(Truss bent over a car window and rogered, probably – Day Admin)
Liz Truss is a cunt, i thought this demented slag was dead, but it appears she has come back to haunt us again, she is spouting off about the economy and how she didnt crash the country into a wall in 3 fucking weeks and she was right and if given the chance do it again.
Why the fuck is this cabbage still around and why does she think as the biggest/quickest failure as a prime minister any fucker is remotely interested in anything she has to say.
Honestly these positions are scarily inept, take away her colouring book and crayons before the cunt does anymore damage, you cant even stay within the lines you cretin —–FUCK OFF AND DONT COME BACK
Nominated by: Fuglyucker
Someone drive over the silly trout in a Sherman tank please.SMEG OFF no one takes no notice of you.
That is why we are in such a mess.
Truss is right. She didn’t crash the Country. The Globalists and Bankers did And yes, I would.
Quite right, Trebecular. I can’t agree with this cunting. None of her economic policies made it into law. She was not the CCHQ choice and had to go. She was the best Prime Minister we almost never had. Sunak is the worst. The post Truss fuss was confected to make the real imposter look better. No one likes him and he doesn’t have to care. Cunt.
Good morning, everyone.
yes – we couldn’t possibly have a low tax, low corporation tax, work for yourself economy could we – the big corporations wouldn’t allow it! Quite telling that she was going to scrap IR35 and all the big IT companies started bleating as it meant they wouldn’t then be able to ship in loads of jinglie IT “experts”.
The cunt tosser head of the Bank of England threw her under the bus big time. All they wanted was some greasy little toad to do their bidding no questions asked, go Rishi.
I agree and #metoo. I doubt she was in No 10 long enough to even find out where the toilets were.
Quite so. She had the right ideas but they wanted Sunak and were never going to take fuck off for an answer.
I think that they should give all Prime Ministers a 3 week stint.
If they have made no positive difference, fuck them off and get another one in.
Correct. It’s the players behind the Politicians who call the shots !
I don’t know why we bother having a PM. Or a government for that matter.
Good point moggie
Liz Truss… ex Liberal Democrat activist and Remainer….
What could possibly go wrong?
Good morning.
Don’t care who she is, so long as she looks after my every need. Doesn’t appear to be a nuisance and looks like she quietly gets on with her work without any fuss.
Must remind her to say on entrance, “Can I do you now Sir” ?
Nice tits though.
I certainly don’t believe she’s to blame for the financial shit we find ourselves in, at least not entirely.
And also in her defence, she’s got nice tits.
Other than that, she can fuck off!
No more incompetent, out of touch or mentally unstable than the rest of the stooges. She was just the wrong choice for the elites so they overturned another election to get their puppet in. It’s all a fucking farce.
I agree. She couldn’t crash the system without actually doing anything! She wasn’t there long enough. It was the printing of dosh for the lockdowns and then taxing us to the hilt, plus a bit for Ukraine that’s done for us
On the subject of Ukraine, did you notice how, all of a sudden, almost everything required to sustain life came from there?
They’ll be blaming the conflict in Gaza for the increase in prices on everything too.
at least the invasion of Gaza seems to have ended the Ukraine conflict – it’s no longer the latest thing.
It never was a thing.
I’ve absolutely no idea why, and I’m slightly ashamed to admit it, but that photo gives me the horn.
Fuck me! You cunts would have been much younger when Thatcher was PM. You must have been wanking yourselves to death over her back then. Probably Mavis the Hunchback too.
Have you never heard of internet porn?
Say what you will about Big Mags, but she had balls the size of Big Ben’s clockweights.
I never actually fancied her, she was far too stern, but my mate Big Al used to picture her in an SS dominatrix outfit. I think he got off on it.You can see where he was coming from (no pun intended).
That’s because that’s not the real Truss…it’s a sexy puppet of her.
Keith Harris has his hand up there.
Something else’s to shoot your load over:
‘We Liberal Democrats…’
Mind you, she was a sweet, fresh faced little thing in those days…
I’ve just checked Ron. You’re OK, she was legal.
Re the monarchy, they are talking about bringing Fergie’s bug-eyed offspring back to help with the “workload”…
If there’s too much champagne waiting to be swallowed, send it to me.
Sophie Edinburgh would make a good posh wine waitress…
She is no worse than the rest, the old grump Lord Sumption said two thirds of the MPs are completely useless (or words to that effect).
I think that was grossly underestimated.
I think she got membership vote because the Randy old fuckers who make up the majority of the membership couldn’t see past the badonkers.
another example of how, when a democratic vote produces the worng result, the cunts in change change it. No-one wanted Joe Daki Sunak – but we got the useless cunt.
Despite her apparent fanaticism regarding cheese,if I recall correctly from her earlier speeches,she’s no more or less competent than any of the other cunts who’ve wheedled their way into “power”.
As they are all spineless dolts I’d rather have one with impressive bangers,at least its something worth watching..
I’d vote for Penny Mordaunt…to warm my bed.
Thank you.
Now you’re talking Unk.
She’d keep you off the grass. Strapping wench.
Her grip on that sword Ron…..whooa!
Unfortunately Penny thinks that “trans-women” are women.
As for the British economy,several years of Ultra Magic Money Tree combined with rudderless policy making and a Bank of England run by a bunch of clowns seems to have left us up Shit Creek.
