There are some weird phobias out there, and apparently a name for everyone of them.
Fear of clowns.
Fear of balloons
The usual, spiders, rats etc.
I have Trypanophobia, and believe me it’s no fun at all.
A hypodermic syringe has the power to reduce me to a blubbering, sweaty mass. I’ve been for my hypertension checkup this morning. You’d have thought I had an appointment with the Grim Reaper!
Stop laughing! It isn’t funny!
Nominated by Jeezum Priest.
I have two phobias one regarding invaded by stealth!
but, the worse one is being smothered by Flatbots minge
It beggars belief that any male actually inseminated the Flabbot. Your phobia is warranted.
The unfortunate, desperate, deluded CUNT was an architect who disappeared when he realised the horror of what he had done and the waste of space creature he had spawned.
The technical term for your Flabbott fear is globophobia; a fear terrible fear of balloons.
I was going to say I have a phobia of cunts but thats not really true. Its a preference to avoid them in real life. IsAC contributors being the exception of course.
We’re not laughing Jeezum. Fear of needles is very common, probably one of the most common phobias out there. Since my cardiac event in 2016 I have blood taken annually for routine tests. I don’t have a problem with that, I just look away. However there are medical conditions which require some sufferers to inject themselves daily. Such a regime would be completely out of the question for me. I would simply resign myself to dying.
Maybe she’s not a pearl clutching, smelling salts using jellyfish like your good self..
No offence..??
Thanks Baz.
And a very good morning to you too.
must get my eyes tested. read that as anally instead of annually???
An easy mistake…
Er, no Jill. I’m glad to say they take it out of my left arm.
I hate needles. Was worse as a kid. I find the best thing to do is look away and grab a table leg.
I have a fear of looking at myself in mirrors, being so rugged and handsome I could be stuck there for days..
It called poseaphobia.
I have Spaceyphobia, the fear of being trussed up and horrifically bummed by Kevin Spacey.
I fear nowt.
Although I kick off when it’s bath night.
I don’t like loud noises.
Faint in butchers shops.
Shriek at ghosties
And sweat at the idea of putting my hand in my pocket.
And sob at salad.
Yes, I used to weep in butcher’s shops.
I also woke one morning and realised I would never play the Dane.
Slightly OT, When I think about it I’m mystified by the fact our elder daughter is a doctor. No-one in Mrs Brain’s family or my large extended family was ever in medicine, in fact both our kids were born at home substantially because their mother was so averse to the idea of going into hospital. Yet the elder went into medicine without the slightest doubt or hesitation. Beats me.
I§lamophobia is entirely justified.
Not that we ought to be scared of the smelly brown bastards on an individual level, more that we should be scared of their sway in Britain (and other western countries) and how they’re indulged and allowed to get away with literally anything, up to and including child rape and murder by bombing.
I’m certainly suffering from I§lamophobia and there’s no way out. We’re trapped in this shithole country with them, like a man wearing a pristine white suit forced to retrieve his dropped car keys from a sewer filled with sentient slimy turds.
We should be very scared of the religion of peace.
I predict that in 20 years time Britain will become a caliphate.
Bradford and Birmingham more or less are already.
Mainly due to spineless politicians and white lefties facilitating this odious ideology.
I said the same on another site only yesterday.
I wonder who dreamt up the term?
A colossal cunt of course,its quite natural to have a deep aversion to vermin.
I’d like to meet the brainbox who decided, many decades ago, that what Western civilization really needs is lots and lots of fucking peacefuls to come in and enrich it.
Yes, Western civilization may have gave us the renaissance, science, technology, fine arts and all the other pleasant trappings you can think of but the peacefuls can give us grooming gangs, child marriage, terrorism, honour killing, filthy ghettos and open hostility.
Come on – What’s not to like?
Open the borders and your 4 star hotels – you racists!
Good Morning.
That nice Mr Jenrick will be giving freedom to thousands of these little smelly brown Ropers to free up space in the hotels. Another sure-fire vote winner.
I heard on the wireless that the reason behind this, according to that nice Mr Jenrick, was that the government was ‘winning’ in reducing the number of dinghy crossings. He is correct in what he says in that the colossal number of 45k people in 2022 has reduced to around 21k in 2023. What he hasn’t addressed is that the reduction in crossings, although great news if it is sustained, still doesn’t resolve the issue of the ‘stock’ of Ropers accumulated in hotels and hostels up and down the country.
I fear for this country and I fear for my children who will be living in a shitty caliphate due to supine, spineless, vote-hungry politicians and stupid, white middle-class useful idiots. My house is now like a fortress with snap proof locks, cameras and a wall about to go up with electric gates. The riff-raff will be coming for your possessions soon, mark my words.
