Jacinda Ardern (6)

…a horse faced cunt who after being put out to pasture (so to speak) by the Kiwi electorate needs to be sent off to the glue factory.

But no! These wannabe totalitarian types never go away and true to form rather than retire after her unpopular policies forced her from elected office, she joined the ranks of other evil leaders in un-elected office.

Not content with indoctrinating young people at Harvard University (where she was recently given a fellowship) and true to her desire to control the Great Unwashed, she joined forces with one of the truly great liars of all time at the Tony Blair Institute for Lies, Misinformation, Disinformation, Bullshit, Bollockry* and Global Domination.

In and of itself, allying oneself with a cunt like Blair is worthy of a cunting. But what she did today solidifies her as a stand alone, World Class cunt of Weapons Grade proportions. Speaking at the United Nations she called for an end to free speech, especially as it relates to Climate Change.


To quote the article:

“In her speech, she notes that we cannot allow free speech to get in the way of fighting things like climate change. She notes that they cannot win the war on climate change if people do not believe them about the underlying problem. The solution is to silence those with opposing views. It’s that simple.”

Jesus H. Christ Himself in a Soviet Gulag! What has this world come to when a Maoist and Mrs. Ed look alike can publicly call for an end to people speaking their minds…let alone partake in an open debate…and there’s no public outrage?

Actually, there’s a small part of me that hopes she’s right about climate change. I’d like nothing more than a strong Wizard of Oz style wind to pick up a house, twirl it through the air, and drop it right on her Totalitarian Ass. (Maybe in her case a barn might be more appropriate.)

Hopefully, she’ll be in a threesome with Tony and Cherie when it lands. That’s one Only Fans video I’d pay to see.

*More bastardized English.
**Did anyone else notice the headline and the link both misspelled her name?

Nominated by General Cuntster.

88 thoughts on “Jacinda Ardern (6)

    • Normal everyday citizens allegedly vote for these loathsome cunts Thomas

      Maybe it’s just me being a world weary cynic but why the fuck would anybody but into anything these cunts are selling? It just defies the laws of logic.

      Either that or elections are rigged.

      • You are More likely to believe the Jehovah’s witness’s
        Their Stuff is more Plausible


    • Hillary ‘Rosa Klebb’ Clinton wants Trump supporters to be ‘deprogrammed’.
      Politics no longer seems to be Left vs Right, but The Elite vs The People. How far will they push us before we turn on them?

    • Thanks for the link Tom. I’ve just waded through it and it chills me to the bone. One thing that strikes me is that several of the contributors make reference to privacy apparently blissfully ignorant of the fact that what they advocate is the abolition of privacy. As for travelling around in a hire car with a bunch of strangers, they can stick that where the sun doesn’t shine.

  1. If she really wants to impress the cunt should to palestine to go hug Hamas as she loves peacefuls and then talk Israel over a cup of tea at Allahs new snackbar.

    Take that blair cunt with her.

    • This new Gaza conflict looks very concerning. Not that I’m any sort of fan of the Israeli nutters, but I hope they reduce the muzzıe side to a fine powder.
      But what then? Iran may genuinely nuke Israel and then it’ll be WW3, regardless of what happens with Russia and Ukraine.

      • I can’t see Iran nuking Israel. Israel has nukes (despite many denying this) and would turn Iran to glass in seconds. They know it too.

      • It’s an interesting one with regards to whole Hamas/Israel/Iran thing.

        Hamas are Sunni peacefuls and Iran are Shi’ite peacefuls.

        They both hate Israel and wish to see it wiped off the earth yet the Sunnis also feel that way about Shi’ites.

        So the Shi’ites of Iran may well think fuck the pair of them (one can only hope)

        What a pile of cunt that entire area is.

      • The whole world is on a knife edge Thomas.
        The Yids are watching the Iranians very closely and if they even think those mad mullahs will launch an attack they will strike first as they have done before

      • The whole world is on a knife edge Thomas.
        The Israelis are watching the Iranians very closely and if they even think those mad mullahs will launch an attack they will strike first as they have done before

      • Only question id have is can they make a nuke specific for isreal as all the cunts are so close would it not take palestine lebanon and half of jordan out with it or are the radius specific ones. Im not fan if Israel either but any cunt that fires 6000 missiles into a home territory without it being at war deserves what ever it gets back.

        And the sand negros need it bad.

      • There’s a credible theory that Hamas are very much riding side-saddle with mossad/IDF. Agent provocateur terrain.All those multiple rockets fired into the deserts of Israel prior to this recent upswing with not much in the way of killing potential but deftly giving carte blanche for a full spectrum airforce response which wouldn’t be surprising in this case l suspect?

