is a cunt.
I would like to nominate bigotry and hatred. Not what the progressive left deems to be bigotry and hatred, but REAL bigotry and hatred. The kind where someone hates a particular country so much that they want actual children to be killed. The kind where someone despises an entire group of people simply because of their religion.
The kind where someone willingly celebrates and incites violence against said people. The kind where someone uses a pretend philosopher persona, and the veil of wanting peace, to justify their violent bigotry. We saw it here yesterday. I hope to fuck we never see it again.
Nominated by opinionated cunt.
I endorse this cunting because some things that were said last night have no place in a civilized society, even one that cunts cunts C.A.
Agree opinionated cunt, it is one thing to say I hate such and such because they are cunts. I hate Man Utd for example, I have too because I’m a Leeds fan. But I don’t wish them dead or their kids dead or their women rape etc. I just wish them relegation. ..To league 2
Well, I was hiding in my cellar, counting pennies!
All joking aside, OC, well said.
I’m sure there are good and bad on all sides. The problem is working out which ones are which until it’s too Late
I’m not going to slag off Miles.
I liked him.
Can see why he got banned though.
Weird , for someone who’s a Christian to not like Jews when Jesus was Jewish?
Can’t get my head round that.
But I don’t think Miles is full of genuine hate.
Just had some misguided ideas.
I’ll miss him, he could be quite funny.
He’d been on here before I turned up.
Cancel culture for an opinion is rife.
As a rule I don’t contribute to controversial nominations such as yesterday’s about Hamas. If I want to be drawn into an intemperate slanging match there are plenty of other online forums I could choose.
However I do usually read what others have posted here and accept that there will be some comments that I disagree with or even find distasteful. I presume opinionated is referring to Mr Plastic’s postings, and I have to say I though they went way beyond the pale. Sadly, therefore, I think his removal is justified.
‘Thought’ not ‘though’, penultimate line.
That’s exactly why I refrained from commenting, Geordie, not to mention that I am not sufficiently informed on the whys and wherefores of a rapidly escalating, and saddening, situation to offer a reasoned comment.
Don’t wish to poke the bear here as I don’t wish to be banned.
I could be wrong here but it appears to me that as it’s Israel and Jewish people that have come in for hateful flack, all hell has apparently broke loose.
I personally don’t think Miles Plastic’s hate filled ramblings are much worse than some of the other things that have been written on here over the last 6 years I’ve been visiting this site.
Disclaimer: I don’t have anything in particular against Four by Twos.
Or what I posted on here 5 minutes ago! Now removed by Admin.
Fair enough. I’m not looking to get banned, obviously.
Guess I’ll see you chaps tomorrow!
Thomas you are very welcome here, your posts are generally excellent reading. We do have to follow the law it is as simple as that really sir. C.A.
Ho ho, yes of course.
But my blood is boiling and I feel incapable of saying any thing even remotely positive, so I think I’ll sit this evening out with no posts and watch ‘The Shield’ instead.
While I don’t want to get my ass smacked and banned, I will admit I have witnessed a few occasions on this site where there have been posts about Israel and Jewish people which have been quickly cancelled.
Now, I think this is down to a greater narrative in MSM and the worked in general, something I see often – anything bad sad against this society is wrong, most other things are fair game.
That said, I do not condone what has / is happening or the situation there (which partly the west caused) but in the short time I have been on this planet it does seem, on occasion to be quite one sided.
This is simply an observation of mine, but as I am a cunt I could be wrong.
Hello Herman,
I must respectfully disagree with your remarks.
As the IsaC Faithful well knows there was no love loss between myself and Miles.
Independent of that mutual dislike, his remarks were reprehensible and he got what he deserved.
Not looking to start a fight. Just saying there is a line. And Miles crossed it.
Note, this cunting is not about Miles, it is about abhorrent hate speech, also hopefully it serves to remind all us cunters that there are laws regarding this. Laws that we have to follow. C.A.
Well cunted OC.
Unfortunately for MP, he failed to anticipate the Pope being on the Admin team…
Admin: As Miles has been banned, is that a permanent ban or a week’s naughty step ban?
Just curious.
I’m sure he’ll be back, Thomas, like the Worcestershire Warrior.
And gimpy Gordon.
Lost count of how many times he’s been banned now.
At least 5.
There is a difference between calling out a cunt and feeling schadenfreude when they are exposed, fail, or otherwise meet their demise and pure outright fucking evil rejoicing and promoting the death, pain and misery inflicted on others whom we dislike.
