Given the appalling situation in Israel/Palestine it is quite telling how the Football Association is making little or no effort to show the same kind of lightshow support for either country (but more so Israel) as they did for Chicken George, BLM, “No Room for Racism” and of course the Pride bunch.
Of these latter examples, the Wembley Arch was lit up in appropriate colours to fit the appropriate bit of virtue signalling. And to be fair they did show support for Ukraine by displaying their flag’s colours on the Arch.
But then the FA and the EPL went a stage further into the rather dangerous arena of politics by emphasising their steadfast approval for BLM with the “Bending of the Knee” symbolism before each game. The FA even said at the time (June 2020) that “We’ll continue to stand firm against all types of discrimination!”
Fast forward 3 years and we have over 1000 Jews brutally raped, tortured and murdered; along with a similar number of innocent Arabs. But the emphasis here is the apparent eradication of all Jews from their homeland once and for all.
This is anti-Semitism plain and simple. The most blatant form of discrimination out there along with racism. And yet the FA seem rather reluctant to stand behind those bellicose words of standing firm against “all types of discrimination”
Not only that but the many corporations in retail and business who went virtue-signalling crazy over BLM and Pride these last 2 or 3 years, have gone strangely silent over this apocalyptic scenario in Gaza. None of whom seem to showing much support for Jews, or if they are they’re keeping it under wraps.
Rabbi Alex Goldberg, chairman of the FA’s Faith Group, resigned in disgust at the FA’s lack of support for Jews and its “moral cowardice”.
I suppose in their defence, the FA wants to play this down for fear of reprisals from Hamas, ISIS, Hezbollah or any other major Middle-Eastern terrorist organisation hell-bent on the destruction of Israel and to those who dare show support for it. What the FA doesn’t want is blood on its hands – literally – should there be a bomb explosion at a stadium killing hundreds!
This is what happens when corporations and sporting organisations grandstand on big virtue signalling bandwagons. They like to be “seen” to be right-on with whatever trendy new thing is doing the rounds, but when the shit hits the fan and they find themselves between a shit-covered rock and a shit-covered hard place, they go strangely silent, unwilling to commit, unwilling to support, unwilling to do anything other than to hope the problem will go away until the next bandwagon comes rolling along for these cunts to jump on.
These posturing arseholes have been called out for the colossal hypocrites that they really are!
Nominated by Technocunt.
Well said, sir.
I have always thought that corporations or organisations of all types should shut the fuck up about political situations unless they are directly involved in them. I have fuck all sympathy for them.
It wont be Jews blowing up stadia, killing people and shouting Ali Akbar.
Islam is a cult of hatred, misogeny, and no regard for human life, even it’s own people.
How very true CC the more blown up kids women and old men the better for Hamas. The propaganda is fucking enormous., The pathetic lib woke alliance lap it up.
To protest against hurtful words and not murder ? There’s something drastically wrong there.
The England national team is dead to me..
Pandering to blacks and benders at every turn, while noshing every middle Eastern cock that’s waved near their face.
Thick cunts like wokegate and Henderson, asking why people are booing him?
Maybe it’s because you are a humongous hypocritical money grabbing cunt, who professes to support the gays..
Fuck the whole nest of rats and the Bentleys they rode in on..
Spot on.
Agreed BZ
I hate the England football team.
I feel nothing but dislike these days and avoid watching the pandering cunts.
I’m actually surprised they’re still happy to be called ‘England’ these days because surely somebody somewhere will be offended by that and we can’t have that can we.
Sports bodies should NOT be taking sides in political arguments. But the bastards are ready to lean towards the Hamas filth. CUNTS.
I didn’t agree with them lighting up the stadium for Ukraine either.
Just keep all politics/conflicts abroad out of sport.
Sport is a form of escapism for some. For some, it’s time with the lads away from the wife for a bit. For others, it’s to have a few hours not focused on the stresses of life, including shite like war.
The last thing most men want (and it is mostly men who pay to watch sport) is for some cunt, nimby, libtard to be pushing their political views in their faces, while simultaneously being called sexist and racist by the same cunt, among other slurs.
The good news is that I believe Sky/TNT, will, in the end, be forced to pipe down and just focus on sport. Because if they don’t, they’ll go bust. I hope they do, they’ve earned it.
Sky don’t seem to realise most of their paying customers are the over 40s. How many cunts under 40 do you know who pay for genuine Sky Sports? I used to, but got rid a few years back when they let the split arses get involved in men’s football and for becoming a woke protest channel.
The younger generations all pay fuck all or close to fuck all for illegal Sky and loads of extra channels too, including the ppv boxing and 3pm kick offs with English commentary. Some middle aged cunts are on to this too, but I’d know nuffink about that officer.
