Jeremy “The Terrorists’ Friend” Corbyn (31)

Not having condemned Hamas for the brutal slaughter of Israeli civilians, including beheaded children and babies, Jeremy Corbyn demonstrated his blatant support of a terrorist (NOT militant, BBC) state, by joining thousands of Palestinian supporters…..

We cannot stand by as Gaza is decimated” – J.Corbyn

It is right to condemn the occupation of Palestine by Israeli forces” – J.Corbyn

To the political leaders of this country, do not condone war crimes… you must condemn what is happening now in Gaza by the Israeli army.” – J.Corbyn

Meanwhile, crowds held up banners :-
‘From the river to the sea’
‘Support Palestinian resistance against the Zionist entity’

This terrorist apologist wanted to be Prime minister, and now wants to be London Mayor.

Oswald Mosely reincarnated. What a vile, dangerous CUNT he is.


Nominated by Lord of the Rings.

127 thoughts on “Jeremy “The Terrorists’ Friend” Corbyn (31)

  1. Jeremy Corbyn is a traitor to the British.
    He’s hoping to be elected as Mayor of London.

    Why not, it would be out with the old khunt, bring in the new cunt.

    So no change there, then.

  2. The Fucker has never had a proper job, never grown up. Stayed a Marxist Cunt all his worthless life.
    A waste of space, euthanize the old cunt.

    • It’s not his love of terrorists
      It’s not his love of black pussy.

      It’s not his antisemitism
      It’s not his champagne socialism.

      It’s that fuckin hat he wears.?

      I’m a forgiving man.
      Everybody says so!
      But I’d nail Jeremy to a tree for wearing that hat.

      What the fuck is it anyway?
      Tugboat Capn?
      Steam-engine shoveller?

      • It’s the kind of cap Lenin used to wear. Jezzer went to Moscow and saw the old commie cunt’s mummified body. He fell head over heels in love and Flabbott had to take second place. It’s a tragedy.

      • Every time I see some hippy-type boomer wearing one of those things, I feel the uncontrollable urge to set it on fire…. with the pinko cunt still wearing it.

      • There was some old cunt, he’d be long dead by now, used to tend Marx’s grave over Highgate cemetery and always wore that cap. He made the magic grandad seem normal. Mad as a sackful of hungry rats.

      • Commie version of a dunce cap for their useful idiots.

        ‘Hey comrade, you’ll look Revolution-ready in this?’

        ‘Cheers comrade!’


  3. I put him on a par with neal fucking kinnock both a pair of useless cunts thank god nether of them got the reins pair of useless cunts

  4. I remember the that speaking to trot students at North London Polytechnic in Holloway Road in the early 80s. Afterwards, having an orange juice with student union leaders in the Lord Nelson, watching the collection tin for the boys back in the occupied 6 counties filling with coins.
    He was a scruffy, humourless cunt then with something nasty in his psyche.
    The only thing that can be said in his favour is that he maintains a constant approach to life….he is STILL a scruffy, humourless cunt then with something nasty in his psyche.

    • That’s his ammunition belt mate. Put a sombrero on his bonce and he could pass for Pancho Villa. Now THERE was a massive cunt. Fortunately took a car ride and ended up in a Bonny and Clyde situation. I often fantasise about Hewitt and Sparkletits ending up like that. Keeps me happy for about five minutes.

  5. Virulent anti semite anti British commie cunts like corbyn should have been rounded up years ago and forcibly dumped in Angola.

    If the soviet loving cunt managed to lie his way back to our shores he should have been shot on sight.

    Same goes for his lickspittle cunts such as Flabbott and Stormer.

    Good show.

  6. I’ve seen comments saying Corbyn should be “cunt of all time” , I normally agree with 90% of comments on here but not these ones, the only human being on the planet and I suspect the only sentient being in the universe who should have this title is Anthony Charles Lynton Blair, the undeniable CUNT of all time since the beginning of time.

    • Surely not ‘Tony ‘Destroyer of Nations, Including his Own’ Blair.

      His cuntdom is unique in that he is the only PM i’ve sent an email to expressing my opinion of his conduct.

  7. I have despised this smelly dirty tramp ever since he crawled up the arse of Gerry Adams.

    It’s no wonder or coincidence that the scruffy bleeder is now tonguing the arseholes of murderous sandfilth.

  8. To hell with it, I am not on here often these days, and, offend or please I am going to say exactly what I think.

    Let me start by saying, as a Conservative I loathe Magic Grandpa, and all of his poofy party, and Hamas are true scum BUT let’s be frank about it, Israel, more particularly that murderous bastard Netanyahu, a would be hard man criminal, is just as bad.

    He is prepared to see totally innocent humans blown up and “bravely” declares “now is the time for war”, knowing he himself is totally safe, and hides behind the shit stained skirts of Joe Biden.

    It was ever thus – Israel is untouchable because whoever the American President is, he is always up Israel’s arse, and Israel’s the Presidents. Let the fat arsed old bastard go and fight his war himself (just like Corbyn should) old men with one foot in the grave “bravely” contemplating World War Three. What have they got to lose?

    It reminds you of the six of one and half a dozen of the other situation we had in Ireland, and I am heartily sick of it. All you can say about Corbyn is that at least unlike his successor he doesn’t sit on the fence.

    What with this sick war and pages of eulogy about some self destructive American actor who drowned himself at the weekend and is now being treated as the greatest performer of all time, I have done with newspapers this week.

    Corbyn is a dangerous lunatic, yes of course he is – but so is Netanyahu. His own people and those of Palestine are being destroyed and he is somehow regarded as a hero. I regard him as what he is – a piece of murderous egotistical scum.

    The sad thing is (as Orwell wrote years ago “choose your leader Hitler’s black and Stalin white”). To point out that Israel is killing innocent civilians makes you Anti-Semitic, or a Hamas terrorist supporter. I am sick and tired of both of them.

    The situation over there will go on long after Netanyahu is six foot under feeding the worms.

    (Edited for clarity – Day Admin)

    • A fair comment but as Christopher Hitchens pointed out some years ago, the idea that America is tonguing the Israeli arse is simply wrong. They’ve been told to fuck off by the Yanks on foreign policy on numerous occasions. The American religious right (friends of Nancy Reagan) see Israel as a means to an end.

      The enemy of their enemy is not their friend, but they of some use.

  9. What a vile scruffy undernourished lefty ape-shagger this cunt is!
    What’s with the fucking silly cap?
    Had this champagne-socialist neighbour earning £100+k a year proudly displaying a “Vote Labour “ sign in his garden. Well he used to wear this corduroy “yachting-cap” whilst being dragged around the estate by a tiny Bichon-Frise.
    How embarrassing.

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