Mishal Hussain (2) and the BBC (98)

When are the government going to grow a pair and defund this bunch of Quisling bastards and this bitch going to collect her P45?

The government has stated they are a terrorist organisation, (No shit Sherlock)

It’s about fucking time this nest of fucking vipers was eradicated and any cunt presently working for them be barred from any application to a new broadcasting organisation.
I am sick and fucking tired of these cunts bashing the united kingdom at every opportunity. Foe the love of god enough is enough.

Daily Mail

Nominated by: CuntyMort

(Just a reminder to our UK posters that the clocks go back tonight at 2am – end of BST, which means an extra hour in bed “tinkering” – Day Admin)

57 thoughts on “Mishal Hussain (2) and the BBC (98)

  1. I’d pay good money to see this bitch and every other piece of muzzıe filth who works for the beeb kicked out of an A400/M with a parachute over Gaza last night to report on the IDF going biblical on the carpet riders’ asses.
    Hopefully every caramel-coloured cunt in Gaza will be brown bread by the middle of this week.

  2. It seems few have any knowledge of the history of Palestine.
    There’s no way to justify genocide, which is what Nodding Yahoo and his criminal cronies are carrying out.


    a starter.

    • You don’t need a knowledge of the history of Palestine.

      I know nothing about Palestine.
      Apart from its full of cunts.

      Revenge I’m a fuckin specialist professor in.
      Revenge I understand.

      Fuck Palestine.
      Let em bleed

      • If you actually understand revenge, you understand the Palestinians actions.
        Imagine living in a house for years, then some cunt gives it so another cunt who locks you in the cellar and lives in the rest of the house while throwing you the crumbs from their table.
        I think you might become a tad pissed off and thump the aforementioned cunt one day when you finally lost your shit.

      • With deep thought and serious consideration,
        …fuck em.

        They wanted a fight,
        Got their wish?

        Benny fix it’d it

    • When the Israelis handed Gaza to the sand dwellers they cleared out the Israeli population. They gave them a developed territory replete with efficient farms, infrastructure and abundant natural resources. The Palestinians could have turned this into another Bahrain. Gaza is an important port with a beautiful coastline. Instead, the savages destroyed all this because they did not want to use anything created by Jewish hands. Consequently the Israelis shipped water to them daily, on humanitarian grounds, to people sworn to destroy them. Hamas turned Gaza into a launch pad against Israel and a filthy hole where they could gnaw on their hate, radicalise the population and plan genocide.

      I have no sympathy for them. Fuck them. They deserve what’s coming to them. The Israelis will turn them into mincemeat.

      Meanwhile in Israel a large population of Israeli Arabs live peacefully with full citizenship and the same rights as their Jewish colleagues. Many actually serve in the Israeli army. Israeli Arabs have more rights and a better standard of living than Arabs in Arabic countries.

      So go and educate yourself before you talk crap. And try and read more than the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Veterans Today.

      • The UN declared that Palestine should be divided between the Jews and the Palestinians in the 40’s. Israel attempted to resurrect this two state solution. It’s now been killed by Hamas.

        By the way, your reference to the Rothschild’s tells me everything I need to know about you. And it’s not pleasant.

        Veterans Today.

      • MMCM@

        Always bring up the Rothschild’s don’t they?

        Same old tropes.
        I’d have more respect for them if they just said outright

        ” I hate Jews”

        But always use Palestine, the Rothschild’s, as a excuse.


      • Spot on MNC. Rothschild’s is just conspiracy nut code for “ I hate the Jews and blame them for everything “.

      • There were already Jews living in Palestine before the Balfour declaration, co-existing with the Bedouin.

        If anyone needs to educate themselves on history and terms like ‘genocide’, it’s you

    • We hear a lot about the supposed genocide of palestinians over the past 75 years, so how come their population has actually increased by over 400% in the past 75 years? Must be the most inefficient genocide in history.

      • MNC, I finally understand your ‘name’
        You are miserable, and a cunt, I’ll take you at your word regarding the North

      • That’s right.
        Why’d it take you so long to work it out?

        You a bit slow or something?

  3. A Peaceful BBC bitch and Grant fucking Shapps…….is there much difference between the two? Shapps’ only interest in this is the fact that he is a Jew. If it wasn’t for that he’d be busy filling his pockets and selling this country down the river. One pile of dogshit may smell slightly less obnoxious than the other but you’re still left with two piles of dogshit. Make no mistake.

    • Shapps was interviewed due to his position as Secretary of State for Defence.
      Not because he is Jewish.

