The gent in the picture above is not a cunt, but the poor fella that was on the receiving end of the assault C.A.
I’ll make this brief.
You may or may not have heard of the 78 year old veteran who was assaulted in Edinburgh by pro Palestinian supporters.
He was doing what he does every year ,namely sell poppies and remembering those who died.
A crowd of terrorist supporters descended on Edinburgh Waverley station at the weekend and a few thought it would be fine to assault this veteran.
Now to say my piss was on steam mode after reading this is an understatement.
Personally, if I’d been there and witnessed this I’d probably be behind bars by now because no force on earth would have stopped me launching my 6ft 1in 175lb carcass at those fuks and inflicting major bodily harm.
Hamas supporters are cunts and anyone assaulting a poppy seller is way beyond a cunt.
Feel free to give them a more suitable name.
Oh one more thing, I noticed that they crowd was composed of the usual suspects . Ragheads,women from leafy suburbs on a guilt trip for being comfortable and snowflake student types brain washed by their trendy lefty lectures.
Those are the same ones with gay,dyke etc…friends who supports wimmin’s rights.
Try that in Palestine, or any Muzzie rathole, you won’t last five minutes.
These people are ill informed, treasonous, cowardly trash.
Cunts one and all.
Nominated by Uttercunt, link by Ron Knee.
Rochdale Cenotaph Desecrators
By Ron Knee.
This nomination has been added here to go out at the appropriate time as the above because it covers the same disgusting lack of respect for our fallen hero’s. C.A.
The chap in the photo is replacing the wreaths and not the vandal. C.A.
Good God above, how low is it possible to go?
The Cenotaph in Rochdale has been desecrated by vandals, who’ve damaged commemorative wreaths and spray-painted the memorial, including (guess what) the words ‘Free Palestine’.
I’m pleased to hear that the Cenotaph has now been cleaned and the wreaths replaced, and at the time of posting, is under guard by police.
Which brings us to the unspeakable, shit-for-brains cunts responsible for these gross acts. Apparently a couple of arseholes have had their collars felt, but I’d wager that in the end, they’ll get off with a slap on the wrist, particularly if it turns out that they’re of a certain ethnic persuasion.
My suggested sanction for these morons? Ten minutes alone in a room with three or four gentlemen from the Paras or the SAS, and I’m not talking about ‘a quiet word’ in their shell-like ears either.
Enough of this shit already.
Last post additional link by C.A.
It’s eleven o’clock.
Time to remember and say ‘thank you’.
Correct Ron but constantly I hear our “Yoof” say, “remember what?” Doh !
Too busy pissing about on their mobile phones half the time.
Cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts – that’s all I can find to say.
But here’s some more.
This is all due to lack of assimilation. What are we to do about the lack of assimilation in the UK? This appears to affect one community in particular whilst Hindus, Sikhs, Hong Kong Chinese and Afro-Carribean are keen to assimilate and adopt British values. Part of the answer must surely be to address the unlimited immigration from unsuitable countries and cultures into the UK. The other part is to teach and promote British values in schools and universities, instead of pretending we have something to be ashamed of. This requires the elimination of woke teaching at schools and universities.
The simple truth is that some cultures (Western secular and Christian traditions, Jewish civilisation, traditional Chinese civilisation to name a few) are superior to others (Mudslime). This is not a point about race but culture and values. Communities that refuse to assimilate should aspire to our culture rather than we stooping down to the level of theirs.
Unless we confront this we have the horrific spectacle of veterans being assaulted and our war monuments desecrated by a barbaric rabble.
Assimilation should include daily baths in Domestos and Hydrogen peroxide. We would once again be an all white country.
But we’d all look like Lesbian Rambo.
Ragheads and traitors, cunts need locking up and or deported. cunts!
Macron has urged Israel to ‘stop bombing babies’.
That statement alone is enough to make him Cunt of the Year.
He should stop fucking grannies.
All this Palestine shit is in large part cover for lawlessness by gangs of pakis.
Once upon a time the police would have been chomping at the bit to break some bones..
Now I’m not so sure,let’s see what happens.
PS If I’d seen the pensioner being assaulted I’d be in prison now..and I don’t think I’m alone in that.
Terry I wish I had been there.
Allegedly our fatsos in blue have been reinforced by colleagues from Bulgaria and Romania for today’s shit show. Both countries were well known aggressors toward Jewish people during The Holocaust. I suspect own our Jewish people will be far from reassured by this development.
I hope they were paid up front, and in used notes.
