Today whilst at home, I’ve had to listen to an absolute fucking cacophony of badly behaved fucking brats squealing, screaming, screeching
bawling, shouting and crying and it’s doing my fucking head in.
The worst is the brat in the next block over, i may have mentioned it in my ‘door slammers’cunting.
It barks like a dog, squeals like a stuck pig and wails and screeches and screams like a fucking banshee.
And then there are parents outside sometimes encouraging them, the other day there was a bunch of the brats outside who all got too exited
and simaltaneously started screaming the place down.
They are not necessarily always outside in the open but perhaps actually inside the flat. There’s more than one, and i’m sure they set one another off.
There are also youngsters that get ferried to school and back, they can’t even go the fifty yards to the car or house when coming or going
without announcing themselves at the top of their lungs, every single fucking day.
Fucking parents, fucking kids, give me strength.
I’m an easy going person who never starts or seeks out conflict but by God these fuckers are going to get a foul mouthed tirade one day.
I keep saying to myself that its the fucking parents fault but maybe some kids are just fucking brats through and through.
I’m pissed off while writing this so i hope i don’t come across as too much of a cunt. (Some other cunt just slammed their door as well)
Soon be winter, closed windows and bad weather may help, another reason why i hate summer.
All i want is a bit of peace and quiet, not a fucking zoo
Nominated by polite cunt
Those screaming brats will be the Generation Betas – even more entitled, grasping, attention-seeking and generally more fucking annoying than the Millennials, Gen Zeds and Gen Alphas we’re currently having to contend with!
Feeding time at the zoo = school dinner time
Braying thick as shit foghorn cunt adults should be shot and their offspring conscripted into the armed forces.
Morning Gents.
By the time they “grow up” into adulthood (assuming being an adult is still something you attain at the age of 18 in 10+ years time), they will probably be living in caves with no cars, no central heating, no meat, no dairy products, no venturing out beyond your front gate and indoctrinated with woke shite by the MSM, while having to go to prayer at the local mosque 5 times a day.
Do you think it will really take as long as ten years Techno ?
the speed of lunacy and woke is accelerating everyday, hopefully it will do an impression of a runaway engine and explode .
Foghorn cunts, Unkle? I have to say, I resemble that remark!
‘Braying foghorn’
You’ve met my sister-in-law?
Those thoughtless selfish cunts who bring a screaming baby or a feral little shit onto a plane to scream non stop for several hours have a special place in hell reserved for them.
Likewise, the arsehole parents who think it’s a great idea to being a small child onto a packed rush hour tube to cry and grizzle for 20 stops need a fucking slap.
Alright, Odin,
Same can be said for the parents who bring their free-spirited little darlings into boozers.
It fills me with mirth when the little cunt evidently bashes its head on a table and they up and leave.
Free-spirited = Obnoxious little cunt with shit, weak-willed parents.
Nothing more irritating than trying to relax in the garden on a sunny day, and hearing screaming kids..
All hopped up on sugar making the same noise over and over again..with the occasional weak plea from the useless parent to play quietly.
when I was a kid, if my brother’s and I were starting to get a bit noisy in the garden, our mum would pop her head out and ask us to keep it down as we were disturbing the neighbours. we’d get a second warning, if it happened again we were brought back indoors. can’t see that happening in this day and age. lazy fucking parenting?
Spot on. Why the kids have to announce themselves to the world on full decibels when they exit the house? Or scream in the garden? If you did it people would call you out. “But they’re only children” is the cry. That’s why you should be telling them how to behave as soon as possible. There’s a park nearby I’m paying for if they want to let off some steam.
Grumpy Old Git.
Cunts. As a kid if I had made an exhibition of myself in public I would have got a slap from my Mum right there and then. Plus another one from my Dad when he got home from work and heard the sorry tale.
To be fair these days they would both be arrested for child abuse. That’s why we’re soft as shit and ripe for the takeover. You ever seen Peaceful kids fucking about when their parents are around? Not fucking likely. You soon will though……as long as they are annoying the Infidel.
Peaceful parents won’t lift a finger to stop their brats annoying the infidel.
I was pushing my youngest on a swing a few months ago when some dinghy chimp came over and started grabbing my sleeve, trying to get on instead. Didn’t speak a word of the King’s, just feral grunting at me.
