Hannah Ingram-Moore

               (War Hero (Left), Despicable Greedy Cunt – Allegedly (Right))

This thieving strumpet pocketed £800,000 of what should of been charidee money.

She says she never made any money out of the charity, except the £85,000 a fucking year she was on. She also received £18,000 for being a judge on a panel at an award ceremony, although she only gave £2,000 to the charity.

Before that the greedy cunts applied for planning permission for an office or something and ended up building a luxury spa in the back garden of their £1.2m house,

Hopefully they’ll have to knock it down. Greedy cunts

Daily Mail News Link

Nominated by: Pontius Cuntus

And a second cunting, this time from The Cuntster in Waiting

Hannah Ingram-Moore is a cunt.

The charity in her father’s name is currently being investigated by a statutory enquiry. She trousered £85,000 a year by the way, for being its so-called interim Chief Executive.

Her father wrote 3 books and in a forward to one of them he wrote “Astonishingly at my age, with the offer to write this memoir I have also been given the chance to raise even more money for the charitable foundation now established in my name.”

She now claims that the book money, c.£800k, is hers to keep.

What a fucking cunt she really is.

BBC News Link

75 thoughts on “Hannah Ingram-Moore

  1. You could tell from day one the split arse was a grifter….

    Walking about for charity, the old biddy wouldn’t have thought of that one …!

    • She obviously believes that charity begins at home. And her home is now even better with that luxury spa added to it. When money becomes involved, integrity goes right out the window. Looking at her, I’m reminded of an old Lancashire phrase – it’d stand cloggin’.

    • Couldn’t give a fuck. Didn’t donate any money. Poor old war hero Tom, taken for a ride by cunts.

  2. I wonder if she takes a crow bar to those guide dogs for the blind money boxes outside shops and swipes the Marie Curie tin off the bar when no one is looking.

    Seems like the kind of grasping, greedy cow who would pull a cunt’s trick like that.

    • Adam Britton used to take a crowbar to a guide dog to stop it telling the authorities after he’d had his wicked way with it.

  3. Lying, thieving, gold digging, untrustworthy, disloyal cunt this one, I bet captain Tom’s ghost will piss on the gormless cunt while hopefully she gets fisted by some diesel dyke in her well deserved prison cell

    • She looks like she could withstand a sustained pounding, certainly.
      Also, I reckon her bush looks like Brian Blessed’s beard.
      Even more so than Nadia Sawalha’s.

      • By contrast, her sister Julia looks to have a more genteel, more thoroughly maintained minge.

        Nadia’s is a bit wild and untameable.

  4. As you’re giving her a good doggie style hammering, just whisper in her ear….

    ” I hacked into your bank account, the funds should be being transferred right about now ”

    Wahooooo !! ?

    • And then bang a wooden spoon on a metal saucepan at a rapid rhythm whilst approaching the vinegar strokes.

  5. Wish I had a cash cow old pensioner who could walk around a garden.

    But no.
    So I’m not getting a swimming pool built either☹️

    Probably start my own charity?
    Over egg my sciatica,
    Say I’m after funding for groundbreaking surgery for my ‘ condition ‘?

    Get to meet Ant an Dec
    Go Disneyland
    Photo ops with premiership footballers etc…….
    Then again might just suffer in silence

    • Never fear, MNC…I’ve arranged for Melinda Messenger to give you a sponsored blowie to pay for sciatica medication. Your ISAC chums are all going to chip in a fiver.
      Only 1 condition: you have to be blindfold.
      And I ??????? I won’t substitute Melinda for Harvey Price once you’ve got the blindfold on.

      • I heard Harvey gives a better titwank Thomas.

        As long as I’m not asked to put my hand in my pocket I’m in.

  6. Are they related in some peculiar way to the Who wanks to be a Millionaire cheaters?
    British Army Officer types; cough, cough.
    Just askin’ for a friend…

  7. O/T, I see the BBc are giving it large with sympathy for the Muslim terrorists in Gaza…!

    Humanitarian aid is not being allowed in.

    Tough shit Abdul, you should have thought of that when you slaughtered 1400 Jews…?

    • Aye fuck ’em.

      About time the gloves came off. Play with fire, get burned you twats.

      They all support Hamas in Gaza and the kids all grow up to be the same anyway. Saw a documentary from a school there once. The kids were all nutters, no different to Osama in their attitude to four be twos and the west.

      Good life lesson for the cunts:

      If you punch some cunt in the mouth don’t bitch when he punches back harder.

      The BBC are non stop with the ‘ohhh it’s sooooo terrible’ shite. Quoting muzzy ‘charidees’ about aid being needed and reporting using muzzy journos with family living in Gaza.

      No bias there then.

    • Exactly , don’t fuck with the Israelis. How many times does these Arab thick cunts need lessons in retribution.

      You’re outmanned Abdul , they’re harder than you , cleverer than you and have a sense of real injustice that is millennia old

  8. I hope this filthy slag gets everything bad that is coming to her.

    Tom must be turning in his grave – bet the bitch has even hidden some cash there.

  9. I think she’s stashed all the hidden money inside that big hairy minge of her hers. With the only interest for money, her snatch as become over grown to something like Japanese knotweed and will be unable to retrieve it by herself. Now ironically more likely to take it to her grave, alongside old father Tom.

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