The BBC (96) and it’s coverage of the Israel/Gaza atrocities


Firstly, unlike the rest of the West, including the UK, Hamas are not referred to as terrorists. So crossing into Israel and murdering over a 1000 men, women and children civilians is an act of ‘militancy’.
There is also wide coverage of the plight of wounded Gaza residents. Shame that the Israeli victims were all dead (murdered) not injured or no doubt the BBC would give equal coverage. Or maybe not.

There has not been any coverage of why these Islamic loonies take on a battle they cant win but only succeed in getting their own people killed. Collateral rather than targetted but nevertheless dead. No questioning of why human lives mean nothing to these savages.
Had ISIS operated in Israel the BBC would no doubt dub them ‘militants’.

The lefty anti semitism of this repulsive organisation is a fucking disgrace.

Sob story about Gaza attached.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble

118 thoughts on “The BBC (96) and it’s coverage of the Israel/Gaza atrocities

  1. I say this first war is wicked. Killing innocent children Jewish or Muslim is wicked.
    That said the bbc bias on show for not telling the truth. That is Hamas are terrorists is both pathetic and disgusting.

  2. Goes to show how far humanity is sinking.

    We had that dirty bastard in the Manchester arena, we had that subhuman piece of filth knifing children in a play park in France a few months ago and now this.

    Children and babies are just fair game now it seems and if you can film it and taunt victims families with the footage via social media- then all the better eh.

    At least the Nazi’s tried to hide their heinous crimes

  3. As for the BBC – what else would you expect?

    To say they’re a disingenuous organisation would be the understatement of this and the last century.

    A corporation of cowards and traitors.

    • The BBC would of given the child hostages to Jimmy savile as a bonus.

      They are the same people protesting for Palestine today in that London

  4. The same BBC that recommend Jimmy Savile as a child minder.

    60 seat majority, Defund the cunts now..

    • Didn’t the Tories promise that they’d do something about finding ‘an alternative funding arrangement’ for BBCunts after the last election?

      They’ve done fuck all of course, and if the Tories won’t take on board such an obvious crowd-pleaser as defunding the shits, who will?

      • Nadine Dorries was a keystone of the defund policy. I agree that she is a twit but I also feel that dark forces sought to preserve the evil status quo.

      • Dom the Mekon was the one pushing that. He fucked off when he said mean things about Prime Minister Carrie.

  5. Just seen some Pro Palestinian march in London on telly. I was expecting loads of Peacefuls but most of them seem to be whitey, no doubt big fans of the bastard BBC. Fucking middle class pricks, fake commies the lot of them.

      • Where they in the pub after? Saw a few down in London. Presumably reminded them of the Dog and Duck in Gaza

    • I’m down the Smoke today and went to have a look, very tame.
      Couldn’t buy an Israeli flag anywhere!
      The loudest noise was a load of girlies singing Sweet Caroline near Leicester Square!

      • Cuntamus; Israel’s objective here is to destroy the remnants of the nation whose land and future viability they stole. This was always the plan and script.

        “But Chops how can you say that? This land was ours! It says so in this book…”

        You mean the one that you wrote?

        “Errrrr yeah sure…it’s your holy book too”

        Oooohkaaaay! One problem… god is not a fucking real estate agent!

  6. The BBC won’t call the people who burn babies, terrorists.

    You don’t really need to know anything else.

    When you see the protests in the UK today. It’s only a matter of time before it happens here.

    They are amongst us.

    Good evening.

    • Yes Jack and when it inevitably happens here (again – let’s be honest), it’ll be multiple excuses, candles and Oasis songs to mourn the murdered.

  7. The BBC call them militants, rather than terrorists, so as to remain impartial?

    Oh, do fuck off!

    I can think of a word beginning with M that describes these evil thugs, and it’s not militant.

    • Yeah those militant train drivers wanting a pay rise.. let’s behead a few children that will get a pay rise.

      • No fucking babies were beheaded! fer fucks sake, all that i24 atrocity porn has been rapidly walked back.

  8. This is incredible, how can the BBC claim they are being impartial when a known terrorist group are committing terror attacks by describing them as ‘militants’

    If I were a militant I would be fucking annoyed, lumped in with Hamas!

    • The BBC may not be breaking the letter of UK law,
      But they’re certainly violating the spirit of it.
      Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in this country.
      Describing them as “militants” the BBC display tacit support for these savages.
      Sailing as close to illegality as they dare.
      Depressingly this comes as no surprise.
      Fuck them.