The coven of jibber-jabbers (all female) sat in the park did nothing to stop him. He started to make my one a tad nervous but I was quietly chuckling at the sheer entitlement of the little cunt.
A manoeuvred my body between him and the adults and gave him a cheeky knuckle under his jaw, moving on before he started to bawl.
Not my proudest moment, but neither one I entirely regret.
I wouldve shouted at the Jawas to come and grab their spawn.
Schools are not allowed to tell children they are naughty nowadays. When I played up in the 70s, my arse saw the slipper.
If my playing up was exceptionally egregious and cuntish, my arse would see the bamboo cane – a very thin tool with a black plastic handle for perfect grip – affectionally known by my Dad as the “tickling stick”. When you heard the kitchen broom cupboard door latch click, you knew it was time to hide. But there was no hiding from the “tickling stick”. Fuck did it sting.
An arse tanning from my Dads parade belt was standard punishment for being a shit. If I was very naughty then a large spoonful of Castor oil was shoved down my throat, nasty stuff I’d rather the belting. Imagine applying Castor oil to a discordant child now, though I’d consider a kombucha tofu kale ‘smoothie’ worse.
Spot on, Mr Polite.
Fucking tattooed hags have as many brats as possible. More brats = more bennies. It’s a career choice. All with different fathers to add a bit of spice. It is also important for each brat to have its own ‘vulnerability’ issues. ADHD, on the spectrum, tourettes (Aka fucking bastard wanker disease), all mean a few more quid of other people’s hard earned money to jangle in their mother’s trackkie bottoms.Then, not satisfied with me having paid for their shit, the fuckers have the temerity to wake me up in the fucking mornings screaming blue cunt at one another as they are shipped off to the hell on earth that must be their schools.
The sooner the brats grow up and get hooked on drugs the sooner things might quieten down. The real nightmare will be if they become alcoholics and start fighting, shouting and pissing themselves in the high street. Children. they are the future.
Good morning, everyone.
Hell is other people.
I was at immigration in the States, we all know what fun that can be. I had suffer 10 hours from this fucking brat. The huge fiercesome immigration officer was checking my papers and it started again…. she stared at it and I said ” 10 hours of that”. She smiled stamped my passport and said have a good vacation.
I can still hear the cunt 30 years later….
Fortunately being by myself, I don’t need earplugs brought to me, I’m in ample supply and they’re not cheap. When younger, I’ve had my fair share from overzealous children, only they’ve become worse due it being illegal to chastise them and they take advantage of that. Its more of the case that parents are getting worse at not making them behave from early age. Its always been a difficult experience and more talk is about how fortunate you are in not having them living nearby.
I decided at an early age that I wasn’t going to raise any children, and I didn’t. I didn’t want the trouble, I didn’t want the noise, I didn’t want the mess, I didn’t want the expense, I didn’t want the inconvenience, I didn’t want the responsibility. Why would I choose to spend my life breeding when I don’t even like children? I don’t just dislike them, I loathe them. I detest them. If the nearest kid was fifty miles away, it would be too damn close.
The woman who lives next door has got herself pregnant. Chances are I won’t last much longer anyway.
These cunts don’t raise children either, they just have them.
I don’t hate kids, but i’m no good dealing with them and I’ve never wanted them. I’ve had people trying to convince me otherwise since I was at seconday school.
‘You will one day’
‘You”ll make a good dad’.
No thanks. I was never interested. Nowadays it costs £180k to raise a child to the age of 18.
Never wanted to marry either, never have and never will.
I’m too selfish with time and money, but at least I realise it
Imagine the following scenario come 2030 – the year when Net Zero really kicks in.
Owen Jones – PM of Great Britain (but not Northern Ireland anymore)
Katie Price – Chancellor
Harvey Price – Secretary for Education
Phoenix Rose Black-Daley (Tom Daley’s son) – Secretary for Alphabets
Abdula Hussein-Jones – Secretary for Children under 12
Prince Fuckwit Harry – King of England (William had an unfortunate accident!)
Migraine – President of the USA (recently divorced from fuckwit)
Gary Lineker – Middle-East Peace Envoy
Greta Shitforbrains – UN Secretary General
Princess NutNut – WEF Secretary General
All very unlikely of course, but future generations will no doubt have to put up with equally moronic twats as we’ve had to put up with this lot over last 10 years or so.