IsaC is a better place today.
We have another rare moment of agreement.
Is it?
Why not call him out yesterday then?
If you felt so strongly about it.
I attempted to respond but my remarks vanished.
Perhaps some things are best left unsaid.
I’ll tone it down and try again.
1. Off line and in the real world there are some issues that keep me from participating as much as I would like. As there is a 6 hour time difference, I’m often unable to follow a nomination or respond in a timely manner.
2. There was a lot of animosity between myself and a certain member who made some objectionable posts. Anything I said would be tainted through the lens of that animosity and (possibly) perceived as a personal attack.
As I have resolved to stay away from anything smacking of a personal attack and have limited my responses to mostly positive affirmations on remarks made by others, I decided the best course of action on those posts I did see was to stay out of it and let it play out.
I’m confused General.
You were that appalled and outraged by what Miles said you thought staying silent was best?
Thank fuck
(only joking GC)
I don’t want to fight or argue with you. I never said I felt strongly or was outraged. Those are your words not mine.
What I said (in the remarks started by Herman Jelmet earlier in this thread) was his remarks were “reprehensible” and that he got “what he deserved.” I stand by that.
I stated my reasons for not commenting on his or any other remarks other than to say in one post that I was “surprised and dismayed” by some of the remarks made in the nomination.
I also want to say that I’m not required to comment on anything written on IsaC, no matter how strongly I feel about it and I’m not required to explain my remarks or lack thereof…even though (as I said) I chose to do so and already gave you my reasons.
Whether or not you accept them at face value is of course up to you.
I called him out… despicable behaviour
What happened to last nights thread, sent to the bin?
I can’t help hating muzzies, they just keep on reinforcing the hatred.
On a lighter note, someone tried to make Starmer sparkle ?
XR / JSO crackpot, apparently.
The whole world’s going to burst into flames next week.
Couldn’t it wait till bonfire night?
Just goes to prove the old adage that you can’t polish a turd but you can put glitter on it.
What happened to last nights thread, sent to the bin?
I can’t help hating m’s, they just keep on reinforcing the hatred.
On a lighter note, someone tried to make Starmer sparkle ?
Oops, I thought the m word may have triggered the word press Stasi, evidently not, must just have been something random
The Glitter man on star man, he wasn’t called Gary was he
He could have broke into song.
I’m still standing
I thought Starmer took it up the gary untill i saw his mrs today.
The two aren’t mutually exclusive, as some degenerate cunters will attest to.
Quality, I thought the dame was about to soil his tena ladies.
Real leadership qualities..
Prescott would of nutted the cunt..
Just got on from a nice days work. Blue skies, 30° here and all my cats have come to say hello. No worries in my little corner if the world
There is a massive debate going on about whether we should have the legal right to cause offence to others. It is a debate fundamental to our liberty. The problem, as I see it, centres around the subjectivity of what is, and is not offensive. Last night’s ‘Hamas’ thread might not have been ISaC’s finest hour, but it did demonstrate, in clearest terms, the issues facing those who think such legislation is a good thing.
Evenin’ all.
A valid observation
Interesting and provocative remarks by 20G’s.
Surely for a long time abject prejudice has been abhorrent and illegal? Only recently this seems to have twisted into lesser aberrations of causing offence.
Im not a lawyer. Ill go back into my little corner, just saying!
That is correct, if you mean it is the causing of harm. It is the longstanding legal definition of prejudice. The question now being tested is whether causing offence is also causing an actual harm? It seems a dangerous road to travel if value freedom of speech.
I hate everyone equally, no bias and no favourites.
Don’t give a fuck who you are or what your cause is but if you need to kill innocent people including children for said cause your a piece of shit and are no better than those you are fighting against.
What really riles me is that people raise their kids to hate without question.
Israel and the Arabs have pulled some vile shit on each other both sides painting the other as evil as justification for their own vile actions.
I couldn’t agree more. Hate for hates sake is pathetic
I suspect the majority of (decent) people who profess the wish for slaughter of children, women and men are just letting their mouth override their brains with anger.
Faced with actual scenes of slaughter, people with limbs blown on, children crushed to a wafer by masonry etc. would probably take them aback and shock them I to some restraint.
This would not apply to psychos or religious nutter, of which I suspect there are very few on this forum, thankfully.
There’s more than a few sexually degenerate psychos on here though Paul.
Indeed GT. They need locking in a cage with a silverback and a pot of vaseline.
What have silverbacks ever done to harm you?
