Traffic Cops (TV Show)

Traffic Cops!. Is a show that really boils my piss. Shown as a “New series” on one channel then repeated eight times a day on catch up and crime channels. I hope North Yorkshire Police got repeat fees?.

“The traffic cops hunt criminals using cloned number plates”….”A man steals a car and leads Traffic Cops on a dangerous chase…” . FFS… That’s what they are paid to do!. Then we have “ALL NEW TRAFFIC COPS”… FFS!. How can someone do a job as expected when a camera crew follows you around?. It would appear that one or two people featuring on the show should of joined RADA rather than a Police force.

In my humble opinion fly on the wall on TV series encompasses The Sweeney and X-DEPT (GMP 1990’s) after that it’s hallowed ground. That was back in the day when coppering was like it should be. Forget about T-PAC’s, rolling roadblocks or proactive pursuits,we need coppers we get out and have a swing with villains like coppers back in the day did. I know what I’d rather watch!… Namby pamby T-PAC’s or a good swing in a disused factory!.

I’m all for law and order and I think we’ve gone soft on crime… But PLEASE can we stop the repeated showings of Coppers doing what they are paid to do (Or Not!) and let then get on with fighting crime?

Rant over.. Over and out. (Charlie Uniform November Tango Sierra – NA)

Nominated by : Jack Regan

39 thoughts on “Traffic Cops (TV Show)

  1. Same with the ambulance ones. Not once do they show the crew saying:

    “You’re fucking joking, the cunt’s called 999 for that”

    “One one fucking one, the cunts”

    “Fuck me, fat cunt, let’s hope we get stood down”

    “Don’t but the blues on for this cunt. Been to the feckless fuck five times this week and they were discharged on scene every bastard time”

    “Not that fucking place, again”

    Nor do they show them finishing a couple of hours late or covered in body fluids, and, Despatch asking for “An update on that last job” is hilarious. In reality it’s “Can you green up, we have CAT 3’s outstanding”.

    Load of bollocks.

    • Morning DCI, everyone.

      I’m afraid you’ll need to explain “green up” and “CAT3” for this simpleton.

      • With further thought I may have worked it out. Is “green up” putting on your uniform and “CAT3” lower priority calls which have backed up?

      • Sorry, arfur, ‘CAT 3’ is a low priority call, usually bullshit that shoud’ve gone to the GP and ‘Green Up’ is to clear from a job so you’re available.

        Good morning.

  2. Good morning
    Nice nomination Jack , I completely agree and all the other cheap, reality, lazy, day time programmes masquerading as Prime Time TV. Things like Truckers from Hell about someone driving an Artic on the M25 and going across a bit of a pot hole or Border Farce about letting immigrants in.
    The more TV we have available the more crap we watch.

    • I wouldn’t mind watching “Lorries from the Loony bin”. That could be quite interesting.

  3. You watch any car chase and when they catch them, who have they got? Some white cunt. In Bradford. Yeah, what are the odds? Woke shit like almost everything else on TV, can’t upset the future leaders, can we.

  4. So that’s the reason you never see a copper on the road anymore.

    To busy in make-up and having elocution lessons..

    Still that’s what speed cameras are for.
    Catching people going a few miles over the limit, while the dangerous and reckless cunts carry on as normal.

  5. I wonder if their glove boxes are filled with Mars bars, crisps and wine gum’s, like Jack Regans Granada?
    Judging by the look of the fat fuckers, most probably.
    That’s likely the only similarity though.

    • Doner kebabs, chippies and Bic Macs. They never get to run it off because of ‘elf and safety’

      ‘More than my job’s worth’.

      One makes an arrest while five watch from the van.

  6. ‘Bill. Get the car round the front smartish! And make sure it’s the rainbow coloured one’
    ‘What’s up guv?’
    ‘Some slag’s just gone trough a 20 zone at 25 George’
    ‘We need shootahs guv?’
    ‘Yeah. Better grab an andful if those diversity leaflets as well George’
    ‘What if the villains a dark key or a peaceful guv?’
    ‘We’ll ave to let em off with a caution son’

  7. They’re repetitive, and frankly quite boring, with predictable outcomes.

    Occasionally, the on-board camera catches an expression of total terror on the face of the cop in the passenger seat, when the trannie they were pursuing reverses at high speed into the front end, which can be mildly amusing.

    However, I do now have a comprehensive knowledge of the location of all the best late-opening kebab shops, so cheers for that, lads!

