Rat (Fox) News

and the Police wasting time on cultural Clap Trap are cunts.

Did you ever read a “news” story and come away undecided as to who is the biggest cunt in said story?

Case in point, this blaring headline on RAT News; Arrest Reported in Tupac Shakur’s 1996 Murder.

Now I realize the questions of “Who capped Tupac…muhfucker…and why da POE-leece doan do nufin’ ’bout it…has been on the over sized lips of every melanin enhanced resident of our nation’s various hoods for over 20 tears.

But honestly, who gives a fuck? We’re watching Western Civilization crumble right before our very eyes and THIS is the fucking headline? The Biden regime weaponizes the government against law abiding citizens because they mis-gender some degenerate creep or oppose Trannies in the Ladies Room and this is your priority?

Donald Trump is facing bogus 4 indictments. Inflation and border crossings are out of control and you’re talking about some untalented 21st Century Minstrel Show Buffoon who was murdered 20 plus years ago?

Our piss doesn’t boil here in the States but DAMN this sure frosts my ass!

And while I’m ranting, gangs of savages commit crimes with impunity all over the US. Hunter Biden smokes crack, bangs hookers (as well as his dead brother’s widow) and solicits bribes from foreign governments on behalf of the Big Guy.

We’re locking up parents at School Board meetings and Catholic Pro Life Demonstrators and yet the fucking police waste 20 plus years of resources on something that should have been declared a Public Service Homicide?

We are through the fucking looking glass here cunters.

Ahura Mazda help us all!

fox news

Nominated by General Cuntster.

99 thoughts on “Rat (Fox) News

  1. Justice must be seen to be done, like in that case of ‘who killed Nicole Brown Simpson’. Oh, wait….

    • As some ugly as fuck black bitch said on a Yank talk show at the time (Montel I think), “Dat white bitch got what she deserved!”

      Abd the mostly black audience whooped and cheered.

      Fucking animals.

      • That wasn’t whooping and cheering. That was their reading of their most serious attempt at winning a Nobel Prize for Literature.

      • I remember that, Cuntybollocks.
        It was like an outtake from Planet of the Apes.

        Same with the BBC and that cunt Frankie Boyle.
        That uppity treeswinger Sophie Duker says ‘Kill Whitey’
        and it’s a chorus of ‘Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!’ and hoots of laughter.
        Fucking bastards.

  2. Thug life, thug death.
    I don’t dig rap or hip hop but I do dig justice. If day foun da n!@@ah that done it din I’m a-ite wit dat.

    • Wouldn’t it be brilliant if the twist in the tale was it was George Floyd ( inventor of the banana butty) who shot Tupac?

      Criss- cross.

  3. Let’s hope we don’t have to wait that long to find out who stuck a cap in slasha Johnson’s melon..

    • Wouldn’t it be great if the twist in the tale was it was Doreen Lawrence shot Sasha?

      Criss- cross

      • I think it was Christopher Cross who did Arthur’s Theme.
        John Gielgud was ace as the miserable cunt butler.

      • We will never know who shot Sasha Gobshite.
        Coz dey black, and the BBC and the Met don’t want anyone to know that.

        However, if it was whitey, it would be name, age, shoe size, far right, brexit voter, the kitchen sink, you name it.

        If a black cop had offed Chiggen Scum Floyd George, we wouldn’t know who he was. And he wouldn’t be in prison.

  4. I like that he was “arrested on a walk near his home.” That makes him sound like a normal, everyday person. I doubt if a low life, drug dealing, thieving, piece of shit gangster goes for walks. Guilty as charged, hang the cunt or whatever you Yanks do. Or just let him go, some other cunt will knock him off. As you say General…..Nobody cares!

  5. Dead?

    I’ve seen Two-pack in supermarkets.

    Seasoning two-packs for various dishes.

    Pilau rice and chicken tikka.

  6. TuPac is US culture, he was a poet and lyricist beyond the understanding of mortals.

    Did P Diddy huff and puff and put the hit on Pac? Was it revenge for the hit on the Notorious BIG?

    ‘ Look here Miss Thang, hate to salt your game
    But you’s a money hungry woman and you need to change
    In the locker room, all the homies do is laugh
    High fives ’cause anotha nigga played your ass
    It was said you were sleezy, even easy
    Sleepin’ around for what you need
    See it’s your thing and you can shake it how you wanna
    Give it up free or make your money on the corner
    But don’t be bad and play the game, get mad and change
    Then you wonder why these muthafuckas call you names’

    Eat that Mr Shakespeare……..

