A greedy fucking expenses cheating banker of a cunt. But I my own mind a fucking Stupid fucking Cunt. And I mean class A* stupid.
This fucker worked for Citibank specialising in; yes you’ve guessed it financial crime.
Cut to the chase he has been sacked for fiddling his expenses. We are not talking MP’s level of expense claiming fraud but the price of a coffee sandwich and bowl of pasta.
The silly twat took his wife with him on a business trip to Amsterdam and ordered a meal for them both. Sarnie pasta and coffee twice. When he returned he filed an expense claim in for the meal. His boss challenged him why two of everything. Were they all for him.
Now we are talking 20 30 quid here and he could have just come clean. But no this silly shithead starts to lie and ends up tripping over himself and gets the sack.
He has just lost an industrial tribunal and now is without a cushy well paid job.
What a fucking total tool of biblical magnitude.
Nominated by Everyonesacunt.
Some cunts just don’t know when they are onto a good thing. Stupid cunt. ?
Silly cunt, Why not get a receipt for half? You’d still have your job then. I bet his Mrs is nagging him into an early grave.
Got to be a twat took his wife to Amsterdam.
Should of gone hungry and used the expense money on prostitutes.
Never make a politician, not slippery enough.
Pimping the Mrs mayhap? Allegedly
Obviously a fucking foreigner with a name like that so shouldn’t be here stinking up this country. Fuck him.
I bet this cunt will go for an appeal. Might even play the usual “R” card.
Probably see millions of protesters demonstrating outside of Citibank HQ; or gluing their heads to the building.
But then again I bet the bosses at Citibank fiddle their expenses to a far higher degree – allegedly of course.
Bankers are all cunts, so fuck ’em.
Fekete fuckedit
Szalbollocks is obviously a cunt. He doesn’t get it. It’s not about the money but the fact that he lied and blew trust and confidence out the window. As a financial crime specialist you’d think he had the nouse to plan the perfect sandwich fiddle. If he’d have come clean he would have just got a rap on the knuckles.
A twat, he would have known the rules and broke them. If he had come clean, he might have got off but his expenses would have been checked with a fine tooth comb.
A bloke I knew was sent on a sales trip to Lebanon. He came back with a stack of orders and an equally impressive expense claim. His bosses called him in and asked what the item “were-hor-Ess” was. He looked at it and said whores , how do you think I got the orders? They took the moral high ground and refused to pay. After his next trip out there they scrutinised his expenses claim and told him they were pleased there was no claim for whores. Victor replied “they are there you just have to find them” Victor ended up doing 5 years for VAT fraud.
Good Morning.
Sounds to me like his employers wanted rid of Slackbollocks and the pillock gave them the excuse they were looking for.
With that level of intelligence I recommend a career in politics.
I agree Geordie, I think you’ve nailed it there. I’ve seen this done a couple of times by previous employers. When redundancies are being arranged it’s always seemed clear to me that the criteria for who goes are set down to get rid of the people the management want rid of and not necessarily the least productive. For this reason I’ve always felt that the only way to take redundancy as an employee is to grab the cheque and get it cleared to your account before the ink is dry. I’ve known two cases where people have fought redundancy successfully. In both cases said employees were tracked in every detail of their job and eventually caught out on some technical disciplinary offence. Both were fired on the spot, no pay out, no come back and no reference.
Szabolcs Fekete?
What sort of fucking name is that?
They should have sacked the silly cunt just for having to go on a course just to learn how to pronounce his name.
No doubt his wife will now divorce him and he’ll become a destitute alcoholic.
Jolly good.
I said his name out loud and the pictures on the wall started spinning.
Pronounced ‘Sad Bollocks Fucked It’.
what the fuck is a ‘coffee sandwich?’ ????
Coffee an Pasta?
Is shazbot simple?
Wife in Amsterdam?
Id of sacked him for eating pasta.
Took the wife on a business trip to Amsterdam. Surely that is a coal to Newcastle situation? If it had been me I would have made bloody sure the Mrs. was left behind.
Unless it was tinned pasta shapes in tomato sauce.
Alphabetti spaghetti is classed as a learning aid.
Different world – £86 a day for meals? We get £5.50 for lunch but only if you’ve stayed overnight.
He should have kept quiet.
Better to give a set amount and let the employee spend it how he likes.
Had a mate that was a salesman for Oracle.
He had a 250k expenses fund for the year to spend however he wanted .
Basically got his and his clients cocks sucked every night and made several million in sales commissions for the effort.
I wasn’t jealous. Honestly.
sounds like a diversity hire
another useless fucker who can’t do things properly:
Luckily for us the doctors will flog themselves to keep the freeloading cunt alive.
