Just for you Techno, not Halloween but twice as nice. C.A.
Doesn’t seem 5 minutes since last year’s shitfest of young cunts going round people’s houses and taking “trick or treating” to the extreme, especially the former.
And now here we are again in October with Halloween set for the 31st, but already the supermarkets are gearing up with the usual “scary” merch and a bucketload of pumpkins.
Of course if you criticise Halloween you’re seen as some old fuddy duddy who doesn’t know how to have a good time. Its “only a bit of fun” after all, they’ll declare.
But since when has having bricks thrown through windows; cars keyed, front doors covered in graffiti; or abuse shouted through your letter box deemed “only a bit of fun”?
It seems perfectly fine for kids to go knocking on people’s doors and scaring the shit out of them (especially the elderly); but imagine if an old cunt dressed up in a horror mask and gimp suit (our very own Thomas the Cunt Engine, for example) went round knocking on doors and scaring kids shitless. That would be a different matter and no doubt, Mr Engine would be arrested for trespass and harassment.
Moreover, if some old cunt gave kids some sweets on any other day bar Halloween, he’d be locked up for being a Peter File!
Anyway, prepare yourself for cunts to come-a-knocking (usually days before actual Halloween). A swift boot in the bollocks often offends.
(Note to admin: no link, just a general observation – unless you can dig out a header pic of a young Jamie Lee “Halloween” Curtis. Pffnarr ppffnarrr)
Nominated by Technocunt.
Just a bit of fun.
We used to do it ,
And carol singing.
Used to be a house on the estate and he’d give you a coke and slice of cake.
It’d make you dizzy!
And forgetful.
And your bum would hurt in the morning.
Still knock on near Christmas!
Love cake me!
Was it a cake and arse party you were talking about, Mis ?
Batteredbum cake was it?
Was it a fruit cake?
Think there was nuts in it…
Watching the episode of Bottom where Richie shits 3 different pairs of tights while trick or treating, is always the highlight of Halloween for me.
Good afternoon all.
That really is a cracking episode.
His reaction to Doreen Hedgehog still makes me piss myself.
Dear rik mayall gone 10 years next year, poor blighter. My dad never understood that humour, but said to me “i know now what he meant to you kids now.
I was just thinking about Rik Mayall for the last few days as it goes. My Mum said as much to me when Rik died!
A great of our time and the only redeeming factor in that comic-strip crapola of yore with his all too rare appearances.
Answer the door bollock naked and tell the youngsters they’d got you out of the bath, before you’d managed to wash their treats.
Fuck that, dress as Gary Glitter.
I had two little cunts ringing my door bell the other night.
I tried to ignore the fuckers but they kept ringing.
I think that they were Finnish kids from the next road.
I eventually went out to fuck them off.
All Saints Day is an important fiesta day here.
It’s the time of year where people remember their dead relatives.
It’s a time for quiet, respectful remembrance.
This fucking American trend that foreign kids do every year could not be more disrespectful.
Fuck Halloween and the horse it rode in on. Fuck the parents for allowing their kids to do it. Fuck the little cunts who do it. Any damage caused should be paid for by the cunt parents. Or shot, either way I’m easy about it.
You’ve confused the old British festival Halloween for the modern American ritual of trick-or treating.
Halloween isn’t a yank thing.
Although they go cuckoo for it.
It’s British.
True that!
Old Celtic festival , called Samhain, or ‘ summers end’
Marking the death of summer.
Glad the cunts dead.
But they believed that the barriers between here and the underworld was at its thinnest and your ancestors came calling.
Skellingtons, ghosties.
They probably offered a sacrifice?
In a Wicker Man!!??
Hey nonny nonny
The yanks fuckin ruined it.
Made it about pumpkins,
Sweets, an toffees.
The fat cunts.
We should bring the Wickerman back.
A lottery and 30 criminals should be burnt in it every year.
Bring in the tourists!