They aren’t going to be paying for fucking Sky! Ever!
‘My friend’ watches this way and hardly ever uses it to watch on Sky/TNT anyway, as the coverage is annoying as fuck. Dumb, annoying, entitled token wimminz and chippy , thick as fuck, no personality blacks all over the cunting studio.
Pay for that? They must be off their tits.
I did say they’ll end up tying themselves in knots and it’s happening with Israel/Palestine. No problem taking sides and flag waving for Ukraine. Can’t do the same for Israel though, because London is full of 6th Century throwback cunts and they don’t want to upset them.
Fucking ridiculous cunts!
I will not comment, other than to say this,
If these murdering fanatics eventually manage to remove Jews from the face of the Earth, who do you think they’ll come for next?
The leader had already said : all us infidels
If someone had asked you a month ago what response you would expect from Israel if Palestinian militants slaughtered hundreds of their civilians and took hostages, you would have said they’d bomb fuck out of them and their army would go through Gaza like shit through a goose.
I’d have said the same, and that’s what is happening. We don’t need to be experts on middle east politics to figure this out, it’s common sense. What else would the Israelis do? They’re surrounded by enemies and they’ve never been known to back off.
Everyone knew what would subsequently happen, including Hamas and those who helped them plan the attack. Now all of a sudden there are lots of people telling the Israelis to show restraint and have consideration for Palestinian civilians, which is ironic when Hamas have shown no consideration for them whatsoever.
I’m not on one side or the other, but I expect that, having been caught with their pants down, the Israelis’ priority will be to ensure this never happens again.
The FA stands for the fools association.
It needs disbanding just like bbc.
100% correct Techno. They should keep their noses out of anything that’s not football.
As said above, the real reason they won’t support Israel is that they’re shit scared of the Religion of Peace’s response.
On the topic of Gaza – Israel, the dumb as fuck POTUS said when referring to the explosion at the Gaza hospital he described Hamas/Jihad as ‘the other team’, what a twat.
Football likes to be cunts at every opportunity.
“The other team.” What a fucking stupid thing to say. It’s not a fucking game you dozy old cunt. The sooner this arsehole falls over for the last time the better.
Perhaps he will fall down the steps when getting off Airforce One, the silly old cunt letting go of the hand rail to wave ?
I am in Greece this week and he was on Eurotelevision or some such wank channel paid for, I suspect, by the EU. Sniffer Joe was on and appeared, for all the world to see, that he should be in a care home. I almost feel sorry for the old cunt and they want him to do 4 more years, God help the West. One thing is for sure, this whole shit show would not have happened under Trump.
The silly cunts couldn’t really give a fuck if all the Dark Keys,The Puffs,The Transies etc were all put in concentration camps.
It’s about being Right On,Progressive and Woke.
In other words,a Cunts Charter.
As other have already noted,the undercurrent to all the hand wringing and strange silence that’s suddenly come upon them is because,like the govt and all the other appeasers,they are afraid of the muzzie mob.
No no no and fucking no.
No pride, no BLM, no Ukraine, no israel and no Palestine, no fucking virtue signalling of any kind.
Death of the Monarch, Remembrance Day, the day a man wins an argument with his wife are acceptable reasons for sentimental displays on national monuments and stadiums.
There was no valid national interest or moral reason for us to get involved in Ukraine and there’s even less for us to get involved or take sides in the current Middle Eastern conflict.
I’ve listened to both sides justifying why it’s morally acceptable to murder non combatants on the other side and it’s all bollocks. Both sides are trying to take the moral high ground when submerged under a few fathoms of blood.
If people are going to start throwing around anti semite accusations find out what a Semite is ffs.
The whole fucking lot of them need to fuck off!
It seems the black armband is an essential piece of footballing kit at the top level nowadays, up there with shin pads and even the fucking balls themselves.
Every weekend there’s a minutes silence for everything from stabbed aspiring architects to the youth team coaches dead cat.
Yet when it came to this, they didn’t know what to do.
Instead they belatedly decided to have a moments silence on Friday night for ALL victims of the Israel Gaza conflict.
Which is a bit like having a moments silence for not only holocaust victims, but those executed at Nuremberg for crimes against humanity.
The FA are a spineless bunch of cunts, in hock to Arab money like many of the players.
Let the fuckers squirm.
Politics and sport should never mix, ever.
Just like wine then beer.
The best thing for businesses is not to virtue signal, no matter what a few blue-haired cunts say on twitter, or the false promises of ESG investment, and that shite is rigged anyway. Top ten recipients of high ESG scores are not ethical companies by a long stretch – Apple? Exxon-Mobil?
Shady old shit.
