Ever since the Shah of Iran was toppled by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in 1979/80, I have always taken a keen interest in Middle Eastern affairs, especially the Iran-Iraq war between 1980 and 1988.
The shah tried to westernise Iran, with the aid of the US and UK governments, but this proved too much for hardliners such as Khomeini, who soon took over the country and turned it into what we see to day – a sabre-rattling, terrorist-holding, hardline Arabic state!
It is home to the much feared terrorist organizations, Shiite Hezbollah, Hamas and Sunni Islamic Jihad. These organisations also have bases in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria.
Sources suggest that Iran may become involved in the current Israel/Gaza conflict, but it will do so via proxy. In other words it won’t involve itself until absolutely necessary. But will instead call upon Hezbollah to do its dirty work.
Hezbollah is a significant terrorist group, far larger than Hamas, better financed and far more hardlined and merciless in its attitude towards the West in general and Israel in particular.
Iran itself, has the necessary firepower (but not quite nuclear) to blow Tel Aviv off the map. This is possible because of its ties with the Taliban in Afghanistan, who as we know, picked up $billions of military hardware courtesy of the US a couple of years ago.
But like the bully it is, Iran would rather provoke its army of terrorists to do its job for them, and someone like Hezbollah will do that without a second thought. But if it did poke its nose, then Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and even Egypt could join forces and invoke a repeat of the Six Day War, but this time with more Arabic countries involved to blow Israel away for good!
Exactly how the US and the West will respond to this is unclear, but if Israel continues to bomb Gaza out of existence, Iran will get involved and suddenly we have a real “End of the World” ballgame going on!
But don’t worry about that, just make sure you don’t misgender or suggest women can’t have cocks – far more serious!
Nominated by Technocunt.
Iran may be able to blow Tel Aviv off the map but that would be the end of Iran.
The leadership in Iran May be nutters but even they are not that stupid – I hope.
The worrying thing is that there seems to be a plethora of nutters out that way who are only too happy to be annihilated if they can just get their enemy first.
You go to paradise and get 72 virgins or something…
There’s a reason they’re virgins. all 72 resemble mother Teresa.
As someone said on here, can’t recall who, it might be gay Star Trek fan virgins.
Fat lot of good 12 virgins will do them with their meat and two veg burnt to a radioactive cinder.
Can I trade my 72 virgins for a couple of experienced sluts who know what they are doing?
In heaven there’s no more Clap anyway.
Fuck that! 72 mothers in law? you wouldn’t get a moments peace and quiet, especially when the virgins are giving it large too.
Try again:
From what I heard, Iran are ‘close’ to being able to build their own nuke that works, but they don’t have one just yet.
Israel on the other hand…
If it built by the goat botherers it’s more likely to blow up in their own faces, wily coyote style.
Many Russian weapons may also have deteriorated to the point of uselessness, burt having so many, I wouldn’t want to find out.
Apparently the Iranians are having trouble with the nuke delivery system.
The warhead is too heavy and large to fit on the back of a camel.
Israel already has Nukes and the guts to use them. The Iranians know this, hence the mad race to develop their own nukes. Cunts.
Even as a kid they were saying the next world war would start in the middle east. Personally I’d be happy to see Israel turn the whole area into a martian landscape.
Nothing wrong with Iran that a few strategically aimed warheads couldn’t sort out.
Morning all.
Indeed Ron.
Once the west bombs the curly slipper factories and Persian rug workshops they will be economically fucked.
Suck of the mouthy cunts.
They’ve got a version of small man syndrome. Not all short arses are like that, but you know the type.
Accidentally barge into one in the pub.
You: Sorry, mate.
Short arse: I’ll knock you out, you cunt.
You: Calm down eh? It was an accident and I apologised.
Short arse: Fucking make me calm down, you cunt. I’ll put you in hospital.
You: Riiiight. Well, nice meeting you. I’m off to sit down over there.
Short arse: Oh! Chickening out eh? Fucking puff.
You: Look. I’ll be over there if you want to take a swipe at me anytime tonight.
Of course, the mouthy cunt never comes over.
This is Iran.
One day, they’ll start their bollocks on some nutter like the fat bloke in NK and get nuked to fuck.
‘Sick of’
(Fuck’s sake)
I genuinely feel sorry for more than half the population who are basically held hostage by the Islamic nut jobs.
Hamas-loving, urine-soaked, park bench vagrant Magic Jeremy took 20 big ones to spout anti-Western dribble on Iranian state TV some years back.
Iran’s morality police now beat 16-year-old girls to death for refusing to wear the burqa.
