The cunts that make up some juries.
Attached is a report of government intervention on the release of a convicted killer. Good, yes, but what caught my attention was this:
”Joanna Simpson, 46, was bludgeoned to death by Robert Brown in Ascot, Berkshire, in October 2010. Brown killed the millionaire at her home within earshot of their two children, then aged nine and 10, a court previously heard.
He buried her body in a pre-dug grave in Windsor Great Park before confessing to police the following day.”
This fucking jury found him not guilty of murder but guilty of manslaughter. He killed this poor woman and put her in a PRE DUG grave.
How in the name of fuck can that not be murder? What sort of a jury can call that manslaughter? Surely being a gibbering moron excuses jury duty.
I fucking despair.
Nominated by: Cuntstable Cuntbubble
Sounds premeditated alright. Surely that’s murder, unless there are some extenuating factors; diminished responsibility or something.
Afternoon all.
From the link:
“The former pilot, now aged 59, was found not guilty of murder after a jury was told the couple’s bitter divorce proceedings had put him under great stress.”
Manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility, then, determined by a psychiatrist’s, or several psychiatrists’, decision/decisions.
Top nom.
What’s the betting the bleeding heart cunts on the parole board decide he has mended his ways and deserves a second chance? This country is full of weak minded, Labour voting twats that are eating away at the foundations of society like fucking termites. The same cunts are happy to let hundreds of thousands of primitive towel heads enter the country so that they can rape and murder at will. Fuck off.
Bang on the money sir.
I do wonder about juries sometimes, especially with the type of drippy millennials who are now old enough to qualify.
Equally as worrying are the lefty, woke judges who direct these juries who look to steer them in a certain direction.
They are unlikely to find a silvery moon guilty of anything.
A bloke I worked with when I worked in London used to tell me that you could get away with all sorts if the jury had black women in it.
They’ll believe any old sob story.
The cunt pleaded guilty to manslaughter on grounds of diminished responsibility. No doubt the judge directed the jury to accept that plea so he could get down to his Club and bum some rent boys. The cunt’s brief obviously knows his way around the soft as shit legal system and did a good job for his client.
I suspect the only reason this case is making the news is because the relatives are poshos and have powerful connections. If the deceased lady worked on the check out at Tesco’s I suspect this Brown cunt would be walking around right now and her family would be told to suck it up.
Justice? Don’t make me fucking laugh.
You’re right about this cunt’s brief Fred.
If ever I’m up before the beak, I want him.
The parole board,the “justice” system,judges,the prison service,the police and the Home Office simply don’t seem up to the job of maintaining law and order in this country.
This murdering cunt should have been hanged then such shitty pantomimes as thirteen years for murder would no longer matter.
We’ve gone soft and every evil cunt at home and abroad knows it.
Immediate Oven.
From the police, who can barely be bothered to arrest criminals, to lawyers who will bust a nut to get the criminals the lightest sentence possible. To the Liberal judges who believe every criminal deserves a second, third or fourth chance
The system is broken
I plead insanity.
I would have sat in that jury room like Henry fucking Fonda if I could see the other cunts were softening towards manslaughter . We’d still be there now
Mind you he got 26 years. Quite heavy for manslaughter. If it had been murder he only would have got community service.
To be a good juror takes intelligence. You have too sit through days of mind numbing evidence. Jurors are then required to weigh the evidence and come to a reasoned conclusion based on it. Sadly, this is beyond many 21st century citizens. Their brains dulled by a daily diet of woke pap, churned out by increasingly dire schools where traditional methods of teaching have gone out of the window, they are simply too thick. They would rather get it over with and rush home in time for Strictly Cunts Prancing. Ignorant thick cunts.
Ho ho, we posted almost exactly the same thing at almost exactly the same time…spoooooky!
As they say Thomas, great minds…
Gentlemen, gentlemen, please.
Can’t a man dig a hole without accusation? If he then tries to do the family a favour by swatting a fly with a bat, and accidently catches the homeowner, should that lead to a trial? Then whilst valiantly trying to drag the afflicted to the hospital, stumble and fall into the aforementioned hole, and scrambling to get help fills it back in with the loose earth, I ask in all honesty;
Did he have the same legal team as Michael barrymore?
The general public are on the juries.
The general public watches Coronation Street and Ant and Dec Dancing On Ice.
The general public are simpletons who should not be allowed to make important decisions.
Jury service is a real fucking eye-opener – the defendant can virtually admit to it on the stand & some dozy cunt will still vote not-guilty because they ‘feel sorry’ for the cunt.
As for this prick, a cunt who has the ability to claw-hammer someone to death deserves no parole, ever. Fucking sick & tired of the fucking do-gooders in this shithole of a country seeing a ‘reformed character’.
They’re the same cunts that are the main reason that the human filth that wash up on our shores are allowed to stay, instead of being driven back into the sea by attack dogs.
