Not having condemned Hamas for the brutal slaughter of Israeli civilians, including beheaded children and babies, Jeremy Corbyn demonstrated his blatant support of a terrorist (NOT militant, BBC) state, by joining thousands of Palestinian supporters…..
“We cannot stand by as Gaza is decimated” – J.Corbyn
“It is right to condemn the occupation of Palestine by Israeli forces” – J.Corbyn
“To the political leaders of this country, do not condone war crimes… you must condemn what is happening now in Gaza by the Israeli army.” – J.Corbyn
Meanwhile, crowds held up banners :-
‘From the river to the sea’
‘Support Palestinian resistance against the Zionist entity’
This terrorist apologist wanted to be Prime minister, and now wants to be London Mayor.
Oswald Mosely reincarnated. What a vile, dangerous CUNT he is.
Nominated by Lord of the Rings.
Bet he was calling for Jihad over the weekend.
Fucking piss stained magic grandpa, only marginally less insane than is certifiable brother. Fuck off to Hades and stay there.
I wouldn’t listen to word of anyone who’s fucked flabbottus sober..
Should be institutionalised for that alone..
Now be fair Barry, they do make a delightful and attractive twosome;
Thanks Ron that’s put me right off me dinner.
I take it richard stilgoe’s mates couldn’t afford a ticket to London zoo?
Jesus RK, not only do I want my dinner tonight, I don’t think I can think about sex for the next month.
I think we can all envisage just what a ‘free’ Palestine would actually turn out to look like if Hamas and Hezbollah ever get their way.
Old Man Steptoe truly is a cunter’s cunt. He deserves IsAC’s ultimate accolade, to be made a National Cunt.
He’s today’s Lord Haw-Haw.
Oh Jeremy Corbyn.
Why the fuck does a white British male have so much empathy with Rag heads and terrorist, I just don’t get it.
Stupid cunt
Imagine had this cunt retained his Labour leadership and subsequently won the 2019 election from Blowjob Boris!
This country would be an Islamic state by now (although we’re not too far from that in reality!)
A piece of shit if ever I saw one. Must be the result of syphilitic clap after shagging Flabbot for all those years.
Unfortunately his disgusting anti- Semitic views are held by a majority in Labour. Sir Kweer will have his work cut out for him, although I actually admire him for the principled stand he’s been making on this issue. I don’t want him for PM though.
A little over a year until the next election. It looks like Labour will get seats off of the SNP and rebuilder least some of the northern red wall.
Prepare to be well and truly fucked.
The corrupt SNP wagon trundles on…
Lets just hope the Scotch remain staunch nationalists (while claiming they can get straight back into the EU).
Isac has become an echo-chamber on this issue. We need Miles back
Jeremy Corbyn? I don’t remember him ever been popular on here.
@ CharlieConcrete. You must be taking the piss.
Anyone seen charlie concrete and miles plastic together in the same room?
Told you he’d be back.
Miles Plastic
Charlie Concrete
Might I suggest
Leggo Arsehole?
If it’s Miles he will give himself away before long by ranting on about Jews. He can’t keep it bottled in.
How about Plastic Catholic? Or Concrete Nazi?
No we don’t.
Exactly. Let him remain in the outer darkness, the hateful anti- Semitic genocidal cunt.
I said the attack on the 7th was a ‘result’. Because I want a war.
I am ‘glad’ it has provoked this war I mean. Not glad about the poor Jews that were killed.
Let’s see a real fight not just the usual six monthly Gaza bombing campaign to satisfy their lust for children’s blood.
Lets fucklng see. Will the Arab world fight? Will Iran fight?
Change the script, crash the fucking car.
As Cunty Chops said the Palestinians have nothing left to lose.
Fuck me can’t you all take a difference of opinion? I thought you were allowed to say anything on here.
Seemingly not when it comes to this subject. The sacred cow of the Protestant capitalist religion.
I don’t want anyone killed. But if there is killing I want as many Jews killed as Palestianlans.
Will Iran get involved? Dunno.
Yes too frightened of being wiped out by America.
I am realistic. Your ‘side’ will probably win.
But it won’t ‘prevail’ in the long run.
