Mice for Palestine – We’re Lovin’ it!

I’ve always been an admirer of anyone who can make a rational, constructive contribution to a debate on any subject of interest. The current hot topic is, of course, the Israel-Hamas conflict, about which many calm and measured responses have already been made.

One particularly rational addition to the discourse has been made by those critical thinkers who’ve taken to spraying mice in Palestinian colours, and then hurling boxes full of the pesky little rodents into branches of McDonald’s. The IsAC fraternity will surely agree that this action has brought some much-needed insight into this appallingly difficult problem.


Meanwhile, in a related story from Narthurn Oirelund, another well-meaning contributor to the discussion has apparently been photographed parading about in a Hamas outfit. As you do for a bit of fun on Halloween in that calm and laid-back part of the world.

Belfast Telegraph

You’ve not only got to admire the intellectual capacity of these individuals; you’ve also got to admire their sense of style. They’re helping to bring calm to troubled waters, and for that we should be truly thankful.

Nominated by: Ron Knee

(More about the mice and why Maccy D’s were targeted here – Day Admin)

72 thoughts on “Mice for Palestine – We’re Lovin’ it!

  1. Environmental health were called and they confiscated all offending Big Macs and chicken McNuggets.

      • Well they looked at the mice running around and then at the quality of food on offer and thought which one was more of a concern to public health.

  2. Those poor mice!

    The inhuman savages, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that JSO put them up to it!

    • It’s just expected with those dirty cunts. As I have said before on these hallowed pages, they get onto councils and then start banning dogs from everywhere. Peacefuls hate animals (unless you are watching a tv advert).

  3. Interesting link from DA here.

    It refers to an arrest and the issuing of warrants for those responsible, but the story seems to have died a death.

    Has anybody seen anything further regarding this?

    For those interested in some of the flakier aspects of the whole Gaza issue, I’ve put up a supplementary ‘Queers for Palestine’ nom, which may appear at some point.

    (Ron, your comment ended up in the MQ for the word !queers”, which WordFence doesn’t like. All sorted now – Day Admin)

    • Thanks DA.

      I guessed that was what had happened. I forgot that was one of the words that gets comments put into moderation.

      • Anyone know if ‘Atil*a is one, as in Atil*a the Hun? It got moderated in a post yesterday and is the only one I thought it could be. Ruff used to sort this kind of thing out.

  4. Those people in McDonalds can think themselves lucky that all they got was a load of mice scurrying about their ankles. With Christmas coming up I would avoid crowded places and walk against the oncoming traffic…..give yourself a chance to dodge out of the way of Mohammed and his pavement mounting van. No doubt Suckdick will let him off the ULEZ charge. Alan’s Snackbar!

  5. Two P*ki cunts, last I heard they had one in custody and were searching for the other, the only vermin in this saga were the two P*kis.


  6. What message does the clown want us to take from this stunt – that Palestinians are rodents?

  7. It’s not only Maccy D’s that the thick as fuck Al-headbags are boycotting.

    Nike, Starbucks, KFC, coca cola, apple, Pizza hut, Burger king, Pepsi and Puma shops are all going to be devoid of thick, smelly illegal immigrants too

  8. I bet the mice wouldn’t eat that shit they serve at McDs. Fucking horrible substances that I can’t in good conscience call “food”.

      • Which does mean, Ron, that he’ll serve all of his original sentence, instead of getting out after two years.
        Fuck me, if I’d killed someone, either by intent or accidentally, I’d expect a tenner, at least.
        But then, I am white.

  9. The deliberate introduction of vermin to a site supplying food to the general public. This surely is terrorism and merits the appropriate penalty.

  10. I suppose the daft cunts had to colour them in otherwise no fucker would have thought anything was out of the ordinary.

    • To be honest, Unkle, they’d not only have had to colour the poor little things, but handed out flyers explaining what the reason for doing it was.

      There’d probably have been a tear-off coupon for a half-price chicken kebab at Alan’s Snack bar, if they had.

  11. Throwing tiny rodents around is an important strategy in the war on the infidel. Straight out of the holy book. Allan be praised. Other animals that may come to hand include goats and camels but they need bigger boxes.

  12. Believe McDickeds phoned the Pied Piper of Hamelin, to get remov the mice. The piper said no, we only get rid of rats such as yourselves.

  13. But the irony is that’s what the dirty raghead collected out of his food establishment in 24 hours..

    You would not believe the sights I have witnessed over the last 15 years, refurbishing commercial kitchens..
    Puts your right off your chicken jalfrezi I can tell you.

    • I work in a kitchen and believe me, some of the stories I’ve heard from agency chefs would make your stomach turn. A particular ‘highlight’ was somebody attempting to use bleach to clean the floor.

  14. ? Three Peaceful mice
    See how they run
    They all ran after the Infidel’s wife
    Cut off her head with a carving knife
    Did you ever see such a thing in your
    life?……as three Peaceful mice ?