As you say Mis, halloween is an ancient British festival but “trick or treat” came in from the States like the “school prom” and it should fucking well go back there. Known in British law as demanding money with menaces, maximum tariff fourteen years.
Tricky one…
The concept of ‘trick or treat’ is part of our tradition, but like everything else they culturally appropriate, the leftpondians commercialised the fuck out of it.
One of the earliest US references to Halloween in writing refers to it as ‘the Scotch festival’, now, gie’n the scroungin’ wee cunts a belt o’ cheap whisky instead of sweets and watching the chaos sounds like a mair fun nicht…
@MNC. Until relatively recent times, it was a common held belief that dead relatives would slip from the spirit world to visit their living relatives on the occasion of the Festival of the Dead.
It was customary to leave food out, should they need sustenance.
In The North….
Parkin and its predecessor Tharf Cake would have been good choices, being made from newly harvested oats.
There is a documented incident from a couple of hundred years ago about a traveler in Scotland being mistaken for a returning soul and being silently ushered to a table bearing food.
I could look it up in a book that I have, but it’s so big it’d take all night.
Years ago I’d bake Parkin and any kids that came knocking, usually with their parents, I would silently proffer a bowl containing slices of it, and in a lugubrious voice would say ‘ Cake of The Dead ? ‘
Didn’t take long before no one came on the Festival of The Dead !
All right pal ?
That’s the way to do it!
My Dad used to answer the door wearing a haggard evil witch mask and wrapped in a floor length black cloak, a bit like the Master off Star Wars.
“Come to the Dark Side..”
Alright Jack?
It’d be nice to see some of those that’d passed away.
Some of them owed me money!
Obviously if uncle George came knocking at the door,
I’d invite him over the threshold,
Sit him down , feed him, give him ale,
And make small talk.
He’s family after all
But I would bring up the matter of money…
Not straight away,
Casual like!?
Parkin? Yeah we’ve been buying it regularly just lately,
Surprisingly from co-op,
Love the stuff?
Apart from being physically fucked, I’ve never been better thanks, MNC. ?
It’s been a long season this year and I’m fucking aching all over, anyway…..
Food of The Gods.
My grandmother used to make wonderful Parkin, Treacle Toffee and Cinder Toffee.
Just the smell of any of those takes me back decades.
All part of a balanced diet ?
Good evening ?
My gran used to make all that Jack.
Treacle toffee that was soft, like big lumps of coal…
Nowadays I have to buy stuff like that.☹️
Actually if my gran comes back from the grave tonight,
I’d be tempted to ask her to pop on a pinny and get in the kitchen!?
I’ve been reading the comments arse about face and mentioned MNC for reminding me of the Parkin cake and wanted to acknowledge you on the same thing. Thanks Jack.
Lord Summer Isle is sort of the man Cunt Engine wishes he was….
well……that and Ted Bundy
Lord Summer Isle.
Now, that’s a name I haven’t heard in a good, long while.
Hope you haven’t woken the sleeping beast, Harold.
Halloween, born on these islands when the end of harvest was marked by a three day festival. Allegedly the ancients all believed it was a time when the spirit world and physical world were closest. Eat, drink be merry.
Of course when our ancestors sailed off to the new world they took Halloween with them.
I’ve no idea why the Americans have to make everything tacky and commercial but it’s what they do best.
All the satanists will be out dancing naked around a hastily made alter before indulging in some random sex, the rest of the year they just call it dogging.
Thankfully in this part of the north if you don’t display any Halloween tat in your window the kids don’t bother you.
It’s a Christian celebration. The eve of All Saints Day.
Only in the last thousand years Miles.
We’ve been celebrating it much longer than that.
Before your Jewish god ?reached these shore.
Hey nonny nonny
Said he’d be back.
Hardly subtle and stealth like, is he?
Seen the nomination?
Just saying it is of the Christian tradition Miserable.
Might be same day I don’t know.
Yeah it’s the same thing Miles.
All hallows Eve.