I’m a philogynist who will perform Trini Lopez’s greatest hit, if this evil looking cunt ever gets released.
Let’s hope that philogyny doesn’t extend to simp territory.
OT but who’s sick of hearing about Jockistan First Ministers in-laws.
Who the fuck goes to the Gaza strip for a fucking holiday (or to ‘visit a sick relative’ lol)?
Cunts, that’s who.
Apparently run out of clean drinking water, might I suggest bison piss..
Sam beau swears by it..
And he has a fabulous complexion!
I saw summat a few months back about a mostly black jury who let an obviously guilty black fella off. Can’t recall exactly what it was about, I was only half paying attention to it.
Expect to see more shit like that.
Tribal juries letting their own off.
What a fucking country.
That’s been known about for some time, but not limited to black defendants. As an old bloke I used to work with in London said, ‘if you get a jury with black women on it’, you only have to start crying and they’ll let you off’.
Kenny Noye shot a cop in his garden and a certain champagne socialist QC got him off on self defence somehow. Poor innocent Kenny lol (don’t shoot me Kenny, big fan ahem.)
He also got that cunt Barry George off. Who gives a fuck if he didn’t do it (I reckon he did it anyway)? He was filmed harassing girls and had been done in the past for attempted rape and sexual assault, unless I’m mistaken? Posing in gimp masks with guns. Fucking loon. His house was a tip and full of candid photos of random women and girls in the area. Fucking hundreds of them. Right fucking pervy weirdo. Plenty of mags and papers that had Jill Dando in too.
This QC also represented cunts like IRA members/sympathisers and made sure their was plenty of white guilt/institutional racism claims after a the Lawrence case.
Jurors can be cunts, but lawyers like that…
…Goiiiiinng. dooooowwwnnn!
‘Who gives a fuck if he didn’t do it…’
You didn’t like him, that’s all that counts, right?
Very minor point Cunty; he actually stabbed the copper to death.
Just been away to read his wikipedia page. You will be horrified.
I have no idea how jury service works but I haven’t met a single person who’s been on it. Or anybody who knows somebody who has. At least not that they’ve ever mentioned.
I worked it out. The jury decided he didn’t murder her, he slaughtered her, hence the verdict. Simples.
I did it not long after my 18th birthday Moggy. I was dead excited as it was in a Crown Court that has had a lot of very high profile cases down the years.
I ended up sitting around for a few days doing fuck all at first, but eating a few sandwiches in the waiting lounge then going home at about 3pm. Then, I finally got called.
I was dead excited. Serial killer case? Top gangter case with the cops, judge, us jurors and the witnesses for the prosecution all given balaclavas to protect our identities for fear of reprisal attacks, with the SAS surrounding the court just in case? Some mega famous cunt being done for rape?
It was just some cunt driving his car on a beach and then a case where some cunt tried to rob a tractor. First one not guilty of dangerous driving but guilty of driving without due care and attention. Second one guilty I think.
What a let down.
Fucking well pissed off I was.
I think you’re proving MMCM and Thomas quite correct.
Get fucked!
Perhaps they should hit the cunt on the head with a claw hammer when he’s released. Justice would be served…..☠️
God id love to be a juror.
To decide someone’s fate.
I can tell you now I consider them guilty.
And the other members of the jury can’t do shit to change that.
GUILTY m’lud.
Fuckin criminals.
Hang the cunts.
From your flytipper to your murderer get them dangling from hemp.
Indeed MNC.
I can tell if he’s guilty by looking at him or as soon as he opens his mouth.
A fella with a ‘tan’ walks in? I’d be getting the judge’s black cap out for him before the oath.
Fella stands up and says, “I swear to tell the truth…” and I pick up a Scouse accent? I’d stand up there and then and shout, ‘We find the defendant guilty as charged, m’lud!’
Why waste everyone’s time?
I wouldn’t even have to attend to decide they fucker is guilty.
Just the fact he’s accused.
Clearly a deadleg in need of punishment by the law.
May as well leave me to go to work,
Put a cardboard sign saying GUILTY in my chair.
Save wasting everyone’s time.
When I first turned up I’d tell them that I would find everybody guilty, to mark my verdict that way and then fuck off to the pub.
The problem with jury’s, they are full of blockheads.?
Food particles in their teeth, what a oriole state they are in.
The memories!!!
Forgetting everything else. Now with British summertime over, I look forward to strolling along the seafront and empty promenade at dusk, visiting the Beach Hut for inspection. Then home for a cosy night in.
As great as being a juror would be, the idea of being a judge makes my winky throb.
I’d be notorious.
My place in history guaranteed.
Bring forth the accused!!
Thomas Rupert Cuntengine,
You are charged with possession of class A narcotics,
Lewd acts with a guinea pig,
And outraging public decency.
How do you please?
” not guilty”
Sneers at the court suggestively rubbing his crotch.
