It takes a certain type of sick fucker to scrawl Hitler moustaches on photos of children kidnapped by Hamas, or to rip the posters down, as seems to be the recent trend amongst our enlightened Islamic youth.
Thanks to GB News though, who have circulated images of these shitheads.
Naturally the spineless Met have done nothing about it.
Not sure if the cunty bbc or Sky have reported this, any bets?
Nominated by mystic maven.
It’s about fucking time these useless bastards in parliament make it illegal to protest about events that have fuck all to do with things that happen anywhere else in the world.
How much did it cost to police this event? But no worries you cunts the taxpayer will dig deep and foot the bill again. We must not forget that old whitey is racist.
If these cunts are that concerned, here’s an idea. Fuck off back to Gaza and do your protesting here, do it there instead. I’m sure the Israelites will put you out of your misery.
Nominated by CuntyMort.
More about the on going war in the middle east from Cuntstable Cuntbubble below.
I was looking at the marchers supporting Palestine. An awful lot of white people. Presumably lefty, mostly middle class renta-protest types.
I understand the Muslim protesters, terrorism and hatred is in their religion. But why would these lefty fucks support totalitarian, anti women, anti LGBT or whatever the fuck the letters are, anti-democratic murderers?
Supported by fucking Iran.
Do they really think that without Israel the ME would be a land of peace and tranquility? Or does their Corbynista anti-semitism overrule logic?
Perhaps some erudite cunt can enlighten me.
This trouble in the middle East?
Don’t they realise Tyson Fury is fighting tonight,?!
Just nuke the smelly cunts, get a ale ,
An watch the boxing.
Walking wounded?.
Come on you big sausage ?
Bang bang BANG
Fury would get a better work out punching out hamas lovers in London today..
Definitely sell more pay per view tickets.
As ammn equal opportunities offensive cunt, I think it best I try to balance things a bit with a joke.
Heard about the Jewish pea-dough? He wasn’t very good at it because he hung around schools trying to sell his sweets to the kids.
I have, I mean ‘my friend’ has the Fury fight on IPTV later. Not sure whether to watch it. Seems like a load of bollocks. Too many ‘boxing’ fights that aren’t sanctioned by professional boxing, as usually, one or both cunts aren’t licenced to fight professionally. The Furys seem to be into this shite, with Tommy fighting rich YouTube pricks every other week.
Mind you, I can think of a few non sanctioned fights I’d like to see.
Harvey Price v Gary Lineker
Owen Jones v Douglas Murray (although they might start bumming)
Colette Rooney v Rebecca Vardy
Anjem Choudary v a Mossad agent
Sadiq Khan v Warwick Davis and Ellie Simmonds
Tyson Fury v Gary Lineker
A grizzly bear v Kehinde Andrews
Fucking ‘am’. What the actual fuck?
an even
Fuck’s sake thick as fuck
Perhaps DCI will come on to put his “Join the Met” promotion drive link on?
Still no applications from anyone though, Mr Cunt-Engine?
If only Miles Plastic were here…. he’d put us all bang-to-rights and blame it on the atheists, the jews….. or the atheist jews.
I won’t miss that bigoted piece of shit, good riddance, thankfully he flushed nicely.
What happened to Miles?
He got banned for posting stuff about kill all the Jews or summat like that I think. He did a few posts like that on a recent thread. I think admin binned him as such posts could get the site in bother.
Jeez. What a fucking moron. He was always an anti-semite but I never had him down as a genocidal maniac. I guess that’s what Christianity does to you. Good riddance.
He went mad.. der.
Not to worry, the IDF will fucking anihalte the Muslim terrorists no matter how many goat shaggers demonstrate in Londonstabistan…?
They will surely burn..?????????????????????????????????????
Once they’ve finished in Gaza they can make a start on London, Birmingham, Bradford, Luton, Leicester, ffs the whole of the UK.
It is just so beyond the ..words fail.
Removing posters of babies grandmother s kidnapped by terrorists
What the fuck goes on in these cunts minds.
This is what happens when you let a herd of dirty, fucking ugly wallahs exist and breed.
Contrast the jews protesting outside Scotland Yard. Protesting that they just want the police to uphold the law and protect them. They all looked British, because that’s what they are and want to be. Shame on the police .
They, unlike the peacefuls generally believe in integration.
I have not seen reports of these demonstrations on the BBC so they could not have happened could they.
Correct- think it was gb news.
Also contrast the screaming undiluted hatred of the pro pali mob with the quiet dignity of the pro Israel rally in Trafalgar Square last Sunday.
No further illustration is needed that the police are useless,or indoctrinated or complicit.