It is fun watching the virtue signalling cunts squirm as they try to reconcile mutually exclusive positions. Hence the BBC not taking sides until they take a side by not taking one. Hilarious stuff! Seeing its HQ covered red paint by pro towel-head protesters and then being besieged by righteously angry Jews was priceless. Maybe the BBC will finally get the message that everyone is sick of their cuntery? Don’t hold your breath.
I notice that the BBC didn’t hesitate in reporting that Israel was responsible for that hospital explosion, even though Israel deny it.
If it was the other way round, they’d have BBC Verify on the case first.
Evening, Field Marshal. It is brilliant. They are drowning in their self-righteousness, but can’t help themselves.
Hang on. The ministry of truth is now on the case.
Apparently “ So far the findings are inconclusive”
You didn’t give that impression for most of today you cunts!
Nobody listened to footballers in the 80s.
They wasn’t politically educated then.
More interested in getting a perm than social justice.
Nowadays they posture over any issue.
Although they still seem to be the types who’d copy Forrest Gumps homework.
Is Ringo Starr Jewish?
He certainly looks it
And I heard he’s a right tight cunt?
Probably a closet Jew?
Ringo Starr looks more like a Shylock the older he gets . A real merchant of venice . Oye vay .
Nah, Ringo isn’t Jewish. His family was Irish.
And Macca is the tightest Beatle. And George was a tight cunt and all.
Talking of which, a Beatle related cunting is imminent.
The closest Ringo got to being Jewish is he had a Jewish stepfather and his wife Barbara Bach is half Jewish.
That didn’t stop a group of Canadian separatists in 1964 from issuing a death threat against him for “being Jewish” before the Beatles performed in Montreal.
Ringo reportedly wound up playing the concert with an armed bodyguard seated beside him.
He recalled in The Beatles Anthology: “Some people decided to make an example of me, as an English Jew. The one major fault is I’m not Jewish.”
The Fab 4 never played Montreal again.
Ha. I knew he was guilty all along MJB.
Keep all shit out of football.
No slogans
No kneeling
No lighting up Wembley
No poppies
No minute’s silence for non-players
No charities
No laces or armbands for Poo-pushers
Manchester City are hilarious, Captian.
They have rainbow armbands and laces, yet their owners imprison and torture pooves.
And I don’t give a toss if Wokegate’s Wusses beat the Eyeties yesterday. I finished with them over their knee taking and eulogising a black thug and criminal. And as long as that cunt Wokegate is in charge, England don’t count.
All football lost its flavour for me during the Coof, Norm. Watching them play in tacit, empty stadia pulled back the curtain for me: canned cheers pumped in, water breaks, 10 substitutes per match. Next came this kneeling for that druggy Yank thug and racist BLM marxists. After that was “courage” of the laces and muttering how cunty the Middle East was (before the all-expenses trips to Qatar).
Just as I warmed to it again, the V.A.R. is doing its best to ruin the flow. Either that or I see headlines saying Man City 0 Luton 4, only to realise it’s the bloody women’s shit.
Premier league football carrying on as normal, with its extreme and divisive virtue signalling, in completely empty stadiums, proved one thing for certain – they don’t need fans through the turnstiles and neither the clubs nor the players really give a fuck.
Yeah much better back in the day just a big ruck on the way to the station. None of this shite which appears to be so important now just good old insults and unarmed ( for some) combat. Remember the newspaper brick, oranges injected with vodka oh those carefree days.
It was banded about for months something big was about to happen.
I think this is it
Has everyone in a tizzy, from one side to the other in all Nations with notions, confused about what is the right response.
Arsehole woke PC politics exposed like never before
They will do they’re best to draw in Iran and then it’s a really big thing.
A world war is nigh
A fair point, and in the world before soyshul media it would be a fair argument of double standards. However we are now in the world of the ‘mob rule’ pitchfork ranting cunts on this bollocks called social media who all jump on the very fast moving bandwagon stating they will boycott businesses and organisations if they don’t show similar allegiance the mob show to these fucking stupid ‘fad’ movements….so they do as the mob dictate to curry favour. Now though when they don’t, we get a cunting. They can’t win.
They’re talking about the UK taking Palestinian refugees?!!!!
Although neighbours Jordan and Egypt have said fuck that,
Our overlords seem wracked with concern for these cunts.
Clutch the viper to your bosom…
Yes, I read something about that yesterday up to which point I thought it impossible for us to get any more stupid than we already are. The only thing that will stop this madness is large scale, protracted and serious civil unrest.
Mi5 chief says risk of attack raised to severe..
Virtual signalling cunts say let’s,let in thousands of wannabe terrorists in..
This country is finished..
I do a lot of virtue signalling. Two fingers are normally enough to get my feelings across. It’ll be November soon, since 1621 a landmark month in the USA. George Floyd supporters will be out in numbers doing their usual thing on Thankstaking Day.