Spot on Paul. What gets my goat (see wot I did there) is that despite ordinary citizens being more heavily taxed than at any time since WW2 I had to spend £2,000 last year on dental treatment as the nearest NHS dentist is 180 miles away and they aren’t taking on new patients.
The good services that we had from central and local government 50 years ago have been so diluted that they may as well not exist.
I’m not Islamophobic but I am Religious Maniac-phobic. I’ve lived an d worked with Muslims and they’ve been good lads. I wish our own were a bit more restrained and considerate back in the noughties.
likewise I’m not too homophobic but am Government-sanctioned LGBTQ propaganda/re-education-phobic.
A former friend of mine said he’d side with the LGBTQ people over religious groups no matter what the situation. I wonder how that would go down in reality when parents protest against drag queens teaching degenerate nonsense to school kids? Is he going to join in the quare counter-protests, or hide behind the curtain playing his Playstation, muttering to himself as usual?
Not being able to drive, he’d be followed home and have bricks thrown through his windows, the myopic twat.
Hi Guzziguy. I was just saying similar to my wife’s Aunt yesterday.
I have spent around £2,000 on dental work myself since September 2022; three root canals and white crowns – all paid for privately. We have never paid so much in via tax and got so little out.
Transphobic and proud.
Good morning.
I don’t think Ranidaphobia is a recognised hate crime yet but there is always hope Freddie the Frog.
Maybe you might get a parade or a special day?
Where the bleedin ell have you been?!
JP was worried sick about you.
You callous little bleeder LL.
We’ve been searching sheds and railway embankments?
I hope you didn’t find any of the bodies I’ve been dumping recently.
Morning Miserable.
My dad died a couple of weeks ago so have been sorting his affairs out.
Poor old JP, with Miles going on jihad and getting banned too, the poor bloke might need a nice a calming sedative, oral obviously.
You alright mate?
Yeah I’m ticketyboo pal?
Sorry to hear about your dad,
I’ll not have you report to admins office on this occasion.
Or be chip an pinned.
Chin up kid?
My condolences, LL.
Very worried that you were being confined against your will by a nubile, nymphomaniac who was having their wicked way… Oh, wait!
Sorry to hear about your old man LL.
It’s a tough experience.
Cheers lads, onwards and upwards.
Condolences LL. My dad died forty-six years ago but I remember it better than stuuff I did last week.
My condolences, LL. My dad passed away 2 years ago – really shit as it wasn’t his time to go as, aside from being poisoned by asbestos, he was fit as a fiddle and would probably have gone on for another 10-15 years.
Family and friends are invaluable and focus what is important in life at times like these.
Condolences LL it is something we all go through. I have lost both parents and became an orphan, I was 59 at the time though.
I can only endorse the lads comments above. My commiserations LL.
Sorry to hear about your old man, Liberal.
My sympathy.
That’s a bastard mate.
Chin up, look forwards. All the best.
A phobia is an uncontrollable, irrational, and lasting fear of a certain object, situation, or activity
Your trans-phobia is not actually a phobia as its perfectly rational
Good point SF and islamophobia is certainly not irrational.
I am not islamaphobic. I am not afraid of them; I just don’t fucking like them.
Islamophobia is perfectly rational.
The real problem we have in the West is Islamophilia.
Like this one :
Hippopotomonstro-sesquipedaliophobia – the fear of long words!
True too.
Who was the cunt who concocted the term dyslexia for someone who can’t read or spell it?
The National Dyslexia Research Association is in…… it’s absolutely true……… waiiiiiit for it…
I have a fear of going to prison.
Not so much the prison but being bummed by Leroy and his pals on a daily basis.
Don’t really have any phobias,
But same as Captain Hook I’m scared of crocodiles.
Not something I have to worry about particularly in the northwest of England.
Not scared of them on land.
I’d twat one with a cricket bat if on land,
But in water?..
That Aussie simpleton Steve Earwig who got murdered by a stingray once caused a outcry for leaning in a crocodiles mouth with his toddler on his shoulders.
I was appalled.
The stupid cunt.
Avoid Punch and Judy shows.
I’ve a life time ban Odin.
Get overexcited.
Shout encouragement to Mr Punch .
” Strangle her with her tights Mr Punch!”
Had complaints off parents.
I like the carpet rider version of Punch and Judy, the Pacheet and Jamila show.
She fails to get his bacon sandwich ready for when he returns from evening prayers and he throws a miniature beaker of hydrochloric acid in her face.
Have you chaps seen ‘Funnyman’? Fucking ace. Never seems to be on telly. Got my own copy, “sorted”!