Great call, you demented old cunt.
The worst PM the country never had.
The BBC deserve yet another cunting for how they reported that. Going off the BBC’s headlines and sub headings, it seemed like an accident. Yes, if you read on you get more of the picture of what probably went on, but many don’t read an article if they see a seemingly ‘boring cut and dried’ headline. I just assumed it was an accident from the title and didn’t read it. I bet many others did too.
‘Iran says girl who collapsed on Tehran metro is brain dead ‘
‘CCTV footage released by authorities shows a girl being pulled unconscious from the metro train
By David Gritten.’
Fucking cunts!
Iran was financially involved in this war from before the Hamas attack on the border.
What I’d like to know is why Arabs all seem to be demented violent medieval cunts?
The slightest provocation and they’re out burning stuff and generally being cunts.
I can’t quite figure out why?…oh yes they are followers of the Religion of Peace.
I see lots of hot air on TV about “international law,genocides,humanitarian concerns” etc ….its a lot simpler than that,they hate anything that isn’t Islamic and want it destroyed.
If they could nuke Israel they would,if they could invade and murder every last Israeli they would..rinse and repeat all the way to our shores in due course.
People seem to have forgotten that evil is real..The Iranian regime is evil..and taking the knee to these cunts is a death sentence.
They are a boil on the arse of humanity that needs lancing.
Ragheads and their enablers to a tee..
Worst development this century has been the alliance between Islamic fundamentalist nut jobs and equally bonkers woke whiteys. As we are seeing played out on the streets of London every Saturday. The west has got to get a grip and develop the guts and courage of the Israelis. Otherwise it’s curtains for the west.
Waaaaayyyyy too late to turn the tide, this country will be a caliphate within 25 years. I don’t gamble but even I would put money on it.
Theocracies are by definition rogue states. Ruled by priests ffs. Iran was much better when it was ruled by the Shah. A kosher despot who was paid his own weight in rubies every year. No fucking trouble when he was in charge. Peacock thrones, race horses, hot dancing girls, why change a system like that?
Good afternoon, everyone.
I’m watching something more important, a good old set-to without blacks, between Kilmarnock and Aberdeen. The ball spending more time in the air like the good old days.
Iran won’t get involved with uncle Sam backing and arming Israel….?
I fucked an Iranian girl once who was studying at Oxford University. That’s got to be worth two stars, hasn’t it. She was English with one Iranian parent, but I’m still colouring that country in on the ‘shagging world atlas’ map.
I’ve fucked Chinese, black Dutch and slags from Back o’th Moss.
You won’t find the last ones on any map.
Are the “back o’the moss” Oirish tarts? Those vulgar poykeees shouldn’t be on any map.
I’ve had birds from Italy, Argentina, Germany and even Russia.
But none from Back o’the Moss.
Besses o’the Barn, yes. But not Back o’the Moss.
Back o’th Moss is a part of Heywood, also known as Monkey Town, in between Bury and Rochdale.
Iran, funny place, they have hairdresser police for inspection of ladies hair do’s. Previous to the Shah the Iranians had an election and elected a socialist. The CIA weren’t having any of that and arranged a coup to overthrow the communist and install the Shah.
The head hairdresser at the time a certain ihavenodolaar Khomleggo was exiled in France and wasn’t impressed by the installation of the Shah and eventually returned home to make sure ladies haircuts were restored to their proper 7th century fashion.
Iran is yet another example of why the west needs to keep out of Middle Eastern affairs. The place is always on the verge of going up in flames over the slightest thing.
Everytime the west interferes trying to make things better they make it worse.
I was informed that Israel have a doomsday rocket system where if they became overwhelmed by surrounding nations or nukes were heading there way they would unleash hell with multiple nuclear warheads against there enemies effectively turning the middle east into an apocalyptic wasteland.
The final solution.
There’s also a rumour the Israelis have a nuke in each of their embassies around the world, if Israel falls they will take us all with them.
But Mr Ambassador, you’ll spoil us with your Uranium Rocher.
Allegedly Pakistan has promised Turkey nukes if they are threatened. Nuclear proliferation in the Middle East has to be the worst idea since my all day bacon bar at the entrance to Mecca.
Bingo and bacon is a great combination right?
Yes indeed,here we are..
Like the Alpha Omega bomb from Beneath the Planet of the Apes?
Not as good as the first one, but I still like it. Chuck Heston saying ‘You bloody bastard’ and then blowing the world up. Top ending.
The ‘mutant congregation’ is more disturbing than most modern horror.