Makes me shudder to think of all those idiots mentioned, what they were like when children.
With my trusty earplugs in place, I’m free to enjoy my public transport to the supermarket and back. What a waste of time that was. Not a single unruly child around. Will have to watch some CrazyShite episodes of families being kicked off aircraft instead. Better luck next time.
Morning everyone.
A whole bunch of the little toerags, mostly from one flat plagued the area a couple of years ago. they were at it everyday after school and all weekend long.
Then i walked past the flat and it was empty.
Thank fuck i thought, peace and quiet at last.
Wouldn’t be suprised if they got evicted, the council must have got multiple complaints. There was even a number to ring to complain put up on the noticeboard.
Don’t take long for others to breed new screaming machines.
Mostly stanley or indian families, seems they can’t/don’t want to tell them to shut up either, bad as chavs.
What is worse are cunts who have dogs that leave them in the garden all day and the cunts bark at anything and everything – starting at 6.30am.
We have an access alleyway at the back of our house and this little cunt of a dog next door barks at his own shadow.
This sometimes starts the two cunts that are in the other garden and before you know there’s a fucking dog orchestra going on.
I really want to drop kick the cunt over the fence and tell him there’s nothing there so shut up or I’ll have your balls cut off and then you will have something to whine about.
May I suggest Ex lax chocolate? A couple of those broken up and thrown over to the barking cunt will work wonders.
Or a bit of raw meat smothered in rat poison, plus a bit for the cunty dog owner too.
Lob a mars bar over the fence.
I believe they are meant to be toxic to man’s best shitting machines.
Today’s children are hyperactive due to what they eat and short concentration spans of entertainment.
We ate what was available after the war. I would entertain myself with a game that came in a small tin with the word “OWZTHAT” on the lid. I sat quietly playing it. Taking as much time as a real cricket match to complete. Happy days.
Modern parenting (biggest blame) and modern teachers are to blame.
Little Rylan and Kylie can do no wrong. Every cunt who has a kid now has a brat that they say is either a) autistic or b) ADHD/has some cunting syndrome or is c) a ‘genius’. What, so nobody is born in the ‘normal’ range, like 90% of every other generation then? Get to fuck.
I saw a series on new teachers a while back. Felt sorry for some who were shoved in some ‘diverse inner city’ schools. The kids were little bastards. Calling the teachers all sorts. Starting fights. Getting phones out and refusing to put them away. Sucking their teeth when told to sit up properly or pull their fucking pants up.
One kid was effing and jeffing telling the teacher he hates him. Teacher is all something like ‘Oh it’s ok to be angry. I accept how you feel because I can’t control your feelings mmmkay.You can talk to me anytime you need to mmmkay, you know that, right?’
Did it work on the disrespectful, rude little cunt? Did it fuck! Made him worse I thought.
No, the only language little cunts like this understand is a wallop round the fucking ear and kicking out the fucking door, after the entire staff room have all piled in to give the little shit a dig. Then the parents called to ‘Come and get your obnoxious chimp and don’t bring him back.’
My application for Education Minister is in the post.
Get to fuck.
And screaming brats on planes? Count yourself lucky. I sat behind a screaming brat for about 12 hours on a flight to Sri Lanka once, mid 90s. And it was shitting every 5 minutes. Fucking stank. Was dry retching at one point . They refused to move us (me and an ex tart) as they were full. ‘In first class?’ I asked. She just smiled and said ‘I can’t do that, Sir.’ Air Lanka it was. They went bust I heard? Good. Karma you cunts. I was almost hoping we’d fucking crash, give the little cunt something proper to cry about.
Jesus that sounds like a nightmare Cunty.
Wonder if any airline does flights with no kids allowed.
Maybe Warner Holidays will start up an airline, for adults 50+ only.
50+? That would take forever to get off the runway. Doris Air.
‘Can we just pop to the shop on the way?’
‘Have i left the hob on?
Did we let the dog out?
Wheres my pills? I put them in the bag…’
Fuck that.
See, all these cunts that have been listed would have never been tolerated under a certain 1940’s regime. Every last fucking one of them would have been disciplined, and then re educated in a camp somewhere. Any failure to comply would been met with instant death! And they say the allies won? Don’t think so, and now they reaping what they have sown!
