Sheffield City Council (2)

are a bunch of cunts.

They really do need a map in order to find their own arses!

the star

His Landy was a van, according to these geniuses, and he’s spent God knows how much time, effort and money to prove them wrong.

Like him, I wonder how many others SCC have ripped off, who haven’t bothered to fight them.

Bloke, you’re a fucking hero, and I can hardly wait for the next local elections, because we’ll be voting this load of crap out.

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

38 thoughts on “Sheffield City Council (2)

  1. Clean Air Zone my arse. Nothing more than outright legalised fucking theft. Fuck Sheffield Council and fuck every Council in the country.

  2. Even by council standards Sheffield are a bunch of lying, money grasping cunts. Has the matter of them chopping down all those trees be resolved as yet or is it another ‘ lessons will be learnt’ exercise?

  3. Not being a driver. What’s the craftiest way of putting out of order, the likes of noisy air polluting pieces of shite such as this ? Just asking, out of interest.

  4. I presume the councils are allowed to come up with this shit because the government allowed it?
    Next they’ll be putting tank traps on all routes in and out

  5. Clean air zones are just a stealth tax, no matter what any oily sand rat says about health issues..

    Non compliant vehicles would be banned not give us a tenner and pollute away..

    Long live the blade runners..

  6. Fuck em, they really are trying to create a society where we live in cold homes and cycle everywhere whilst the elite live in luxury.

  7. This is typical local authority. They abuse their power every day. Some readers may remember my posts regarding a car which was dumped in our road in the spring. It is there still. The local authority refuse to remove the vehicle because it is declared SORN, statutory off road notification, i.e. it is untaxed and should not be on the public highway. WTF? This road is definitely public highway. Government web site states that the local authority have a duty to remove it. It doesn’t happen. Reports by a number of residents to DVLA, the police, the local authority and our MP produces no result. Our local councillor and our MP do not respond to correspondence, be it by phone, email or tracked letter.

    It occurs to me that Sheffield council admit to lying in court. If I did that I would be banged up for perverting the course of justice.

    • I remember that thread; a couple of solutions were proposed of which one in particular stood out as being the likliest to induce an instant response, that being for a stealthy, darkly attired resident with a rattle can of suitably contrasting paint (e.g. neon orange) at 2 in the morning spraying a big fuck off Swazi on its roof. It’ll be gone within the hour … or … your whole street will be put under armed guard as they go house to house!

  8. The Socialist Republic of Sheffield. Very apt. They’ve run the city centre into the ground. Using the magic money tree time and time again on vanity projects. Liverpool still has a reputation, don’t get me wrong, but what they’ve done to their city centre is superb. Us, the council have just spent £600k on shipping containers outside the town hall. Complete and utter turds, but then there’s the turds that vote them in year after year. They would vote for Pol Pots skeleton if you put a red rosette on it.

  9. Councils are just central government’s arsehole. Used to drop the shit onto the local community. Net Zero – plop. BLM – plop. LGBTQ – plop. Housing quotas fro dinghy riders – ploppity plop. Covids, plop, ploppity, plop, plop, plop….

  10. Sheffield CC will probably go the way of Birmingham CC and go bankrupt.

    Incompetence in high office doesn’t mean you’re accountable at an individual level. Councils spunk hundreds of millions on virtue signalling ideas that never really pan out and don’t make any kind of profit. And when that happens councils go running to the government asking if they can increase council taxes by more than the mandatory 5%.

    On top of all that, council workers are sacked and there’s a half-investigation by auditors wanting to know where all the money has gone. But more often than not they don’t find anything (or if they do they don’t name names). No one is to blame, no one goes to jail. Instead council bosses quietly walk away from the murder scene and find another well paid cushy job elsewhere.

    Councils like central government, are managed by incompetent, woke-fuelled cunts

    • I hope they don’t go bankrupt, Techno, simply because lots of small businesses that contract work from SCC won’t get paid, council workers will find that their pension fund has been raided, sorry, I meant they borrowed it temporarily, to cover a shortfall of misappropriated funds, again sorry, I meant an unanticipated overspend.
      They are a disgusting bunch of people, who think neopotism is a religion, and the only decent thing they ever did was fly an Israeli flag off the Town Hall.

      That turned out well, didn’t it?

  11. As seen with ULEZ , I do think we are finally arriving at a point where pre we might see mass civil disobedience.

    They’ll all be scratching their heads as to why.

    The thick fucking cunts

    Imagine having a job where it was just sitting in a room coming up with ways to make the people who pay your wages lives more difficult

    I hope they all fall under a tank

    • As Mrs Thatcher nearly said “ULEZ if you want to, the lady’s not for turning.”

      What would Denis say? Other than “pour me another Scotch old boy.”

  12. They’re completely and utterly fucking useless. With all the green spaces and the Peaks nearby Sheffield has the potential to be one of the UK’s best cities and yet these cunts are holding us back.

    • Who’s responsible for the roads in Sheffield?
      Do they use the same company they use in Gaza?

      Up your game you shower of shite.

      • I don’t drive Mis but the (lack of) bus services and the endless parade of traffic lights when one does eventually turn up drives me insane. Where I am is that bad for traffic that I would be in favour of making it public transport and private hire vehicles only – I really can’t see any other way around the problem.

      • Mis, they were given about £55m by the Government ( never lose sight of the fact that Government money comes from tax payers) to fix the potholes.

        If you are lucky enough to live in certain areas of our City, the roads are as smooth as silk, as are the footpaths.

        The damage done by the, and I quote here ” 16 foot wide and 20 feet long, Canyonaro” they all seem to possess, even the 17 year old has the “junior miss” version is unbelievable, but heyho, there’s 23.5m left in the budget!

        Meantime, plebs like me just bounce and rip our exhausts off..

        I’d machine gun the lot of them.

        Oh Lord, please buy me an ak47.

      • Hello JP?

        I went to Froggatt.
        A very old pub looking out over the Moors called the Grouse inn,
        Had a turkey Sunday roast dinner that was very good indeed.

        Then a walk on the Longshaw estate

        Great place.?

    • Same as our smalltown very narrow roads, asking the population the town they said ‘ Do what you like it’s like that all the time’?
      Holiday makers make it undrivable, the problem is parking they cant build to the south because all marsh that floods,to the north is an un-affordable large carpark that no-one uses because it’s all digital an not very good in practice, to the west again is marshland & creeks,
      and of course the north sea to the east petty time wasteing cunts.

  13. This is typical of cuntcil behaviour up and down the land.

    Many wankers who work for cuntcils come in at ten and go at five. They get paid, a nice pension and are union protected against being overworked. If they fuck up, its taxpayer’s money and they will defend the indefensible as long as the little man is put in his place.

    Fucking cocksuckers. I used to work for a cuntcil myself until I had the good sense to get out before I became institutionalised. That was over 25 years ago. I had some hardcore lazy cunt colleagues – it beggared belief.

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