I have fond visions of several bunker buster bombs falling on the Iranian ‘parliament’, whilst in full session. That would hopefully liberate the millions of moderate, modern thinking Iranians from the medieval tyranny of the past 44 years.
A country led by nutters. Sounds familiar!
I know a great Iranian guy who lives here now. He told me how he used to buy booze out of car boots in random car parks. Sometimes the bags didn’t contain anything remotely alcoholic.
Iran supplies around 3 million barrels a day around 20% of world production.
The threat of the destruction of these oilfields is probably enough to keep them from being directly involved in a conflict with Israel or the West as it would set them back decades if not centuries.
They are probably going to face sanctions and embargo if things really heat up in the region.
All these factors only mean one thing, energy price hikes because of demand outstripping supply and along with other Middle East countries reducing supply also.
The Lot is at stake and level heads are required but this has the ingredients to send the entire world into spiralling energy crisis.
As an example Japan gets 95% of its energy supply from the middle east.
Whichever side makes a stupid move first, it is then that we are all fkd.
It isnt Iran. It’s Islam. The whole fucking lot of them. Evil, hateful cult.
A medieval death cult, and there’s an awful lot of cunts in it.
Religion of peace my arsehole.
Its always always the feckers in the hottest countries that are the most volatile and unhinged must be the sun cooking their heads, up here in the cooler parts of the world we are more level headed, no firing of kalashnikovs at aunt Mabels funeral or wailing and screaming in the streets as uncle Norman goes by courtesy of the CO-OPERATIVE.
North Korea?
Most Iranians are savages and they deserve everything they get.
Under the Shah, Tehran was swinging. Clubs, ladies didn’t have to dress like post boxes, cinemas, music. But they welcomed Khomeini with open arms, as they obviously preferred to live in misery and shit. And the Ayatollah promptly banned everything and tool Tehran back to the middle ages. Even television was banned.
Also, at his funeral, Khomeini’s coffin was taken to bits by these barbarians, as they ran riot. The funeral had to be postponed.
The loss of Iran would be no loss at all.
Iran is the seat of the Persian Empire and one of the cradles of our civilisation. They are our Indo-European cousins.
I wouldn’t write off eight thousand years for the sake of a few decades of fundamentalism. Same goes for Iraq.
Al Qaeda, the Ba’ath party, Hezbollah etc. are blips
I knew a teacher at Manchester University from Tehran. She hated the place (Iran, that is) and she insisted that it was a backward shithole run and occupied by nutters.
Sadly she passed away from the Big C aged just 35. A lovely lady who had no time for the peaceful lunacy.
It’s Islam not Iran.
I know Iran and its ruling government are cunts, but you could arguably take Iran out of that sentence, swap it for any other country where that fucking cancerous cult has majority power and you’ll likely have a backward thinking regime which doesn’t particularly like its own religious minorities, Israel, or anybody else..
Egypt’s treatment of its Coptic minority is often absolutely appalling.
The Coptic Christians weren’t always a minority but now only make up 10 percent of the population.
Europe take note.
Lebanon tells a similar story.
The Lebanese civil war was caused in part by Islam not being able to co exist with Christianity and perhaps, poignantly enough – by the fact that they opened their borders to masses of Palestinians refugees.
Scotland take note.
My dearly departed dad was in Egypt during the big one. Always said ” Do not trust an Arab” fucking medi EVIL cunts.
Iranians aren’t Arabs.
Another Onana and Maguire masterclass today. City took us to bits.
Shit of the highest order.
As soon as those hostages were let go in 1980, Iran should have been nuked to buggery. They have been a pain in the arse of the world ever since the Khomeini revolution. A barbaric backwater that has no place in any civilised world.
Iran had cities when the people of Britain were barely able to farm crops.
Iran lecturing Israel about how nasty they are to Gaza is hilarious and as rich as a Harrods Christmas Pudding.
Lessons on morality…. From those savages?
Can Mr Rushdie even speak yet?
There is a brilliant documentary on Youtube, (from the days the BBC made great accurate documentary films) about the $600 Million dollar party the Shah laid on for leaders of the world, while his people were starving and ignored.
link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymq6BAd3amg
The downfall of the Shah and the rise of the Ayatollah were completely a problem the Shah himself created.
On 9/11 the Iranians demonstrated in anger against it. Al Queda are no friends of Shia Iran. sadly the bastards running Iran cracked down on this with their Police and the twat bush decided to call Iran part of the ‘ axis of evil ‘ rather than use 9/11 as a chance to re-set relations.
It is a country run by utter vermin , with popular support despite beating little girls to death.