Steve Coogan and the so called Reckoning.
As the much despised BBC are about to broadcast their Jimmy Savile ‘drama’, I reckon it’s time their reckoning was cunted. There are a few points that stick in the throat about this series..
1. The fact that it is on the BBC. A drama about the wrongdoings of Savile on the BBC is a bit like Leni Riefenstahl making a film about how bad Hitler was. All that ‘nobody knew’ stuff is bollocks. Is that why Sir Jim’ll was banned indefinitely from Children In Need and John Lydon got a long BBC ban himself for daring to speak out about Savile? Anyone else having a go, then fair enough. But the BBC lecturing us about one of their own? Nah.
2. That insufferable leftie luvvie Coogan himself. Coogan has gone on record about how he wanted a particularly unsavoury scene where Savile is in a morgue to be changed as he felt ‘uncomfortable’. I thought this was supposed to be a no holds barred serious drama about what a bastard Savile really was and that no punches would be pulled. Crap, of course. If Sir Jim’ll did fiddle with dead bodies, then people should know that and it should be put in. Coogan and the BBC have endlessly gone on about how this thing is supposed to be a warts and all account about how truly evil Jimmy Savile was. But how can it be when the star of it bottles out of doing certain scenes just because he feels a bit queasy? I thought actors (proper ones, that is) would do anything for their art.
3. The title of this series. The Reckoning. What bloody reckoning? Savile was never caught, he was never arrested or charged. And the BBC – who are now lecturing us about him – let him run riot and have the keys to their kingdom. So, it isn’t a reckoning for Savile, and it certainly won’t be any sort of reckoning for the BBC themselves. They – like their former golden boy Sir Jimmy – will still go unpunished over this. So, this so called Reckoning achieves nothing.
Nominated by: Norman
Freddie the Frog, has also something to say on the programme…
The Reckoning……BBC whitewash.
Yes, I’ve watched all four episodes of this BBC bullshit and here is my critical review.
Sir James OBE, was a dirty pe*v*rt bastard but how was he allowed to get away with it all those years? Well it was all down to stupid blokes.
Wimminz saw through him straight away, despite the fact they were the ones he was fucking, but blokes always said “ that’s just Jimmy being Jimmy, he’s just having a laugh.”
Yeah, blokes are so dumb.
The only BBC executives named are Sir Bill Cotton CBE and some wimminz who sussed him from the start, didn’t want him to get the Top of the Pops gig and constantly moaned about the cunt. Naturally Cotton said “ well it’s my decision not yours” like any arrogant sexist man would……obviously.
No mention of the top Old Bill who protected him and the highest cunt in the NHS they showed was the head Porter at Leeds Infirmary, someone he grew up with and did the “Jimmy being Jimmy” stereotype.
Naturally, his wife saw right through Savile straight away and constantly warns him but, being a dumb bloke he doesn’t see it. Fuck me!
I noticed that the BBC had no hesitation in naming his kiddy fiddling mate, the Mayor of Scarborough, and making sure you knew he was a Tory. Which brings me to Margaret Thatcher. Every other wimminz could see he was a fiddler, especially when they were sucking him off, except Thatcher. What a massive BBC surprise!
And then we come to the title….”The Reckoning”. We all know there was no reckoning, especially for the top cunts in politics, the coppers, the BBC, the media and even the Royal Family who protected this piece of shit.
Well, according to the BBC Sir James was a devout Catholic who was constantly worrying about dying and God judging him at the pearly gates. Therefore all his charidee work was intended to offset his kiddy fiddling in the eyes of God.
Yeah fuck off BBC you cunts…..who the fuck do you think you are fooling?
PS. You probably won’t read this review in the Guardian.
And just to add to the monumental cunting, here’s Big Cuntus
BBC, The Reckoning, Race Swapping.
As some of you will know the BBC is airing its new drama based on Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE NONCE. In a move typical of the Beeb they have decided to throw in some much needed diversity by race swapping an ACTUAL victim who killed herself because she was molested by Sir Nonce of Nonces.