    Perhaps they will finally find out who shot JFK or the CCTV from Epsteins cell block?

    Get off Hunters back General, she’s just a black woman doing black womans things.

    ‘ But this idiot’s boss pops pills and tells him he’s got skills
    But Kells, the day you put out a hit’s the day Diddy admits
    That he put the hit out that got Pac killed, ah’

    Even M knows.


      • P/Puff/Pee Daddy/Diddy/Doddy of the Treacle Butty Mine.

        This clown with the gayest name in showbusiness is actually revered and taken seriously????

  7. Thing with these ghetto millionaires,
    They act like cunts
    Dress like cunts
    Smell like cunts
    And die like cunts.

    No one’s shocked.
    No one gives a fuck.
    It’s expected!

    Tupacs mam

    ” who? ”

    Biggie smalls mam

    ” dat fat fuck! I thought he dead of diabetes?!!”

    Why a rappers life is less important than a bluebottle

  8. It’s all smoke and mirrors, a magicians trick to distract your attention from something even more significant.

    “Hell, we’ve got a situation here, there’ll be rioting in the streets like never before if this gets out. What the fuck do we do???”

    “Easy Boss, just arrest some random for Tupac Shakurs murder, that’ll make it a good day to hide bad news.”

  9. I once tried shooting my 9mm sideways with one hand “gangsta style” and my advice is don’t.
    It’s quite ineffective. It’s all about how it looks. I didn’t try it with my pants down around my thighs, a sideways baseball cap, from a moving car but I don’t see that improving my accuracy. Almost ejected the spent casing into my eye.
    Ig-nant muh-fuckuz.

    • Good afternoon MC. You may be aware that hand guns were banned in the UK decades ago following a mass shooting at a school. Shortly before that event an acquaintance who was a member of a gun club invited me to try out his .44 Magnum revolver. Fuck me, was I impressed?! If they were still legal I would own one.

      • I’d own one, legal or not, if I could get my hands on one. But it’s the ammo, that’s the real problem.

        I’ve got Miss Gertrude, my secretary who sorts the wheat from the chaff.

      • I had a Dirty Harry for a bit. That is a lot of gun I can tell you!
        Glad we still have the right to own and carry in my parts.

  10. Puff Daddy? What a stupid name.

    Doesn’t sound like tough ‘gangsta from da streets’ type to me with a name like that. More like some cunt on the sex offenders register.

    What next? MC Bumboy and the Furious Gays?

    I encourage everyone to get on Twitter and stir up trouble between all these ‘gangsta rappers’. They can’t handle being ‘dissed’. I might tell Stormzy that Vanilla Ice said he can’t ride a bike. He’d ‘put a cap in his ass’.

    No, I hope they all ‘dis’ each other to fuck and blow each other’s brains out. Sad thing is, blacks are notoriously bad shots. It took 17 armed gang members at point blank range inside a phone box to finally get the fatal shot on Tupacky. They had to reload several times too.

    No, these gangsta rapper types like to put on the nerdy voice when doing impressions of white chaps, but at least when a honky goes on a mass shooting, no fucker is left standing, you puffs ?

    • All the pooleece have to do is arrest some cunt with a fuckwit name like three sheds no brain and stitch him up good.
      General you are a Zoroastrian? The early poems beautiful.

      • Sorry chaps this was meant to be a standalone comment
        I am pretty pissed at present that’s my excuse. Thank you all and good night

  11. OT, but Itchy Ballsack has just donated an extra 20 mill to those Pally cunts, on top of cash we already get robbed of to give to a bunch of terrorist loving scum.

    We’ve got enough of our own fucking problems to deal with. And they’d fucking dance in the streets if we all got wiped out today anyway.

    Fuck ’em! And fucking grow a pair!

  12. Talking of frosty arses, General, I have an Eskimo friend who `takes his peas minted`. He says he sometimes sleeps with his bottom sticking outside of the igloo in the hope of getting a chap on it.

  13. You can take the black fellas out of the jungle, but you can’t take the jungle out of them.

    No matter how much white man’s civilization and wealth they acquire…?

