(Sir Andrew Jeremy Coulter Edis PC)
No room at the ( HMP) inn.
The obvious solution, build more prisons, but then the nimby party start objecting. Yes, but not here, you hear them cry.
How about releasing some convicted of fraud or similar non-violent crimes, and making them work their sentences picking up litter, painting over graffiti, gardening for the infirmed, or even harvesting for farmers.
Alternatively, reintroduce the death penalty. I’m all for that.
These people are going to jail, but eventually, when they need to be locked up now, as soon as they are convicted, and not allowed out on bail pending a sentencing hearing.
If that means they have to share a cell meant for one with Bubba, tough!
Nominated by: Jeezum Priest
Another case of the ‘experts’ not keeping their eye on the ball. They must have had plenty of figures indicating how full the jails are, and should have reacted. But no, wait until they overflow and then just let people out.
Oven. A big fucking oven.
Everything is overcrowded these days……GP surgeries, hospitals, dentists, schools, benefit offices, roads, housing, you fucking name it. That’s what comes of years of increasing the population without the matching infrastructure and resources. But don’t worry…..just put a plaster over it and watch some cartoons.
And don’t be raaaaaaay-sist!
There’s an easy way of reducing the numbers of male prisoners which has already been tried in Scotland to great acclaim. Get each incarcerated rapist to pretend to be a bird by putting on a wig and pink leggings and house them all in women’s prisons. As former Empress Nessie herself said, anyone who thinks this is a bad idea is homophobic, transphobic and their opinion is invalid.
I quite agree, my son is in prison, for death by dangerous driving, even though the other cunt was pissed out of his brain when he pulled out in front of him. He went to hospital with NON threatening life injuries and somehow the NHS missed some vital clues and the poor cunt died 8 days later (not their fault they claim). He has kept his head down and moved through the system to the point he is in Category D now, down from category B, out working and comes home once a month for a few days. Anyway I digress, most of the lads in with him are back in on recall to finish their sentence because some little bitch has had a row with them or wants to split up and have phoned the police with some bullshit story. No ifs, no buts straight back. When you see the really nasty cunts getting off with community service or a suspended sentence for something nasty like assault, knife crime even rape, it fucking boils my piss, and Lord Edis is a complete fuckwit.
they aren’t letting him out early by the way.
I’m sorry to hear this, PC.
Our current politicians are such absolute wankers with no life experience, having gone from school to university, reading PPE, and then a cushy job as a parliamentary researcher (if female shagging your MP) , and then offered a seat somewhere. You shouldn’t be allowed to stand for Parliament until you are at least 40, maybe 35 if you have been in the armed forces.
They knew about the lack of prison space 20 years ago and did fuck all about it. The short term answer is proper community service, in chain gangs in pink florescent uniforms with arrows on them, picking up all the litter that despoils our roads. Anyone who fails to turn up 6 strokes of the Birch for the 1st offence.
What do you mean “if female shagging your MP”? Homophobe!!
Anyway, don’t knock it……it didn’t do Kamala any harm. Any day now she could be President of the United States.
I like this, Wanksock, with armed guards on horseback supervising them.
Having a degree in personal protective equipment must be very useful in times of epidemics, if you are trying to get dodgy contracts for masks, gags, rubber gimp suits &c…
Eldis looks like that creep Kermode, and I suspect he is likewise a waffly, pretentious twat. Quite likely a diddler.
how about releasing all the mothers in jail for not paying the BBC scam tax.
Voice of reason, yes some criminals could be punished in other ways. Working off their debt. However, a chap I knew was a criminal bit like Dell boy bought and sold loads of hooky gear. Not a violent bloke, also wise. He got several months working unpaid went straight down to the quacks and got a sick note. Didn’t do a days work.
I guess many others would be wise to this.
Fuck reason build more prisons to house criminals get corporate cunts to sponsor them for the cost. The KFC clink house or the Big Mac and fries Big house. the Halal Hoosegow etc.
Can’t be anymore dangerous than letting thousands upon thousands of undocumented young males into the country..
Luckily we don’t do that..?
He likes a drink
The obvious one in one out system, being the one ready for release goes early.
Gas chamber the lot
It’s a tad uncreative, Edward. I believe the death should reflect their crime:
Death by heroin injected into your ballbag.
Terrorism? Dropped into a huge minefield, all filmed by a drone.
Rape? Rogered to death by Diane Flabbatamous wearing a strap-on.
Agreed ?
That Sir Andrew Jeremy Coulter looks like the smuggest cunt I’ve seen in a long time. I bet he’ll be dining at his Club tonight with some old school chums and the finest wines available to humanity.
Followed by some immo rent boys obviously.
That Pickwick looking cunt in the header pic is on the wrong side of the bars.
Clearly some sort of deviant.
Probably a toilet trader?
Or a glory hole cutter .
Can tell by his face.
I don’t agree with prison.
I agree with hanging.
Don’t care if you’re a litter bug, rapist, robber, or speeder,
You should fuckin swing.
That’s the spirit.
Raperist,armed robbers,terroristees, serial burglars and drug peddlers can all dangle.
Just for starters..
Keep Britain tidy.
No he was stopped because he was ticking..
And he stunk.
I don’t blame the Canadians Unkle. Good on yer.
