(War Hero (Left), Despicable Greedy Cunt – Allegedly (Right))
This thieving strumpet pocketed £800,000 of what should of been charidee money.
She says she never made any money out of the charity, except the £85,000 a fucking year she was on. She also received £18,000 for being a judge on a panel at an award ceremony, although she only gave £2,000 to the charity.
Before that the greedy cunts applied for planning permission for an office or something and ended up building a luxury spa in the back garden of their £1.2m house,
Hopefully they’ll have to knock it down. Greedy cunts
Nominated by: Pontius Cuntus
And a second cunting, this time from The Cuntster in Waiting
Hannah Ingram-Moore is a cunt.
The charity in her father’s name is currently being investigated by a statutory enquiry. She trousered £85,000 a year by the way, for being its so-called interim Chief Executive.
Her father wrote 3 books and in a forward to one of them he wrote “Astonishingly at my age, with the offer to write this memoir I have also been given the chance to raise even more money for the charitable foundation now established in my name.”
She now claims that the book money, c.£800k, is hers to keep.
What a fucking cunt she really is.
Her dad would’ve been so proud.
Fuck me , she’s shameless.
Right grabbing little cunt.
An she looks like Eddie Large.
Charities are no different to Cosa Nostra.
A license to print money!
This thing of ours
The 5 families
Children in need
Care for Calais
And captain Tom mob.
You fuckin rats keep shtum or you’ll get whacked
Her father would be ashamed of her.
He should’ve shot his load down his missus’ throat back in 1971.
A charity that is on the take.
Who would have thought?
I don’t give to any charities whatsoever because my perception is one of – “I wouldn’t mind being a quid behind the organisers”
Captain Tom Moore’s greedy thieving offspring is just one more example.
Buy Large Mansions anyone?
As for the RNLI – why anyone would support those cunts is beyond me.
RNLI; a shoe-in as Charity Cunts of the Year.
Charidees……all the fucking same. Free money and somebody has to be in charge of it so just help your fucking self.
We’ve seen it so many times but cunts keep allowing themselves to be mugged off. This bitch should be in prison.
Poor old fucker, never knew his daughter was a right grifter ?
Patrisse Cullors is looking a bit pale these days.
Christmas is coming, so buy your Captain Tom merch now while stocks last: https://www.redbubble.com/shop/captain+tom+moore
I wonder if she is the sole reason that the Poppy Shop are heavily discounting old Tom branded stuff? Ruined his legacy somewhat so they can’t cash in now either.
I’m acquainted with a local do gooding virtue signalling slag who raises lots of money for her charity organisation.
Just bought herself a nice new 4 bed detached property.
Nice work if you can get it.
She’s taking a leaf out of the book of Oxcunt, NSPCA, RSPCA, etc and every other charity whose “running costs” (including under-age hookers in the case of Oxcunt) equal 99.9% of donations received.
Charidees – license to print money.
She’s taking a leaf out of the book of Oxcunt, NSPCA, RSPCA, etc and every other charity whose “running costs” (including under-age “assistants” in the case of Oxcunt) equal 99.9% of donations received.
Charidees – license to print money.
There was always something shifty about the whole enterprise. Tom left the army 60 years prior to Chinky Flu arriving here and yet the media called him captain. I can understand a career soldier hanging on to his title but not someone who was on in for the duration. Enoch Powell was never referred to as Brigadier Powell after he left the army, my father in law made it to captain in REME during WW2 but mentioned it to me only once in 35 years and would have not wanted to be called Captain.
The only person I am aware of that liked to remember his army days was Captain Peacock from Are You Being Served.
He was only made an honoury Captain after he did his 100 laps and for the money he raised thereof. He wasn’t a Captain for 60 years….or referred to one as for that period of time
My Grandmother was a senior executive at M&S. Shortly after the war ended she was given a youngish member of the family to look after. Her telephone goes and the voice at the other end asks to speak to the intern. She hears him say “ Colonel Sieff here” ( He of milk marketing board fame) At the other end of the ‘phone she hears “Private Bleeding Marks here get up to my office now”
She told me they never used military titles at M&S after that.