It really doesn’t matter which as it’s quite certain common sense and the protection of our way of life have long since gone out the window.
As I said in the last excellent nomination,I hope to see the outcome of all this craven cowardice..either the muzzies win in which case wimmin,the Gays etc are all in very deep shit or else we shall see the emergence of a new breed of totalitarian politics,leading to direct confrontation of all that has gone so very wrong over the last half century.
Should be quite ferociously entertaining.
Fuck off the lot of you.
Fuck off the jihadis
Fuck off the Red Sea pedestrians.
All of them living here with loyalty firmly planted on other shores.
Ukrainians can fuck off and take any Russians with them.
None of these cunts would lift a hand to help us, you can be sure of that!
This right here is the pure unadulterated truth – everyone one those fuckers would sit back and let us burn.
Don’t forget the Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, Humanists, Atheists and Secularists.
And my tribe: the Agnostics.
Or like my tribe , the Gnostics
If they start acting like cunts egging on foreign wars and the deaths of untold innocents they can fuck off too.
Can’t see the local Baptists heading up the third crusade tho.
Israel is one of our staunchest allies.
If defending Israel’s right to defend itself is egging on foreign wars then I plead guilty.
‘If they start acting like cunts egging on foreign wars and the deaths of untold innocents they can fuck off too.’
Like Jeremy Vine calling for the RAF to bomb Russian convoys.
Are we using both of our Typhoons for that Jez?
Not so Sixdog. Jews served in the armed forces in WW1 and 2.
60,000 Jews served in the British Armed Forces in World War II.
Over 40,000 in WW I.
British Jews regard themselves as British first and are completely loyal to King and Country. Many have been here generations and made valuable contributions to the UK. They never give trouble, unlike certain other groups.
Still doesn’t mean to say many ordinary non cunt like extremist civilians……must die
Israel should have had the balls to make a ground assault first , tanks and soldiers ,……, secure the hostages and clear the civilians to safe return – then bring in the jets and bomb the cunt out of Hamas……
Oh dear moderated again Apologies NA.
Anyway all is well now,the Libdemics have sorted it..
The cunt on the right of the header looks like an ugly version of junior oddbod, fucking hell if it’s IQ matches its looks I am surprised it remembers how to breath.
Ripping down posters of missing/kidnapped people, how very fucking stupid can you get, this is London 2023, there you go Suckdick, see what you have achieved
Hopefully those cunts pictured will get some street justice.
Got the classic ‘unibrow and ratty beard terrorist’ look down already.
An interesting point was raised by a commentator on Talk tv this morning re plods inactivity in respect of the muzzie supporting demos in London.
He said that if the police commanding officers do issue orders to clamp down, they are worried the actual PC’s on the beat will disobey those orders. In effect a mutiny amongst the ranks.
So, it looks like in London the muzzie tale is wagging the dog.
Shame on them….?
People say it’s those at the top who are the problem. It really isn’t.
I know of two cunts working with Sussex police who are full-blown woke. They support Antifa and every fashionable, vaguely liberal cause going.
Both are humanities graduates of course, neither have been in a fight in their lives.
Then there’s the bint who said free Palestine and all of the coppers who chose to take the knee, and actively join in at pride, as well as offers who phone people up to ‘check their thinking’. ‘have a quiet word’ because they liked the wrong post online, or posted offensive jokes.
The UK police ‘service’ is politically compromised from top to bottom, and I will not give a penny to two power-mad lunatics-in-blue because they got caught going nuts at black people.
That’s fucking Labour for you. Anti-semite cunts. Get ready for hell on earth if they win in 2024…
A government completely cucked and beholden to the peacefuls….
Press conference on now with Israeli leadership…..
That will give protesters something to cry about, the IDF have gone in full fucking John Rambo
Benjamin Netanyahu Knows how to delay a corruption trial. He’s still got to answer questions as to why they were caught with their pants down.
If anyone else gets involved now and it goes regional we can prepare for a long cold winter, if Iran or Turkey join in we can maybe enjoy a real short very hot winter.
Richcunt Cashsack will of course make sure we go in balls deep.
Your local terror cell will be activated any time now. Best let a few thousand more unidentified aliens in before people start really asking questions.
What about Ukraine? Has the war ended can we have some of our gear back? Events move so fast now I’m a grumpy old bastard.
I wouldn’t assume that just because the MSM has been distracted momentarily from reporting on Ukraine war that the kleptocratic war criminal Putin has been successful in his land grab.
As we’re discussing all things cultural.