  8. I like watching some of these programs. It’s funny to watch the little scrotes mouth off to the pigs and they just have to take it, like the pathetic, powerless, spineless bitches they are.
    Imagine trying that with pigs from, say, Brazil?
    They’d just shoot you.

  9. I saw one episode where two female coppers grabbed this cunt and couldn’t handle him, he set of running away. They where that useless they didn’t even try to catch him… from what I’ve seen when aggressive cunts kick of the female plod shits itself….?

  10. I have ITV4 on whilst mulling over all the emails I didn’t get chance to action last week and The Professionals is on.

    Now that’s how I like my coppers, Bodie and Doyle, sexist, probably racist, definitely homophobic and beat you up as soon as look at ya and a great theme tune to boot.

  11. The BBC will probably bring out a new series called “Hurty Word Cops”

    “Follow naive young graduate PCs (with their BA degrees in Ancient Roman Pottery Making) as they log onto their computers and smartphones while WfH, scanning social media in the hope of finding naughty right-wing fanatics posting offensive words to downtrodden innocent victimhood minorities.

    Watch PC Iva Biggun blub into his soy coffee as he reads some disgusting words regarding LGBTs and flocks of sheep!

    Watch PC Dill Doe have a nervous breakdown as she has to witness a photo of some vicious right-winger waving a union flag in public.

    These guys are on the jagged end of a broken bottle 24/7.

    Don’t miss it, tonight on BBC1 at 7pm and repeated ad infinitum!”

  12. I think there were a series of films called Maniac Cop back in the 80s.

    I’d quite happily sit through adverts for equity release and nappies for older ladies if I could watch some demented copper psycho petrol bomb a “diverse” drug den or machine gun a truck full of “migrants”.

    Or the BBCihamas could air it instead,the fucking filthy Cunts.

    • “Yes I’ve referred myself to the independent police complaints watchdog,by which I mean I went round to their offices and suffocated the lot of them with a tesco carrier bag”.

      Perfect telly.

  13. Seeing that this subject doesn’t attract me one iota, I would like to refer to the preposition word “OF” that creeps in from time to time by cunters, instead of the verb “HAVE”, which annoys me intensely.

  14. ‘It would appear that one or two people featuring on the show should of joined RADA rather than a Police force.’

    West Sussex Police do employ theatre studies graduates.

    • I remember fake fly on the wall documentary Operation Good Guys from 20 odd years ago being partly based on the premise that most coppers were really screaming luvvies and desperate to get on the box. Ahead of its time in many ways.

  15. Whats on the blue light channel today mother, as i ask when visiting my elderly parents, they love this shit. Boring lazy tv like the despair shop and uk fucking gold showing only fools ad nauseum, come on you cunts broadcast something funny and edgy.

    • ‘Despair shop’.

      Too right. Every cunt who gets some old tat repaired ends up in tears.

      ‘Oh.. it’s.. it’s wonderful!’

      It’s a 3D-printed replacement plastic chair and steering wheel for a Britains Massey Ferguson from 1991.

  16. Whilst the police are getting fatter, they’re also having to cope with extra equipment about their person, making them look even more ridiculously overweight. Police recruitment agencies should take note, that arm length is essential from now on. Beware of the wrong arm of the law.

  17. Slightly off topic, had my Fiesta ST pinched from my front on Spring Bank Holiday at 4pm in the afternoon. Drove off in it with the crook lock still on the wheel. Coppers chased them a couple of nights later, caught one coming out of the drivers side, the rest scarpered. Copper told me the scumbag did you usual ‘“no comment” and he didn’t know it was nicked, CPS won’t prosecute. Car is write off, all in all it’s cost me £1500 of my own money to buy insurance on my new car, added costs etc through no fault of my own. Added depression, anxiety etc. Just to say the liaison copper was as fucked off as me. Just want say they do a thankless task what with our inept courts and justice system.

    • It’s an arse, Bob.

      Many years ago, some knob nicked my shit brown Vauxhall whilst I was canal fishing with Younger.
      Got it back next day, cops actually caught the cunts.
      Several months later, a copper rang me to let me know the outcome of the trial ( yes, they all pled NG).
      The driver got a custodial. I said “you must be well pleased”. Yes, he said, but 8 times as long would have been better!

      My kind of cop. They don’t make them like that anymore.

      • Hi Jeezum, it’s a shit experience like you say. I know we sometimes complain about coppers but more often than not they’re genuine people doing a hard job under very trying circumstances. They must have the patience of saints dealing with the riff raff and lowlifes on a daily basis.

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