Piers Corbyn (3)


I’m sure that by now most if not all cunters are well aware of Jeremy Corbyn’s infamous refusal to answer the question ‘are Hamas terrorists? Yes or no?’ when it was put to him repeatedly during an interview with Piers Morgan. Good ol’ Magic Grandpa tried to duck and dive and dissemble instead.

He also seems to have forgotten the occasion when he referred to Hamas (and Hezbollah) as ‘ our friends’, before going to state that the Government branding Hamas as ‘a terrorist organisation was a big, big mistake’, given that it was ‘committed to the welfare of the Palestinian people, and bringing about peace and social justice to the whole region’. Yeah pull the other one.

Old Man Steptoe’s got form on the issue, which makes it easy to overlook the fact that his batshit crazy brother Piers has also crawled out of the woodwork again to give us the benefit of his opinions.

‘Don’t buy murder burgers!’ yells the twat, calling for a boycott of McDonalds for apparently giving food to Israeli soldiers.


As you’d expect, an exodus (no pun intended) of burger and fries chompers from McDonalds outlets the length and breadth of the UK has so far failed to materialise.

Even worse, the loony come up with a conspiracy theory all of his own. He’s been ranting on about the awful October incursion which led to the death of some 1,400 Israelis (and to the repulsive practice of hostage taking) as being a ‘false flag’ operation, presumably to justify subsequent action by the Israel Defence Forces;

Let’s not forget that this is the same twat who labelled Assad’s use of chemical weapons against his own citizens in Syria ‘a hoax’.

So there you go; I’m calling out Piers Corbyn for being just as big a cunt as his brother. Piers and Jezza ‘Dumb and Dumber’ Corbynista, two cunts for the price of one if you will. We’re so lucky to have them, so let’s treasure them.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Ron Knee.

66 thoughts on “Piers Corbyn (3)

  1. Personally, Piers and his brother should be wearing those fancy dinner jackets that lace up at the back and put into a rubber room in the nuthatch. Fucking pair of commie cunts.

  2. Piers and Jeremy the original chuckle brothers.

    Signed by the BBC in 1986 for a light hearted children’s program, were soon sacked for antisemitism and conspiracy theory’s.
    Replaced by Paul and Barry..

    But times have changed now lauded by the BBC as fonts of knowledge and truth..

    What it could of been.. “to me, to you, you nasty jew”

  3. If they don’t like it here, and they don’t like the politics, then they’re quite welcome to pack their bags, sell their rather nice expensive homes and fuck off to Gaza where I’m sure they’ll receive a nice warm welcome from their Hamas friends!

  4. I find Piers quite entertaining; he’s Jezza but with a few laughs thrown in. A true British eccentric who brings a bit of amusement into our national life. Mad as a box of frogs of course.

    Afternoon all.

  5. He looks like the sort of shambolic cunt who would fit in on our high street. A filthy shambling hedge, soaked in piss, and gibbering hallucinatory inanities. We’ve got loads of them. Of course they are not just deranged cunts causing a public nuisance and frightening the children. Oh no, they are ‘vulnerable’. Fuck off.

  6. You want cunts? I’ve got ’em.

    People who put up Christmas decorations and outdoor lights before December 1st?

    Yeah….. Them cunts.

    • I have to say, the Yanks who moved in round the corner put up a brilliant Halloween display and have really gone to town on their Christmas display this year. It’s even got an inflatable Santa hot air balloon with projectors inside it.

      I did actually stop and marvel last night while walking the hound.

  7. False flags are a common claim of extremists on both sides of the political spectrum.

    Corbyn fans have form.
    The compared the Manchester arena bombing to the Reichstag fire.
    They claimed photos of Jeremy on Walkabout, meeting and greeting during lockdown were doctored.
    A few even claimed the photo of Dianne Abbott with odd shoes was faked by the right wing press.

    Corbyn and his true believers aren’t far from David Icke’s level of delusion and paranoia. They wont accept that his relative success in the GE of 2017 was down to anti-brexit sentiment against the tories rather than endorsement of his policies.

    Notice how there is a purity spiral at work within the pro-Corbyn faction.

    You can see that in any extremist movement, be it conspiracy theorists, cults or political and religious groups.

  8. Grassy knollington.

    This speccy twat never met a conspiracy he didn’t like.

    They put mind control chips in Big Mac’s

    Bigfoot shot JFK.

    He used to bang on about the working class back in the 70s now it’s Palestinians.

    Thing is , Palestine doesn’t want his help.

    ” just fuck off you headtheball!”

    they plead.
    throwing themselves in the path of Israeli air attacks to escape the boring bastard.

    I’m glad ISAC never has conspiracy nutters on its posts (?)

    • I can’t speak for anybody else on here, but I’m no conspiracy nut.

      I was kidnapped by aliens once, but that’s no conspiracy theory. It really happened.

      • Failing that, those flying saucers filled with sherbet.

        Now don’t tell me they weren’t inspired by CIA running cocaine from Colombia up to New Mexico and Texas in reverse-engineered stealth saucers during the eighties.


      • Oh, and the Queen and Phil the Greek were lizard people.

        Straight up. A geezer down the pub said that his mate had once done some plumbing work for that Icke bloke, who’d confirmed it as a fact.

  9. Steptoe Corbyn.

    The only fenian commie muslim terrorist ant semite cunt in the world.

