(Just a quick word to say we’re reducing the number of daily published noms from 3 to 2 (7am and 1pm). This is just a temporary measure, but keep your noms rolling in as always. Thanks – The Admin Team)
We’ve heard of Grammar Nazis, who’s only ambition in their sad little lives is to correct other people’s posts just in case a semi colon was used instead of a colon, or a verb was used instead of a noun.
But then you have the Info Nazi, who will correct you if you’ve made a small error about something or other. (PS. I’m not including so-called “fact checkers” here because they’re more mainstream current affairs cunts. I’m just focusing on the slightly more trivial geek.)
For example, there’s a Rush forum I subscribe to (Canadian Rock Band) and some other member posted a thread regarding an old album of theirs – “Moving Pictures”. He had the temerity to say it was released in 1980. But some cunt quickly corrected him by saying it was released in 1981.
On another forum, this time called “Better Call Saul” after the TV drama, someone posted the show was set in 2001 some 7 years before the beginning of “Breaking Bad”. But again some cunt chimes in by saying “Actually, you’re so wrong. Everyone knows it was 2002 and not 2001, you dufus!”
And its not just films or TV shows, these cunts are everywhere, desperate to correct you on any supposed falsehood or inaccuracy, no matter how trivial.
These trainspotting-type cunts not only need to get a life but also need to be stood up against a wall and shot (although no doubt they’ll complain about the type of wall or the bullets used before they’re toast!)
Nominated by: Technocunt
Can I correct a yank that shite comes out of their arse. Besides a woman’s fanny is her cunt ?
Nothing worse than a pompous know it all cunt, is no doubt a vegan leather elbow pads horn rimmed bifocals on a chain and an over developed right arm that lives with its fucking muvver
Good Morning Herman,
As someone who has served 50 years in the leather industry may I correct you on the term Vegan leather? Everyone knows that leather comes from animal hides, a by product of the meat industry. Vegan leather is what we use to call synthetic material and is made from a backing material manufactured from pineapple leaves and a top coat made from oil based products. There is so much disinformation put around about the leather industry., please don’t add to it.
SWIDT ? ???
life is too short for that type of pettiness.
my grandma and punchbag! are/ terrible).
‘For example, there’s a Rush forum I subscribe to…’
It should be ‘For example, there’s a Rush forum to which I subscribe…’
Marianna Spring,
IsAC Verify
I think you may be missing a comma or two?
“For example, there’s a Rush forum, to which I subscribe,…”
As the sole source of verifiable truth, IsAC Verify is beyond reproach. Clearly, Lord Cuntingford, you are a deranged far-Right extremist. Ergo, your criticism is invalid.
Marianna Spring,
IsAC Verify
we all know the type.
They got ‘Actual man instead of action man’ as a kid.
Sticklers for dates, spelling,etc
and waiting to pounce.
I think you’ll find…
Actually it was…
just drop dead you petty cunt.
Get a girlfriend.
I would suggest “activity man” has a more precise meaning in this context Mis.
The wife won’t allow me a girl friend so I’ll go and drop dead now.
Farewell cruel world!
Morning all.
I was going to scour the nom and complain about imperfections, but decided not to be such a cunt.
“On a Rush Forum”…
or any forum,
bound to find one!
want the Limelight
but make time stand still.
They’re super fans.
bands , sci fi shows, always some cunt who will loudly crow
“ACTUALLY in episode 7 series one , Spock’s ears were on the wrong way’.
You have a choice.
either A:
it’s trivia, not important, so ignore the cunt and maybe don’t go again
chop him in the throat.
In the spirit of this nomination or should that be spirit of radio?
Rush became an acquired taste for me. I didn’t like them initially. Didn’t like the singer’s voice or change in time signatures/odd meters. Then it grew on me.
Love Alex Lifeson’s guitar style. Especially the open strings and chorus pedal effect.
Bit like Dream Theater – I didn’t like them either at first. Didn’t like the singer. Then recognised the talent.
Depends if the criticism is being directed at some prick you don’t like.
I have to proof-read (yes, I know it can also be ‘proofread’) all of my company’s press releases and product catalogues and love to find a litany of grammar, spelling and punctuation errors because there’s a chance for piss-taking and Joey Deacon impressions toward young people.
I’m also a pedantic, spiteful, pathetic twat too and proud to be so.
That being said, I’d not dream of ever correcting anyone on ISAC, as most people type how they talk.
Admin…these two noms a day…is it because time is being spent sorting out how weird WordPress has gone?!
My apologies, that was an extraordinarily boring post!
You are right there Thomas. Do you arse fuck anyone who uses a semi-colon when a colon would be more appropriate just to teach them what their colon should be for?
No doubt you’d like to stick your winkie in Amber Heard’s colon you wrong’un ?
She was actually very attractive. Shame she’s toxic as fuck.
I find this pedantic behaviour necessary myself sometimes to be honest. I found myself doing it last night.
Irish police commissioner – “we’re looking for ‘a man’
Me – “correction, you’re looking for a dangerous, unhinged mudslime who although a danger to the public, you refuse to release a description of”
Am I being petty, or is that justified?