Bet Mr Cuntengines a fan?
And Mr Fiddler!
Bet he plays bobbing for apples with the local kids,
Hands out chocolate coins?
Or…..shotgun and hounds
Christianity superimposed its festivals over existing pagan festivals. It was the early church’s way of eradicating existing religions.
Christianity as we know it today was created by the Romans and it was typical of Romans to replace local religion with its own. Hence we also find temples of Roman gods here from pre Christianity.
I could go into the way Christianity borrowed from Egyptian resurrection stories and other earlier religions but everyone would get bored and someone might get offended…..
Go ahead, Six.
What ‘ud offend me would upset a shit cart!
It was the Pagan’s festival. Celtic hero Fionn mac Cumhaill and all that.
Long before the Romans adopted it as part of them bringing Christianity and trying to sell it to the Celts/pagans. Pope Boniface trying to get his foot in the door.
Much like the Gawd Squad do now.
Christianity and Catholicism are quite “normie” come to think of it aren’t they Charlie/Chuck?
Anyway why have you been allowed back on as if nothing had happened?
What you said less than a month ago was unforgivable.
(I spy with my little eye … – Day Admin)
Hello Harold.
What was said was out of order, in my opinion.
But surely it’s better to have people express their views, however distasteful.
Rather than just have an echo chamber.
I don’t know if MP received a warning first, or whether he was just booted off.
I’m in favour of a warning, initially.
But it’s not my site.
Good evening.
I agree with Jack.
I think he’s using AI to write his posts this time around.
Because they’re reasonably literate.
“I creep back in”
Creep back in?!!!
You might has well have entered like this
Fuck it, what’s the point.
He’s a creep alright.
The point is Harold, that Miles/Charlie has nailed his colours to a despicable mast.
That’s his choice.
Other choices are available.
And on this site.
He’s in a small minority.
He can be debated with.
Or ignored.
Or fucked off again.
Should he get way out of order.
Just like the rest of us could.
Embrace the rough and tumble !!
Never give up.
And never, never never give in ???
(Never fear, because we’re watching. Now that’s enough about Miles on this thread. Thanks – Day Admin)
They call it dogging.
We call it love?
Anyway it’s daft when people talk like this. It’s daft because if Christian festivals grew out of or emerged from Pagan festivals then Christianity is a but a another form of Paganism.
It’s daft.
Or the Church imposed these new feasts on page festivals by force is the insinuation. On a happy Pagan population.
Well you never heard a pagan uprising did you to re-assert Winterval or something.
Think they tended to get killed Miles.
Our forefathers weren’t open to religious debate or other faiths.
The settling of the Vikings ( pagans) upset the apple cart for a while though.
Hello Charlie ( hehehe) ?.
I’m sure you know that many churches are built on old Pagan sites.
In fact, there are churchyards that contain ancient standing stones and Yew trees.
A church, a few miles from us was built on a Bronze Age burial site.
Local populations would often take up the ‘ new ‘ religion of Christianity if sites and elements of the Old Religion were incorporated.
It’s no coincidence that Christian festivals tally with older festivals.
It’s like religious evolution.
Now you be a good lad. ?
A Middle Eastern religion appropriated by the Roman Empire and imported into England about 1500 years ago,
Undermining and supplanting our indigenous pagan rituals and beliefs.
Time we took back control!
‘Now you be a good lad. ?’
OK I’ll behave Jack.
Good show ??
OnlyFans is the height of of this religion.
‘Embrace the rough and tumble !!’
That’s right.
‘OnlyFans is the height of this religion’
Although it is said that most strippers were educated at convents earlier in life.
Must be all that repression.
I’m quite attracted to the idea of naked young female satanists dancing round the altar Sixdog. I wonder if I build an altar in the front garden? Could tolerate the random sex as well come to that.
