I would like to cunt the vocal non entities who are demanding that HS2 continues its consumption of vast sums of taxpayer money to Manchester.
The plain truth is that the ludicrous venture should never have been started and yet after a decade a bill which is three times the original we have people urging the PM to continue with this folly.
The Tory Mayor of the West Midlands (no, I didn’t know that there was one either) , Andy Street, says that it would be ‘cancelling the future whilst Andy Burnham says that scrapping the line would damage Britain’s international reputation.
The current cost is in excess of £2,000 per U.K. resident. Put in such blunt terms how can any sane person support HS2?
Admin, I would like to thank the member of IsAC who provides the appropriate link.(Lazy cunt – Day Admin)
Nominated by: Guzziguy
Helpful link provided byCuntyMort
We the people = Magic money tree.
Exactly.They can all Smeg off.Arrogant shites.
HS2 can get fucked. Sick of hearing about it. That is all.
Only for the rich.To save half an hour travel time to London and Birmingham?Twats.Wishy Washy needs to cancel HS2 completely.Waste of ??????.
It was said to save 10 mins I think. Now it will terminate at Old Oak Common, i.e. *not* Central London, negating any time saving.
One New Labour figures whose name is all over this is a certain Lord Adonis. He won’t pay any of the cost overrun, of course.
In 1990 or 2000, if people had said they wanted more capacity from London to Bham, any fool could have pointed out that a parallel rail line already runs from London Marylebone to Bham Snow Hill.
No tunnels needed, no need to destroy ancient woodlands, no need for compulsory purchase. Just electrify and modernise this line to carry as many trains an hour as the Euston line. That solves the problem for a few £ bn.
Everyone with a three figure IQ knows that the scam that is HS2 should never have got off the drawing board but your post Mark, every word of which is true, is the most succint demolition job of the project that I’ve read. The MPs who authorised it are either staggeringly ignorant or just wanted a vanity project. In my opinion it is almost certainly the latter.
The more expensive and unwieldy a project is, the more palms can be greased and the more backhanders and sweeteners can be ‘lobbied’.
Our nest feathering scum in parliament are no better than the politicians we look down and laugh at in third world banana republics.
I have always felt and will continue to feel that HS2 was the biggest white elephant project ever conceived in terms of cost, benefit and the suffering it has caused to people who lost their homes or didn’t lose them but have a railway right outside now. And I work in the railways. There was no need for it and following the pandemic, war and cost of living the need is even less.
Now who would of a thought a government project would go grossly over budget..
Yeah that’s right every Taxpaying sucker in this country.
The transcontinental railway only took 6 years to finish..
Drive a railway spike up the arse of everyone involved ..
The UK has been the laughing stock of the world for years now.
Cancelling HS2 will make not a ha’porth of difference in that respect.
The brainchild of Lord Adonis in Gorgon Broon’s fag end Labour government,
HS2 was always doomed to failure.
Shame on Cameron and successive Tory administrations for not pulling the plug immediately on assuming office.
Cunts one and all.
It has also been proven that majority of continental HST projects are owt but vanity, and utterly pointless. Especially in France and Spain. Why should GB bankrupt itself any further?
Meanwhile the rinky dinks have built about 25,000 miles of highspeed track in roughly the same time. They have been piss arsing around about building a third runway at Heathrow for decades so an entire network of hundreds of miles of track was never going to happen.
The home of the railway and Industrial Revolution too, cunts!
The rinks did it over much more difficult terrain as well.
What I find amusing is all the whinging from cunts in Manchester, Liverpool and other cities in the North that will no longer see HS2, especially Andy Burnham.
They’re all moaning about how the loss of HS2 will somehow fuck up the local economy and investment in those cities.
Well they can get to fuck! Spending well over £110bn and counting on a rail track is not what I call value for money, especially when the Taxpayer will be footing the bill, not only for the construction costs, but no doubt subsidising the line for decades, just as we currently are with private rail operators on existing rail lines pleading poverty and expecting public money to bail the cunts out!
It’s the Tories Millenium Dome.
Any cunt could see the cost of digging up great swathes of the densely populated English countryside would be beyond comprehension..
Unless you happen to be a politician living,as usual, in tax payer subsidised cloud cuckooland.
It all stinks of the usual colossal mismanagement,fuckwit level planning and every cunt and their dog getting their snout in the trough.
By all means build it,just so long as a politician is crucified every mile along the track.
