Gambon’ turn.

    • That cricketing bloke had a good idea. Grind a bit of your face off by doing a silly stunt in an upturned bathtub without any safety features and get 9 million quid off the BBC.
      As a non-licence payer, I can only applaud him.
      Morning MNC/everyone.

      • yes it worked out ok for him.
        9million for a few grazes!

        I never realised Noel Edmonds was head of Health and Safety at the Beeb?
        Flintoff was lucky not to get in a helicopter.

        morning Thomas/all

      • Morning Cunt Engine.

        Richard Hammond survived some pretty nasty crashes too.

        I wonder how many lives Hamsters have? Just shove him up Elton Johns poo hole and be done with it.

  2. Yes #MeToo

    45 minutes on decent roads, the last 11 miles are on a bendy country road or the first if heading home. Being a fairly rural area the first gripe is tractors, do you need to take your load of whatever on an a road at rush hour? Why the fuck are you driving 10 miles at 30 mph and passing every lay-by like it’s not there??

    Now it’s winter and my night vision isn’t great I take it easy on the pitch black twisty bits on the way home, always some cunt in an Audi up my arse waiting to overtake on the first blind bend.

    Cunts waiting to pull out on you when there’s fuck all behind you, cyclists holding up traffic not giving a fuck.

    Still it’s better than my previous commute which involved the A45, M1 and sometimes the M6 from Northampton to Coventry. On an average day it was an hour and a bit to do the 44 mile trip to work and probably at least an hour thirty to get home, sometimes over two. There’s no pleasure in driving any more and it seems the percentage of total cunts on the road has risen sharply.

    If it wasn’t for the release of swearing and cursing the cunt, the cunts family and all their future generations my head may have exploded by now.

      • How I’ve dreamed of a 50mm or laser canon on the front of the car or some heat seeking missiles designed to take out ze German cars. Round my way there are a million cunts with some type of Land Rover but I know sooner or later they will be broken down in their expensive piles of shit so I just smirk at them!

  3. off topic

    Due to ISACs headache inducing new format I’ve only just noticed the header pic for the Piers Corbyn nom.

    Revolutionary raised clenched fist?

    like he’s Bono or one of the Beatles!


    (We do apologise for this ongoing problem with one or two people’s devices. In compensation we do have a 48hr full-access pass to Diane Abbott’s kinky boudoir & sex dungeon. We will email it to you in the next couple of days! – Day Admin)

    • FFS DA, as long as you don’t post any photos here.

      (We do have compromising photos of Mr Cunt Engine tied up at her cellar, hence his recommendation – Day Admin)

      • @DA

        If you have a compromising photo of the Tank Engine it’s more than likely he sent it to you!

        Move now, don’t stop to pack, get out before it’s too late.

  4. My road rage is mostly directed at councils for
    1. Not filling in potholes
    2. Replacing car parking spaces with electric charge points that virtually no one uses
    3. Lowering speed limits without replacing signage in a deliberate attempt to catch people out

    • Or having some self-important busybodies, usually old wimmin, with a speed gun trying to catch you doing 33mph through their deserted village because they’ve nowt else to occupy their worthless lives.

      • You know who you are in Smallfield, Surrey you old busybodies (or perhaps you do it because you’re not busy anymore?). So very cunty!

  5. it seems our Barry has anger management problems?

    f’ing and blinding in his fiat 500 and driving erratically.
    This is going to lead to legal problems if he’s not careful.
    same thing happened to Kenny Noye.

    Take up Buddhist breathing exercises Baz.
    centre your chakras.
    Have a yoga mat in the boot.


    • I don’t think you could become a Top Gear presenter Miserable, not because of your driving skills, I’m sure your two fingered salute and fruity language are top notch but there is a lot of foreign travel involved to all over Europe, Asia, the Americas and London.

      • Morning LL, I was going to reply to your post up above but the reply button’s missing…bloody WordPress going all spastic.
        Imagine MNC being sent to Japan to review a kei car! Or being ordered into a Heinkel bubble car…

      • Ho Ho Cunt Engine…I remember watching Clarkson in the Peel P50 and he is a mere 6ft 4in tall.

  6. Empty two lane carriageway, some dull cunt, usually in a Honda fucking Jizz, driving in lane two (why????) I come up behind them with lights and sirens going. Do they (a), pull over left into the lane the cunt should be in in the first place or (b), just stop in lane two? Where, exactly, in the fucking Highway Code does it offer that particular piece of advice you fucking useless fuckwitted cunt? Or, stopping next to an obstruction and leaving a gap that only Twiggy on a push bike could get through, and sat there pointing at it as if I can’t see it. I’m not driving Harry Potter’s bus, you fucking plank, move over or forward, you dickhead and then I can squeeze through. Christ in a fucking Wessex…. How I’ve never had a complaint over the verbal and visual feedback I’ve given over the years, is a miracle.