I have no problem with the actress at the end of the day she is doing her job and they cast her my problem is with the BBC thinking it would be in good taste to have diversity over reality.
Even one of the investigator into Savile’s numerous crimes thinks this is in poor taste obviously people on Twatter think he’s wrong because their Woke twats probably.
I want to add something that did they change victims name from her real name. However with it being based in reality I still think its in poor taste especially in light of what she did to herself.
Everyone involved in making this shit show is bathing in Saviles reflected glory as far as I’m concerned.
The Cunts have no shame and the BBC is flaunting its credentials for employing s3x offenders.
End the BBC now!
Haven’t watched it.
Not the slightest intention of ever doing so.
Made by cunts about cunts for cunts.
Good afternoon.
Watched by cunts.
A Cunt s tale told by the cunts that enabled him to carry out evil. And acted out by a self righteous cunts.
Now then,now then. Guys and girls..
What a surprise the slimy cocksuckers that are the bbc, trying to weasel out of responsibility for that monster..
This is a program that needed making.
By any company other than the BBC.
This should have been covered by South Park. Look at the reaming they gave those cunts Hairy and Meagain.
If it looks like a whitewash, sounds like a whitewash and smells like a whitewash then it’s a whitewash.
I wonder what smells like if it’s a shitshow?
Is this their way of saying sorry ? Giving us back our license fee money over the years, would be a start.
Steve Coogan didn’t have to reach too far into his well of peřviness to play Savile, I reckon.
If he hasn’t paid fetish hookers to do their fore and aft business on his face, then I’m a Hamas terrorist.
Back in the 90s and early 00s Mr Coogan was rather fond of the old Columbian marching dust and prostitutes (allegedly) and I recall a story in the press about how he regularly attended a bordello and made Hugh Grant’s dalliances with Divine Brown look like Howard and Marina in Last of the Summer Wine.
But of course in the eyes of Coogan and his fans that was over 15 years ago so is long forgotten and doesn’t count.–_r5eW0
I know his wife left him because of it. He was a right dirty cunt.
Steve Coogan didn’t have to reach too far into his well of peřviness to play Savıle, I reckon.
If he hasn’t paid fetısh hoọkers to do their fore and aft business on his face, then I’m a Hāmas těrrọrist.
You are most certainly not.Thomas.
A militant fighter.maybe.
I remember once my old Mum (Gawd rest her soul ) watching Jim’ll Fix It and saying “ I wouldn’t let that bloke near any kid of mine.” Now, if she could see it, just by watching him on the telly, how come cunts who worked with him for donkeys years couldn’t see it? Fucking BBC. Reckoning my arse.
My mum was the same, the tv would go off and she’d say, summat wrong with him!
They could see it and that’s why the BBC should be shut down and most of its top players thrown into cells.
Like the header pic.
Although what Alan partridge and Wendy Richards have to do with it I’m not sure.
BBC on savile?
Well do what you know best.
A dentist does teeth
A farrier shoes horses
BBC does sex offenders.
Well that’s you banned from the eastenders launderette.
Keep it up and no grace brothers either.
That cunt Coogan is miscast. Should be Russel Brand for authenticity.
He has got the hands
Why did they wait until he croaked before giving him a kicking, the p*rverted bastards, fucking BBC.
The BBC are a British embarrassment, how the fuck can they avoid using the word terrorist to describe a prescribed terrorist group.
At the end of the credits, it said made by ITV studios for the BBC ?
Well they are cunts too , and Sky, and Channel 4..
And Channel 5 – all cunting cuntfucks.
Apparently the BBc had editorial control..?
I reckon someone who knew Savile well was arch hypocrite, Dame Esther Rantzen , founder of Childline and such a fucking Saint. I saw her once filming outside a hospital, ordering her crew about and talking to the make up girl like she was dog shit. If I was that ugly I’d be a lot more polite to someone who was trying to make me look good. Like all these slebs all sweetness and light but off camera absolute arseholes.