Bloody hell, it really is you.
When they were hit on the 7th Netanyahu ‘delared war.’ My first reaction was but you’ve been at war since your conception.
It’s perpetual war you have brought to the region.
You are MP and I claim my 258,614 Iranian Rials, lol.
The footage from Dagestan airport. Hundreds swarming all over for Jewish blood. If they had have been an ‘Israeli’ plane they would have torn them limb from limb
That’s anger is throughout the world.
You cannot protect people if they inflamed that much.
So once again a bit like in the Holocaust and persecution down the centuries it will be the ordinary law abiding Jews in different countries who will take the heat.
It will be the poor ordinary Jews around the world who will suffer for this Zionist experiment.
Now Mr Concrete stay on the subject, Corbyn, or fuck off somewhere else C.A.
Fuck is this concrete thing talking about?
Come to think of it, this Concrete fella is too literate to be MP.
MP was barely able to string a sentence together coherently.
English probably not his first language.
“Let’s see a real fight not just the usual six monthly Gaza bombing campaign to satisfy their lust for children’s blood.”
The old blood libel again. Fanatics butcher and behead Jewish babies after firing rockets into Israeli territory for many years and you talk about a “ fair fight”.
A quick message to all really, this cunting is about Jeremy Corbyn, lets stick to the topic C.A.
Are you Jewish MMCM, if you don’t mind the question?
You seem to take the anti-Semitic thing a bit too seriously in my opinion; the good folk here talk shite about pretty much every tribe, clan and parish and God’s chosen should be no exception.
I’m acutely aware there are some WASPish cunters here who don’t particularly like my own tribe. I can take it or leave it and only engage with it if it is funny, which it frequently is. It’s all pretty abstract isn’t it?
The one exception was some Yankee Doodle spaz who thought fit to actually insult me personally, but what can you expect from those crass pieces of shit across the pond.
The point I think I’m making is, you can’t really expect anti-semitic to stick as a point on IsAC.
(Not to mention that the Arabs themselves are…..well, Semites).
For well over a century the word antisemitism has been used exclusively to describe hatred of Jews.
I am not Jewish but know where antisemitism and scapegoating of the Jews led to in the not so distant past.
Something this Concrete fella and IsAC’s resident neo-Nazi Cunty Chops are keen for us to forget.
MJB – I’ll be brief as we’ve got to stick to the topic. Corbyn is a cunt.
Now that’s out of the way, I suspect you and I both know the truth about how certain cunters (and Corbyn and the lefties) really judge the sons of David, but so long as they are being overtly ‘anti-zionist’ as opposed to ‘anti-Jewish’ then its as valid a position as the contrary.
My tuppence is that the Israeli government dines out a bit too frequently on the ‘anti-semitic’ canard than is in good taste. Wouldn’t it be some thing to judge them on their actions.
I freely admit to not being to contemplate what it is like to live either side of the divide but I’d like to think that carpet-bombing Derry in the 70s after any atrocity from the IRA might have raised a few eyebrows.
P.s Even if ‘the Jews’ are getting some genuine hate, they are in good company on this august forum.
@Mickey Blue Eyes
Yes I’m Jewish.
And I don’t mind the usual banter about four by fours etc. water off a ducks back. And I can laugh and take the piss out of Jews like anyone else, despite my Jewish blood. I recognise Jews are quite peculiar in many ways. Jewish comedians like Jackie Mason made a fortune laughing at other Jews. But this is different. It is serious. It’s real anti semitism. And quite viscous.
Fair enough mucker, you’re not wrong on that point.
This is a nomination about Jeremy Corbyn being friends with Terrorists. There is a war in Israel starred by Terrorists presumed by many to be supported by Corbyn.
Given that…and my relationship with some posters both active and banned…I find this particular exchange quite remarkable.
Preach on MMCM. It doesn’t matter if you’re a Jew or Gentile when you speak the truth.
Just so we are clear what kind of hatred we are talking about:
I’ll try again.
Terrible news General. Beautiful girl as well.