  4. She’s a peaceful, so she probably frigged herself off when she heard about Hamas beheading and raping Jew kids. Look at all the smelly cunts out in London today. Didn’t give a fuck when kids were blown up in Manchester though, did they?

    Seriously, it’s about time they started arresting these cunts screaming ‘Jihad’ on our streets. Too busy arresting, charging and banning kids from attending football matches for life, for singing an admittedly tasteless chant about Bobby Charlton (to the tune of KC and the Sunshine Band’s ‘Baby give it up’ the two lads sang ‘Bobby’s in a box.’) Naughty but fuck me, this is what football chants have always been about.

    The spinless chief coppers are saying they didn’t arrest anyone because jihad has many meanings. Are they fucking thick or being deliberately obtuse? Oh, yes it can mean ‘inner struggle’ according to some, but it’s pretty obvious what these cunts mean. They’re not going on these demonstratiions to protest about overcoming their shortcomings in life. The want to gas four be twos, let’s have it right

    Ooooh you can’t collectivise guilt and punish ‘innocent’ Palestinians for the sins of Hamas. Really? They easily won the last elections held out there. Seems like plenty of cunts there do agree with them then.

    And remember the cunts dancing in the streets on 9/11?

    Fuck ’em. And fuck the ones our ‘leaders’ forced upon us.

    All of them can fuck off to Palestine if they love it so much, the smelly cunts.

    Israel can go full Dresden x Hiroshima on the cunts for me.

    • Funny how these same bedwetters have no problem with the collective punishment of the entire anglosphere for the sins of slavery hundreds of years ago.

      • Honkies getting involved in slavery was the biggest mistake in history. It ended up with loads of Africans living in Honkyland. Oh, they only commit more crime because of the racist honky, before anyone starts.

      • Looting televisions and stealing trainers is their way of paying tribute to the past. Raiding Currys or JD Sports is Chicken George’s way of taking back from the white masters.

        Treeswingers, eh???

    • I remember Palestinians celebrating the collapse of the WTC pretty much the day it happened. Whenever I bring it up the Left have always struggled to make excuses for it. Some really torturous mental gymnastics folkowed by me saying ‘look at this cunt, tying itself in knots’.

  5. We’re under attack from all sides.
    The BBC, the Labour party, Woke students and councillors, teachers and lecturers, woke police and border farce, not to mention the bloody foreigners that hate the British and infest the UK.
    Who are the brainwashed fuckwits marching in London waving Palestinian flags about?
    Fuck me it’s an uphill struggle from here. I wonder if I’ll survive to see common sense once again in my own country?

    • I wonder what the police will do when, and I do mean when, the peacefuls turn around at a protest and give them a thoroughly deserved kicking. I have no doubt they will turn up in force and arrest all the far right little old ladies., it’s about all they’re fucking good at.

  6. If the BBC are reluctant to call Hamas terrorists, what would they like to call the group that slaughtered people at a music festival, kidnapped old people, beheaded babies and raped young women?


    • BBC reporting as fact the reports made by peaceful ‘journalists’ in Gaza. Today’s London smelly protest is mostly peaceful and no anti-front wheel chants have been heard they say. Phew! Well that’s me convinced.

  7. The BBC’s stance on Hamas is a fucking disgrace. What does it take for them to say that Hamas are terrorists? It’s bloody obvious. Instead they hide behind the absurd pretence of being even handed. They even wheeled out that galactic cunt and oily bell end John Simpson to say they had to be neutral.

    The BBC did not feel the need to be “ impartial” during WWII, otherwise Joseph Goebells and Heinrich Himler would have been on the Today programme every morning and the BBBc’s war correspondent would have been Lord Haw Haw.

    And Jeremy Bowen is a cunt. I hope he gets taken out by a Hamas rocket up his ass.

    The Israelis should ban this shower of shit from Israel.

  8. For all of Israel’s bombs the fucking rag heads are still firing rockets, but the bbc just keep banging on about the Israel attacks, Hamas are like those marmots, every now and again they pop their heads up from the tunnels and fire one off.
    As long as the rockets keep coming the more strikes by the Israeli air force, doesn’t matter what the UN says or the labour left, they won’t stop

    Rag heads in London again today, hope it rains, Piss be upon them

  9. Being more moderate than most I’d like to see clam restored.

    First I’d hang these Quisling de facto terroristers sympathisers who work in the media against our best interests in public,all of them within a week.

    Simultaneously I’d deploy the army to rout these demonstrations which are a breeding ground for future muzzie attacks..and when I say rout I’d have tanks out and orders to shoot the cunts on sight en masse.

    Unfortunately we are well on the way to becoming a third world shithole so I see no reason not to behave like a fucking South American junta facing dissent on the streets.

