‘British Steel: Scunthorpe cuts will leave UK ‘exposed’, union says’
We are giving British Steel, a Chinese company, £100s of millions to implement a greener, electric way of making steel.
This will result in:-
The loss of 2000 jobs.
The loss of the ability of the UK to make ‘virgin’ steel, as these wonderful electric furnaces will only be able to melt scrap.
This scrap will of course come from processes that use the polluting production of ‘virgin’ steel. In China mostly. Brought in by ship. And rail.
I thought that Drax power station burning American woodchips was the most ludicrous example of green bullshit but this takes the fucking biscuit.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
I do like it when someone is questioned and the answer is” almost all steel products” so less than before then..
still I imagine shareholders got a nice big dividend..
British Steel used to be a byword for quality.
Best steel in the world.
But a tool /knife and it said “Made in Sheffield ‘
you knew it was would last you possibly for life.
it’s a disgrace what the Westminster rats have allowed to happen.
A absolute disgrace.
The Chinese can’t make steel it’s weak as fuck and full of impurities.
it’s resilient as fuckin marzipan.
Bends like it too.
They made Brooklyn bridge out of Sheffield steel.
Too right. A good example of this is the modern Stanley Knife blade. Blunts when cutting card, paper, plastic. May as well be made from fucking plasticine.
Utter shit.
There’s a video on YouTube of different adjustable spanners being tested with a hydraulic press.
Guess which country’s is the first to fail…
“With the right commitment from all stakeholders we can deliver a just transition (to greener steel) that saves our planet, saves our jobs and saves our steel.”
Jesus H. Christ Himself! This statement is loaded with Progressive fuckery!
“…the right commitment…”
“…all stakeholders…”
“…a just transition…”
“…greener steel…”
“…saves our planet ) of course that has to be the first priority…saves our jobs (is of secondary importance)…and saves our steel (is an after thought).
How many ways can they fuck the public in one sentence?
I hope at the very least they will still be able to make steel into a blade for the guillotine.
Green steel my ass! More like yellow Chinese steel. Or is that red?
No it’s just cheap shite.
When we produced our own steel the railway lines never used to buckle in summertime.
Too right General, I have the privilege of owning US made Estwing tools being 5 hammers and 2 axes. They will outlast myself my inheritors and theirs. You pay for quality and unfortunately the Home islands aren’t producing that any more.
Well said CC.
I understand that it’s not always possible to prop up entire industries with taxpayer money in the face of immensely cheaper foreign competitors but we should,for national security reasons alone,always maintain the ability to produce enough raw materials to face an emergency.
The certain fact is that our enemies are weaponising the “green agenda” as well as fossil fuel production and transportation,knowing we will tie ourselves in knots and spend vast resources to reduce our “carbon footprint” whilst they do the exact opposite,as they know it makes them stronger by the year..
Our leaders are Cunts,empty headed cowards who will simply run off at the first sign of a confrontation they can’t waffle their way out of.
Our own oil,gas and coal are vital to our security and anyone taking us down a different path should be shot as a Quisling.
Morning Gents.
They should be placed inside a greener electric oven.
Anyone talking about greener energy and not pursuing nuclear is full of it.
Combined with gas it’s the only choice to lower emissions and keep the lights on.
More green nonsense north of the border too, with Scotland’s only oil refinery at Grangemouth to close with hundreds of jobs lost.
Don’t worry Jocks, the Calif of Scotland will have you all redeployed in the Unicorn fart industry.
Humzangus McYousaf? This monumentally stupid cunt is trying to pass an Israeli / Hamas ceasefire motion in the Jockish Parliament.
I bet that’ll make both sides set up and take notice.
Yes General, it’s a handy distraction from the complete arse the SNP have made of running Scotland.
They are doing the same at Port Talbot Steel Works, withe loss of about 6,000 jobs. The plant has been so polluting that you have to drive past it at 50 mph on the M4 so evil petrol and diesel drivers can get an extra dose of fumes.
Good Morning
I thought the speed limit was 20mph in Wales.
Only in sheep crossing zones.
Not on the M4 Geordie. it is a complete and utter bollocks as you would expect from Drakeford’s incompetent Welsh government. Residential streets are all meant to be at 20 mph but some have been signposted at 30 mph. We have a small house down on Gower and there are roads there around Kilvough Manor, which have. a 40 limit and anything over about 15 mph is very iffy.
Don’t get me started about the fucking parking machines, which are all in Welsh, with a small flag button if you want to change the language. This South Wales where very little Welsh is spoken. Even when you have found the flag button the machines, if they are not out of order, which they are half the time, are difficult to use. Consequently there are always long queues at the meters.
‘This South Wales where very little Welsh is spoken.’
I found that in Swansea, and half the accents are English as well.
Maybe industrialism’s had it’s day ? Back to the land type of thing.It didn’t really deliver in the bigger picture of things.Pollution,more efficent ways to wage war all for shiny gadgets.Anyone not owning an acre of land is effectively a slave.Rockefeller industrialism took away the agrarian way as our ancestors toiled underground and in mills and factories.Who the fuck would want that given a choice?
In the fullness of time people will look back at decisions made by politicians in the last few decades and ask ‘What the fuck were they thinking ?’
All that is wrong with modern Britain summed up in this one malicious act. I say malicious because the fucking cunts in Government must know what they are doing will destroy lives and communities.. They have done a better job of raping and pillaging this country that Genghis Khan could have done with all his hordes.
Well done, Cuntstable, you have made sure I feel angry and bitter for another 24 hours!
Good morning, everyone.
I’m guessing that the poorest 3rd world shithole now has a bigger manufacturing base than this country. Oh well, it’s only a matter of, ever increasingly shorter, time before this is the poorest 3rd world shithole.