Good luck in your quest, but speaking as someone whose gardens bear more than a passing resemblance to ancient Druid groves in the hopes of snagging some passing nubile young wiccanettes…sadly, it hasn’t worked for me yet, in fact, the only religious thing they’ve ever attracted has been an impromptu blessing of our very.fucking.large birch tree by a passing Bishop – I kid you not.
I believe that. There’s some kind of churchie thing, Anglicans I think, where they go around in a procession praising living things, like trees, and blessing them.
Don’t worry, it wasn’t some weirdo Koresh like cult, targeting you.
Evening Sixdog,
The way to look at it is the church looked round for appropriate days to have a feast day.
You know I don’t think Christmas was celebrated till the 4th century.
So if Christianity was generated by Paganism or something, that is the insinuation, then it took them a long time to get going.
Like Pagan temples were turned into churches after the old gods died out.
That’s all it was.
Over time origins get confused. But similarities between earlier religions and the Christ stories do exist.
The bible was written by men and men decided which religious texts were included and which were left out. Revelations only just scrapped in.
The evidence for pagan festivals being celebrated at times now occupied by Christian festivals exists.
Have Christian festivals not largely been taken over by commercialism? Christmas means gifts and feasting to the majority now, much as it did when the pagans celebrated their festival, easter has become a time of rabbits and eggs which originate from the pagan spring festival.
Islam will be the predominant religion in the UK by 2060, not because it’s more believable but because of numbers.
There may well have been uprisings in local areas. The population was sparse and there were multiple regions not a concept of the modern nation state.
As always context is important., in this case historical context.
None of the above rules out the existence of Jesus Christ but that’s a matter of faith. Don’t remember anywhere in the bible where Jesus or anyone else said we should celebrate his death or resurrection with a festival do you?
That’s the word I’m looking for -‘inculturation’. The practice of entrenching the Faith in unchristianised countries by USING their pagan festivals to teach Christian truths.
That’s what happend to us in Europe centuries ago.
Happened in South America more recently.
You’re right there -‘Have Christian festivals not largely been taken over by commercialism?’
Indeed they have. Capitalism the religion of the modern world.
But not the backward world or Communist world.
If it were just a little horizontal action going down in those rituals rather than actual child sacrificing it would be an agreeable proposition but those Phoenecian/Caananite/Druidic blood-rituals never left the building.simply went covert and still thrives amongst the higher echelons of power at many levels.
Where’s the evidence?
Jimmy Saville used to stick his knob through the letterbox telling kids it was a lollypop. Allegedly.
Why would he do that when he could go to the hospital mortuary and pick himself a nice corpse.
Halloween with Jimmy would have been difficult for the BBC.
No such thing as Halloween for us, we used to go Cob-Coaling.
I hoping for wind and rain in the next couple of hours, soak the little cunts!
Fuck off with your fucking begging bowl, if you want sweets go on the fucking game ?
I will be home, doors locked and all the lights out.
Apparently, we’re due a bit more than a couple of hours of wind and rain very shortly.
Battern down the hatches and strip the mainsail.
Yes for once the North isn’t getting it hardest.
We’ll suffer the repercussions, though.
My concern is if it blows away the large quantities of coke currently washing up here on the isle of wight and Sussex beaches with some regularity..100% pure in 40k batches allegedly ? coastguard busted a yacht with engine failure and they cut loose the supply into the Solent.
Nice new camper van potentially bobbing about there on that briney swell.
In the pre-smartphone/social meedja era, I dressed up as an SS officer and a Klansman for two separate halloween fancy dress parties. Looked stunning I did, and it made everyone laugh.
Thank fuck it was before the smartphone/social meedja era, too, although I did consider going as Fred West to a similar do down the local pub a few years ago.
But yeah, halloween’s a wok of toss. Yank tat. Boils my piss when I see the decor in shops.
Never dress as an SS officer, even as a joke.
You might get mistaken for Prince Harry.
Told you before on here but Im a boring cunt and repeat myself a lot.
Used to be this kid,
Right mummy’s boy.