Fuck the BBC. I fucking hate them.
I watched this.
Boring and depressing.
A hell of a lot of woke fiction thrown in for good measure. As is the norm for any crap television or film these days.
Savile and the BBC were made for one another.
Treacherous,utterly corrupt lying vermin.
Industrial sized oven Unk
Pile of steaming horse ?????
I didn’t watch it.
I already know the truth.
Jimmy was cast as a national treasure, raising money for kids charities,
A eccentric rum old cove.
Who was friends with royalty,
Prime ministers,
Lots of powerful people.
But in that industry it was known he was a dirty fucker.
To be fair they probably didn’t know he fucked corpses
But they knew he liked underage girls.
They’re all guilty.
John Lydon ( Johnny Rotten) got a life ban for daring to hint at it in 1978
They will already know who the next one will be. Probably reveal who after disbandment, to soften the blow.
How much longer are we going to tolerate the BBC having the legal authority to tax us to watch television, even if we don’t watch their fucking broadcasts? FFS it stinks like a blocked drain! Years ago now when the FCC was getting some stick in their defence they told the American public they should think themselves lucky; in the UK you have to buy a licence to watch television! And if they come up with some scam like putting a charge on the rates or my broadband subscription, well they can push that up their arse holes until it comes out of their ears. If they can’t sell their product on its own merit then they have to do like the rest of us and go get a fucking job! Grrrr! Vote reform!
If you cast your mind back for a second the BBC shelves the original Newsnight report led by Liz Mackean and instead aired a tribute program to the late Necrophiliac OBE.
It’s genuinely is hard to know where to start on the BBC but I have to assume that certain powers in there really do have some very juicy shit on so so many establishment cunts.
How else can they be so utterly unaccountable.
I recall eventually watching the Liz Mackean report and in it she aired a recorded conversation with the dead cunt a year or so before it died.
She puts the allegations to it and it says well you know all this money I raise for charity if you run with this story that will dry up and who’s fault will that be or words to the effect.
The cunt knew what it was doing and it occurred to me this trope had probably been used a thousand times before.
The BBC is as much a part of the establishment than the establishment itself.
It’s there to tell us poor Prols what’s good for us and what we should think.
Hilariously every now and then a politician that’s in charge of ‘Culture’ will pick a faux fight with it, threatening the licence fee but anyone who thinks that will ever happen must read Alice in Wonderland and think it’s a true story.
And Steve Coogan can go and fuck himself.
I remember in the early 90’s watching 3 fights 2 weddings and a funeral and he was fucking brilliant.
So he made his name playing Paul Calf which as it happened turned out to be absolutely the class of person he despised and looked down on.
The recurring thought I always have is cunts like this and the woke screaming brigade have never been twated because when you have, when you’ve had a good kicking it teaches you respect and when to wind your neck in.
Now then, now then! What’s all this then? Four more dollops of leprous BBC filth. Nothing changes.
I might have known that fat media whore Coleen Nolan would milk this Savile thing and ‘react’ to it. As certain as death and taxes. What a fucking cunt. A slug with lipstick.
And this revisionism that wimmin were against Sir Jim’ll and that nasty old men gave him free reign. Total bollocks, of course. What about Maggie Thatcher and that tombstone toothed corrosive bitch Fester Rancid?
And – naturally – the sprinkling of sambeaus who were never there originally makes this supposedly warts and all cautionary tale into the wokw shitshow we knew it would always turn out to be.
And the praise that Coogan is getting is rotten and all. The voice is pretty good, but al this shizer about him being ‘eerily like Savile’? Leave off. He’s like Alan Partridge in an old ladies wig. Coogan’s ego is monumental enough and his cunt level is code red already. But this ‘acclaim’ will make the insufferable cunt go even further up his own arse.
That’s exactly what Coogan’s performance is Norman
Alan Partridge in an old lady’s wig.
What does this abominable program do.
We now know the cunt should have burned.
We know the BBc covered up his crimes.
We know west Yorkshire police and others covered his back.