MMCM – “…Fanatics butcher and behead Jewish babies…”
Fer crying out loud…
Within days, the Israeli foreign ministry and armed forces and some correspondents said there was no evidence for the beheadings. Go that? Happy now?
It was total bullshit dreamt up by a ringletted radical armed ‘settler’ named David Ben Zion and immediately stove-piped by the fucking media.
MJB – “…and IsAC’s resident neo-Nazi Cunty Chops are keen for us to forget….”
I appreciate the honourary mention Minge but you are wrong, I have but a passing affiliation with socialism of any sort be that national or Corbyn’s Trotskyite iterations. For the record and avoidance of further gormless speculations I am an ethno-nationalist right wing libertarian.
Charlie Concrete ?
Is Paul Paper, Walter Wood, Sly Stone and Metal Mickey coming next?
Never met a terrorist he didn’t like.
His ultimate dinner party guest list would read like a Who’s Who of mass murderers. Stalin, Che, Chavez, his IRA chums…oi Fidel! Outside if you have to smoke.
And his girlfriend Diane’s favourite mass murderer, Mao.
Jeremy would be the one standing outside, the silly old cuck.
Jezzer and his commie friends will support any bunch of cunts who want to destroy this country because they hate this country with a passion. Presumably he thinks, once that happens, he and his crew are going to take over and establish their socialist utopia where Steptoe tells everyone what to do because he knows best.
Unfortunately his latest bunch of pals, the Peacefuls, have minds of their own (well, sort of) and they’ve got no time for Jezzer’s commie nonsense. He thinks he is using them but they are using him and his Islington dinner party pals. Poor Jezzer, he came so close in 2017 and, if he had listened to his inner brexiteer self, he might have made it. Alas, politics is all about compromise, something that commies are not very good at.
Hopefully the new Islamic Party will split the vote forever more.
Be very afraid.
As an honorary muzzıe and member of Labour, one wonders where his loyalties lie when it comes to the question of tran§bumderism…
Former head of the Stop The West. – ahem ‘War’ – coalition.
All for Hamas having weapons but not a standing army for Britain.
Invites rabid Antisemites to tea.
*cue the White Stripes’ Seven Nation Army’;
‘Oh, Jere-my coooor-byn’.
Ergo, the whole of glastonbury are anti-semites. Middle-class racists. Surely not.
Well, mi’Lord
They certainly are a load of littering cunts, for all the support of ” climate change”.
Now, where’s my fucking helicopter, to take me to my private jet so I can fuck off to the villa.
Nah, just middle-class leftist Islington group-think cunts
Why doesn’t Corbyn and his humourless moronic socialists protest outside the chinese embassy about the fate of thousands of Uyghur muslims incarcerated in chinese jails ?.
The left have this obsession with Palestine. Nothing else matters .
Can’t protest against the Chinks.
They’re the good guys.
They’re Commies.
Israel is the left’s latest bogeyman of fashion.
All those who salivate at the thought of getting their hands around Corbyn’s scrawny neck, say…..
Come on now, don’t be shy.
An irrelevant, dribbling career protester whose politics never progressed beyond the 6th form debating society. Sasha Johnson level intellect, blindly following the Left’s cause celebres such as Palestine without question, because he’s not cerebrally equipped to question anything.
A fucking waste of DNA.
A perfect summing up Geordie.
Thank you arfur.
I think I might have given away the fact that I don’t like him very much.
He endorses Transbumders as he took on Munroe Bergdorf as LGBTQ ‘advisor’
Bergdorf has since stood down due to
‘attacks on ‘her’ character’ although saying stuff like ‘white people are the most violent and oppressive force on the face of the earth’ didn’t help.
Fucking hell!
He took her on as his what the what, now?
It’s a geezer innit.
Honest to God!
My Elder wants norks like those.
Slightly off-topic, but since we`re talking about morality, here`s a bookmark which may restore your belief in humanity and justice …
(Perhaps the subject of a future nomination?).
£135k and counting. Nice one.
Meanwhile, the uppity jam spoon will fade into obscurity.
Hopefully popping a cap in each others arses before dying.
This fucking dinosaur needs to have a meteor land on his head.
He is the other half of dumb and dumber protesting..