His dad was Irish and he hated anything ‘spooky’!!
One Halloween when we were 12yrs a group of us kids went to the graveyard.
It involved a walk through the woods on a track that was a disused railway line we called ‘ the Deadline’
It was dark and his nerves kicked in before we even got there.
But the girls with us marded the little cunt.
Calmed him down.
We got to the graveyard and he’s holding this girls hand,
” your ok Tony (real name)
Much to my disgust.
Then someone shouted out ” DRACULA!!!”
Stood on a gravestone was a figure,
Black evening suit, top hat, Cape, red sash,.and fangs!
Looked fuckin great ?
Proper made a effort.
Assume it was a student or older kid.
Anyway , we scattered!
But Tony was hysterical!
He ran blind.
Straight into a freshly dug grave covered over with a tarpaulin.
He pissed his pants and was sobbing.
The girls tried to calm the soft little cunt.
But I couldn’t breathe for laughing
” Don’t be tight!
Tony’s pissed his pants”
Set me off again
Anyway I never hung around with him after that disgraceful display.
I hold him in complete contempt to this day.
Should’ve filled the fucking hole in.
That’s a story that always bears being re-told, Mis.
Jesus Christ. Snowflakes have always been with us.
‘Used to be this kid,
Right mummy’s boy.
His dad was Irish and he hated anything ‘spooky’!!”
There were at least a couple of them like that at my school (apart from the Irish dad – more like no dad). Soft as shit, and the fucking female teachers coddled them and scolded you for showing them a picture of a fucking ghost in the Usborne Book of the Unknown. The rot of snowflakery and political correctness was setting in when I was just finishing primary school; a whole wave of teachers trained to coddle the spastics. the meek and the tell-tale no-mates and discourage what would now be regarded as friendly sparring, WWF re-enacting, banter or jokes, but too weak to stop the real bullying, and it’s been that way since.
What do we have now? A nation of f@ggots.
*Disclaimer; Spastics as in the divs and no-hopers, not the disabled.
I put a sign on my door saying
“Please do not Knock”
My knees won’t take getting up and down umpteen times to answer the door, these days.
I don’t begrudge the little ‘uns having a bit of fun, dressing up, though I wonder about the kind of films the parents let them watch, judging by the costumes some of them wear.
No, it’s the fucking 15 year old+ ones, who think a black hoody and a Scream mask is a great idea, they’re too old to be doing that kind of shit. They should be in the park, drinking White Lightening and smoking draw, like we were at their age!
Jazz Cabbage and Turbo Cider in the park? Thems were the days, JP.
I’ve found the best way to avoid any unpleasant callers is to set fire to my neighbours house.
The cunt.
Could you please set fire to my neighbour’s house? What a fucking mong twat of a cunt he is. This dick brain is retired and so is its bitter wife (she has one of those faces if you know what I mean). As such they have ALL FUCKING DAY to do what they want, including mowing their huge lawn using their fucking loud ride-on mower.
When does he decide to fire up that bastard?
Yep, early Friday evenings when I’ve been at work all week and need the peace and quiet. What an utter bastard. He needs to fall down a well.
Push him down one instead ?
Woman in the local Sainsbury’s has *THAT* face.
I fucking hate her, miserable sow.
Scatter copious dog turds on his lawn. That’ll give his bitter wife something to carp on about (to hjm).
‘female Guardian coluumnist’- face.
Offended by everything
Thinks the sun shines out of her arse.
This is enough to scare the shit out of anyone:
I recommend going no further than the first photo if you don’t want recurring nightmares for years to come.
Geordie @
That first photo
Fred Guinns Herman Munster?
Far uglier than that, Mis.
She wanted to join the Hussars, hence the Sir Matt on her bonce.
She has more of the Oddbod or Oddbod junior from Carry on Screaming vibe going on there, and remember, the French do like them hairy, even the diplomatic Fem with it’s Camionneuses…
Is she grinning like that because she’s found her precious?