No sign whatsoever that any govt is going to sort it out.
Panto of Cunts.
Future President the Widow Twanky Suzy Izzard.
No thanks for putting that image in my head.
Penny likes seamen in her naval base apparently.
She can have my batter anyday “
Penny is truly luscious.
Is it a politician? Of course it’s a cunt.
Liz’s mistake was believing the global banking cartel would allow the British Government to set economic policies that don’t meet their criteria.
She should have realised we’d get a kick in the bullocks for not dancing to their tune and for that she is a cunt.
Richcunt Shitsack is one of their own and plays by their rules. She’s a cunt, he’s a cunt, they are all cunts.
she does have a nice pair of cans though
NOBODY in politics is as bad as this q*eer cunt:
Yeah, Lord Handleyourbum and Sir Satan Blair can sniff power over the horizon and they want a piece of it. Every day they are whispering in Starmzy’s earhole the pathetic little wimp. He is their puppet and they are the puppets of some other cunts whose names we’ll never know. What a fucking country.
The WEF sadly ☹️
I thought Blair was going to bring lasting peace to the middle east? He’s gone a bit quiet hasn’t he. More like he fucked it up like he did the UK.
What is it with the admins and their penchant for header pics of wimminz bending over today? First it was Swift, and now Truss. What can we expect for the 3pm nom, the hunchback bending over an artisan cream-coloured gate1?
Anyway, as for Truss herself. Yep she got shafted by not only the BoE, the CBI, the City, the Civil Service and a few more corporate cunts, but also by her own back-stabbing party.
She was very much geared up for economic growth, as well as offering financial support for at least 2 years during the energy crisis. But all of that came crashing down by those cunts listed above, along with Wishy Washy Sunak waiting in the wings in order to slit her throat and kick her down the road.
And now we end up with Sunak – another WEF “Yes” man, only marginally more competent than BlowJob Boris. But him and his henchman, Jeremy Cuntface, are now reigning in all that massive expenditure Boris spunked away during the Nasty Cold pandemic.
Shame for Truss, consigned to the history books as one of Britain’s shortest reigning PMs in history.
Nice tits though.
Liz Truss’ unceremonious exit exposed that leaders are puppets.
This is why nearly all Western leaders are singing off the same shitting hymn sheet.
This also means that most western governments, especially in Western Europe) are now no more than local council town halls, with limited powers. They are mere puppets on a gossamer string, controlled by the all seeing, all knowing, unelected, undemocratic WEF/Globalists.
And, just like a local council, run by fucking idiots for themselves. We may, indeed do, pay the piper but we have fuck all to do with choosing the tune.
The rigged election with The Donald proves that the status quo can’t be disturbed. New, fresh ideas that benefit the working class all over the world cannot be tolerated. A worldwide Masonic lodge pulling the strings. Liz Truss should have been given a year but that was never going to happen, she upset too many of the elite,
What is even more galling is that that twat Andrew Bailey (fuckwit at the BoE) and Sunak/Hunt continue to blame Truss for the UK’s economic woes!
Given that Truss barely had time to get her feet under the table at No 10, I would suggest most of the blame for this country’s godawful state, lies at the feet of BlowJob and his forest of money trees!
Sunak and Johnson, both hatched from the same shit-infested egg.
A younger Liz Truss looked spicy, something a bit naughty about her that, like the kind of picture you’d find in readers wives.
You know, not too attractive, dowdy dress but a quick peek under the bonnet reveals some tasty delights.
Now she just looks like an oversexed hag from Amsterdam.
She’s probably seen more cock as well. After careful consideration however I would still give her a seeing to.
It’s a tough one for me. I want to say that I wouldn’t but there’s a bit of me that thinks she’s a slag in the sheets.
I think Truss is really a dude
Not the only one either:
OMG !!!! Where’s me sick bucket ?
Prime minister, is this really the best they can come up with…
Fucking beggars belief, no wonder the country’s going down the pan….?
Too right Arch.
Our last four PMs.
Mavis May, Worzel Johnson, Liz Truss and Roland Rat.
Every one a dud….☹
Next one up is a dud captain fence sitter……?
I know career politicians are two faced cunts who can never be trusted. But this bitch takes the piss.
We all know about her ‘abolish the monarchy’ rant when she was a young liberal shit. But then Truss eulogies the late Queen when she passed away. The turnabout was truly vomit inducing. But there are worse examples.
When Jimmy Savile snuffed it, Truss payed a glowing tribute to him on Twitter (it’s still out there). Saying (amongst other things) that she used to be pally with him when he was in Leeds..
Yet when the dirty old fuck was rumbled, I bet Liz was first in line to convey her outrage and disgust. She really is ulcerous self serving vermin, and a cunt.
She also scared the horses by proposing to relax immigration rules.
No real surprise considering she was a committed Remainer in the EU referendum.
An unfortunate photo of her, but i can’t agree that she is a cunt.
She wasn’t given much of a chance.
Ticky-boo is having fun again.
What would Liz Truss do to climb the ladder….
Change her political party✔
Change her beliefs✔
Change her loyalties✔
Sell her grandmother✔
Do a shit in Trafalgar Square✔
Penny is truly luscious.