Every single one of these cunts should be forced at the point of a bayonet to travel to the war memorials of the First World War like the Menin Gate or the British Normandy Memorial and look at the thousands upon thousands of men killed, many without a grave, and reflect of their sacrifice. I went to the Death Railway cemetery in Thailand and there were plenty of Japanese there learning about that part of their history for the first time. They were reflective and respectful in contrast to the spoilt narcissists in London today.
It wouldn’t mean a thing. All they see is dead white men,
Reflective and respectful LL, possibly because they were aware of the payback their country received in response to the atrocities perpetrated by their ancestors? Some-one, I can’t recall who, pointed out on here very recently the idea that Germany or Japan could be a threat to Western democracy again is inconceivable. Perhaps the mudslimes might get the message if we put Pakistan and Iran back in the Stone Age?
Given the make-up of this supposed march, It might surprise a few of them (particularly white middle-class types) that the Palestinians are not too popular with other Arab nations, particularly Egypt and Jordan.
They’re seen as troublemakers. even when sheltering in other Arab lands.
A habit of voting for a government led by a terrorist organisation might have something to do with it.
When you import foreigners you import their cultures, their values, their religions, their diseases and their fucking WARS!
The Peacefuls have no intention of “assimilation “, they hate us and our way of life.
It makes me laugh…….the commies think they can use the Peacefuls to get what they want and the Peacefuls are thinking the same about the commies. They can’t both win, the stupid cunts. They are irreconcilable but don’t seem to be able to see it. Cognitive dissonance I believe they call it.
Like “Gays for Palestine” – the equivalent of “Turkeys for Christmas” or “Frogs for French Cooking”.
‘Old People for Tories’.
I am genuinely staggered that people are so thick that they don’t understand that the people they’re supporting, even friends with, would cheerfully murder them without a single thought. I reckon my wife would murder me, given a chance, so I treat strangers as potential killers.
When the communist gaylords have to face Islamic supremacists, I imagine it will play out as it did in Afghanistan in the eighties, but over days rather than years.
The Met will be hopping from one foot to the other.
‘what do we do, what do ee do?’
all while feeling hot bum fudge dropping down their trouser legs.
‘Ten minutes alone in a room with three or four gentlemen from the Paras or the SAS,’
Let the bootnecks have a bit of fun with them as well.
I’d like to assault King Bigears III for wearing a black poppy rose a few days ago on his lapel below the red poppy. Look you virtue-signalling cretin, the poppy symbolises the sacrifice made by ALL our forces irrespective of race, rank or class, including those from the Commonwealth. Wearing that black bollocks is an overtly political statement as it also symbolises black activists’ claims for reparations. Aren’t the Royals supposed to be above politics?
The prick better not wear one at the Cenotaph tomorrow.
The fucker has also been crying about how unwelcoming we are to the boat vermin. I’ll tell you what Chimpboy let’s put you and your parasitic brood in a council house in Lambeth and turn over all your properties to the poor illegal immos, some of “the most vulnerable people in the world.” See how you like Windsor Castle and Buck House turned into a shithole you cunt.
Royal residences.
Buck Palace
Windsor Castle
Monkey World, Dorset.
I’ve asked this question on here before and I’ll ask it again – which genius decided to it would be a good idea to import Muslims into this country?
Labour shortages? Please do Fuck Off!
Afternoon HJ
Incredible as it now seems, following WWII there were no restrictions on immigration from Commonwealth countries, and as British subjects, Pakis had full rights of citizenship.
This principle was reaffirmed in the British Nationality Act of 1948.
The majority of Paki migrants in the UK originate from Mirpur in Kashmir. Sailors from Mirpur found work as engine-room stokers on British ships sailing out of Bombay and Karachi, many of whom settled in the UK in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
Paki migrants who came to Britain after WWII found employment in the textile industries of Lancashire, Yorkshire, Manchester and Bradford, cars and engineering factories in the West Midlands, and Birmingham, and the growing light industrial estates in places like Luton and Slough.
It was not until the Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 1962 that stronger restrictions on the entry of Commonwealth citizens into the UK was enacted.
Hope that helps.
Quite right MJB. British Empire residents were classed as British Subjects until 1962, meaning they could live and settle anywhere in the British Empire (later Commonwealth), including the UK itself. And, surprise surprise, very few chose to settle in the Falkland Islands or the Burmese jungle and headed straight for Blighty, the imperial homeland of milk and honey.
Added to which, over 450,000 British people were killed in WWII, so obviously we had a shortage of labour.