        The Khazarians have mucho previous in playing both sides of the street.They’ve been at it for centuries.I don’t see the israelis being there much longer.The real Israel was always Khazaria (Ukraine).

  2. The ultimate globalist stooge.

    Pretends to be kind and is anything but.

    The Covid racket both exposed her for what she is and also probably helped to get rid of her.

    “Two tier society” and “single source of the truth” anyone ?

    The only time Jacinda is genuinely kind is when she gives Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates a toothy gobble each when she visits the secret underground bunker at Davos.

    Fucking witch.

  3. 1,600 scientists recently signed a petition stating that there is no climate emergency.

    The mainstream media has pretty much ignored it. She would imprison these learned scientists for stating this, with facts to back them up too.

    A dangerous, totalitarian, horse faced cunt who, like most of her ilk, are trying to make any dissenting views ‘hate speech’ that must be silenced, with prison (gulags) if needed. They pretend to be all nicey, nicey. Doing it for our own good. What shit!

    And NZ is not a better place after she’s fucked the place up for good. Peacefuls and other third world shit let in on dodgy papers and countless ‘refugees’. The locals now forced to live in their cars (look it up, it’s not bollocks) due to the huge demand placed on available housing now. Mad cost of living there now, according to a mate of mine living there.

    Her reaction to that mosque attack was completely over the top. Ridiculous.

    She’s a horrible, anti white cunt. Rich as fuck of course, and fully on the globalist, anti white, anti west gravy train, forever. Unless most people ever wake up to these fuckers, which I doubt.

    • It’s only when people have got fuck all left because they’ve either lost it, had it forcibly taken from them by the cunts they voted for, leaving them impoverished, that they might just turn round and think “hang on a minute”

      Meanwhile in Great Britain – the future PM Dame Kweer “I look perpetually constipated” Charmer is promising to build lots of new homes for all our new guests on Green belt land.

      How Green and how kind.

    • SLY NEWS are leading the charge with this climate bollocks . It only has to be a bit hotter than usual or it rained a bit longer today and the fires in Greece that were started deliberately and SLY are all over it. People moan about the BBC bias but SLY are ten times worse with their left wing globalist lies

      • Sky went down the shitter after being bought out by Comcast. A far left, globalist ‘media’ company. They don’t seem to care about losing around a third of their subscribers in recent years. It’s almost as if they don’t care about the money, just the political message. Sound familiar?

  4. This irritating self righteous Kiwi is a fully payed up member of Blair’s thousand year reich.
    I detest her and so should anyone that is unfortunate to be ruled by her. She has this appearance that she is crying all the time . A face you really want to punch ?

  5. Hooked her carcass to the Blair wagon. Fuck me does she realise what will happen to her immortal soul? What she has done is the equivalent of signing a contract with Old Nick himself.
    The Worldbisvcrying out for an anti cunt.

  6. This sort of shit filters down too, so we get retards parroting this shite, like they are some kind of fucking sage. Example, this weekend Sky/TNT/The Premier League are having another BLM, I mean ‘stand up to racism’ or whatever is week. Probably cynically chose this weekend, as Arsenal play Man City later today, so loads of cunts worldwide will be tuning in to the bullshit being peddled. Make no mistake, this shite is globalist in nature.

    Well, I had to mute ‘Professor’ Rio Ferdicunt yesterday or I’d have smashed the telly in (no I don’t pay for TNT) so I didn’t hear all of his bollocks, but he was saying social media should be held accountable as well as the ‘racist’.

    It depends on what he means by ‘racism’.

    For example, if you made a comment that the black community should be held responsible for the crime rates they have, I have no doubt he’d want you arrested and Twitter/whatever fined or, probably, shut down with its executives put in gulags, I mean ‘prisons’ too.

    No, as Rio likes to say, ‘Listen’ our ancestors fought for our right to speak truth to power, no matter how inconvenient or hurtful it may be to some. Sometimes the truth hurts, you prat.

    So he can fuck right off and all, the duck faced, thick, chippy cunt.

    • And I bet you any money he lives in a huge mansion where all of his closest neighbours are honkies, the fucking hypocrite.

    • “Listen – Ah always speaks der troof innit”

      Professor Rio Ferdinand PHD in anti white racist studies.

  7. I wish this Blair clone that jumped before it was pushed would dry up and blow away. Blackshirt Albo his diversionary Voice referendum and republican follow up can get on their bike as well.

    • Like her satanic master a turd that will not flush down the crapper. I hope Bliar and Mrs Ed fry in the pits of hades for all eternity.

  8. This is disgraceful!!
    Someone phone the RSPCA.
    The poor horse in the header pic is half starved!

    • It’ll be starring in one of those ‘send us your pension’ adverts for a donkey sanctuary next. As seen on those TV channels showing wall-to-wall Last of the Summer Wine. A Care Home staple.