We know all the fucking pop stars who appeared on Top of the pops knew what he was up to.
Only one called him out.
May a curse be upon them all..( apart from John Lyndon)…!
Francis Ross of Quo also knew about Savile. Francis claimed the ‘Leeds Mafia’ freemasons, MPs, coppers, and the lie are still protecting Savile even when he is dead.
Reputed to be a 33rd degree mason making him an untouchable in the wider scheme.People in general have no idea how all encompassing and nefarious high-level masonry actually is.It holds the entire rancid establishment together.
At the 32nd/33rd level all are aligned,judges (especially them) rozzers and politcos.Saville fixed a lot of very dodgy stuff for his circle and had a taste for satanic ritualism.
This ‘drama’ will subtly steer us away from the real deal of him as per designed.
It was shite.
This ‘extensive’ research seems to be loads of cunts (wimminz who worked at the BBC etc) saying they knew what was going on but no cunt (men) listened. The BBC also try to convince you that they shelved Savile at the end for being a weirdo, but that’s horseshite. They kissed his fucking arse when he died and had loads of Christmas specials lined up to honour him.
Coogan’s prosthetic chin looked ridiculous.
And it was just shite anyway. Boring.
So let me get this right in my head then:
The BBC won’t show episodes of Top of the Pops from decades ago that had Jimmy Saville in them so as not to upset the victims and cause further trauma.
But then they make a television programme about what a monster he was and have someone dress up as him and re-enact some of his vile deeds?
And that won’t upset the victims then or cause further trauma will it??–_r5eW0
No doubt they’ll conveniently exonerate themselves of any culpability.
It’s very simple….
The faux shock and ‘outrage’ over this reckoning shite has been stomach turning.
The slags on Loose Women for a start. Well, that was to be expected. Especially with that obese leech Coleen Nolan. Her cashing in on it was a cast iron guarantee.
But while every media whore and celebrity twat is acting all ‘traumatised’ and nodding sagely, both major TV networks knew about Sit Jim’ll and his depravity.
In 1998, Frank Skinner (while on ITV) did a joke about a Jimmy Savile fruit machine. Skinner said ‘Jimmy likes to put it in the tiny slot’. So he knew for a kick off. The audience at the the time greeted Skinner’s joke with knowing mumbles and groans. The whole country knew Jimmy was a wrong ‘un.
And Coogan is now a bigger cunt than ever (you wouldn’t think that possible). He knew this Savile ‘tell all drama’ would be a whitewash, and he also knew it would be woke. But both suit him, being a liberal leftist BBC lackey luvvie turd.
Coogan is a piece of shit with his fans.
When one asks him for an autograph (however nicely), he just blanks them. Walks past, doesn’t look at them, totally ignored like they are non-persons. I have seen him do this twice at Manchester Airport.
He also milks Partridge to death, but he gets ‘irritated’ by fans who shout Partridge’s catchphrases at him. What does he fucking expect? Robert Lindsay said that – even all these years later – he still gets the Wolfie Smith slogans and fist salute when he’s out. Lindsay said it was a compliment and part of the job.
Coogan is one of those cunts who laps up the perks of fame (money, flash cars, prossies, Page 3 girlfriends, marching powder), but doesn’t want to be ‘famous’. What a cunt.
Also, he knew that this ‘tell all drama’ would be a whitewash. He also knew it would be woke. But that suits Coogan. Being a liberal leftie BBC loving turd.
Poor old Savile. If only he’d lived a decade or two later, he could’ve used all the cards available for the inevitable Get Out Of Gaol Free:
• Mental Heath
• Autistic
• Asperger’s
• Diddled by a family friend
• Minor Attracted Person
The first episode was all I could stand. It was like a shit Spitting Image sketch with 60s tunes you’d never heard. I’ll watch the re-make in ten years’ time with Savile being played by Idris Elba or Dev Patel.
Savile didn’t need any Get Out Of Gaol Free cards.
He wasn’t even outed until a year after his death!