      • “…Hamas is a proscribed terrorist organisation in this country…”

        You do know that Israel established, financed and maintain Hamas as a controlled opposition to the PLO/Fattah. You do know that don’t you and if not why not?

  9. It’s all about the Progressive Left and the destruction of Western Civilization. And it isn’t limited to the lying, evil propagandists of the Bolshevik Broadcasting Commune.

    It is the official policy of their degenerate offspring, the Communist Broadcasting Commune in the People’s Republic of Canada.

    Fucking Pravda Lives!

    A thoroughly righteous cunting.

    • A generation long exercise in subversion General.

      Thus is the station we arrive at.

      When peacefuls rape and murder – the first thing that enters the minds of swathes of the population is “let’s not offend them”

      A defeatist self loathing attitude that is propped up, aided and abetted by the national broadcaster.

      • Well said Herman.

        One of the reasons for the “let’s not offend them” attitude was voiced by a Dutch politician some years ago (his name escapes me at the moment) when he said after a meeting about Muslim immigrants protesting something in Europe:

        Islam says they’re a religion of peace. And if you disagree with them, they kill you.

      • Yet more reason to keep your firearms cleaned and oiled and maintain a healthy stash of ammo, General.

        Meanwhile, the left want to take your protection away, so when the immigrant scum gangs decide to trespass, break in, rape and murder, all you have is bad language to defend yourself with. Yep, that’s going to end well.

    • “…It’s all about the Progressive Left …”

      Partly, the “progressive left” is just the current suit of it wears that is tailored to the specifics of the current socio-political zeitgeist.

      “… and the destruction of Western Civilization…”

      That is certainly the end game of a 6,000yr old biblically driven hate project.

      Rabbis Fantasize About the Destruction of America

      Nice people…so… something to look forward to there … but if you even dare to point that out you are a de facto anti-semite (whatever that is currently being defined as).

      • I bet you think the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is real as well.

        The ‘West’ hasnt been around for 6000 years for there to be a ‘hate project’ against it.

        The more you post the more your narrative unravels.

  10. What the majority of the public do not know and the mainstream media know but keep quite is the main driving force of these Iranian backed murderers is to kill Jews age sex does not matter, soldier civilian they are enemy’s and must be killed. What is almost as important to Hamarse is to make sure lots and lots of Palestinian civilians are blown to fuck as the greater the tally of blood soaked martyrs especially women children looks real bad for Israel and guarantees a standard peaceful tactic of becoming the victim in the Worlds media. I can only assume that Israel being caught on the hop was down to a level of complacency generated by the meddling of other countries whose ideas for “peace” in the Middle East included money for “aid”.
    My father was in Palestine1947,48 his opinion of the situation from his diary’s was “God help everyone this will never end” and how right he was. If Hamarse is defeated And Hezbollahs arse kicked then there may be a chance for some solution as there must be thousands of Palestinians in The strip that want this utter goatfuck to finish.
    Israel has a right to exist in peace.
    I sincerely hope that all the cunts marching in London fuck off to aid their fellows in Gaza and any act of terrorism that may occur here using the war as an excuse is given life in prison their citizenship revoked and they are fucked out to any shit hole that will take them.

  11. Go, Israel. The thinking world is behind you. They say there are two sides to every story. Not this one. The fucking BBC is a national disgrace. Marxist scum, terrywrist appeasers, and pervocunts. Fuck the lot. Just saying.

    • “…They say there are two sides to every story. Not this one….”

      Fer fuck’s sake 20k … where to even start? So you think this conflict started when you turned the telly on last Saturday? If not then when exactly would you start the stopwatch/bodycount?

  12. You have to laugh at the BBC claiming to be neutral on this issue. Yeah, I’ve noticed their neutrality on Brexit, the fake Climate Crisis and every time there’s an election. I marvel at their neutrality on Newsnight, Question Time and HIGNFY. The very model of impartiality.
    They can fuck off the cunts.

    • Too bad the government is too fucking cowardly to knock heads. I guess they don’t want another Media-Whitehall orchestrated smear campaign.

  13. It took me a few days to catch up properly on this story as I don’t watch or read the news but as I always say if it’s important enough you will find out about it.

    So on Thursday evening I decided to read up on it and it really is like one of those worst horror films where em everyone dies in a violent way but then the credits role and it was just a film except for these poor innocent souls sadly it wasn’t.