Mr Punch should’ve been used in the Stella Artois ads.
Eurotophobia otherwise known as the fear and aversion to the cunt Blair, also Francophobia apply to me, but it’s more blind unhinged hatred than fear.
I have my longbow under the bed ready for Agincourt mk2.
It is St Crispin’s day today.
I’m in England, a-bed with the wife.
Fear of pigeons is a thing. Watched a young woman in Clapham once terrified to move because there were 10 pigeons in her vicinity. Couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculousness.
There’s Alektorophobia as well – Fear of chickens.
Just read Cuntamus’ post after finishing my evening meal of baked chicken and couscous. Bloody lovely it was too.
I work with someone who has a phobia of peas. I can’t imagine how that would start, unless you got buried under an avalanche of the things.
Lib Demophobia, is anxiety around whinging, sandal wearing, yogurt slurping cunts with wispy beards and bar graphs. Just fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
I suffer very badly from Gretaphobia.
Every time I see the little goblin’s moonfaced countenance, I have the urge to rant, shout and throw things at the TV. Thank goodness for the remote control.
That Swedish doom goblin apparently lives in Dorset now, the world capital of climate change.
I have negrophobia. No need to tell you what that is. I was mugged and other unprovoked attacks by these vile creatures, when living in of all places, you’ve guessed it. London.
Its combined with xenophobia for obvious reasons.
Considering the date, I’ll just leave this here…
King Henry V: What’s he that wishes so?
My cousin Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin:
If we are mark’d to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires:
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England:
God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more, methinks, would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland, through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made
And crowns for convoy put into his purse:
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is called the feast of Crispian:
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when the day is named,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say ‘To-morrow is Saint Crispian:’
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars.
And say ‘These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.’
Old men forget: yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember with advantages
What feats he did that day: then shall our names.
Familiar in his mouth as household words
Harry the king, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester,
Be in their flowing cups freshly remember’d.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remember’d;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
From Henry V, Act IV, Scene III
I fear running out of ammunition.
I have a phobia – Shamima Begum.
Just seen this post on SkyKunt and has made my piss boil halfway through the week.
Now some cunty KC is arguing that this slag pot’s removal of citizenship was unlawful and some kangaroo court of appeal hearing – looking like this slop bucket is going to win.
No doubt she will, and this will pave the way for a FAT fuck off of a pay day for her. Yes my friends, she fucked off, joined a known group of naughty people who wanted bad for us, opened her legs to spawn more of this type, lost them and now feels sorry for herself.
Rest assured she is going to win, end up under some kind of witness protection scheme and end up financially better off than the most of us.
And another thing, £8Million a day on hotels for asylum seekers – WTF. This country is on it’s knees – my mum, a taxpayer for 50 years is fucking struggling in her council house and gets NOTHING!
SLY NEWS are worse than the BBC when it comes to defending Hamas and the religion of peace
Happy for the Freddie Mercury tribute act to return provided she is dropped by her neck from a stout length of hemp.
At least we don’t have to pay for SLY.
That being said, I’ve just cancelled my TV licence as I refuse to fund the pali-cock-gobbling cunts.
To hell with the threats, as so many, in the millions, have done likewise, it is unenforceable.
Should the cunts come for me, I’ll never pay, nor any fines. They can fuck off, any bailiffs will be violently dealt with.
Exactly so Cuntus. She’ll be back, as surely as the sun rises in the east.
And another thing; who the fuck is financing these appeals?
She’s probably already applied for a licence to open up a corner shop when she gets back. Probably got the abacus out and started up a shopping basket online at John Lewis.
Cunts like this make me soooooooo mad.
BTW – these appeals will be funded by us, unless someone pushed her out of the plane over the channel.
She’s already had a series on the BBC.
The bitch will end up on there, doing a cooking show with that Nadiya cunt. Bigbum will be deified by the Beeb. Without a doubt.
And the smelly slag will end up like that Malala cunt. Every benefit in the book, posh house, hordes of shitty relatives on the gravy train. Bigbum will probably be given a university degree and all.
Though it may upset one or more of the admins I have achondroplasiaphobia. Even one of the bulbous headed pocket demons on TV give me the willies. Maybe one once tried to take me from my pram for its dinner or as slave to reach things on high shelves.
Big Jessie, scared of a needle? Good job you didn’t have to face a Banzi charge with 2 foot bayonets.
One is rational fear, one isn’t.
The sufferer knows their fear isn’t rational.
You seem to suffer epistemophobia.
Some cunt should invent a word for “fear of climate change” but they won’t because the Establishment want us to think it’s perfectly normal. They don’t want the tree huggers clogging up the NHS with their mental elf problems.