  14. Tupac was a cunt. All these hip hop types are cunts. They get up to all sorts of skullduggery, live on the wrong side of the law, and hang out with utter scum. Yet cunt trumpets are shocked and blubbing when one of them cops it. These bastards revel in and glorify gun culture, so it’s their own fault if they cop it from ‘one of their own’ (See you, Sasha Johnson, You cunt). And I expect that Stormzy will suffer the same fate eventually.

    There isn’t one of them who hasn’t been done for pimping, wife beating, drugs, robbery, firearms, being a gang member or some other offence. Yet chavs (black and white) worship them. Tupac is a god to these scrotes. The mind fucking boggles.

  15. Anyone got Dave Courtney in Dead Pool or Suicide Squad ?

    Maybe someone has him in both ?

    ISAC would have to have a special medal ? cast.

    Good evening.

      • That cunt Coolio is in Gangsta’s Paradise and all now, and good riddance.

        His big hit was blatant theft of Stevie Wonder’s Passtime Paradise anyway. Coolio was yet another ex-criminal ‘the world owed me’ rapper cunt.

      • He was a top gangster, Arfur.

        An associate of the Krays, he reckoned.

        Must have been all of ten years old when they got jailed ?

        So be respectful.

        You slaaaaaaaaag ! LOL

      • Courtney was in with Ronald and Reginald.
        And he loved letting people know it.

        I dare say he put a book (or several) out with titles like ‘Hard Bastard’ ‘Ver Guv’nor’ and ‘I Was Ronnie’s Bum Target’.

      • Remember that Mad Frankie Fraser cunt?

        I recall that bloke of Brass Eye doing a few piss taking interviews with the thick cunt.

        Thing is, Mad Frankie was genuinely mad as fuck and loved extreme violence. Scary bloke, even if he was getting on.

        He was a brave cunt that interviewer, I’ll give him that.

  16. You people don’t understand the struggle of black inner city urban yoof.

    I do.

    I won a Mobo award for drunkenly shooting a shotgun into a recording studio ceiling while repeatedly screaming ” Yo! Yo! Yo!

    Ebony magazine called me the ‘ defiant voice of northern hip hop”.

    NME called my music ‘ Aye Up Hip hop.

    I was in line for a mercury award for best album of the year

    And Adidas had a line of limited edition trainers
    Called ‘ notorious MNC’

    It was all gravy till some grassing cunt leaked I was whitey.

    Im now a humble removal man .
    Least nobody popped something in my ass.


    • What happened to your bitches, Doris and Brenda ?

      Living on the street ?

      It’s tough on the cobbles ?

      All right pal ?

      • Had to sell em for bushmeat Jack.
        Besides once they hit 16yr the honeymoons over.

        The Buxton crips tried to git me in a driveby shooting!!!

        Luckily it’s a 20mph zone here so I escaped on foot.

        * good cheers pal ?
        Busy as fuck at moment.
        You winning?

        ** hey, missus Miserable has put her foot down!
        Demanded a holiday!!

        I’m looking at Lindisfarne, or Hexham for a cottage on that Sykes cottages.

        Going cottaging ?

      • Lindisfarne!
        Without a fucking doubt.

        But, hey Blud!
        I’m off to the Maldives, via Bahrain!

      • Sorry, sorry.

        Not Bahrain, Dubai.

        Three day stop over, seven at Kuredu, 2 stop over coming back.

        I hear you don’t even want to leave the airport.

      • I went way back in ’96 (North Male atoll – Lohifushi). Very nice. Can be boring unless you try a bit of of windsurfing or summat. Price of food and drink not part of your booking is expensive as fuck like. Might be a bit of rain about at times, this time of year. Will be warm as fuck though.

        They’re muzzies out there too. No waving your Israel flag and burning korans ?

        If you’ve never been, don’t worry when you land. I thought we were crash landing in the sea. Could see nothing but sea and we seemed to be just a few inches off it. I was shitting it. Then we suddenly hit the thin strip runway they built in the sea.

      • Been before, but didn’t do the seaplane transfer. Am doing this time.

        Don’t GAF, I’ll be 70, if I die,
        Who cares?

      • I don’t think you can go wrong with either of those places.

        But if you go to Hexham you run the risk of anti social behaviour, as it’s within Fiddler’s orbit.