It’s his parents I feel sorry for.
Mam and dad Corbyn.
Two sons,
Both headtheballs☹️
One a terrorist lover
The other that tinfoil he was kicked out of the “We the People ‘ party.
His dad must have something wrong with his spuds.
If he thinks it will save him, come the takeover, he’s very much mistaken.
He’ll be first of the top of the Shard.
If he’s still alive by then, of course.
Bury the wicked old commie cunt hundred foot under his mates..
Not when he’s dead,today.
‘We cannot stand by…..’. OK, fuck off to Gaza and sort it it out yourself and take any like minded wankers with you, sham pain socialist.
You just beat me to it Isabel.
Why doesn’t this cunt go and fight for his Hamas friends in the Gaza Strip?
No-one voted for him to be PM, he got thrown out of his own party, and fucks Diane Abbot.
Yes Corbyn, the UK would be glad to see the back of you, so be a good cunt and fuck off to Gaza. Bye bye.
The smell of the Flabbot Fanny Curtains would bring Israel to the negotiating table pronto, and beg for mercy
The current problem is this. We have just witnessed an “Immo” “rage” on the streets, and Jeez, that was a frightening sight. If Grandpa stands for Mayor. He will be elected. If Grandpa wants the keys to number 10, his Immo Army will fetch the keys for him. 60 years of suppressing the whites, has certainly landed os in the shit soup kitchen awaiting our turn. ( and for what )
When it comes time for the citizens to introduce the traitors to Madame Guillotine, Corbyn should be at the head of the queue.
Shouldn’t that be a head in the queue General?
Good question Ron.
After due consideration, I think he should be at the head of the queue. After Madame sings, he is then a head in the basket
I have to get this off my chest. This excellent nom about Magic Grandpa reminds me of the suicidal impulses of the so called “ progressive” woke left.
I always thought, from the outside, that the Trans debacle epitomised the demise of the West – from forcible acquiescence to a Cult, to subjectivity over rational objectivity, to disbelieving the truth of your own eyes etc. But, as so often happens, just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does.
I can’t express how shocked, and horrified, I am that within hours of the Hamas massacre / kidnap of innocent non combatants, the Lefty MSM forgets this blatant war crime, indeed casually sets it aside, and proceeds to whip up support for an organisation whose founding principle is, quite literally, genocide. To add insult to injury, the main victims of the Holocaust are labelled as Nazis. On what planet does this make sense?
Does no one know how many Jews were encouraged to leave a swathe of Northern African and other middle eastern countries? Lebanon used to be majority Christian. The Jews have a biblical claim to Israel – and as one of the major monotheistic religions, you can be assured Islam and Christian clerics both know this. And it’s not only a biblical claim. There were majority Jewish Sephardi populations in Palestine in the Ottoman period right down to the 20th century.
Gaza was given up completely to the control of Hamas – including removing Israeli’s and their farms and businesses. What happened to those greenhouses? They were destroyed. Gaza has received millions which it could have used to make that small strip something truly amazing. Did they do that? No, and now this is Israel’s fault? They were propped up by Israel in terms of power / water / limited employment opportunities etc., and the the thanks they get for that is those ‘workers’ probably provided much of Hamas’ intelligence. And Magic Grandpa and others want them to back down?
They are stuck in a zugzwang – maybe because they have been too complacent. There is a lesson – give an inch, miles will be taken. Be perceived as weak and you will be mercilessly exploited by Mudslimes. The West’s wholesale ‘import’ of people they have so little understanding of can only end one way. Watching London’s protests, its promotion of Islamic calls to prayer, its blatant uselessness in the face of a radical jihad agenda is truly sad.
The icing on the death cake is signs like ‘Queers for Palestine’ – what world do these people live in that they don’t know that they would be as ruthlessly slaughtered as Israeli civilians were, if they were brave (or silly) enough to actually put their ‘money’ where their mouths are. As with Greta T, who protests vociferously in the West, but (wisely) declines to the do the same in China, these people are the worst form of rich hypocrites, who by their ignorance and stupidity, don’t understand the pawns they have become.
Went into moderation so I’m reposting this. Admin please delete my earlier post.