    • oi!
      carry on like that pal you’ll need to take your own blood pressure.
      Be a oasis of serenity like me!

      wax on
      wax off

      alright DCI?
      nice to see you ?

      • Still look in, Mis, just not so much. Miss RTC, Dick and the other regulars that have gone. And this format’s making my eyes bleed.

  7. It is said by some that a polite society is an armed society.

    As a responsible licensed driver and gun owner, I keep my road rage in check.

    I encourage those who are on the road with me to do the same.

  8. Hi Admin, the replies page of this nom has (on my phone) returned to the proper format…hooray!

    (Well that’s good to hear although I haven’t a Scooby Doo what happened or if its truly fixed. Anyway, hope it stays fixed – Day Admin)

    • It’s weird because the main page is still buggered, only the replies page is ‘normal’.

      (Thomas – What device are you using that returns these problems? Is it Android? And if so, how old is it? – Day Admin)

  9. cannot read these cuntings, letters missing on sides of screen.
    going to stop using this site.

    (Morning, Harry. Sorry for the inconvenience. We are working on it but there doesn’t seem to be a one solution that fits all. Are you using an Android device that’s giving you all this formatting grief? – Day Admin)

    • Admin@

      I seem to remember that this happened once before.
      A few years back.

      But as to what caused it and how it was solved I’m not sure?

      sorry, that’s not really helpful is it!

      (On the contrary. The fact that you’ve mentioned this has happened before is at least something for us to on. It does seem to be an Android issue regardless of age of the device. Trouble is there’s so many different style sheets that it makes it hard to work out which one is causing the issues. And its something way above my knowledge. We will keep on working on it though. Thanks – Day Admin)

      • I’ve tried the site on 2 Win10 desktops, 2 android phones (both Motorola under 3 years old), 2 android tablets (both under 2 years old) and a 2022 Kindle fire. It works fine on all of them.

        (Thanks for the feedback. This helps and at the same time doesn’t help. It proves that some Android devices work, while others don’t. Although it is interesting that your devices are less than 2 years old whereas MNCs is 3 years or more.

        Android 10 was released on 2019/2020 but is no longer supported. Android 11 (released late 2020) to 15 are all still supported, but there was a major features and security patch at the beginning of this month. Which I think is when the problems on here started. I could be barking up the wrong tree again but just trying to narrow things down – Day Admin)

  10. Anyone who lives in a town with a sizeable park key community will know that driving without road rage is impossible.
    Combine a low intellect with an impenetrable belief in a utopian afterlife and add a Mercedes or Audi A3 into the mix, and it’s a recipe for incompetence of the highest level.
    I challenge anyone, even the local vicar, not to use the word ‘Cunt’ when sharing the same stretch of road with those interbreeds.

  11. 10 years commuting the M62/M61, every week there was something, like a fucking war zone. Amazing how many dopy twats can’t drive in a straight line….!

  12. Road rage is not really the cunt, the wankers in the other car are the cunts.

    Shit driving, without due care, is largely down to two things. Firstly, fucking dope smoking cunts. Secondly, the fucking government has taught cunts that nothing is ever their fault. Someone else will pay for their shit or fix things for them. The first cause leads to erratic cunts hallucinating or falling asleep. The second cause leads to lazy cunts expecting everyone else to look where they are going. The first thing could be cured by the lazy fatso police doing their fucking job and arresting druggie shit heads and chucking them in the sea. The second thing can be cured by carrying a fucking baseball bat and battering the whinging cunts to death. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • You’re on to it there TTCUtS. The problem with these folks on the roads is, like so many other problems in society, the attitude of entitlement and it’s someone elses job to accommodate me and cover for my failures and mistakes. This extends to the point where some folks regard being ignorant as a basic human right. Trouble is when this attitude extends to driving then such people are a danger to others and themselves. When the driving test was updated years ago now I remember an element who were outraged that they might be asked to point out the dipstick or even how to open the bonnet. I console myself with the thought that these planks who take pride in their ignorance will go through life paying through the nose for the simplest tasks of maintenance or repair. Fuck ’em.

  13. Hi Barry,

    Seeing that I’m one of the few non drivers on here, I’ll carry on with the grammar thingy. Here goes. It will take you “half an hour” to get to work. Are you still in the car ?