Enoch was once my MP. He saw the future, shit himself and died.
Not sure about this.
Did the Captain march round his garden to raise money fir the NHS?
£38 million?
The middle managers in the health service will have spent that in one afternoon on diversity training,a light bulb and and enquiry into why the Dark Key dies more than some other cunt,because rascisms.
So maybe she thought Fuck That..better in my purse than pissed up the wall..
Anyhow let her figure it out in prison,just to be on the safe side.
I think him being called Captain was as much to do with the media, as the bloke himself always struck me as quiet and self effacing, and also quite bewildered by all the hoo-ha.
His daughter, on the other hand, is a 24 carat gold-plated bitch whose bought disgrace to his memory.
I hope she gets some jail time and/or a massive life changing fine.
General Tom did his bit against the evil covids. Selflessly manning the trenches of charideedom. Millions were killed by the merciless lurgy but, and against all the odds, he survived. An overnight sensation*. Hurrah! Now he is no longer with us, but his little Hannah is fighting her own battle to retain the oceans of cash that the “stay at home heroes” coughed up in our darkest hour. Please join us in a rousing chorus of ‘Land of Hopeless Tories.’ Fuck off.
*Great song.
I hope this thievery won’t deter people from giving money to M’tembe.
After fifteen years, a three mile pipeline must be half finished by now.
I don’t give to any charity.
After some soul searching and serious thought on the matter,
I deduced that they can get fucked.
If they want fancy cars , well paid jobs and to fuck underage kids in the 3rd world,
Then I’m not chipping in.
I already support two pubs and a chippy.
Good ,I now take great delight when they knock at the door asking for donations I ask how much are they getting paid to knock on door?always the reply is nothing,I then show them how much the CEOS and others take from the so called charity for doing nothing
On a few occasions I’ve been called a cunt but I take it as a compliment because I am a cunt
Not if it’s being built by the British. Initial costs were thought to be around £138 with a build time of 6 weeks but some design changes and consultant expenses have now pushed the estimated cost to £94bn. It’s also running 8 years.
FFS 8 years late.
Good luck to her..
This disgrace of a government steals from me every week, to pay for layabouts and assorted foreign filth..
It was alright for the blm cunts to raid the piggy bank with no consequences..
At least she’s honest! Some brass neck she’s got like.
“Yeah I’m keeping the money. Up to me, I think you’ll find. Those kids waiting for new kidneys? Fuck ’em. I’m getting an infinity pool instead. Like me new shoes? Jimmy Choos these.”
I prefer that to these cunts who take billions every year but never seem to get the problem sorted. Loads of execs on 100k+ pretending they’re doing it because they’re so caring and sharing. In reality, the top brass get rich and they pay off some African politician and his ‘NGO’ job family. Mtembe just gets a piece of stale bread to shoot the advert – ’10 year old Mtembe needs to walk 10 miles every day to get water for his family.”
“Cut! Right now fuck off you little cunt. You stink. When did you last have a fucking wash?”
£85000 a year as head of a charity? Sounds a bit light these days!
And have you seen the Registered Charity number they all have? It looks like there’s millions of different charities
I think all the charities that spend money on TV ads, full page newspaper appeals, not to mention what must be many thousands of ££s on leaflets through the door should not receive a round coin from the public.
I support several tiny local charities run by one or two people who don’t even take money for expenses, so all the dosh goes to the dogs, cats, hedgehogs and injured birds, which is as it should be.
Bit of a catch 22 with charities…..for example Oxfam. If they raised so much money to achieve their end goal and eradicate famine, then they would all be out of a job, so always helps to keep it well under achievement so everyone keeps getting paid eh?
A clear-cut greedy, grasping fat bitch. I was delighted when she was told to demolish the pool house that was built without planning permission. Arrogant cunts like her think that it is only other people that have to obey the rules that she is far too important to have to keep to. Well you’re not, so suck that up you fat greedy money grubbing bitch.