Not much to ask, a bit of peace in your own home. Since the building of the social housing at the end of the road and the nearest new builds to me have four bedrooms. The sunny evenings and days are filled with screaming, crying hysterical barking and really shite music. What with Bob the noisy cunt builder right at the back his fucking lawnmower sounds like a d4 cat. Strimmer Stan next door to Bob with a strimmer that appears to be powered by a fucking v8 even the decorators they employ seem to strip paper with a pneumatic drill. My sanity is mighty stretched
But in todays U.K. just have to keep a stiff upper lip till the meds run out any way
Why the fuck do they use that Dinesh Kartik or whatever his name is to commentate on the cricket (yes, I know, I know)? The fucker is unintelligible.
He’s one of those Indians who speaks English at 500mph.
“Ohhh that’s great bowling by he reakkygitrjbifcnnhhgdftjlof ohh bbjbble nhp vnbbat cbg og.”
A bunch of hooting and hollering chimpanzees by the sounds of it. Are you sure you don’t live next to a zoo polite cunt?
I do, there’s a primary/junior school at the end of my garden. Not in it, just backs onto it.
Zoo escapees maybe, there’s also a twat that laughs like a hyena at all times of the day and night.
I thought the Serengeti was in Africa.
All kids can be noisy and muck about. But these modern ones do take the piss.
Can’t get their way in a supermarket and they bawl like they are the Devil. Seriously, can’t eat their sweets and it’s an epic satanic chimp out and spazzing about. But, instead of getting a well deserved crack, the evil little cunts either get their way or some turd soft modern parent is trying to ‘get down’ with their own kids by calling them ‘bud’ ‘dude’ ‘mate’. It’s sickening to witness and is part of the downfall of English family values and the stiff upper lip. Whatever they want, they fucking get.☹
And ones ‘playing’ in the street, screaming like they are being murdered. Don’t set me off about those fuckers.
And ones ‘playing’ in the street, screaming like they are being murdered.’
If they lived in South-east London, there’s a good chance they are
And teachers aren’t allowed to slap the little cunts now either. No matter how deserved it is. I taught at college and university, but I could and would never teach at primary or secondary level. Feral sadistic devious little bastards most of ’em.
I recently found out that corporal drubbings stopped the year before I started school. Still happened a little bit with some real nightmare kids. i got jostled by a couple of teachers because they were in a hurry, or I’d said something a bit cutting. Many of them were fragile and had shit personal lives.
Stlll, with a lot of the unruly children, you just had to look at their households. Almost always no dad, and that was the lare eighties/early nineties. I grew up in rural Sussex and there were dozens of kids at school with no dad at home. Half of my mum’s friends back then were divorced or living apart from the father of the kids, and those kids were almost always demented brats who would play fairly until you had to say no, at which point they’d attack you, scratching snd screaming. Fucking feral.
My brother had one scratching him while his mum was on the phone, yakking and puffing like a chimney, pretending nothing was happening. My brother put him through the side of the little sister’s wendy house. Apparently defending himself made my brother a bully and a thug. These days the slag would probably try and get compo for emotional distress.
Another family of cunts my mum knew took the piss by leaving the house in a state when house-sitting for us. Cigarette burn on the kitchen floor, filth in the BBQ tray, my dad’s beer all gone, and ketchup stains on the dog (a white boxer).
I’d always disapproved of a lot my mum’s friends and their chavvy brats. They were always lethargic, jaundiced chain-smoking divorcees who fed their kids on Microwave pizzas chips and beans.
After the shite we came back to after the holiday, It might have finally sunk in that my mum needed a better class of friend.
Fecklessness in parents isn’t so modern.
Your not a cunt, polite.
The unfortunate fact is 90% of people in this country are self entitled cunts and with each subsequent generation these self serving fucktards are having kids which we are now seeing.
Most people are cunts so it only stands to reason their kids will be bigger ones as they are less intelligent, mentally immature and underdeveloped.
We moved off an estate to a house on a 40mph zone as it stops fuckwit parents moving here as their are afraid their fucking idiot kids will play with the traffic.
It’s great most times but there’s 1 house at the back with a massive garde, and I am almost certain they were given the house or got it from inheritance. The only cunts around with kids and whne they are in force, they get their families kids over and the parents send their kids to play at the bottom of the garden, away from their house, of course, but pissing other people off.
Seriously, don’t feel bad about cunting children. They have only themselves to blame.