“Gérald Darmanin, the interior minister, said France would deport foreigners deemed a threat without waiting for the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) to hear their appeals. If their removal was judged to have violated the European Convention on Human Rights, Paris would pay a fine but not allow them back.”
If France can ignore the ECHR why can’t we, let’s get them deportation camps up and running.
But no the sorry bunch of cunts in government are too busy working out how much more damage they can cause before they hand over too labour and there’s no chance of labour deporting their voters.
I get so fucking pissed off when i watch SLY NEWS reporting in Israel . Why have the Israelis not kicked them out yet ?
Their very subtle way of making the Israelis look the baddies is so fucking obvious.
Simple solution Fenton, don’t watch sly or the shitty beeb. Watch GB News instead.
Could the first political casualty be Sir Starmer of Muppet Land? With half of his shadow cabinet openly opposing his support for Israel he looks vulnerable.
Anyone be surprised if Boris made a run for leader of the Labour Party?
He sounds like Spud from Bob the Builder.
I’m sick and tired of hearing about Humza McYousaf’s fucking in-laws too.
I will lend him a shovel if wants to have a look for them..
Yousaf’s anti white rant should never be forgotten.
That was disgusting and fucking retarded in equal measure.
The Cunt.
He’s a total shit weasel
What retards voted for the Cunt camel jockey ?
A lot of Islamic Jihad in Edinburgh is there ?
I’m sure the ruddy faced, Kilt wearing Jocks are dead keen to follow Humza Useless’s advice, and adopt an anti-Israeli terrorist, who want all Jews dead.
Why the fuck did my great Uncles fight in WW2, and liberate half dead Jews from Bergen Belsen, just for the UK to become terrorist apologists and let Jihad chanting arabs march through the streets, like a modern version of Brownshirt Nazis ?
I can understand some of the peacefuls acting like shit heads, its genetic, White ethnic English doing the same is totally wank especially the alphabet people. I would suggest a trip to Gaza to help with the rebuilding and suffer the joys of being sexually assaulted by Ahmed and his mates and then suffer the joyous news that you have to keep the assault stum because you cannot upset the wokeiverse. Fucktards one and all.
They all want hanging with the same rope. Modern day Nazis.
The pigshit thick plod do not teatime that they will be the first in orange jumps suits.
You cannot make it up.
There is a war coming and the army is being run down.
It takes some serious doublethink to support Hamas whilst also supporting women’s rights, LGBT ‘rights’ and all the other assorted shite voiced by the modern pseudo-left.
Islamists are the far right of the average brain dead Guardianista’s wet dream.
This is one thing that I’ve never really been able to work out.
As you’ve written in your blog, your majesty, strange bedfellows.
I think we both know why the poshos who infest the modern ‘left’ give Islamists a free pass.
There are undiscovered tribes in the Amazon who know why these handwringing twats love Islam.
Eventually the penny will drop, over the last 70 years Great Britain has been slowly but surely invaded by a foreign ideology. Our country has been sacrificed to the Marxist ideology of the Blair Creature .
It is now close to a point where the British people have a choice.
Loose your country to the blairite left Marxists or make a stand.. unfortunately our policticall system only allows a two party state, both of which currently are basically undistingable from one another.
Therefore, one possible answer would be be come the next general election, the great unwashed should write on the ballot paper.
Now what the fuck would the cunts do with that outcome.
I think it would be worth a try….!
2nd attempt moderators :-
You seem to forget that we don’t live in ‘Great’ Britain, a predominantly white christian country.
We are now ‘W*g’ central. A place for any smelly cunt to turn up, get 3 squares a day, and complain about how slow the free internet is, in your taxpayer funded hotel room.
Any filthy towel head tearing up posters of kidnapped Israeli children, or cheering about how wonderful it is to machine gun teenagers, burn babies to death or behead pregnant women, deserves to burn in hell (or be strung up from one of Sadiq Khunts cameras)
Admin, please remember that just like ‘Jihad’, ‘W*g’ has several meanings.If it’s ok by the police, it should be fine on here.
Long Live Free Speech.
Death to Hamas TERRORISTS (Yes BBC, that’s what they are)
Ceasefire ? Fuck right off !
Again – the ordinary good hearted civilians in Gaza don’t deserve it…. Their target should have been Hamas and Cuntmas only…….
By 2032 most places will be thrown into chaos
By 2045 society ends as we know it (MiT 1973)
These set of domino effects be merely the starting point to the ensuing cunt chaos that’s about to happen.
Cunts will spread themselves far and wide and the only object that will properly reset things is a comet fragment impact. Which is designated to clear the cunts from the planet , the none cunts will know what to do when destruction becomes our reality….