The Reckoning, Steve Coogan (7) and the BBC (95)

Steve Coogan and the so called Reckoning.

As the much despised BBC are about to broadcast their Jimmy Savile ‘drama’, I reckon it’s time their reckoning was cunted. There are a few points that stick in the throat about this series..

1. The fact that it is on the BBC. A drama about the wrongdoings of Savile on the BBC is a bit like Leni Riefenstahl making a film about how bad Hitler was. All that ‘nobody knew’ stuff is bollocks. Is that why Sir Jim’ll was banned indefinitely from Children In Need and John Lydon got a long BBC ban himself for daring to speak out about Savile? Anyone else having a go, then fair enough. But the BBC lecturing us about one of their own? Nah.

2. That insufferable leftie luvvie Coogan himself. Coogan has gone on record about how he wanted a particularly unsavoury scene where Savile is in a morgue to be changed as he felt ‘uncomfortable’. I thought this was supposed to be a no holds barred serious drama about what a bastard Savile really was and that no punches would be pulled. Crap, of course. If Sir Jim’ll did fiddle with dead bodies, then people should know that and it should be put in. Coogan and the BBC have endlessly gone on about how this thing is supposed to be a warts and all account about how truly evil Jimmy Savile was. But how can it be when the star of it bottles out of doing certain scenes just because he feels a bit queasy? I thought actors (proper ones, that is) would do anything for their art.

3. The title of this series. The Reckoning. What bloody reckoning? Savile was never caught, he was never arrested or charged. And the BBC – who are now lecturing us about him – let him run riot and have the keys to their kingdom. So, it isn’t a reckoning for Savile, and it certainly won’t be any sort of reckoning for the BBC themselves. They – like their former golden boy Sir Jimmy – will still go unpunished over this. So, this so called Reckoning achieves nothing.


Nominated by: Norman


Freddie the Frog, has also something to say on the programme…

The Reckoning……BBC whitewash.

Yes, I’ve watched all four episodes of this BBC bullshit and here is my critical review.
Sir James OBE, was a dirty pe*v*rt bastard but how was he allowed to get away with it all those years? Well it was all down to stupid blokes.

Wimminz saw through him straight away, despite the fact they were the ones he was fucking, but blokes always said “ that’s just Jimmy being Jimmy, he’s just having a laugh.”

Yeah, blokes are so dumb.

The only BBC executives named are Sir Bill Cotton CBE and some wimminz who sussed him from the start, didn’t want him to get the Top of the Pops gig and constantly moaned about the cunt. Naturally Cotton said “ well it’s my decision not yours” like any arrogant sexist man would……obviously.

No mention of the top Old Bill who protected him and the highest cunt in the NHS they showed was the head Porter at Leeds Infirmary, someone he grew up with and did the “Jimmy being Jimmy” stereotype.

Naturally, his wife saw right through Savile straight away and constantly warns him but, being a dumb bloke he doesn’t see it. Fuck me!

I noticed that the BBC had no hesitation in naming his kiddy fiddling mate, the Mayor of Scarborough, and making sure you knew he was a Tory. Which brings me to Margaret Thatcher. Every other wimminz could see he was a fiddler, especially when they were sucking him off, except Thatcher. What a massive BBC surprise!

And then we come to the title….”The Reckoning”. We all know there was no reckoning, especially for the top cunts in politics, the coppers, the BBC, the media and even the Royal Family who protected this piece of shit.

Well, according to the BBC Sir James was a devout Catholic who was constantly worrying about dying and God judging him at the pearly gates. Therefore all his charidee work was intended to offset his kiddy fiddling in the eyes of God.
Yeah fuck off BBC you cunts…..who the fuck do you think you are fooling?
PS. You probably won’t read this review in the Guardian.


And just to add to the monumental cunting, here’s Big Cuntus

BBC, The Reckoning, Race Swapping.

As some of you will know the BBC is airing its new drama based on Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE NONCE. In a move typical of the Beeb they have decided to throw in some much needed diversity by race swapping an ACTUAL victim who killed herself because she was molested by Sir Nonce of Nonces.

I have no problem with the actress at the end of the day she is doing her job and they cast her my problem is with the BBC thinking it would be in good taste to have diversity over reality.

Even one of the investigator into Savile’s numerous crimes thinks this is in poor taste obviously people on Twatter think he’s wrong because their Woke twats probably.

Metro News

I want to add something that did they change victims name from her real name. However with it being based in reality I still think its in poor taste especially in light of what she did to herself.

50 thoughts on “The Reckoning, Steve Coogan (7) and the BBC (95)

  1. Were there any satanic rituals?
    Was there any corpse fucking?
    Was there any glass eyes as rings?
    Was there any masonic stuff?

    No? Then it’s hardly the true story, is it?
    The BBC did this shite to close the book. For Savile and mainly themselves.
    I hope it doesn’t work, and I hope someone else (not the Beebscum) tells the real story and destroys the bastards.

  2. I fast forwarded through the first episode of this just to review this nomination. This is not how Savile narrowly evaded justice it is “The Jimmy Savile Story” without all the details.

    What about him being given the last rights shortly after being born (Some illness for which he wasn’t expected to recover), being a miner or being a professional wrestler. How did he go from that to owning a Rolls Royce? I assume his unnamed friend was supposed to be Ray Teret. At least some victims got justice when he was banged up.

    There aren’t many people who could play Jimmy Savile, says Coogan. Well there isn’t much call for Jimmy Savile impersonators these days. There’s Hugh Dennis and Robin Colvill out of The Grumbleweeds I suppose.

    I think this programme is totally unnecessary and a bit of an insult to the victims. In a later episode is he interviewed under caution about being the Yorkshire Ripper? Or that time he was chucked off a boat (on to dry land I should think) for touching up a teenager. My gran mentioned that in the 1980s. I don’t know where she read it but it must’ve been true. She had the measure of him.

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