  9. Why is it all left wing politicians are really dictators in disguise?
    Every left wing cunt I argue with think they know what’s best for everyone regardless of any supporting evidence, ignore democracy, and usually contradict themselves very quickly.

    • Inadequate in some way is my guess.

      Bullied at school. Can’t get it up. Cheesy fannies. Everyone hates them.

      This is their revenge.

    • Leftists are usually in favour of climate action but are also in favour of mass uncontrolled illegal immigration and the building of new housing projects on green belt land.

      Leftists also claim to support womens rights and the Alphabet community yet love Islam and mass uncontrolled illegal immigration from parts of the world who hate gays and look down on women.

      Leftists are also generally thick.

      • I would say more calcified in their worldviews.Marxified to the hilt and hive minded.

    • …..and all in favour of cultural enrichment. Yet blind to those demonstrating in Genghis Khan’s multicultural utopia yesterday in support of the torture, rape and murder of Israeli civilians.

  10. Stupid lefty bitch, she can’t even talk properly, what the hell is a pindimic?
    Hope she gets mounted by a stallion.

  11. She looks like she just had some painful anal..
    Which is the only way to go with boat-race

  12. A female version of the Canadian mangina Trudeau.

    Another one of these simpering overly-emotive nannying wet wipes. Along with turning NZ into a hermit state with draconian Covid mandates, a refugee free-for-all and a housing crisis, taxing farmers for farting cattle was the final straw and the gutless cunt jumped before she was pushed – until her puppet master Blair came calling.

    Total cunt.

    • Her Canadian partner in crime Fidel Trudeau has only had something like 3 nominations on here.

      That’s actually quite a shocking statistic when you consider his Gary Lineker-esque levels of cuntitude.

  13. One can only hope there is a special rung in hell reserved for this censorious, anti-human bit@h.

    • I suspect she’s a racing certainty for Hades once the new Kissinger extension annexe’s are fully up and running?

  14. Dame Jacinta Ardern, if you don’t mind. You will all be disappointed to learn that she is engaged, to a mr Gayford.

  15. The silly cunt can make as many speeches as it wants.

    Nobody is listening as they are too busy rooting around down the back of the sofa for a lost quid to pay the gas bill..

    At least that’s what the MSM would have you believe.

    To my mind there is only one solution to these authoritarian cunts..

    A free ride into the Oven.

    • I notice that clueless spiv Kweer Stormer wants the entire country concreting over..

      I wonder why?

      It’s certainly not very eco friendly after all..

      Maybe he’s planning on giving the foreigners free houses,just like his wretched master Bliar did.

      Another oven.

      • He’s in for a shock when he gets into power but I believe he started out as a human rights lawyer so no more illegal immigration problem, passports issued on the beach!

      • Perhaps we should advocate Oven farms as well as Solar on green belts. Then we can roast the life out of all the cunts that we despise so much with free energy and no queues.

  16. Is this the slag that shamelessly arselicked the camelbuggerers when they were still cleaning up the blood at the Manchester Arena?

    The bitch with the muslam headscarf?

  17. Another member of the horse face community has been speaking today, yes the pound shop Slapper deputy leader of labour.

    ‘We will bolster workers rights within the first 100 days’

    She doesn’t realise that the vast majority of her supporters don’t have a fucking job.

    As for the NZ Arkle, she needs to look around and see what happens when free speech is Verboten

  18. I thought the cunt Blair was a middle east peace envoy, we need to ship the festering sore out to Israel quickly whilst the rockets are in full flow, stand a better chance of blowing the cunt to meat paste. Let him earn his loot.

    • I don’t care which side or the repercussions, the Blair demon meeting a sticky end is my Christmas wish.

  19. This equine-faced fuck monkey is as dangerous as Tony B liar, no mistake.

    Whilst amply feathering her own nest, she’ll ably fulfil her destiny in being one of the large cogs that changes the globe irrevocably, and certainly not for the better.

    Fuck off.

  20. To be quite honest, I couldn’t give a fuck what this horse-faced cunt does or says.
    I’ve of that age where politics simply doesn’t matter any more. If the Globalists/WEF have an agenda then that’s fine, let some young cunt sort it out.

    As far as I’m concerned I have enjoyed the highs and lows of my 50 odd years on this planet, and hope to see at least another 20. But come the 22nd Century and the eco-loons have got their way, ordinary people will be well and truly fucked.

  21. Learned her trade in Downing Street under the Great Satan Blair and, like the master himself, resigned once she had done the damage ordered by her puppet masters. Now it’s time to fill her boots with corrupt money just like the Blair creature. A truly evil and sinister piece of shit.

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