Can I swap the silverback for a couple of gerbils?
I’m keeping the vaseline by the way.
GT not all of us psychos are sexually degenerate, some of us prefer sharp pointy things and other exciting toys.
It indeed became slightly, a murderous rant for a bit.
I don’t believe he would truly hold that viewpoint in the cold light of day
I won’t go all in on Miles, after all
he introduced me to the delights of G K Chesterton from some of his more interesting posts through a few years .
I do believe however that he moved from his usual drinking day, from Sunday to Monday and in the heat of the moment let rip inner anger at all that is wrong with the lot of it.
Hope the ban is only temporary
My comment on the previous Sadiq Khunt thread was first moderated and then magically disappeared.
I’ll have to write up a gushing nom about him instead.
He he he ha ha hah, Herman, love it
Please don’t HJ.
I might be sick.
I understand why Miles was banned but I thought it was funny.
Given what’s going through parliament recently in the UK and Ireland it’s pretty clear Miles overstepped the mark.
Still.. there’s always Jeremy Corbyn’s facebook page.
Hate and bigotry is what gets me up in the morning.
Without that I’m left with crocheting baby booties and those dolls that go over bogrolls.
I’ve got a alarm clock for that.
And if that doesn’t work its my love of paying my taxes that has me leaping out of bed.
Comment not aimed at you, Cuntamus.
I replied to Cuntflu, whose post has been deleted.
Yeah MJB, he really is.
I’m going to be honest here and the more I think about this bollocks, the more it annoys me.
The protection that Israel and followers of Judaism receive on here, has more than a slight whiff of double standards and complete and utter hypocrisy.
If Miles or anybody else for that matter had said what he said about Africans, the Peaceful community or the Dinghy men, then I would imagine it would have been no outrage and would have received a good few upticks.
He certainly wouldn’t have been banned.
If somebody can explain to me in layman’s terms why that appears to be the case or why I perceive that – then please enlighten me.
I hate everybody the same so I don’t discriminate.
I would like to think that nobody here would celebrate the killing of ‘men, women and children’ or call it a ‘good result.’
Aren’t you part of the Admin team?
As abhorrent as what he said sounded – are you trying to say that you’ve never heard anything remotely similar on this site but aimed at other races or religion instead of the protected one?
No Herman you are wrong never before can I remember the calling of murdering and raping innocent children and women a good thing with such vitriol for either side. And once more for the stupid it’s illegal .C.A.
How do you cunt a cunter without actually naming them
I suggest you read the fucking cunting, no one is named C.A.
Go for it.
Used to be. I’m not anymore though because of other commitments. Anyway, I have never seen anything THAT extreme posted no.
Well, that is me told.
In answer to the question, yes I agree, no one is named.
I didn’t think the comments that obviously resulted in a ban were in the remotest good taste but I am pretty sure I’ve read comments about casualties stemming from earthquakes and rapidly deflating dinghies as being some kind of ‘result’ without any pushback whatsoever. So yeah, fair point.
“I hate everybody the same so I don’t discriminate.”
Really? Forgive me if I find that impossible to believe.
Evening HJ.
Oh dear!
Goodnight all, sweet dreams.
What no 2ps to count JP..?
Hear hear.
That’s me finished for tonight.
After what i saw today, a group of Israelis went into a house and found the whole family murdered. Children and babies beheaded.
To think there are unspeakable fucking evil cunts doing these crimes leaves me totally depressed. The Israeli military leaders were quite right when they said you don’t put people like this on trial you liquidate all of them. There is no place for them in society.
They shot the fucking dog too.
Utter scum.
“…a group of Israelis went into a house and found the whole family murdered. Children and babies beheaded…”
I’d much appreciate a link to the source of please Fenton that isn’t i24’s Nicole Zedek/David Ben Zion piece of hearsay.
Bigotry and hatred is a weapon of….
Whichever of the following..
Skin colour
People you work with
Medical procedure
I’m not a scientist but I know what’s best for you.
Now, look at yourselves and think
why you choose to know alot about current affairs.
Where do you get your information?
Why did people buy Ukraine flags?
Why did people bang fucking pans?
Why don’t you give a fuck about a fucking shit load of people dying from a safe and effective pile of CUNT from a rebranded cold remedy?
Who fucking cares if the stupid cunts are fighting each other for the millionth time?
Bin the fucking TV for fucks sake.
Rant over
Bin the TV… what’s my sofa going face?
I wrote a nom about cats quite a few weeks ago interestingly enough.