“All stand for his honour Judge Miserable Northern Cunt”
A sharp intake of breathe around the courtroom.
Cuntengines sneer falters.
His beedy cruel eyes widen with shock.
The Hammer of the law!
The hanging judge!
The Reaper of the guilty!
As the judges shadow fills the room
Icy sweat trickles down Cuntengines back.
Fate enters the room ?
Your Honour Judge Miserable Northern Cunt.
Earlier, I was found guilty of affray. Will you please pass sentence on me. Being my first offence, I hope I’m let off lightly, by promising never to do it again.
Sammy @
Leniency in this matter is granted.
12hrs community service cleaning up ISAC HQ
And to make the half time butties tomorrow.
Sentence is passed.
Go about your business and keep your nose clean.?
Only God can judge me because I’ll enter the dock wearing a priest’s robes.
I’ll deny all your petty mortal earthly charges.
As I look at your silly wig and wonder why the judge’s beard looks unkempt and wildly ginger, our eyes meet, mine beady, yours red-rimmed with tears of sorrow at having to pronounce the death of a true cunt then, as you utter the words “you will be taken from this place and hanged by the neck until drad”, I’ll whip open my cassock to reveal what I’ve had impaled on my knob during my whole time in court:
The grey/green slimy, decaying corpse of Wee Jimmy Krankie which I shall proceed to shoot my load into as the whole court screams with horror and then pukes up simulataneously.
Now that would be entertaining.
It’d pain me deeply Thomas.
But justice must be seen to be done.
As you stand shaking in your manacles,
I’d say to the clerk
” Tell mr Pierre point he can take the rest of the day off.
I’ll handle this one.”
As we walked to the gallows,
I’d allow you a cigarette
Even a few minutes to wave bye-bye to your family.
I’m not a callous man.
I’d allow you a cravat of your own choice to stop the rope chafing your skinny neck,
Your a white man after all.
But hang you I would.
Heavy heart? Yes
A smatter of sympathy?
But duty is everything.
Id even dig your grave myself!
And carve you a headstone.
‘ here lies Trevor Cuntengine,
A rogue, and rotter.
We’ll never forget him.
You’ll grant me my dying wish, I’m sure?
You will have to look into my haemorrhaging eyes as I die, a sinister, knowing smile on my face.
Then I’ll haunt you so terrifyingly that you’ll commit suicide within six months, running yourself over with your own van, like monkey-faced East 17 dullard Brian Harvey achieved.
Then it’s eternity in hell for you, I’m afraid, Judge MNC whilst I, thanks to my expert use of psychedelic compounds, will return in this realm and be reborn into the body of a Narwhal for some reason.
You are rasputin and I claim my free boney m album.. hey,hey,hey.
What a super TV show that’d make!
A stern judge and a ghostly reprobate,
Solving crimes and getting into adventures!
Like Randall and Hopkirk(deceased)
But with more racism.
Ho ho, yes indeed! ?
And there’d probably be some a rude lady suspect for me to investigate late at night until they sensed a ghostly, Gollumesque presence and wondered where all that ectoplasm suddenly materialised from.
Thank you your honour. My duties will commence immediately and promise to bite my tongue the next time.
I got called for jury service at the Crown Court last year, but got kicked off.
I think if the case got that far, the Cunt’s guilty.
Sure give them a fair trial, and then gibbet the cunts! ☠️
I think jury trials should be done away with, let’s just have three legally qualified types hearing the evidence and deciding on a verdict, majority vote wins, a bit like Strictly come Baking Celebrities on Ice judges.
Digging a grave then killing somebody are unrelated events? Interesting…..
OT: What is it about these cunts? They revel in any sort of tragedy or incident.
Jurgen Klopp says Liverpool won “for our brother” Luis Diaz after claiming victory over Nottingham Forest “in the most difficult of circumstances” at Anfield.
Typical mawkish griefjacking.
business as usual for the bin-dippers then? They love a bit of griefjacking.
I ddi jury service about 20 years ago. Fuck me – there is NO way I ever want to be tried by 12 cunts from the thick as pig shit general public to decide my fate.
Trial by ordeal was better.
Bring that back!
Trial by hanging the cunts til dead is sufficient and easier on the taxpayer.
#Thomasthe cuntengineisinnocentofmostofthechargesprobably,ornotfuckit
Judge: Give the accused the Woke Deck.
(The accused flips through the pack, glancing at each card)
Judge: Has the accused chosen his dedence cards?
Barrister: Yes your honour. He has chosen two.
Judge: And what is your defence?
Murderer: I’m going wiv dis one, Men’al ‘ealf, an’ dis one, Coz I Is Black, Innit.
Judge: Menbers of the jury –
Juror Number 1: Not guilty, your honour.
Clearly, you haven’t met my nephew. He would think that Pol Pot was a little bit dodgy. The mind boggles!