I have to get this off my chest. This excellent nom about Magic Grandpa reminds me of the suicidal impulses of the so called “ progressive” woke left.
I always thought, from the outside, that the Trans debacle epitomised the demise of the West – from forcible acquiescence to a Cult, to subjectivity over rational objectivity, to disbelieving the truth of your own eyes etc. But, as so often happens, just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does.
I can’t express how shocked, and horrified, I am that within hours of the Hamas massacre / kidnap of innocent non combatants, the Lefty MSM forgets this blatant war crime, indeed casually sets it aside, and proceeds to whip up support for an organisation whose founding principle is, quite literally, genocide. To add insult to injury, the main victims of the Holocaust are labelled as fascists. On what planet does this make sense?
Does no one know how many Jews were encouraged to leave a swathe of Northern African and other middle eastern countries? Lebanon used to be majority Christian. The Jews have a biblical claim to Israel – and as one of the major monotheistic religions, you can be assured Islam and Christian clerics both know this. And it’s not only a biblical claim. There were majority Jewish Sephardi populations in Palestine in the Ottoman period right down to the 20th century.
Gaza was given up completely to the control of Hamas – including removing Israeli’s and their farms and businesses. What happened to those greenhouses? They were destroyed. Gaza has received millions which it could have used to make that small strip something truly amazing. Did they do that? No, and now this is Israel’s fault? They were propped up by Israel in terms of power / water / limited employment opportunities etc., and the the thanks they get for that is those ‘workers’ probably provided much of Hamas’ intelligence. And Magic Grandpa and others want them to back down?
They are stuck in a zugzwang – maybe because they have been too complacent. There is a lesson – give an inch, miles will be taken. Be perceived as weak and you will be mercilessly exploited by Mudslimes. The West’s wholesale ‘import’ of people they have so little understanding of can only end one way. Watching London’s protests, its promotion of Islamic calls to prayer, its blatant uselessness in the face of a radical jihad agenda is truly sad.
The icing on the death cake is signs like ‘Gays for Palestine’ – what world do these people live in that they don’t know that they would be as ruthlessly slaughtered as Israeli civilians were, if they were brave (or silly) enough to actually put their ‘money’ where their mouths are. As with Greta T, who protests vociferously in the West, but (wisely) declines to the do the same in China, these people are the worst form of rich hypocrites, who by their ignorance and stupidity, don’t understand the pawns they have become.
Absolutely spot in ..?
Hear, hear.
I could not agree with you more.
Well written and heartfelt.
Top marks, MMCM.
I think ‘Gays for Palestine’ is a nomination pending which I’m eagerly anticipating.
Gays for Palestine?
Jesus fucking Christ. What the fucking hell next – Homos for Hamas?
Some fargotts need to conspicuously perish under Hamas just to bring reality home to these irritating, idiotic, fudge-packing munchkins.
‘Most Muslims are peaceful’.
Yeah, but I bet they tacitly support Hamas and Hezbollah all the same, and there are about 4 mill. of the cunts here, and counting.
Are we fucked? You’d better believe it.
This makes interesting reading.
The cunts never done a days work in his life, always a professional busybody and on whatever committee he can sit on to avoid proper work.
“Corbyn began a course in Trade Union Studies at North London Polytechnic but left after a year without a degree after a series of arguments with his tutors over the curriculum.”.
Why doesn’t that surprise me. What a useless cunt.
I went to North London Poly in the early 80’s.
The Socialist ‘Workers’ society (aka useless lazy perpetual student cunts) invited Cuntbyn to give a talk. I had heard of him but didn’t really know much about him, so went along to listen.
After a few minutes, I was convinced of his cuntitude. The only difference between then and now was the colour of his hair and straggly beard. What a snaggled toothed cunt he was and still is.
In mah day at Edinburgh Uni, if you went into any khazi on campus you would find scrawled above the bog roll;
To be fair to Corbyn, any one of us would have been eager to get off home as fast as our bicycles could carry us if we had a warm, nubile naked Dianne Abbott waiting for us at home, oiled up and looking like a sexy hybrid ‘twixt elephant seal and lowlands gorilla.