    And of course catching up with ISAC I could see that apart from one cunter going too far (although I didn’t read the comments) I have to assume Admin had no choice.

    Then inevitably almost on cue the BBC’s reporting comes in for what turned out to be a well deserved kicking.

    They say they don’t take sides but I’m saying that and reporting as they did clearly they did take sides.

    So here is the definition of a militant and a terrorist……



    favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause.
    “the army are in conflict with militant groups”



    a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
    “four commercial aircraft were hijacked by terrorists”

    I’d say breaking down border walls to gain access to another country and surrounding party goers that weren’t members of the military or any visible political party ie innocent every day civilians just going about their business then slaughter them is both illegal and an act of terrorism.

    These cunts have no shame.

    Despicable cunts of the highest order.

    Oh and btw it’s not hard to call out their hypocrisy, just look up Daren Osbourne and the way the cunts reported that.

    • “…I’d say breaking down border walls to gain access to another country…”
      Do you not question why those “border” walls are there in the first place CuntyMcC?
      “Another country”? No it isn’t, it’s palestinian land remember, upon which a rogue terrorist state was imposed in direct contravention of the established U.N. principles of “self-determination of peoples,” and against the better judgement and vehement advice of every senior US diplomat and military advisor.

      • The United Nations recognises Israel, though.

        For someone who claims to know all about this conflict, you don’t seem to know much about it.

  14. I’m with Derek and Clive when it comes to the BBC.

    CLIVE : You know that big n*gger who lives down the road?

    DEREK: Him? Yeah. Oh, lovely.

    CLIVE: Huge black cunt. I said, I said to him, I said, um, Ephraim, strange name for a black, innit? I said there’s a load of cunts down the BBC and they need sorting out. I said, um, this should appeal to your fucking primitive urges cos you like cannibalism, don’t you? You like eating people alive in a frying pan. I said, go round to the BBC with some of your mates dressed up in your loincloths and that, and, er, paint yourselves up in different colours or whatever you cunts do back in Africa. So he said, er, “oh, it’s nice, that” and “what do we do when we arrive?” I said, go beserk, tear the fucking place down.

    DEREK: Yes, spunk all over the fucking centre.

    CLIVE: Spunk all over the Director General and kill everyone in the studios, you know, and, um, he was all, you know, he got about forty of these c*ons gathered together to rush round to the BBC. And I was really looking forward to it. I was looking forward to tuning in to the news that night and seeing the BBC had been burnt to the fucking ground.

    DEREK: Yeah. Yeah. Four… forty thousand.
    CLIVE: I turned on the Nine O’clock News. There was Kenneth Kendall, calm as a cucumber. No story about anything burning to the fucking ground. And do you know what the cunt, black, n*gger poof, cunt said when he came back?

    DEREK: No?

    CLIVE: “Oh, I’m sorry. I couldn’t find it.”

    DEREK: No!

    CLIVE: “I lost my way”, he said.

    DEREK: Cunt!

  15. I thought I was living in fucking Beirut watching telly today…every cunt wailing about how awful it is for those Arab cunts in Gaza,thousands dead,no water or food,Israeli air strikes everywhere…

    The attitude of the BBC and the rest of the msm sickens me,they are craven traitors who love muzzie filth,can’t wait to make any excuse for them,fill the screen with a parade of Arab propaganda..

    Plenty more to say but I’d get banned..Our country will suffer the same fate as Israel in due course,we are riddled with fanatics who hate us,all abetted by Guardian vegans and broadcast media not fit to run a bath.

    Fuck it,those cunts marching for Palestine should be shot en masse,the talking heads on TV who peddle hamas lies should hang.

    I hope Israel nukes the cunts into oblivion then gives Tehran a fucking good dose of the same..give it all those fucking evil swine.

    The one thing the Arab understands is a harsh lesson.

    Fuck them all.

  16. Hamarse, (nicely put Black biscuit) are cunts and always were. Israel are no angels either. Moresad is all they have practiced
    Cunt of a place to be caught up in right now.
    Yahoo will press a button, if the army, let him that is.
    Very dangerous times and confused responses from State leaders including the EU
    A fkn mess of pottage

  17. I don’t think calling it ‘terrorism’ is strong enough. What happened a week ago was a brutal pogrom carried out by medieval savages. That these Islamo-nazis represent a genocidal death cult, aided and abetted by the useful idiots of the hard Left, is now beyond doubt. And what has happened in Israel is coming here, make no mistake.