    The alternative we can see playing out now,a police force fully indoctrinated to support cunts who quite obviously wish to turn us into a subdued,soft and cowed country.

    It fucking stinks.

    Our country is sinking under a disgusting tide of third world Islamic dung.


    • Oh dear I’ve gone,somewhat surprisingly,into moderation.

      So I’ll just say these fifth column cunts are going to be in for a surprise that I hope I’ll live to see..

      A British Sultan with women subjugated and silenced or a British Hitler.

      Should make for some interesting Guardian headlines.

  10. Up to 100,000 supporters of Hamas, I mean ‘Palestine’ expected in London today.

    Imagine the stench?

    • Trust me CB, no worse than the pong on any other day. London is a overflowing portaloo..

    • I had the misfortune to drive through London today. Yes it stinks. So many dark- keys and rag heads that it gets dark at 2.30.

      Near St John’s Wood tube station I saw a couple of these Hamas lovers. Two young whiteys, she draped in a Palestinian flag and he with that obligatory rag head thing around his neck like a scarf. No doubt called Oscar and Zara, heading to Cunt a Manger for a quinoa and rocket salad after a hard morning calling for the death of all Jews in the name of peace and racial tolerance.

      My wife had to restrain me from accelerating the car and flattening them.

      Cunts. I despise them.

  11. Israel can do no wrong as far as I’m concerned – seriously.
    Any concerned twat can join the UN is kissing their arse.
    I’m getting sick of hearing about the suffering in Gaza, when all Hamas have to do is surrender unconditionally. Until then, all the bloodguilt is on them. They started this game. Simple.

  12. Two tribes squabbling over some third world shithole, whatever.

    Just don’t understand why they are over here bringing their squabble with them.

    Would gladly see the back of the lot.

  13. The BBC is a just a massive cunt. Defund it and let it survive on what people want to pay.

    If you really do produce unrivalled quality broadcasting I’ve not seen it! What may have cut the mustard years ago was a few decent sitcoms and Attenborough’s wildlife documentaries.

    The chance of the BBC making any decent comedy is zero now, Attenborough has become a climate change alarmist so he’s now the figurehead of BBC climate propaganda.

    That leaves the News (nowhere near impartial) and Eastenders which is surely heading to intensive care as its audience falls away daily.

    Last financial year it turned over 5.7 billion, 3.7 billion coming direct from license tax.

    How much of the 2 billion commercial revenue was generated flogging stuff we already paid for I don’t know.

    My belief is that it’s proven it can raise 2 billion a year so it should be made completely self funding.

    “ In the Radio 5 interview, I mentioned that the BBC – the source of much of this confusion on the basis of a profits tax – had a turnover of £5bn and paid no corporation tax (its turnover is much more if you include the value of the free spectrum). In fact, that turns out to be not quite true. The BBC paid corporation tax of £22m (0.4% of its turnover) last year. Even if you express tax as a proportion only of commercial turnover (which is debatable – after all a pound of turnover is a pound of turnover), the BBC paid tax of about 1.2% of turnover. In other words Google pays more tax on its turnover than the BBC by a factor of nearly two.”

    Yet the BBC are constantly publishing stories about other corporations avoiding tax or not paying enough! Cunts!


    • EastEnders did a story about a far right white group planning to bomb a mosque. Something, of course, that has never happened. The other way round, however…. But, of course, they never mention that.

      That load of ludicrous woke mockney turd should be binned for that alone.

    • Christmas on the BBC will be the same shite as always.

      A black celebrity attempting to read the nativity.

      EastEnders yuletide rape/murder/arson/incest/gangster special.

      Doctor Whoke with a gay black muslim trannie as the Time Lord.

      Vicar of Dibley, Fatcunt French in a Hamas special.

      Call the black Midwife.

      Mrs Brown’s Boys same shit as it was ten yeas ago.

      Jools and his Cuntenanny. With some 60s relic, a pub band, Lily Mong, Ruby Turner/Beverley Knight (same thing), and hordes of freeloading celebrity woke cunts like Amanda Abbington and Ade Edmondson.
      Utter crap.

  14. Those murderous greaseballs knew what they’d get if they effed with Israel.

    And the BBC and our constabulary adore sandfilth.

  15. “The Hamas-run health ministry in Gaza says more than 7,500 people have been killed since Israel’s retaliatory bombing began” ? That’s probably about 40 then….

  16. And just watch.

    The BBC and Suckdiq’s GLC will have a special Hamas fireworks display this New Year’s Eve. A nailed on guarantee.

  17. I think that it is now time that I defunded the BBC by not paying any further for their drivel.

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