FFS can’t these Pat Boons do anything right?
I see the problem here as Shazbot lacking imagination.
If your going to fiddle expenses do it well.
If you drive a electric car don’t put in a receipt for £500 of diesel.
Don’t put in a receipt of £1500 for stationery.
Be a bit canny.
Most on here would be well on they’re way to being a millionaire given a expenses account.
No one’s ever been stupid enough to give me one.
They should print a full-page picture of the knobber with “Thieving Foreign Cunt Caught Out” above it.
Snozzle is definitely a downtrodden husband and it was his wife who got him into trouble. Its a wonder he’s lasted this long in the job. Even though an idiot, I think he should still keep his job, for be an honest worker for a change.
BEING an honest worker. Feel better for correcting myself.
If you google CitiBank scandal you get pages of various times this bank has been embroiled in financial errors and frauds totalling hundreds of millions a time.
The same bank wired 500 million to the wrong people and couldn’t get it back in one instance.
Laundering money for organised crime is another financial crime the banks been caught for.
It’s telling that they can identify an employee misusing their expense account for the price of a meal but are unable to explain when they lose millions of customers money.
This guy was probably fired because he used company money when he should have been using customer money for his trip.
The fact this bank is stil trading tells us al we need to know about banking. This poor cunt probably thought he was expected to at least make a token effort at corruption if he wanted to get promotion working for a bank where making money disappear is standard practice.
“He also said that he was having personal difficulties following the death of his grandmother, had taken six weeks of medical leave and was on strong medication when he replied to emails.”
If the six weeks of medical leave were because of his grandmother’s death,
then all I can say is, “What a fucking snowflake”.
It’s hard to get good employees.
As Warburtons bread salesman and crybaby Robert DeNiro will tell you.
The Taxi driver star and professional gurney is in court in Manhattan fighting his dismissal of a personal aide,
A blonde woman called Graham.
He called her at 4am after falling down the stairs.
When the judge asked why he didn’t wake his wife?
” she was sleeping I didn’t want to disturb her”
Happy to disturb a employee though.
You talkin to me?
Eh? You talkin to me?
Gurner. Professional gurner.
Twat of a phone
Graham was getting paid 300k. Wants 12 million damages.
Is Graham a common name for women in the US?
Fuck knows what goes on in the States these days? Graham reckons Robbie got sexy with it? I’ve not researched Graham but give it a blokes haircut and you’d think it had a dick at some point?
Dunno, but I’d give Graham a wide berth ?
This is the kind of name you’d probably take with a glass of water before bedtime!
Its that time of the year, when sadomasochistic yanks, stick their cocks out of the letterbox and ask children to pretend it’s a lollipop.
His parents gave him a pseudonym, before is-a-cunt was ever dreamt of.
Another entitled City boy with a freeloading cunt wife.
If only the public sector were as hard on expense claims as Citibank.
Digression : ICC World Cup. If England aren’t careful, they’ll be walking out to bat with a wooden spoon before its all over.
This cunt thought he was Bobby Axelrod from Billions, thought he could behave like some entitled cunt taking his wife (I don’t believe him on this, I think it was some whore from the red light district) for a free lunch, thought he was Charlie big potatoes, only to be slapped down to whipping boy.
All the complete mong had to do was fess up but no, he chose not too and now looks like some cheap schmuck and a tight arse cunt too.
His wife is probably feeling a bit of a tool too that her husband, who was most likely on a good salary was taken out for lunch, which was then expensed. I can only imagine Xmas day in their house, walnut whip and a piece of coal for a present. He’s probably mean with his cock too.
I can just imagine the champagne fuelled London dinner parties now – wish I was a guest at one of those as I’d call out the cunt all evening for being a tight arse.
There’s a few cultures out there known for being tight with their money but I won’t mention them for fear of being ‘cancelled’ but I bet he is of that heritage.
No surprise to me. I’ve know some money grubbing stingy cunts in my time. I’ve been on Facebook this morning and seen the usual confetti of ‘My Diesel Claim’ ads. What harm did these claimants suffer themselves? None. Worse still, one fucker had written asking about his eligibility to claim for his four, fucking four, Motability scrounge wagons. The thick cunt couldn’t even spell Motability which surprised me because the grasping twat might well have coined the term. He should be used for a You Tube video of a main battle tank running over a Motability car with him strapped inside it.
I don’t see the problem. He’s a lying, cheating sack of shit i.e. a banker, so why fire him? I bet the CEO is no different.
He’d never make a politician. Not devious enough.