The fucking CUNTS.
There’s the bonus we were looking for. Plus a couple of peacefuls and pavement apes to keep the political types company.
The Millennium Dome cost £700million.
Spare change compared to the £25billion so far spent on HS2,
And estimated to cost over £100billion before completion.
It should be simple.
All the migrants who have been here for years, who have never done fuck all, never paid in a penny, still don’t/won’t speak English, and who hoover up money, housing, healthcare and anything else the shitehawks can lay their dirty hands on.
Fuck them all off back to the flyholes they came from, stop any more of the shite coming in, and the saved money Could be spent on HS2.
Good point. When a dinghy surfer, who pretends that he can’t speak English and so is incapable of work, wants an appointment with to see a doctor two things happen; 1) The time allotted for the appointment is double that of a native speaker and 2) He enjoys the services of an interpreter at anybody else’s but his own expense. If it’s a telephone appointment it’s done on speaker phone.
What with this NHS appointment shit, (N)HS2, Foreign Aid (Tyrant bribery), road and everything else signs duplicated in fucking Welsh to name just a few things, it’s no wonder that we’re taxed to the eyeballs and up shit’s creek without a paddle.
Beam me up, Scotty.
Heehee ?
This country invented rail travel.
Invented it.??
Then exported it all over the world.
India still uses the Victorian template we built there during the days of the Raj.
Nowadays we can’t throw down a track from Brum to Manchester without bankrupting the country?
Shame on us.
I never wanted HS2 anyway.
I go fast enough as it is.
Knowledge pursues me, I am faster!
It’s now the just the London to Birmingham P*ki express ?
Chip in a few ££ and let’s send this to Andy ” herr lip” Burnham.
Cheer him up.
Poor Andy, not going to get his train set for Christmas ….. 2035 ?
HS2 was the brainchild of Andreas Adonis, signed off by that famous shithouse Tony Blair. All becomes clear on reading this link;
Just realised MJB ahead of me on that one!
I notice three of the creeps defending HS2 are named Andy. Two of them bum-boys. Significant?
Thought for a moment that I saw a Baroness Quim listed… looked like a dragged-up Ken Clarke.
I see Adonis had an “official portrait”… I thought that was for old Queens..
Rail travel is for cunts.
Let’s build new 10 lane motorways for all normal fuckers who drive cars ?
Then let’s cut fuel ⛽️ duty so we can afford to drive in them.
Fuck rail fuck politicians
Exactly so Everyone! All normal people fully appreciate how life is so enriched by having a car. Go where you like when you like, whether it be the supermarket at 3am or down to cornwall or up to the lakes. Occasional five minute stop for fuel and a piss, not subject to anyone else’s timetable or dependent on other cunts turning in to work or doing their job properly. Living on this tiny island we no longer need the Victorian technology of the railway. 500 miles in a day in a modern car is a doddle, done it many times. As you say, fuck rail, fuck politicians!
Fuck HS2, I’m wondering if I’ll live long enough to see the Midland Mainline electrified, not that I can afford to go anywhere and certainly not by train.
It will soon reach Wigston, which as you know hasn’t even got a station on the MML. Then the train has to go back to using diesel.
Battery trains will be a larf.
“Ladies an’ gen’mun, has anyone on board got a PP9, our batty is flat.”
They say that shortened journey times will save businesses millions.
If that’s the case then just get up earlier and get an earlier train.
Not only would it be cheaper to buy a second hand car to make the return journey on HS2, it is also very unlikely that any train will ever reach full speed.
Signal problems, leaves on the line, rain or snow, driver’s strikes….
It’s a fucking waste of time and money.
Fuck HS2 and hang the cunt who thought up this ridiculous scheme.
Wasn’t this supposed to be part of the Levelling Up scheme, to create opportunities for everyone across the UK? Wasn’t it the Tories who were telling us that they wanted to make the north of England as important as the south?
How many people living in our northern counties bought this hook line and sinker and voted for the lying bastards? Well if they feel they’ve been had, it serves them right. Next time they’ll be telling another lie and they’ll fall for that too, the gullible cunts.
If they were being genuine about the whole levelling up bollocks, they’d have started HS2 in Manchester and Leeds and worked downwards. Or start in Birmingham and work the 3 routes outwards simultaneously. Except the cunts who thought this up obviously can’t walk and talk at the same time.
HS2 was dreamed up by Andrew Adonis,
Transport minister in the Brown Labour government.