Why have we got an MP called Mohammed?
Where’s Liberal Liquidator?
Not another one walked?
Dunno Mis, now you mention it I haven’t seen LL for a while.
Hope he’s ok ?
Not trapped in a customer’s shed scratching at the windows and drinking Baby Bio to sustain himself.
People, all check your garden sheds, just in case.
Everyone rushes outside, 17 cunters report being savaged by an enraged cat, 9 report a dessicated cat by the shed door, and one, worried about his stash of “home brew” finds it almost all gone, but with a cheerful LL curled in a corner, using a bag of compost as a pillow, singing ‘Don’t Fear The Reaper’ quietly to himself.
What a greasy looking individual. Long skewer up his arse, and kebab him.
This is my local MP.
He’s actually more useless than the totally fucking useless Tory cunt we had before him.
Only got in because his name’s mohammed. Alot of postal votes, apparently……
The cunt wasn’t even born here; shouldn’t be allowed on this continent, let alone an MP FFS.
Fucking taxi driver.
MNC – you are Albert Pierrepoint and I claim £5.00.
That wet liberal?!!!
Oh I’m the super XXL Pierre point .
What this country needs.
A good boot up the arse and a healthy body count.
Fuck em
Another thing that grinds my gears is the differences in sentences that Judges award.
You might have two similar cases, one gets 3 years, the other seven.
I get that there has to be guidelines, and maybe, just maybe, a first time offender should not be given as long as a habitual criminal, but as I’ve just said, the cases are similar, committed by the same age group, same previous history, so why the difference?
And you can lay odds that a woman commiting the same offence as a bloke will get less jail time, if any at all.
Plus people of colour ??
‘Extenuating circumstances’ and all that jp, lying cunts.
Bet most of you on here have been in prison?
Probably for dirty stuff.
Or petty theft.
Lot of gypsy fingered fuckers on here.
You people disgust me.
No prison can hold me, I’m the English papillon.. making my escape on a bag of walnuts
Nope, but a mate’s brother has been in and out for beating people up, including a policeman.
Apparently Ford Open Prison is effectively run by the inmates. I’ve heard that from multiple people.
There a re lots of AWOL inmates per year, but the first large town many encounter is Bognor, so they soon return to prison.
Shoplifting is now a crime free offence so none of them cunts in clink….!!
Why not deport them to the Falkland Islands? Time to make Port Stanley a penal colony with hard Labour. It will have the additional advantage of annoying the Argentinians as well. And if the back doors of the RAF transporter accidentally fly open en route ditching the cunts in the Atlantic, why worry.
Surely we’ve something closer to home, like decommissioned oil platforms in the North Sea.
Preferably where the recreational facilities are a ping pong table, with one leg shorter than the rest and only one bat, and a library stocked with Mills and Boon historical romances plus 6 identical copies of Readers Digest condensed stories, all with the same last three pages ripped out.
That’s a perfect description of the reading material to be found on the shelves at Wallsend library Jeezum.
Bit hard on the sheep.
Northern Ireland and Wales could pay their subsidies back by allowing several gigantic prison-cities to be constructed. They could house all sorts, including the dinghy crews.
Newport is practically there already.
Prison overcrowding is a pressing issue and no mistake. One solution would be to follow the example set by the Nawab of Bengal in 1756. Another would be to reintroduce the oubliette. I have many others. I am available to offer services as a consultant on the matter for a modest honorarium.
These feckless jailbird fuckers should be paying for the bread and water they wouldn’t be getting if I had any say.
Get the antisocial little cunts filling potholes
Digging for coal
Picking fruit
Whilst clapped in irons
Pay your debt to society you fuckin waste of skin.
Shake that bush boss!
Evening, MNC. I understand the the chain gang has been adopted in Burma/Myanmar, learning from their betters in Alabama. It is used for major infrastructure projects. HS2 could have been a fuck sight cheaper!
Hello 20?
Burma is leading where the UK fears to tred.
Light years in front in matters of justice and penal reform.
And they take no lip off the Muslims either
Chain gangs, I like it. Overseers to be equipped with cattle prods to ‘encourage’ those disinclined to pull their weight.
Twelve hours on, bread and water, six in a cell with a can to shit in.
Any complaints and you’re stuck in solitary for a week, with only Big Eric the arse grinder from E wing to keep you company.
Cunt could be Ed Balls’ long-lost, illegitimate elder brother.
Prison ships would be the answer – converted cruise ships that would otherwise been scrapped. Anchored a few miles off the coast.
Any shenanigans by the in-mates then airlift the staff and scupper the fucker with torpedoes.
Capital! ?
That’s perfect, Paul.
That cunt looks like a psycho pervert. Excess prisoners? No problem send them to Avdiivka and use them as Shtorm Z suicide squads.
Fuck me under moderation…..
Erk alors !
It’s John fucking Christie.
Search his cellar.
Trust me, he will have a cellar.
The govt. should look at a two-for-one strategy for social housing and prisons.
Design and build structures that can be used as both. Many tenants of social houing projects will end in prison anyway.
For imprisoning murders, rapists, fiddlers ect. 3m x 3m x 3m boxes made of 3 inch thick, steel mesh-reinforced perspex with transparent floors, ceilings an walls facing out and inward to the corridor and opaque walls separating cells.