        Especially on race days.

        He’ll pressure you to ‘ lend him a few quid ‘.

        ” Pay you back on Friday ”

        Tell the scoundrel to Fuck Off….loudly, ( he’s a bit deaf through years of excessive wanking ).

        Enjoy your holiday ?

      • Not booked it yet pal.
        Be next year when we go.

        She’s not realised the whole holiday is planned around the dog ?

        Pet friendly cottage
        Beaches for dogwalks

    • ‘You people don’t understand the struggle of black inner city urban yoof.’

      Too right, every day running the gauntlet.

      10:45 am

      Woke up and me mum had to go shops so I ad milk for ma coco pops blud!


      Had to go down to UC and sign on, was dread bruh, some white mofo came at me with a job but I dodged it like a ninja innit


      Was jus outta the arcade and Shrirezeees jump outta nowhere and started waving her ugly kid at me telling me to be a real man and support her with cash. Bitch crazy, I ain’t no responsible adult, i is only 37 innit.

      Just coz the kid got curly hair and big lips don’t mean it mine.

      13:05 to 3ish am

      Me legal aid brief says I can’t write down nothing and anything I do write down is under duress.

      3:47 pm

      Got back to me crib and me mum took me phone off me and hit me with her shoe

      Gangsta innit

  17. Mrs. Mis wants a holiday in October /November.

    You suggest Lindisfarne or Hexham?

    Are you insane?

    • A sound choice with a slight chance of light, occasional drizzle.

      Character building ?

      All right JP ? ?

      • I’m sound, Jack, and with summat to look forward to.

        Mis certainly is a character, but I think he does removals, not building.

    • She should think herself lucky.

      Last year, MNC treated his fine lady to two weeks of freezing drizzle in a disused, condemned mill in Accrington during the month of February.

  18. Good evening, all!

    I’m in an extremely good mood, and no. I’m not ratarsed.
    My Younger hubbies looks like he’s probably cancer free.

    Sorry to hijack, General, but the later nom always gets random.

    • No worries Jeezum.

      I see it as hijacked for a good cause.

      Good thoughts and best wishes to your younger’s hubby from across the sea.

    • Enjoy, good news is a rare commodity, not as rare as Keir Starmers backbone but still rare.

    • Hey Jeezum,

      Not familiar with ratarsed as slang.

      Shit faced…loaded…hammered…plastered…wasted…even pie eyed, drunk or (your English term) pissed (which means something different here in the Sates) I know.

      But ratarsed or ratassed as we might say is new to me. Nonetheless…drink up…you’ve got good reason.

      • Well, if ” needs acting lessons”
        Zoe Cohen gets a custodial, I’ll throw a street party.

      • Just read up on the case Jeezum and turns out they were up for sentence in January. Surprise, surprise, the bitches all walked away scot free.

  19. Funny how all these dead rapper personages are ‘extraordinary human beings’ ‘gentle souls’ ‘people of limitless potential’ and ‘ a huge loss to humanity’.

    Not at all rogues, villains, thugs and just plain wrong ‘uns and cunts. Dear me no….

  20. “Donald Trump is facing ‘bogus 4’ indictments….border crossings are out of control.”

    Trump was elected in 2016 on the promise that he would build a wall to prevent border crossings and he would make the Mexicans pay for it. And his MAGA ‘base’ fell for it. His pugilistic attitude appealed to their blue collar mentality. ‘He’s like us’ they said. ‘He’ll cut through all the bullshit and get things done.’
    Only as we all know, it didn’t get done. And now, who does he blame for the border situation? Joe Biden.
    There is nothing bogus about the indictments he is facing, they are supported by a veritable mountain of evidence and his co-conspirators are beginning to roll over. The cult of Trump is coming to an end. Justice will finally prevail.

    I have been labelled on here as a Joe Biden supporter, which isn’t true. All politicians are cunts as far as I’m concerned, I just happen to think that Trump is the biggest one of all. If I could be said to be a supporter of anyone involved in American politics, it would be republicans with integrity such as Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, who preferred to see their political careers derailed rather than lend themselves to Trump’s megalomania.

    • Allan,

      I don’t know about you being a Biden supporter but you’re certainly a Trump Hater.

      You are entitled to your opinion.