I’m surprised KFC never celebrated the life of George Floyd with a Limited-time George Floyd variety box meal, including extra hot popcorn chicken that leaves you trying to breathe.
It never ceases to amaze me how these absolute bastards continue to insult the majority of the population.
It doesn’t take much in the way of intuition as to know exactly why the FA and the likes have shit the bed over the latest round of virtue signalling.
I mean, we wouldn’t want one or two of our 4 star hotel guests to get upset and start randomly knifing white folk in the street now would we. Oops sorry – that already happened in Hartlepool the other day though the media are frantically burying that story as we speak.
In the recent 2020 (21) European Championships, Wembley stadium actually piped fake applause over the PA system in an attempt to drown out the boos when Southgate’s fucking simpletons were grovelling on their knees for George Floyd.
What kind of society pulls a stunt like that?
If something is obviously and grossly unpopular with vast swathes of the crowd and the entire population for that matter – then why double down on it? Why insult people to such a degree.
Let’s not forget that the very same bastards they were kneeling for were trying to set fire to flags on the Cenotaph less than 12 months earlier.
That’s why people boo.
It’s quite fucking simple you absolutely cowardly virtue signalling loathsome wankers.
Don’t bother changing the “meaning” or the “message” of the “knee” either.
We all know what it means you fucking idiots so run along now and fuck off while you’re at it.
That was were it went wrong with the booing it gave the cunts the ammunition to call people stupid and racist..
Should of just pointed and done the loudest fake laugh possible..
Thousands of fans laughing at the stupidity of that gesture..
At least Hitler put some effort in when trying to get the people on -side with fascism. Today’s governments, organisations and corporations just assume everyone thinks as they do.
It’s probably why they keep passing these draconian internet/communications bills.
You will comply, oiks!
I haven’t watched an England game for many years but turned the telly on and there was Gazza appearing to powder his nose and rubbing his gums.
I wonder if that’s been removed yet!
SLY NEWS are making it so fucking obvious there support for the Palestinians . They give the Israelis a grilling but when they talk to the Peacefuls they never ask hard questions.
Israel should kick SLY out of the country, i’m sure they will get a warm welcome in Gaza
The BBC too fenton.
Every news story is a sob story from or about Gaza.
Nothing about how Israelis have suffered.
And off topic, our old friend Naga Monkeymachete.
I bet it’s not the only thing she has sucked up….
Most people who go to Wembley come out of the station, see the stadium 400 yards in front of them and off they go. If they turned left and up the steps they would find themselves in High Street, Islamabad. The FA are well aware of the local communidee so they don’t want to do anything to upset them. Of course, if they had never started this political virtue signalling in the first place they wouldn’t be looking like the cunts they are. Once you let one lot in everyone wants a piece of the action.
You stupid wankers.
I used to be seeing the twin towers at Wembley. First time I saw them was in 1976, it was magic.
Now, it’s a crappy arch and spot the Daki.
The new Wembley is shit. Built by the Convicts which is why it was seven years past its finishing date, the workshy cunts.
thanks for this. my organisation, although nothing is public or will be made public, is donating for relief funds for both countries so there is some common sense out there, but they are still scared to come out publicly.
it’s also sickening how much women on social media are foaming at the mouth over Palestine when there’s conflict and death in Sudan, Yemen, and the list goes on. people need to tone it down a bit with freepalestine hashtag. they’re a country like any other with its sins and own history of violence. Israel is not worse than they are. No country has a perfect history. let them sort out their conflict without all this rabid emotional reaction. there’s literally people working for Israeli embassies that have been stabbed harassed or threatened just because they work there there past few week. this is unacceptable
The Fuck All cunts can’t sort football out. What chance of them being able to make sensible, rational decisions about things that do not concern them. Set fire to them along with ISIS, Hamas, Hummus Hezbollah and all the other terror cunts!
Great Nom Techno!
Attending football matches should be an hour and a half of getting away from and forgetting the troubles in the world and your own life. But no, we get the brow beating, it’s our view or not at all shit woke fest that is pro football now. When it suits them obviously. Thick as shit footballers and managers who don’t know any better thinking they’re better and know more than the paying public. Then there’s Dr Gary Lineker MM DSC Nobel Prize Winner, Poet Laureate preaching to the great unwashed like he’s a higher power and prophet. Wish they’d all just fuck off.
This is far too sensible for the money grabbing cunts who run football. Their big money comes from TV rights across the globe, the British contribution to their coffers is fuck all by comparison so they don’t give a shit what we think. Look at how many A-rabs and other stinking foreigners have their claws in Prem League football clubs. The money men only care about our culture when they can sell it to the highest bidder.
Wankers to the max