Just when you think the government of this country couldn’t be any more pathetically foolish….
It’s impossible to overestimate how well a government can fuck things up in a way you couldn’t have even dreamt of
OT. Geert Wilders set for landslide victory, in the Netherlands.
A glimmer of hope faintly shines in Europe.
Let’s hope it’s contagious.
Good morning.
not a landslide fortunately, if the other cunts won’t work with him he a nobody again.
Quite so.
He’s not going to have anywhere near an overall majority.
Just more seats than any other party.
Next come on Marine Le Pen, I would.
The other cowards in parliament will no doubt collude to keep the most popular party in the country out of power.
Europe is a continent run by cowards for cowards.
One of my most treasured possessions is a small two blade penknife.
It belonged to my maternal grandfather.
He was a magnificent gentleman. Stern but kindly, ramrod straight with steel grey hair and a ‘ tache like Lord Kitchener.
An excellent metal and woodworker. He made me some wonderful and lethal ‘ toys ‘.
He was my hero.
The knife was made by Viners, from fine Sheffield steel and bears the inscription ‘ Cutlers to His Majesty ‘.
Super sharp and as good as the day it was made, by some poor sod who would have to work himself into the ground to earn a pittance. But took pride in his work. It is still fit for purpose, at around 80-100 years old
Sadly, the British steel industry is a shadow of its former self, just like the country as a whole.
Fuck me Jack,
that nearly had me crying.
As a kid we’d go my grans on a Sunday for dinner.
My family from Yorkshire might be there or family from Stoke on Trent.
Delicious smells would emanate from the Aga and my gran would get us kids to help lay the table.
The cutlery was heavy to a kids hand more like fuckin gardening tools and bore the legend
“Made in Sheffield”
probably a pre war wedding present?
But you compare it to the cheap shite cutlery we have it’s like comparing a Rolls Royce to a milk float ☹️
Happy days ?
Morning MNC ?
Morning Jack?
This nom got me thinking,
I want proper fuckin cutlery!
made from Sheffield steel.
This shite we’ve got isn’t fit for a fuckin prison never mind a highly respected removal man and family.
So I googled it.
£3 grand!!
for new Sheffield steel cutlery!
so on fleabay looking at second hand.
can be Mrs Miserables Christmas present ?
Quite so Miserable.
You don’t want to look common by eating your pot noodle with an inferior fork.
Morning LL?
Have you considered following suit and upgrading to Sheffield steel?
or are you happy with plastic?
most of our forks have bent tines from me scratching my arse with them.
I should really shouldn’t I?
Buy British!
I never knew that about the Brooklyn Bridge. Dorman Long & Co from Middlesbrough also build the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Knives and forks.
At least there’s something the Chinks don’t know how to make.
This just goes to prove that this, and future governments, want to kill off major manufacturing in this country and they’ll use the “green” narrative as the excuse. Whereas in reality its a sideswipe at the working classes who will find themselves out of a job and either forced to rely on state handouts or try their luck in the low-paid service sector.
When Brexit was voted in people were hoping for a more independent Britain away from the clawing EU. What seems to be happening is we’re still getting dictated to by the EU but also the Globalist overlords who are pushing us away from independence to a dependency culture for our energy, food, goods and cheap labour!
I don’t know in percentage terms how much manufacturing we export to other countries, but I would guess it isn’t very much. Instead we import shitloads of manufacturing from around the world, which no doubt generates a massive carbon footprint and thus makes a complete mockery of the entire net-zero fairy story.
I agree Techno.
And it’s been the plan for quite some time.
Killing industry,
becoming dependant on import from foreign cunts,
swamping us with multiculturalism,
No pride in our work,
they want us to be fuckin serfs labouring in the fields and pointing at the sky when a private jet flies over.
After a 12 hr shift in the rice paddy you can look forward to a turnip for tea.
Thanks to Brexit the government is now free to run the country as it sees fit.
Unfortunately that does not fit with what most of its citizens expect or want.
Net zero is a mockery of science as countries all share the same atmosphere. One country that reaches ‘net zero’ is no better off than the country burning through oil and coal, cutting through rain forests and keeping vast herds of cattle.
Carbon budgets are a joke.
The section on Britain tells you all you need to know…
“History of the steel industry (1850–1970) – Wikipedia” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_steel_industry_(1850%E2%80%931970)
Here’s a little fact for my fellow cuntfucks today.
Some local authority IT firewalls have to allow the word ‘cun’t through their system because not only does Scunthorpe have a lot of cunts in it but is also contains the word.
Please don’t congratulate me for being a cunt, it comes naturally.
Good morning.
I was in Scunthorpe this morning. I am also a cunt.
I see what you did there, lol.
Electric steel, straight from the scrap yard, just about sums up todays Britain.
Virgin Steel with plenty of coking coal is a dirty word(s), better call it virgin steel from the Gods. Keep the blast furnaces!!
What the slanty eyed fuckers don’t mention is that a some of this “scrap” steel comes from WW2 shipwrecks, otherwise known to civilised people as “war graves”. A mate of mine, a marine archaeologist is always raging on about it. Sheffield steel was once rightly revered, now, like the rest of this piss poor excuse for a country, it’s a fucking joke.
How about asking the Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion Protesters to find jobs for the soon to be unemployed 1000’s of steel and oil refinery workers?? They appear to have all the answers it seems?
The new Marks and Sparks advert should feature someone on the crapper, and then wiping their arse with Palestinian flag bog roll.
Wrong thread…
Talking of someone on the crapper, another Sheffield link…The film “Threads” ; when the bomb went off, some poor sod was caught with his pants down.
Why is the company still called British Steel ? Surely Tata Steel and Chinese Steel are much more accurate and cut all the fucking bullshit. The whole situation is arse.
Tatty steel.