Bet his medals are in Cash Converters?
And suspect his pension was often ‘ light’?
She’s a disgrace.
She obviously has no clue why her father was taken to peoples hearts. What a shame for his memory.
Would he have bothered if he knew what a massive cunt she is?
Ground control to major Tom
Ground control to major Tom
Your certainly dead and the cash has gone
Can you hear me major Tom?
Can you hear me major Tom?
‘Statutory inquiry’. They make it sound like it’s just routine.
You can bet your life it isn’t.
How the fuck can someone award themselves an 85 grand a year salary as a charity worker and nobody notice anything odd immediately?
And why feel the need to be interviewed on telly by Pierce Moron whilst the inquiry is still ongoing?
I see they also came out with the old ‘death threats’ chestnut. Usually the last resort of people who are in the shit. (Allegedly)
I’m sure there must be an innocent explanation, but for the fucking life of me I can’t think of one.
It was just resting in her account?
Pierce Moron? Fucking phone!
I’m guessing your phone knows him personally.
Well, they say it takes a cunt to recognise another one.
I will give to animal charities like the PDSA and RSPCA but i’d rather roll up my bank notes for a fag(a cigarette, i’m not soliciting the services of a bum bandit i’m sure you understand) than give to charities benefiting people.
I especially would never give to charities for foreigners. In fact, one of the small joys of life is preparing a very gluttonous meal and sitting down to enjoy it and then the adverts for starving n0gs in some hovel in Wakanda comes on the telly at the moment you start eating and you notice that all the village’s inhabitants covered in flies, they are drinking from water sources that even the arse parasites are thinking of moving out of and the average life expectancy is 10 minutes. A delicious meal, shame you aren’t here to enjoy it Kwame.
As for this woman, she should be chained up and made to march around the country(for charity of course) and people could come out and throw tomatoes, eggs a stone or two and maybe a hand grenade if you go through the wrong part of London.
Funny how daddy is never in the advert, because he’s taken the cash, if there ever was any, and fucked off to buy ammunition for the 50 year old internal war his country has been fighting.
Too true moggie. Imagine fighting all that time for a row of huts made of cow shit, dried mud and twigs. I’ve seen survival nutters on Youtube knock up better dwellings in 30 minutes than these cunts have been living in for thousands of years.
They probably get flogged the wrong ammo type for the weapons they use also and don’t notice. Would be quite a laugh for them to start a war with the Rastus Muh Dik tribe across the river only for the guns to not fire at all. Still, there is always the old tried and true spear and wicker shield eh?
I’ve just had a thought.
Remember Charles Ingram? Ex army major who got caught cheating on Who Wants to be a Millionaire?
Is there a connector we’ve not been told about?
Connection ffs.
This phone is going out the window in a minute.
Bet some thick cunts still donate ever after this?
Bert & Doris Nutter types
” but it’s for charity….I liked Capn Tom…..
I liked him too
But not enough to line his fat daughters pockets!
The stupid fucks
The people who donated in the first place were also thick cunts.
Donating money to the NHS when they already pay for it?
They might as well ask the treasury to up their NI contributions by 20 percent.
Daft fuckers!
Captain Tom raised enough money (£30 million) to keep the incredibly wasteful NHS running for approximately 2 hours 10 minutes.
Doubt it even covered the cost of diversity training.
Or rewriting NHS literature to eliminate words like “mother” and “breast feeding”.
Let alone the cost of tattoo removals.
Wouldn’t touch the sides when it comes to slash n’ gash operations.
Never mind, the cunt achieved his 15 minutes of fame and bequeathed his greedy sprog a nice little earner, thank you very much.
Fuck them.
Captain Tom Foundation list of the board
Capo Di tutti capo – Hannah Ingram otherwise known as Big H
Director of finance – Paulie ‘ little ceasar’ carbone
Head of publicity –
Alphonse ‘ Al fingers’ Genovese
Talks in motion for Joe Pesci to play Hannah in the film of Captain Tom
” Dig deep cocksucker”