But you only have to look in their eyes to see they are batshit crazy.
‘Eco anxiety’
Exacerbated by the media then reported on as if they had nothing to do with it.
None suggest the most effective cure; Stop consuming our guff.
Haven’ seen an actual scientist on media discussing climate change for over a year, always their science/climate correspondent.
Similiar story with Covid. No expert in epidemiology, just a politician or chief science advisor or medical correspondent.
Meanwhile, ‘fact-check’ apparatchik Marianna Spring wants us to trust her despite it being well-known she lied on her CV.
She also lies about the level of abuse she receives online.
The BBC fact-checker turns out to be a pathological liar.
Quite possibly a life saving phobia ….!
A fascinating nom JP.
I’ve often seen a phobia described as an ‘irrational fear’ of something or other.
Well I’m terrified by the thought of cancer,the EU, Islam, wokery and not being able to get it up.
They all seem like perfectly rational concerns to me.
Morning all.
Hehe Ron,
The fear of a premature dribble if Salma ever got her kit off in front of you and said, ‘how would you like me’
Good morning, a nice thought for the day ?
I think it very likely that I’d have a stroke Sick; of the much more unfortunate kind.
?. But the fantasy to reality is as likely as Villa winning the premiership.
True Sick.
Your comment has led me to ponder. If I was given the choice of a weekend with the goddess Selma or a Villa title win, I think I’d have to go for the title.
A weekend’s a weekend, but the title’s forever; plus I’d probably shoot a much bigger load if we actually won the fucking thing.
Football over your greatest fantasy fuck, there is no hope for you Ron ???
Stone Roses/Primal Scream bassist Mani was asked in 1998 would he prefer a night in the Playboy Mansion, or a Man United European Cup win. He chose the European Cup win. Lucky we got it a year later.
The Playboy mansion was supposedly filthy. Legionella and spunk everywhere.
I bet it stank of a bag of prawn crackers as soon as some tart opened the door.
Yes, Carcinophobia doesn’t seem all that irrational to me.
Indeed CP.
I’ve been shitting myself at the prospect ever since I had a scare a few years back.
The wife, on the other hand, wets her knickers at the sight of even a money spider. I’d class that as irrational, but a very real fear all the same for her and those who loathe spiders.
slightly O/T but I was interested in the comments about the peacefuls. I have been on Google trying to put a link to The Kelergi Plan, which is basically flood Europe with ethnics to breed out whitey, keep wages low for the elites etc. Those cunts at Google have fucking removed all links to the original, every one says it is a far right conspiracy theory. Half way down Google put an excuse about data “Some results may have been removed under data protection law in Europe”. So the cunts are using that to shut to us normal people up. Cunts
People need to move away from the belief that Islamaphobia is a “right wing, white western” reserve. The Sikhs and Hindus are none too fond of them either.
I suspect many on here have no issue with Sikhs or Hindus on the basis many do integrate, they work hard (the ones I know) and they are family orientated.
Difficult not to be seen as stereotyping as I am sure there are some good egg Muslims out there (as there are blacks) but there are an awful lot of bad ones.
I’ve got a few well documented ‘phobias’.
Islamaphobic – A dislike of carpet kissing freeloaders, murderers and rapists.
Fatphobic – Being sick of obese ugly cunts being treated like gods and heroes.
Dakiphobic – Wanting to do damage to the thoughtless whining bitch who kept me awake for four whole hours in hospital yesterday. One day, that phone is going up her arse. Gibbering fucking smelly banshee.
Homo/Transphobic – A dislike of pooves, deviants and trannies being idolised and getting special treatment.. Also refusing to accept trannies as women.
Of course, other cunts add ‘phobic; to all of the above. I just call it well deserved hate and contempt.
Apparently, if somebody points out that fat cunts like Lizzo and Tubby Capaldi are – well – fat, they are now labeled as ‘fatphobic’.
Again. this is total mongs not getting what a word means. Just like when clueless spazmos add the word ‘gate’ to anything they see as a scandal. Watergate was the name of a building where the Nixon administration was bugged, It has fuck all to do with Lady Di’s shagging antics, crappy EastEnders plots, or any other chav shite.
And the word ‘phobia/phobic’ is another one that’s misused by thick cunts. Phobia actually means ‘a fear of’. Not dislike or telling the truth. So, saying Lizzo is fat (which she fucking is) is not being scared of her. Mind you, I would be if she sat on me. Also, not liking the whole LGBT circus and worship doesn’t mean people are afraid of it, they just don’t like it. So the terms ‘homophobia’ and ‘transphobia’ are bollocks.