  14. The rage is because of the ever deteriorating standard of driving by the rest. The thing I’ve noticed the most in recent times is the appalling lane discipline. Chugging along in the middle lane when the first lane is empty. I’ve done a full circumnavigation of these picks but they still don’t take the hint.

    • I wear driving gloves.
      calf skin with exposed knuckles and go faster stripes.
      and a sporty flat cap .

      This puts me in the right frame of mind.

      I might be driving down the 555 towards Macc but in my nut I’m flying along a mountain road in the cote d’ azure.

      Most of you probably can’t afford expensive gloves like mine,
      but I think you could substitute your wooly fingerless mittens.

      • Are the gloves for keeping the hands warm when sticking your hands out the window whilst signaling ? I’m having to wear everything warm recently, when riding my bicycle.

    • I get in front of them then slow down, make them do the overtaking manoeuvre into the outside lane, then speed up so they can’t overtake, then when they pull back in to the middle lane repeat the procedure

  15. Used to be a bit of a problem when I was in my 20s but now doesn’t ever seem to happen.
    Perhaps it’s just experience, or not leaving everything to the last minute, or that i have less testosterone than i did aged 25.

    The A few things do cause angry outbursts, such as failure to indicate, cutting up and undertaking by impatient cunts justvas i’m about to move back to the left lane.
    Also the cunts who don’t move over to let you on at slip roads.

    One thing I look for in slow traffic is when people start looking down. It usualky means they’re on the phone.

  16. Agree with all the above
    I drive cars as a sort of job as I don’t want a proper one anymore
    Standards are appalling.
    Cunts deliberately getting in the wrong lane, usually right turn lane when going straight on just to gain two or three cars is increasing like the cheap imports that are driving them , mostly without insurance, which they should be banned for and the amg merc crushed without question .Never mind they’d buy an uninsurable range with laundered drug money the next day
    Standards on the road follow directly the degree of dinghy city dwellers
    I use the M1 when it’s not fucked in the Luton area , usually a foreign illegally driven truck or a family of peacefuls waiting on the hard shoulder, when there is one .
    I’ve driven stock and banger cars and felt safer on track than on the A505
    Also stick a trade plate in the front window you’ve borrowed from your mate who does mots and let them all drive the S3 .

  17. You should see some of the YouTube docs about driving standards in other countries – Bangladesh, India, Nigeria, Ghana are some of the worst.

    Ironically a good chunk of those cunts are now living over here, but they seem to think the Highway Code doesn’t apply to them and hence the shite driving standards.

    • To be fair to the savages, their driving skill is hampered by the fact that it’s quite tricky to laser-align the tracking on a car made from coconuts and human bones.

  18. Add to that lot you then have to deal with JSO and XR protesters gluing their heads to the road.
    Plus the reduction in speed limits
    15 minute cities
    And cunts like Oxford City Council throwing traffic calming measures on every street corner bringing the whole town into gridlock.

  19. That’s fuck all Barry, imaging all the above and having the 20mph Welsh speed limit, it boils my piss when someone is doing 20, but if they do 19 I want to tear them limb from limb or at least have them die of gonorrhea and burn in hell.
    Road rage in Wales is now something that 95% of all drivers suffer from, may Mark fucking Drakeford be spit roasted by Romanian beggars for the rest of his worthless life.
    So in Wales they reckon wrongly that hospital cases due to traffic accidents have gone down, the reality is hospital visits due to road rage violence has gone up 10 fold and more that the collisions, so how the fuck is this saving the NHS money….. There goes the blood pressure alarm again Fuglyucker signing off….

    • I bet there are some exemptions for politicians and assorted VIPs

      “20mph limits are for the Little People, and not important people like me!” will be their chorus.

  20. If you have a touch of the road rage is it your mental elf or are you farright?
    Give us a chance to check your immigration status and we’ll let you know.

    • I wrote a review about poor service at a Chinese restaurant/takeaway a few weeks ago.
      Just waiting for plod to come-a-knocking for me to be arrested for vicious, and provocative far-right hate crime.

      See you in 10 years!

      • Goodness Techno, whatever did you write?

        The service must have gone downhill when the fat waiter asked if you wanted a special fortune cookie reading and you asked him if he was the four chin teller.

  21. I get road rage as a pedestrian.
    Why don’t they save money by NOT having indicators on Audis and BMWs. The cunts never bloody use them. Sandhog chariots.

  22. On the way up to Lincolnshirekistan this morning in my van must have undertook half a dozen fuckwits travelling at 60 or less in lanes 3 and 4 on a virtually deserted road. Still on the upside at least in Cambridgeshire they have roads with tarmac on.

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