      For the record Trump hating incumbent Congresswoman Liz Cheney was thrown out of office in the Republican Party Primary by a record margin of 37%! Unheard of in American politics.

      Crying Adam Kinzinger resigned rather than face a humiliating defeat like Liz. He was then hired as a “Senior Political Analyst” at CNN.

      Contrary to your assertion, neither of these 2 Uniparty hacks have an iota of integrity.

    • Everyone is of course entitled to their opinion. What isn’t a matter of opinion is that America turned a corner under Trump and was heading back towards prosperity, strength on the world stage, ace trade deals and energy independence, to name just a few of his administration’s accomplishments. The wall was started and was close to being finished when Biden – completely fairly and all above board – ‘won’ the election in 2020 and promptly put a stop to it. You know, because it’s racist, hateful, discriminatory and just absolutely inhumane to the poor destitute souls seeking a new life in the land of the free and the home of the brave. And when I say “free”, I mean illegally sponging off the US tax payer – including ME!

      Fast forward to now and lookie here, Biden wants to continue building the wall. Shocker!!


      Yeah, Trump’s the biggest crook that ever there was. Just look at all these charges, indictments and court cases. He must be a wrong ‘un. Funny how the real crooks like the Bidens and the Clintons, continue to roam free and mouth off about how bad Trump is. Odd that Trump tried to dismantle the establishment and the Bidens and the Clintons are sponsored by, supported by and championed by that same establishment. How peculiar. No correlation though….absolutely not…..Trump’s just a villain. Jeez!

  21. The dim witted cunt who the police have nicked for the alleged crime of offing two pack filler openly admitted to it seven years ago,

    Great police work. Seven years to make an arrest on a widely broadcast confession by a known criminal.

    Not sure who the biggest cunt in this absolute clusterfuck is to be honest.

    • Hey Odin,

      I agree completely. As I said in the nomination. it’s sometimes hard to tell who the bigger cunt is; RAT News for reporting on this nonsense or the bumbling Keystone Cops.

  22. Oh, and the missile that hit that hospital wasn’t fired by the Israelis.

    But will this matter to the ‘Free Palestine’ protesting loonies?
    Will it fuck.

    The cunts will be making up excuses as I write. The left will still blame it on the nasty white man.

    • Bang on Norman.

      Between the muzzie fanatics we allow to parade about and the Progressive Cunts who form their ideas from The Latest Thing on social media I’d be astounded at how fucking stupid we are as a nation to tolerate it…if it wasn’t for the huge number of cowards who live here..Manchester Arena terrorist butchery of children?

      The answer?

      Don’t look back in anger..

      What a bunch of spineless cunts..the very same types now marching in support of those murderous cunts in Gaza who,every last one them,man or woman,would be delighted to see us all dead.

      Fuck em.

      I hope you are well sir.

      • I’m not too bad, Tez.?

        A mere matter of time before these barbarians commit another atrocity in the UK. Police do nothing, government do nothing. MI5 have the cunts on a list, yet they still walk around free to murder people.

        ‘He was known to the intelligence services.’
        How many times have we heard that?

        ‘Don’t Look Back In Anger’ is totally the wrong tune.
        It should be ‘Too Much Too Little Too Late.’

    • As this thread is nominally about RAT News perhaps this isn’t entirely a hijacking:


      Heroic Palestinian Freedom Fighters killing their own people out of stupidity and incompetence?

      Palestinians killing their own people in a war against Israel must be God’s will.

      I guess there is a God and the Jews really are his chosen people.

      • Oh, and the next filthy greasy raghead who kills here will – like the rest of them – be known as a ‘British Citizen’.

        Or a ‘man of Norwegian origin’.
        What a classic that was. The BBC at their mosr servile and shittiest.

  23. They kick off when the police arrest or stop them. They kick off if they perceive the police aren’t doing enough. They kick off if they don’t get treated better than everyone else. I keep saying it, ignore blek on blek crime, let them sort it themselves. They obviously don’t want to be policed.

    • Too right. They deal with any situation in just three ways.

      Chimp Out, Chimp Out and Chimp Out.

  24. Never seen Fox news.
    Obviously it’s a American news company ,
    But thought it was pro Trump, pro Republican party?

    I’ll go by whatever our US cunters say,
    Wouldn’t know.
    But if anything like UK broadcasters and news channels they’re a shower of shite.

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