J.S. old gaff, I’d might have thought the Beeb would have turned this into a museum of some kind C.A.
Oh dear, those cunts at Jimmy Saville House just can’t get anything right.
A plaque honouring the ‘first black Briton’ has been removed after DNA testing revealed that she was not of sub-Saharan origin but southern Europe, likely Cyprus. The plaque was installed after the remains of 1,800 year old ‘Beachy Head Lady’ were found and were featured in the BBC2 series Black and British presented by uber cunt David Olusoga.
Maybe Marianna Spring and the rest of BBC Verify were on a pro-Palestine march or were too busy shilling for NatWest and digging up dirt on Nigel Farage and the Russians?
Anyway, at least Anne Boleyn was still black and Africans built Stonehenge.
Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.
Seems to me that David Olusoga looks less black now with all that egg on his face?
Blacktivism posing as history, the pseudo-academic subject the BBC and Guardian turn a blind eye to.
Graham Hancock’s documentary is supposedly ‘dangerous’ though.
I bet some now follow the ‘blue-eyed devil’ derangement of Louis Farrakan as well.
A special class of cunt.
Good old Beeb. A national treasure.
Does the BBC get a card from ISAC for reaching the milestone of 100?
less moonpig, more fuckpigs.
Yep ?
Beyond Cuntitude, and on to the level of the fuckpig, or the shit-cunt.
What has happened to the grand tradition of historical scholarship. There are no more Gibbons, Maculay’s, AJP Taylor’s or Trevor Roper’s. Instead we have this Oilysoggy making up stuff about black Britains, followed by a tribe of aroused Wokies creaming themselves at the thought of blacks being here before whites. Only its not true – like the stuff about a black Ann Boleyn, a black Queen Caroline or a black Cleopatra.
Born in a mud hut in Africa and grew up in Newcastle as his mother must have been a “Tuxedo” ( geordies will know what I mean ).
A fucking arsehole with a hugely deformed spine due to the gigantic chip he carries on his shoulder.
Everybody knows there were no darkies in Britain until introduced by Edgar Hooley.
I will be happy when a plaque goes up to celebrate the last black to leave these shores (right next to the plaque for the last peaceful to leave).
Is David Olugsara a cunt?
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Yessssssssss!!
One glance at the race-baiting, Nigerian turd and you’d think the BBC had invented the chippy shitbag. He’s literally made a craeer out of carping.
Well done.
The cunts just made it all up.
Racist,traitorous vermin.
There should be a plaque where Robinsons Jam first started, with a wollygog on it. If that isn’t black enough, I’ll eat my black pudding raw.
You’ll have to make it yourself, any shop bought black pudding is already cooked.
Pedantic cunt
Was considering to say I’d eat it cold and thought fuck it. You will also know there are white ones.
And the band Marmalade had a gawlie on the front of their drum kit.?
The skies will be black soon, ready for the blacks to go out thieving. The only time they don’t, is when the moon is full. The white mans plaque, to keep an eye on them.
Who the fuck cares….!
The darkie of course.
Plus Noddy and Big Ears.
The main reason I hate these black cunts, is after being mugged by the twats and four othe unprovoked reasons to be taken into consideration.
Where did the cunts come from other than the jungle. Didn’t see one until I was about 10 !!!. I am getting on a bit, but its still a mystery to me.
‘Who controls the present controls the past’.
George Orwell, 1984.
We wuz Kangz n’ shee-it!
????.Bunch of cunt truffles.Locked room and mustard gas treatment.
They should sack the forensic anthropologist.
She’s a fake, and probably claims to be sub saharan, like certain other people who are keen on claiming a heritage the don’t actually have.
I’m looking at you Lineker.
And you, Megain Mantis Cuntess of Sussex.
About as black as an Imeprial Stormtrooper.
I was going to mention the Duchess, Norman, but thought Magic Grandpa’s bastard son deserved the mention more.
After all, he’s rarely in the public eye these days.
What does Lineker know? He thinks peter files touch kids over the internet with special gloves.
Don’t forget Hadrian’s Wall. The Francis Biggers built it and guarded it.?
And, if Anne Boleyn was a John Rambo, how come the great Queen Bess wasn’t touched by the tar brush??
If Boleyn had been an Ooga, Liz the First would’ve resembled a violent orangutan.
“I may have the body of a woman, but ooga, Ah is not an ape, innit “
It might work that, Captain.
Queen Bess as monarch, Sir Francis Drake as head of the Royal Navy, and General Ursus as commander of her armies.
Oh, and Mary Seacole saved and cared for all the men in the Crimean War.
And for all the Tommies at the Somme,and the boys at Dunkirk and Normandy. Not forgetting Vietnam, the Falklands, Iraq and so on…?
And Flo Nightingale was a racist who did fuck all.?
That Georgian Regency era drama that’s on the telly now.
Where loads of sambeaux dress in frilly costumes wear powdered wigs and live like kings and queens.
Making out the Brighton Pavilion was crammed with treeswingers.????
It’s colourblind casting, Norman.
We’re supposed to ignore the colour of their skins, and marvel at their fantastic acting abilities.
Until, of course, the colour of their skin becomes a waily, sob story for the press.
” I was dropped from Eastenders/Emmerdale, etc, ’cause I is blek” , and nothing at all to do with you being caught with a load of class A’s, then?
Just like all the shite and failed football managers. Sol ‘Camp’ bell, John Barnes, Paul Ince etc.
‘They sack me coz I bur-lack! No fair!’.
The book it’s based on was written as a ‘What if?’ as Queen Charlotte wasn’t actually black. but Netflix being Netflix made her and all of Regency London black.
To the BBC, Netflix say ‘hold my beer (a Red Stripe).
Black Cleopatra
Black King Arthur
Black Queen Charlotte.