Justified. its always these deranged cunts who target vulnerable targets as their fucking cowards and need a mudslime short back and sides
Beware the Lurking Nerd!
and his “mate” Keyboard Warrior..
There used to be yet another foul villain,the “Joystick Jedi”…but he wanked himself to death in 1985.
It was 1986.
These correctional types would not be good at pantomimes then.
(Wait for it …)
Oh yes they would.
There you go.
SB and DoC: what a double act
IsAC’s Ugly Sisters.
I knew someone who sold his MG-B as he was so fed up with the anoraks picking it over at shows – “oh, it’s go the wrong carburettor bolt”, etc. ad nauseum.
I’ve heard the same from volunteers at a heritage steam railway. They call the sad anoraks ‘rivet counters’.
Ive heard that term relating to military collectors/modellers.
Worse than being corrected, is being cancelled. Cunts who inhabit the Nazi ruled hell that is social media will pounce on any laggards who are not fully up to date with their latest woke terminology. As the terminologies are changed almost hourly by the gate keepers of woke, trying to keep up becomes a full time enterprise for those wishing to be “in with the in crowd”. This is a deliberate Nazi trick to test loyalty to the cause. Thank fuck I don’t give a monkey’s genitals whether black people like to be called ‘darkies’, ‘coloureds’, or persons of colour’. Nor do I give a flying fuck whether Parking Stanleys want to be called ‘Asians.’ Weirdos, deeviants, mentals, boaty types, and Lib Dems can fuck right off.
Good morning, everyone.
It’s the fact snide cunts do it from behind a keyboard in anonymity.
Cunts need hurting, really hurting….
Info Nazi?
hak-shally, wouldn’t that be a ‘pedant’? *slurp*
Dors anybody else reckon CS looked like this?
Diana Dors doesn’t do hamshankisms.
Or should I have said didn’t.
I think you’ll find it’s ‘did’ hamshankisms
You are completely right, C P.
Diana Dors. Easily as good looking as Marilyn Monroe, maybe better.
He used to pop back every now and again, but have you noticed that since RTC has disappeared we haven’t seen him either.
I miss the Northumberland landowner.
CS currently posts under the name Farmer Giles.
I had the displeasure of experiencing his idiotic pedantry a few weeks ago on the ‘Drivers who don’t stop for pedestrians’ cunting.
Needless to say, most of his posts were subsequently removed by admin.
Good morning.
I will look out for Farmer Giles, before he is deleted ?
I hope Lord Fiddler is on some Horse and Country forum annoying the equestrian types who live around my way..
Horsey fuckers love to look down on working class people until they’re told the land they’re riding over is owned by one of them.
Hi DA, sir, not quite sure why my post is in moderation. Oh, the irony! I try hard not to be controversial! Ever since RTC stopped posting I have received no authoritative guidance…Many thanks anyway for keeping us cunts on the straight and narrow.
I am never wrong, think about that!!!!
Do fists prove it, or lead ?
No way am I getting my hands dirty, flame thrower does the job ?
I was hoping to make some money on the amount of “ofs” for “haves” but it appears you’re keeping a close eye on not making any mistakes.
Seeing we have more time on our hands, we could combine this cunting with cockney rhyming slang. Is, “how are you my old China” still allowed, even though most people realise ones asking about an old friend.
I’ve always found that a punch in the chops stops a petty argument over an incorrect placing of a comma.
We on here may occasionally misplace a comma, or misspell the odd word, but at least we don’t communicate using some kind of incomprehensible shorthand, or grunts, clicks and yodelling.
You ought to try getting a taxi or takeaway otherwise in person, in Leicester.
I’d like to see Geddy Lee on his book tour.
As a rule, I can’t stand grammar police and info nazis.
But, when it’s on official sites it gets a bit daft.
The official NME website once referred to George Harrsion as the Beatles drummer.
These cunts who smugly correct people remind me of what Peter Ustinov said about Charles Laughton.
Peter Ustinov exclaimed at a Hollywood party on seeing a famously thin-skinned colleague “oh look there is Charles Laughton waiting to be offended”.
Who needs Peter Ustinov when we have Jack Whitehall.
DISCLAIMER: That was a joke. Please don’t burn my house down.
I am amazed that Admin managed to find a new photo of the Fuhrer as a baby. Or,is this just another example of that nice Dr Mengele’s de-extinction experiments? We should be told.
We could’ve gone further on the subject of grammar, but fortunately we couldn’t compare three other interesting things about each other and they are our speaking voices.
1, is the irritating voice inflection, which irritates me no end. On the radio we can turn it off, but in company we have to endure it. I’ve simply walked out on occasions.
2, is new to me, mainly because I don’t listen to Americans and that is “vocal fry” of which I’ve only recently been aware of. It’s the lazy croaking of the vocal cords, is the only way I can describe it.
3, is the one that’s been with us from birth, which is down right laziness on the part of being unable to pronounce “th” at all.
It’s “doofus,” not “dufus.”
Pedantically yours,
CT Yankee etc