She found her winkie
??? horrific
I bet she sucks a dick like a dog eating hot chips
It’s the angry bootneck in the first pic!
He hasn’t got as much body hair.
We’ve imported this shit from America but whatever happened to “Penny for the Guy”? That’s an age old British tradition you never see anymore. That was always a source of income we looked forward to as kids. The little bastards are too fucking lazy these days and just steal the money from their Mum’s purse. As for this trick or treat bullshit just stick a picture of a grinning Jeffrey Marsh on your door…..,”I want to talk to the kids.”
Price of fireworks happened.
If they did bring back that tradition today the little cunts (cuntlets?) would be touting mobile contactless payment terminals and have a tablet strapped to an electric scooter playing a looping tik tok video of badly dressed oik in an Anonymous mask, a looping ‘drill’ noisetrack, and some 12 year old with a faux USian-Jamaican ‘nygrr’ accent doing a voice over spiel along the lines of ‘for only £5 a month bruv, you too could sponsor this poor Guy, and help him burn in style…’
Criminalise sale of fireworks to the underclass.
They always burn the ones they love.
Fortunately for me there isn’t a kid living within a mile or more of us so fuck em And thank fuck
Bobbing for apples.
Doubt they still do that?
Toffee apples, treacle toffee, parkin.
You people should get with the festive spirit.
Just cut 2 eye holes in a sheet
Can find one on any washing line.
Get together with others wearing sheets have a bonfire.
Wave to any sooties ?
And that blazing cross on the front lawn, pfft, it’s just a traditional ” Welcome, new neighbour” thing.
You’ve just reminded me Mis about the Parkin, I can see it, smell it and taste it.
Me an the missus had parkin the other day from co-op in New Mills.
Can’t do treacle toffee though , my teeth are like a kicked in fence.
Fortunately I’m in a quiet area, only one young family with kids and they never knock. Word must’ve got round about me being just as miserable.
I only celebrate reality. Full moons, winter and summer solstice.
Might you go full Turkey choppers ?
You are Dickie Dawkins and I claim my MSc (Oxon) in evolutionary biology.
E/C – A mile or more you say? That’s what scopes and sniper school is for.
Very hard to obtain over here I/Y
Have to make do with smooth bore and bird shot
I remember Everyone, that you once were employed as a teacher. Pray tell, was that where you developed a hatred of children?
Improvisation to get the job done. Well played, E/C. Kudos.
Weren’t you a teacher, Everyonesacunt?
Going to piss down, the little cunts will be washed out to sea.
The doberman will be out and as he’s now 14 months old and as big as the shitland stallion I very much doubt we will be tricked or the local urchins treated. Fucking hateful imported bollocks, miserable bad tempered antisocial and anything else along those lines apply to me and jolly proud of it I am.
Well I’ve got a few ram skulls hung up .
Drew a pentagram in pigs blood on the door.
Lit a few candles
Sat naked and semi tumescent.
No knocks on the door yet!
Can’t imagine why!
Evening, MNC,
Get the jingle-jangle and the shell suit out tonight, eh?
Now then now then
(Tarzan noise)
Clunk click
Stoke Mandeville,
Fixed it?
@MNC, ‘ow’s about that, then?!
Round my way, Christmas stuff was in the shops BEFORE the Halloween crap this year. Jesus wept in a witch’s coven.
There are few up sides to life in Minnesota. One is the biting cold, snow and ice which is currently percolating nicely outside. That’ll keep the bastard scum brats at bay. Hope they all freeze to death. Parasites, the lot of them.
They are.May they all burn in Hell ???
Yes, same here IY.
And come the 26th December, Easter eggs will be available.
There’s an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm where Larry opens the door to two girls trick or treating. He asks them how old they are and they say 13.
He says “you’re at least 16, probably 17 and you haven’t even got any costumes…..you’re candy frauds, you’re getting nothing from me” and slams the door in their faces. The next morning his garden is festooned in toilet roll and they’ve sprayed “bald asshole” across the door. In typical Larry style he calls the Police and reports it as a “hate crime against the bald community.”