I don’t have time to sexually please all those, big brother starts at 9pm.
Magnificent creatures!
Apart from that self-identifying cat cunt George Galloway, obviously.
mRNA vaccines are not a ‘rebranded cold remedy’
Doesnt mean i’m all for them but get the fucking basics right.
I think 2 distinctions need to be made here.
1. Human beings perpetrated atrocities on other human beings out of hatred and bigotry. (Which is the name of this nomination.) Expressing support for atrocities and cheering on those who commit them is never acceptable.
2. Remarks made about natural disasters, sinking Dinghy’s, collapsing towers etc often result in a plethora of remarks that I would describe as gallows humor. While perhaps in poor taste they are not the same thing.
Publicly expressing support or encouragement for a proscribed terrorist organisation also happens to be illegal (in the UK).
Hamas is such an organisation.
Spoiler alert – Israel were pivotal in the formation and ongoing maintenance of Hamas as a controllable (they thought) opposition to Fattah aka PLO/PLA, But I’m sure you know that don’t you?
Hamas has the people of Palestine by the throat and yes i am aware they voted the party in, that in-effect is Hamas.
It must be terrible for lots of Palestinians with a broad and relatively rational mindset, to be living in such circumstances, where survival could depend upon ones political views, living in what is a surrounded encampment.
To look at it objectively, it must be a literal living hell in Gaza for civilians.
I have no time for the peaceful religion. In fact I couldn’t have any less time for it if I tried.
The people there are still just people and their seething hatred of all things Israel, is easy to understand.
Like any other historical, geo political and ideological feud between two peoples.
It’s easy to be philosophical when you’re thousands of miles away and it’s not your 2 year old child buried under rubble. Or when it’s not your 25 year old daughter who’s been kidnapped, raped and murdered.
As I’ve said before in the Ukraine thread multiple times – it’s the innocent people who suffer the most and the slaughter needs to stop. Permanently. Some how.
People as in human beings and not Hamas cunts.
With you Herman on this. War is a massive cunt, as is blind hatred and it is always the innocents that suffer the most
That aimed at me?
Nah Herman, it’s aimed at me.
Butt Cuntflu, it has been on your street so to speak, if you remember that is.
Didn’t see what happened, don’t want to. But if Miles was banned for going OTT about Jews then it’s a shame that the same standards don’t apply to those who regularly and without restraint go OTT about Muslims.
Agree with the cunting. But.
The hate towards the Peacefuls have built up since September 11 2001.
The list of atrocities in Britain alone is immense. July 2005, Lee Rigby, Manchester, Westminster, David Arness, and numerous rape cases and grooming gangs.
Also, the way the likes of the BBC and Sky try to cover their crimes causes more resentment. . ‘A man of Norwegian origin’ being one particularly memorable one. I think some posts about them are OTT because their crimes in recent times have been OTT and very heinous.
I personally also don’t like almost all the ones I have encountered since I started treatment in 2021. They are the most awful, bad mannered, ignorant and entitled cunts known to man. They don’t think twice about pushing in, disturbing people and making things difficult for staff and patients alike.
That said, there is an 84 year old Pakistani retired car salesman who I see there. He’s a lovely bloke and you can have a proper natter with him. So, there are OK ones, but not many.
My experience of muslims has been mixed.Some a inconsiderate, one was unhinged but most have been helpful.
However, most Christians ive met have been arrogant, sexist, homophobic, and intolerant of any form of religion other than their own. They might have calmed down now but they were off their heads for a good thousand years.
cutting people to pieces, torturing men and women who questioned their ‘God’s will’ killed the only means of controlling the plague – cats, drained the blood of children to keep Pope Innocent alive, tried to convert the natives of the America and then killed them, went into the holy land to butcher muslims in the crusades, burned books and musicsl instruments and had anyone who said the earth orbired the sun put on trial
Compared to Catholicism, Islam’s impact in the west has been an irritant.
Miles’ outburst seems to have vindicated a couple of things i’ve said in recent weeks, namely about the murderous certainty of some people’s mindsets and that perhaps Islam isnt the only religion that drives people to call for the deaths of heretics or certain people from around the Red Sea.
Miles went full religitard.
“…the murderous certainty of some people’s mindsets and that perhaps Islam isnt the only religion that drives people to call for the deaths of heretics…”
…y’ mean something like this?
Funny that youtoob have no problem gving this twisted maniac full platform.
What about the blatant racism on here? not a word said about that.