    In my opinion Western civilisation is now facing a critical point in its history. Embedded within are people whose sole aim is control if not destroy us, picking us off whenever they can as we saw a few days ago with the murder of a French teacher. Does any Western leader have the balls to stand up and do what it takes to keep us safe and preserve our freedom and way of life? They all know what is needed – no more Islamic immigration, and the deportation, by force if necessary, of the dangerous, maniacal Muslim dross in our midst. By their spineless genuflection to the death cult to date, Western leaders have failed their own people. Well Biden, Sunak, Macron, Scholz et al, the time has arrived. Is any one of you going to grasp the nettle?

      • “…after being hounded out of his job by religion of peace psychotics….”

        Replace ‘muslim’ with ‘jewish’ in that sentence. So what’s the problem when you probably wouldn’t bat an eyelid at the cunts of the A.D.L. when they do exactly that. That is their function, to defame anyone who dares to counter the narrative of the self proclaimed Nation of Priests “those we do not speak of; those we may not name…”?

    • I remember the guy Jesse Hughes from Eagles of Death Metal – he of the band who witnessed a medieval slaughter in the Bataclan theatre nearly a decade ago.

      He later accused the west of lacking the will to fight against Islamic extremism.

      How was he rewarded for that honest and truthful observation?
      By being banned from the very theatre that he and his band mates were nearly murdered in a year earlier.

      Tells you a lot.

      The Western media and establishment have attempted to brainwash their entire populations into accepting this barbaric superstitious p@ed0phile cult as peaceful.

      The sane rational folk, who have a basic grasp of history and common sense, who question or reject it – are labelled racist and effectively cancelled from society.

      Simply fucking marvelous.

  18. Well “Bombing them into the Stone Age” is unlikely be be achieved, for most of these peacefuls, the Stone Age would be quite a step up. Remember when Israel withdrew from Gaza? The peacefuls wrecked everything they could find, Market Garderns, Manufacturing Plant etc. They dig up the pipes the EUSSR paid for to make rockets and they still don’t get called out over it.

  19. Read the BBC explanation of this. It’s all about the legendary BBC impartiality.

    It’s not for the BBC to decide who is a terrorist and who’s a freedom fighter is it? Even if the government has added a group to the designated terrorist list.

    However the BBC has no problems labelling anyone as far right even when there is not a shred of evidence against them.

    The BBC is an enemy of the people.

  20. I have zero love for Israel and my attitude towards Muslims would probably get me kicked out of my position as Grand Dragon of my local…uhh..youth outreach program..where we give blek youths a place to hang around to keep them out of trouble for good.

    Quite honestly, it’s a shame that both sides in the Israel-Palestine conflict can’t lose and spare the rest of the world the constant drivel from this unimportant shit pit region of the world. I understand there is a bit of a passionate love affair going on for the Silversteins on the right wing of politics these days as there is for the Abduls on the left but as far as i am concerned neither of these groups deserve western money, materials, time, support or anything beyond a complimentary thermobaric explosive dropped on their capital cities

    Deport them all back to Mos Eisley, they are missing their Hutt gangsters and Tuskan Raiders respectively.

    • UK Jews keep their (big) noses meticulously clean and have long been integrated in this country, contributing positively to our national life.
      The same cannot be said of a sizeable proportion of the Muslims, who also happen to be far greater in number and are constantly appeased by the establishment and the left.

      • That is true but that statement could apply to a number of groups like Rinky Dinks or Curry Guptas with British nationality. Both prosperous groups with low inclinement to criminal behaviour. Both groups i like but does it obligate Britain, Europeans, western nations or white people in a general sense to support the various conflicts or issues each ethnic group is embroiled in? No. The same is true of Israel and Jews, i don’t care if they were “integrated” to my arsehole like the human centipede.

        The idea that i have to pick a side in a foreign conflict like it’s the World Cup with tanks, bombs and turbans because the dentist who drilled into my maw last week wears a small hat, wont eat pork and collects pennies with a fervour that Super Mario would admire, is unbearably silly.

        As for your comments about Muslims and the left, i am not in disagreement with you. In fact, i already mentioned it in my post.

      • Israel is a firm ally of the West.
        Hamas is a terrorist organisation dedicated to the destruction of Israel, all Jews, and by extension the West.
        It’s a free country – you don’t have to pick a side – but if you’re unable to see the difference between Hamas and Israel then you’re clearly not the full ticket, imo.