A man after my own heart. ?
Fantastic show, it’s even American which is in itself one in a million.
Give the little trick or treat cunts some tampons, a packet of Fisherman’s Friend’s and some Scotch Bonnet Peppers. They’ll never come back.
Razor blades in mini mars bars works for me.
hubby padlocked gate at 4pm and the cunts were already out and about with their Lidl masks on. Cunts.
Not a sausage yet, I was looking forward to opening the door, whilst screaming “can’t you fucking read?”
Then deploying the pepper spray.
Although I think this approach towards a bunch of 4/5 year old kids might not go down well in the neighbourhood.
I bet Fiddler has not fed the hounds for three days, the punji sticks have been sharpened and has a bucket of cold piss on standby behind the door.
For sure.
Poor hounds.
To be fair JP, kids today are lazy and I can’t see any of them walking the two miles up Fiddlers driveway to be told to “fuck off”.
Same old ??. Enough already.
And Shalom to you, too.
Thanks for the JLC pic, Admin. Although I would have preferred the one when she gets her top off in any number of films back in the 80s and 90s.
As for Halloween – no kids on my doorstep just yet, but my flamethrower and box of spiders are at the ready.
Any tyke ringing on our doorbell will get the usual:
Bits of dogshit wrapped in tinfoil.
Now, that’s class.
I don’t mind Halloween.
Fuckin hate Bonfire night though.
Dogs terrified of fireworks.
It’s a certain type of person whos into fireworks,
I’m.always suspicious of fireworks cunts.
Don’t have money to buy the kids school shoes but spend £250 on Airbomb repeaters!
The burns wards are never full enough for me
I don’t get those airbomb things.
What’s great about summat that just bangs at earsplitting volumes for several minutes. It’s not as if each explosion is accompanied with pretty coloured sparkles.
It reminds me though, of the Boom, Boom, Boom poem, from Black adder.
Evening MNC, a professionally done fireworks display can be wonderful entertainment if you imagine there’s a muzzıe strapped to each one, especially this year.
“Take that, Mohammed, you cunt!”
I’ll shout at the sky.
“This is for those Israeli kids Abdul, you fucking butcher”
It’ll be quite entertaining, as I’ll be throwing my voice and pointing the finger of accusation at anyone I suspect of being a tran§bumder as the guilty party.
A big blue star of David over the Mayor’s office is what’s needed.
It’s one of my favourite times of the year, teaching children a valuable lesson by handing out toffees with pharmaceutical laxatives within. It makes me feel warm inside, the kids too from the friction of a high pressure liquid shit.
Kids doing trick or treating these days often use their smart phones to record what they’re doing to the unsuspecting victim, especially if its a “trick”. They then upload it to their social media pages.
Moreover, if the householder retaliates in kind, it too is recorded and all of a sudden expect another knock on the door, this time from plod and a possible hate crime!
I know this for a fact because a friend of mine who lives in Brum was “tricked” earlier this evening. He told them all to fuck off, and about 25 minutes ago a police officer came round with the snowflake kids and a recording of the incident, and gave my friend a warning!
How fucking ridiculous!
Did he tell the plod cunt to fuck off as well?
Completely OT and no apologies. Data regarding the ULEZ in London are just coming out. For those who haven’t seen them the £12.50 daily charge is raising £5 million per week and PCNs raised £26 million in September alone. The zone covers an area of 236 square miles. The construction and maintenance of the “public” highway in this area has/is being paid for by the people who are now paying this extra tax for the privilege of using these roads to go to work or run their businesses. The figures for any reduction in pollutants are being witheld until after the date of the mayoral election next year. Why am I not surprised?
Oh, I almost forgot, long live the blade runners!
Maybe because the current Mayor is a khunt, and the possible next one would get loads of mileage ( and votes)
were they to release those figures now?