ANTHONY CHARLES LYNTON BLAIR was the gate keeper at the time and the cunt who opened it wide for all comers and trashed ANYONE who didn’t like it as racist and hateful. Abominable man.
My favourite picture of Our Tone;
This so called peace march is total Bullshit, there are plenty of parks and green spaces in London to hold it..
No because its about control..
Defy the public the police and government,
and the weak as piss government and police back down.
make me the met chief and first order hire a division of shock calvary and ride through any protest..
Any survivors are marched to a cash point to pay for the horses upkeep.
The problem is who will ride the horses?
Scared 5 ft women.
no women in my police force CP..
I notice that practically all of that crowd In Edinburgh were whitey commie bastards. Fucking idiots. Digging their own graves. Smart move comrades.
This link shows how totally fuckiing clueless many of those in the pro-Pally marches really are!
They don’t know the history; they have no context. Some of them don’t even know what happened on 7/10, or if they do they don’t believe it was the work of Hamas.
instead, what you have here is stupidity, mixed with naivety and perhaps a small dose of innocence to produce a generation of fuckwits who have no concept of real-world struggles. For them its all about soundbites, and the “right” narratives, never mind the truths that the media and schools/universities try to hide or rewrite.
They go on these demos because it looks “cool” and might garner a few extra likes on their SM pages. And yet just like the Alphabet people who are also taking part in these demos, they have no understanding of who they re mixing with and their true intentions further down the road.
According to some sources there are around 17 million Jews in the world, compared to something like 1.9 billion Muslims on a planet that has 8 billion people. Not hard to see how these numbers will change dramatically over the next century to the point where Jews will be gone and Christianity will be next in line to be made extinct!
Islamo-fascism supported by brainless Millennial dorks who will be the among the first to be hung from cranes. Cretins.
They should use the ever-more popular reply used by millennial/gen z contestants on quiz shows.
‘before my time, innit’;, sometimes said with a sense of pride.
Lazy, thick, useless cunts taught by lazy, thick useless cunts.
it seems that if you went to a British comprehensive since Blair was elected, not practically-minded enough to learn a trade or never curious enough to read very widely, you are
A) a cunt, and
B) a waste of investment by the taxpayer.
My history teacher played a blinder against several of the more disruptive shits in my class. He told them they were wasting not only ‘our’ time but also the money of the parents who are paying they can go to school.
Made them feel like complete cunts.
On the point of population, given Africa has the highest birthrate and many are Pentecostal, it’s doubtful Islam will ever win in terms of pure numbers.
Certainly won’t in technological terms.
On balance I would rather have 4 million black Pentecostal Witch-Doctors than 4 million Mudslimes. The lesser of two evils.
Either way, the Gays are in the shit….
I mean…
Clued up? The bitch should be fucking banged up. Fuck me the level of cluelessness is mind blowing.
IF plod can find the cunts who beat up the veteran may I suggest a tour of army camps for a course of attitude adjustment? AKA a fucking good kicking. CUNTS.
Fatsos clash with right-wing counter protesters is already the MSM narrative of choice. Who would have guessed? Can’t find any live stream presumably because then we would see what is actually happening. As usual, the news is being concocted to the marxist playbook.
here’s a link from showing the build up to the cenotaph minutes silence showing tommy robinson with no trouble of any mote
There’s some story going about that it’s not his real name…
I saw a survey the other day that said 81% of Ragheads and Joe Dakis consider themselves Muslims first and British second.
The other 19 % were lying through their cunting teeth.
And a long way second would be my guess Freddie.
A sliver of good news today.
Moataz Matar, an exiled Egyptian television presenter who publicly backed Hamas has become the first foreign national to have his visa revoked by the Home Office.
One down. Only 4 million to go.
Also, protestors in London today trampled on pictures of Palestinian children and were reported saying that they want our country back, which apparently means they must be far-Right and therefore mindless thugs. Actually I want our country back too, and I have a brain and am no thug.
It would be hugely interesting how the media, plod and the Regressive Lefties would react if is there was a massive Pro Israeli march through the streets of London, with at least 200,000 people in support of Jews!
Undoubtedly Plod would arrest them for upsetting Mudslimes, Techno.
If anyone has shares in any razor blade companies ditch em now cos looking at the March on tv every fuckers got a beard , big black bushy ones for your ethnics and feeble whispy ones for your bleeding heart liberal leftie honkies. The way this country is going razors are going to be rarer than a patriotic MP.