I felt sure Cameron would pull the plug when the Tories were subsequently elected.
More fool me.
Why haven’t people mentioned the smirking of Sunak, means he’s lying through his back teeth continually ?
At an anticipated out turn cost equating to circa £400,000,000 per mile between London and Birmingham, someone has been getting very fat at the mug-punter, sorry tax-payer’s expense. Absolute cunt. Whatever happened to the Public Accounts Committee? I remember a time when it’s deliberations were widely covered ion the meeja. Cunts sleeping on the job while the Treasury is fucking reamed. The entire membership of the House of Commons should be hanged.
PS Sorry about the errant apostrophe in the above post. Should have been a greengrocer!
£6,313 per inch!
That’s nearly how much I charge.
Consultant cunts have been filling their boots. Civil service and government cunts too scared and/or thick to tell them to wind their neck in.
HS2 was always about the convenience of Londoners and Home Counties cunts having to go somewhere distasteful and being able to return the same day for their organic quinoa quiche.
The rail connections across the north are a fucking disgrace. But not a problem to these cunts.
About 18 years ago I had the misfortune of having to go from Rochdale to Leeds by train as the car was in for a service. 35 miles and about 40 minutes by car but 85 minutes on the train and the fare was easily twice the price of the petrol needed for a 6L V12 Aston Martin. Fucking joke. I looked the other day and it still takes over a hour.
Have no fear Moggie, the Rochdale to Leeds route is planned for HS3. Budgeted at £200 billion, so expect it to end up at a trillion. Completion in 2060, so it might just make it before the century’s out. Here’s some of the rolling stock:
That steam is fake. You have to shuffle the thing along.
If ministers think we are a laughing stock after this, they ain’t seen nothing yet.
The longer our governments pretend we’re still in the game as a financial giant whist pursuing the policies they have so far, the sooner we’ll be knocking on the door of the IMF.
Our current rate of immigration will see to that.
Nobody wanted it anyway. It serves no purpose other than to shave 20 minutes off of the journey time ( which is now null and void since it will start at old oak common and not Euston )
Sunak’s current solution is a typical cop out of which he’s good at.
Scrap the whole fucking thing.
And it’s alright him saying he’ll spunk the equivalent on other projects, we’re skint for fuck sake!
Instead of talking bollocks about levelling up between north and south, how about levelling fantasy with reality?
These arseholes are immune from reality.
As a concept, does HS2 actually work?
I’m sure cunters here will remember the “Tilting Train” and the Advanced Passenger Train, from way back in the early 80s?
Complete failure despite the huge cost. And I’m convinced HS2 will be no diffetent.
I remember.All a shower of shit.Same old same old.
Add to the list of holyrood, millennium dome, crossrail and the channel tunnel.
With the houses of Parliament to come..
Better off with laurel and Hardy running it. Least you would get some laughs with people getting hit with planks of wood and paint poured over them..
The 3 Stooges instead.
At least politicians can walk away with some suitably stuffed pockets full of brown envelopes!
Think of the poor train drivers, another opportunity to go in strike stolen by the filthy Tories!
I feel sorry for the train drivers. No shoes, Can’t afford shoes, and only a crust of bread to eat.
£6,313 per inch !
Thinking about it the £6313 per inch would allow a rubber boat person to enjoy the life of Riley for at least a month.
I’m genuinely confused as to how arriving in MCR twenty minutes earlier will bring prosperity to the North
It gives you time for an extra pint.
An a quick wank.
Burnham is a complete turd.
Damage Britain’s reputation? We don’t have one any more. Not a good one anyway.
And this cunt has also sold most of Manchester off to the camel shagger oil families.
I’ve thought for a long time that the UK should be connected with bullet trains. It would completely change the housing market and getting anywhere.
HS2 is not that dream.
Perhaps some sort of night train with a large firing squad and 25kV crematorium, to travel round disposing of total scumbags.
Coming soon by a future government. Everywhere except the coast.
Any suggestion of mothballing the whole project is met with with derision and looks of horror.
I can’t see the problem, the country is littered with unfinished projects from the past.
Hadrians wall was never built high enough due to lack of private investment.
Warwick castle was left looking a right fucking mess and un rendered after the Eastern European plasterers fucked off.
And Stone Henge never got the roof it’s indigenous black designers originally intended.
Know your history you gormless cunts!
O/T any one need some hardcore?
Contact the taliban..