  21. I find it mind boggling how the Lefties are quite literally obsessed with the Palestinians and their hatred of the Jews. It seems to trump any other concerns.
    When will they ever learn that they are useful idiots for Hamas

      • I reckon a brown or black could eat a live baby on national television and the purple haired, face pierced, trust fund commie filth would still look for excuses.

        “He’s suffering from mental illness due to Tory NHS cuts”

        “The baby called him the ‘n’ word so the little cunt got what it deserved “

  22. It’s been a few days now and try as I might, I still don’t give a crap about this war.

    OK I admit it, I haven’t tried to care.

    What I do find annoying though is the ‘outrage’ about killing women and children. How is that worse than killing men? All this ‘women and children first’ crap serves what purpose exactly? If you’re in a bad situation, whatever it may be, it’s probably going to be a bloke who’ll save the day. Leaving them behind to save the ladies and their fucking brats won’t look quite so heroic when all the men have been shot/stabbed/bludgeoned/beheaded/drowned/etc.

    I say, save the men first. With fewer ball-and-chains around along with fewer screaming bastard kids, us males could get a lot more done in relative peace and quiet, plus enjoy a quiet pint at the end of it.

    You know it makes sense.

    Glad I could help.

    • I’m not sure I really care that much either. Of course the deaths ov the civilians is a tragedy, but that’s been war for over a hundred years since it was industrialised. All the talk of ‘precision guided munitions’ and ‘surgical strikes’ is PR guff from the govt. 600,000 Iraqis wouldnt have died if it were that effective.
      I’m sure Russians were told the same thing over Chechnya and Ukraine.

  23. I heard the 72 virgins thing may be wrong and it may actually mean 72 raisins (straight up).

    Oh, how good would that be? Some ugly virgin muzza twat blows himself and some innocents up. He gets to the gates of heaven, and on entering gets a bag of raisins.

    “But I thought I get 72 beautiful virgin?”

    “You what? What do you think this is, a bloody knocking shop? Eat your raisins. Some 5 day old curry is on the way too.”

    Carlsberg don’t do religion…

  24. mate sent me tiktwat video today of hammas paraglider flying into a power line went up like a Roman candle feckin hilarious, probably a fake but amusing nonetheless.

  25. The BBC have wheeled out simpering John Simpson in support.
    Here’s a quote….
    Terrorism is a loaded word, which people use about an outfit they disapprove of morally. It’s simply not the BBC’s job to tell people who to support and who to condemn – who are the good guys and who are the bad guys.
    Really John? I mean honestly?
    Have you actually read or listened to anything your employer has been churning out over the last couple of decades?
    Climate change, racism, Brexit. It’s all one sided. They DO take sides.
    And they’re doing it here and now.

    • I did see that, FMC.

      I nearly choked on my own vomit. With their never ending list of woke, hypocritical discrimination and hatred towards the common man and traditional British values, THIS is what they assume the moral high ground over?

      You simply couldn’t make it up. The worst part is, I think John ‘puppet’ Simpson actually believes what he’s saying. Uber cunt.

      • Exactly.
        ‘Terrorism is a word used to describe an outfit you disapprove of morally’
        So he’s saying they don’t necessarily disapprove then?

    • Pure faggotry.

      It’s not up to the BBC to decide colonialism and slavery were wrong.
      Who were the bad guys? no mention of Arabs, or Ottomans, or the ethic groups in Africa enslaving the minorities, not even a word on the Portuguese and Brazil which comprised the vast majority of the trsnsatlantic slave trade.

      Fucking useless. Defund them then demolish every building used by the BBC.

  26. BBC are using at least one journalist who has family in Gaza (clearly a Muslim).

    See their live feed right now for details.

    No bias there then ?

  27. I wonder who’s side the BBC and the Wokey Left would take if radical Muslims started targeting Christians and Christian institutions?

    “Death to Christians”
    “The Bible is for Infidels”
    “Kill the Bishops”

    etc. etc.

    And then started firebombing churches and killing a few innocent people at weddings and christenings

    Would the BBC still support them? Would the BBC still call them militants? Would the woke Left rejoice at the end of Christianity? And what of that Welby twat? Would he just stand to one side and let it all happen for fear of offending Islam?

    A fanciful notion, but the conflict in Israel and the damning protests in our cities, could be sufficient for radicals to kick off big time. I wonder if the BBC has even considered that awful scenario – Muslims killing Christians in the UK over religion.

    We’re a step closer to that nightmare becoming a reality, ably supported by the stupid media and the in-denial Woke

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