  15. John Steinbeck’s “Of Mice and Men” classic book, has been recently revised to “Of Mice and Akmed”

  16. OT: but a cunt red alert…

    Sir Bobby Charlton’s funeral today. Manchester United and England’s greatest.
    And no Glazers turned up. And neither did Erik Ten Hag.

    I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire, the bastards.

    • Really, the Yanks I can understand (but are cunts) but Erik, cunt looks like Ming the Merciless.

    • Ten Hag is a fucking clown.

      The man is so detached from the fans that he may as well be living on Jupiter.

      Even when it after his so called team turn in a horror performance – the wanker just fucks off down the tunnel.

      Rule number one – go and applaud the fans and make the players do the same thing.

      Win lose or draw.

      You absolutely clueless fucking feckless imbecile.

  17. Surely what our peaceful brothers are used to in their own takeaways and getting McDonalds customers used to the fact.

    Mouse droppings are part of the decor in numerous establishments that serve food through Just Eat.

  18. Four legged vermin let loose by the two legged variety, whatever next.
    If I was the UK boss of Maccy D’s, I’d get some local yobs to drive through the local peaceful area with a muck spreader full of pigs trotters and offal.

  19. I know McDonalds are seen by many as a symbol of American capitalism at its worst, and they perhaps haven’t helped themselves sometimes, but they get the blame for everything.
    Childhood obesity – McDonald’s
    Obesity in general – McDonald’s
    Rubbish in town centre’s – McDonald’s
    Kids getting acne – McDonald’s
    The list goes on.
    Funny how KFC don’t get targeted, after all, they’re cast from the same mould.
    Mind you, it’s most likely where the peacefuls got the mice from in the first place.

  20. Well it could be worse – 10 Downing Street, is occupied by fucking rats, and back-stabbing shameless rats at that!

    • I can imagine Larry the cat seeing that pig diddling wanker Cameron again at No10 and thinking “oh fuck, not this cunt again”.

      • Poor Larry, he has to mix with some of the biggest sc*mbags in the country. It shouldn’t happen to a cat.

        The RSPCA should find a home for him with some decent, respectable people.

      • I would like to think Larry the Cat shits in Sunak’s Hush Puppy slippers and will piss on Cameron’s feet.

      • Can only be a matter of time now before Sunak drafts May, Johnson and Truss back into the cabinet…

  21. This weekend’s antics were truly frightening.

    This country is officially and irrevocably goatfucked.

  22. I’m quietly confident that the Suntan Kid’s now got things in hand.

    Sack Sue Ellen, the one with cojones big enough to speak up and voice the views of (very probably) millions, and bring back ‘call me Dave’ Cameron to get a grip on the whole Gaza thing.

    If this reshuffle fails, he could go for a government of national disunity, and bring in giants from the past like Major, May, Heseltine and Clarke, Bliar and Brown and Owen, then throw in some exciting and dynamic figures from the current generation, such as Gove, Starmer, Lammy, Abbott, Corbyn, Krankie, Yuseless, Hervie, Daley, Harperson and the like.


    • I’ve just seen some of his appointments Ron.

      I don’t think most of them are household names even in their own household.

      • Indeed LL. Some of those he’s appointed are most charitably described as ‘anonymous’.

        Penny ‘Norks’ Mordaunt for PM I say. Get her picture on the front page of ‘The Sun’ showing a nice bit of cleaveage and it’s game over for Liebour.

        Strapping lass.

      • Appointing Cameron tells you all you need to know that Sunak wants closer ties with the EU.

        And making the cowardly cunt Foreign Sec of all the ministerial appointments available, more or less confirms this.

        Am surprised he didn’t recall the Hunchback as Home Sec!

  23. Way off this nom but I am fucking angry.
    Today was the funeral of Sir Bobby Charlton. The streets of Manchester were packed with mourners and Manchester Cathedral held a private service with 1,000 guests.
    The Fucking Radio 4 BBC interviewed one of the many thousands for their memories of the great man- Gary Fucking Linker !

  24. Hello Norman. I saw some footage on the local news. It pissed me off to see some people with mobile phones, filming the hearse as it went past, a fair number of them with their hats on.

    I was brought up to believe that the proper procedure, when a hearse went past, was to remove your hat and bow your head as a mark of respect. I still do it now.

    Why do cunts have to film everything ?

    What the fuck is wrong with these people ?

    I liked Bobby, and Jack.

    Cracking footballers and decent blokes.

    Proper men.

    You’ll never see their like in football again.


  25. Hohoho !

    These Palestinian johnnies don’t like it up ’em, do they ?

    ” Please Mr. Sunak, can you please make the bombing stop ? ”

    What the fuck did they expect, after killing 1400 Israelis ?

    The thick cunts.

    The Israelis won’t stop now.

    Goodbye, Hamas.


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