I just went onto Ytube to watch a re-run of Sky’s coverage of the Cenotaph ceremony.
The Last Post was played. Big Ben solemnly chimed out eleven. The crowd fell hushed, heads bowed, as the two minutes’ silence began.
And then…
Up on my screen abruptly flashed…A fucking advert for Tesco’s.
At times like this I sometimes wish some cunt in North Korea, Russia, China or one of the Peaceful strongholds, Pakistan, would fire off a few nukes in our general direction and just wipe the entire country off the map!
Perhaps this is what the Globalists/WEF actually meant by the Great Reset and Build Back Better – or rather Bomb Britain Better!
Perhaps their plan is to infest the UK with millions of ungrateful migrants and their hard-core religions in order to intimidate into submission British people to the point of utter despair.
Pakistan then “accidentally” fires a few nukes at England, wipes out 60 odd million people including those same very migrants (but they won’t care because they believe in the afterlife and can also fuck 72 ten year old virgins).
Wait a few decades for the nuclear radiation to reach safe acceptable levels (or in Luton, Leicester and Bradford’s cases just give it a few million years) and then rebuild Britain populated entirely of Muslims.
Job done – The Great Reset is complete!
It all makes sense now.
The projected population of Muslims in the UK by 2050 is 13 million, from just under 4 million in 2023.
Fuck me. No need for the bomb option. Just breed like mice.
Hey Westminster, lets talk about this, shall we? No? Thought not.
Sharia Law will replace British laws soon.
Would laugh my arse off if all these libtard wimminz were forced back into medieval servitude and also had to wear bourkas and hajibs from head to foot!
Might make for a challenging wank for any future ISAC nomination header pic of some young tart.
How about a pic of Greta “Six Fingers” in matching bourka and hajib waiting to be arrested by the Metropolitan Muslim Police for daring to flash a bit of bare leg! (Katy Price would go full commando if it meant a few more likes on her SM pages).
To be fair, Katie Price covered from head to foot isn’t the worst idea I’ve heard.
There’d be a big hole around her middle where the wind blew the burka into her gaping cunt and it sticking.
Whoever said Gary Lineker was morphing into Jeremy Corbyn is spot on.
Magic Grandpa is at the top of their live feed and looks the fucking spit of the cunt, I don’t know who should feel more insulted.
I wonder if ex-IsACer London Brick Lenny was there?
Pity they don’t have these mass Pro-Pally, or any virtue-signalling protest demo in the leafy, woke areas of the Smoke such as Islington, Chelsea, Kensington and other posh areas where these Regressive Liberal cunts and celebs live!
Imagine the outrage and consternation from the luvvies at the news that 100,000 hard-core Muslim/Arabs are about to descend on their patch for 12 hours of “peaceful” demonstrations.
It will never happen of course. Probably for the same reason you don’t see many migrants housed anywhere near these areas. The rich have too much power and influence to have these things happen on their precious manor.
On a separate but related ‘demonstration’ matter, when does the right ot protest become reckless endangerment, or even attempted murder?
I’d love to know if the police have taken any action with regard to this. Somebody must know who these cunts are.
That’s brilliant, Ron, thanks, and yes, I too hope names will be mentioned to the appropriate authorities.
Boils my piss.Lee Enfield punishment.
Worse… Lee Evans Live at the O2 Arena.
What I’d like to know, is how many people marching are actually from Palestine, and how the fuck they got into the UK?
Some of these thick twats probably think Palestine is next door to Philistine
The joke is none of these human excrement are from Gaza. Nor have they ever been near there.
And naturally the hated BBC are covering this shiteshow like it’s a glorious event.
300’000? Yeah right. Just as made up as their attendances for their beloved wimmins football.
And 100 ‘counter protestor’s were arrested. What? Just anyone who supported Israel? And, just what is the point of this stupid fucking march? What the frig has it got to do with Britain? What will it achieve? Knob all.
Zero.Mustard gas the entire load of “Free Palestine” shit bags.No use to us.Protest in North Korea.
Counter-protesters are seen here scuffling with the police earlier today in London’s West End.
There are far-right groups among today’s counter-protesters. Groups of men following English Defence League founder Stephen Yaxley Lennon, known as Tommy Robinson, were seen earlier. He is a known far-right activist.
In this video, counter-protesters can be heard chanting: “You’re not English any more.”
Police say they have arrested more than 90 counter-protesters today.
That’s the official words of the Beebsxum, They wank every time they mention Tommy Robinson’s real name.