    And somebody should tell him he looks like a complete fuck in his stupid Lenin cap

  10. Has Jihadi Jezza said anything about Dublin yet?
    Course he hasn’t. His old mates, Martin and Gerry weren’t involved.

      • you could add a corbyn-harvester to that total thomas, and flabbottus would still tip the scales.

    • Point of Order Admin;

      Could further comment on this entry be curtailed? I’d like to get to sleep tonight without fear of nightmares.

  11. The trouble is these pair are part of an impenetrable elitist clique. And with the support of the MSM they can say and do almost anything without fear of any repercussions because they’re so well insulated from what us plebs see every day.

  12. Apparently Mummy and Daddy were a prominent part of the “peace movement” of the 1930’s. The sort of posh, know better than you cunts, who hated this country so much they preferred to side with Herr Hitler. No doubt the Fuhrer’s virulent antisemitism was part of the attraction. The apple never falls from the tree.

  13. wish I’d grown up in a manor house like the corbyns.

    Bet it was dead nice.

    My parents never had dinner parties .☹️
    with interesting guests like Hezbollah or the Black Panthers.

    it’d be nice to have a puddled brother too.
    Bet your never bored when a sibling is a mental?

  14. I thought this cunt had been arrested.
    Anyhow, although he’s a nut job, don’t shout too loudly cos he’s a climate change denier who used to be a meteorologist.
    Ah fuck it, just throw him into the same dungeon as St Greta and see who eats the other.

  15. God imagine having 2 kids like that?!

    unsmiling, humourless little puritan commies.

    Even the pope would admit in cases like this,
    abortion isn’t a sin.

    He’d probably roll up his sleeves and Chuck them in the bucket hisself.

  16. Derek Chauvin stabbed in prison.

    Well, whatever happened, you can bet yo life dey black.

    But, if Chauvin dies, will there be mass outrage about his demise?
    Will there be car stickers, eulogies, cunts taking the knee?

    Will there fuck, There won’t be a single whisper about it.

    • There won’t be a murmur of outrage about it.

      Chauvin should have been given a medal for ridding the world of one more piece of shit.

      The MSM still parroting the “Chauvin – the police officer who murdered George Floyd” line.

      He didn’t murder him.

      Disingenuous bastards.

  17. Dear Piers,
    Fuck off, you and your complete prick of a brother.
    (If moderators can’t allow this then I apologise in advance. The post is merely a graphic reflection of where I stand on this issue and also on complete truth-twisting tools like the Corbyn sisters.)

  18. How’s the cunt been able to say anything at all whilst so busy gargling Arab balls?


  19. After the Kremlin programmed the Corbyn brothers in the 70’s as useful idiots they are now having second thoughts after they went rogue.

    Project Abbott was a disaster too after she managed to stab herself with a poisoned umbrella but miraculously survived.

  20. What annoys me most about these cunts and cunts like them is, the twats have never done an honest days work in their priveliged lefty liberal life.

    The cunts need to spend some time looking carefully at the drug dealing, child raping twats they call ” our friends”.

    Also it’s about time plod started taking a more detailed interest in all the barbers/takeaway’s/car washes/sari shop’s/corner shop’s/taxi drivers/ that “our friends” seem to own. The turnover must be fucking massive given the amount of drug money that gets washed..

    Come on plod every fucker knows what’s going on, are you to frightened of being accused of wasism…. ?

  21. There are two other Corbyn brothers that we never hear anything about. Luckily I know a friend of the family and I have gleaned the following:

    Dropped on his head at birth by a drunken midwife, Vivian is a founding member of the Flat Earth Society and campaigns for independence for Lundy Island. Vivian believes he is Princess Margaret which is why he downs two bottles of gin and smokes sixty Woodbines a day. His life revolves around the lunar cycle and he can be heard outside every 29 days howling at the moon.

    The fourth brother Sebastian donated his brain to medical science ten years ago and now self-identifies as a long-eared bat. Mostly he can be found hanging upside down in the loft singing ‘Bat Outta Hell’. He supports Hamilton Academical because he thinks Karl Marx used to play for them. Last year, Sebastian married his long-term girlfriend Susan Boyle.

    So there you are, the rest of the family aren’t as bonkers as Jeremy and Piers.

  22. Off topic, but we learn from the Daily Fail that the knife-wielding person in Dublin was an Algerian who had been in Ireland 20 years and took out Irish citizenship 10 years ago.

    Apparently, despite his previous arrest for wielding a knife, Police are treating this as (you’ve guessed it) a mental health issue.

    So yeah, it was actually an Irishman with a mental health issue. No-one died and no-one was culturally enriched. Nothing to see here [nods brightly]

    • Bound to be.

      Stands to reason that the poor chap was fed an hallucintory drug which led him to go on the rampage, in a far right plot to discredit immigrants.

      The whole thing was orchestrated by plotters in the Netherlands, led by fascist lunatic geert Wilders.

    • The best thing that happened to North Africans was Mussolinis poison gas.

      The dirty little cunts.

    • No wonder the Garda wanted to keep that to themselves for a few days.
      Algerian, Moroccan, Tunisian, all cunts… the sand P*ki team

      Cunt will get a lefty lawyer to claim he was sooooooo upset over Gaza….

      Cunt off his balls, then his head and deport what’s left

  23. In a normal society, with a Government that is honest and open about their aims, these two would be regarded as insane and locked away for the good of all.

    However, as someone just said, useful idiots like these have us looking in their direction whilst, as our backs are turned, another piece of shit is slid under the carpet.

    I wonder what it was this week?

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