Greta Thunberg (18)

 (Greta, about to face another anal probing for being full of shit! – Day Admin)

Climate grift millionaire spastic, Greta Thunberg, in an effort to remain relevant, has now decided to branch out into geopolitical issues. This is despite her not even finishing her secondary education. I reckon she started her ‘climate activism’ as a reason to nick off school because she was too thick to do the work.

However, by accident perhaps, she ended up making a few mill out of her teenage tantwuming, including a 1m climate charidee award, which, of course, she donated to ‘sustainability projects’. We have her word, of course, so it must be true. She’s never actually said who she’s ‘given’ all her money to, of course.

But I digress. She now thinks she’s qualified to lecture the world about nasty Israel bombing those ‘poor, wickle, innocent’ Pawestinians, who definitely didn’t do anything wrong (like fuck). She stands with Gaza she says. Not only that, she posed with a photo on Twitter with a blue octopus toy. Apparently, this is an antisemitic symbol. No coincidence it was in a photo where she (at centre stage) is among dirty Hamas (terrorism) supporters. She quickly deleted the photo and replaced it with a cropped version.

Now, I like a bit of good old fashioned racism as much as the next man, but if I posted a picture on Twitter of myself with a ‘Robinson’s jam doll’, my feet wouldn’t touch the fucking ground.

It’s a fucking disgrace.

She needs to be sent out to Gaza to try to broker peace with Hamas then, seeing as she feels so qualified to talk about such things. After some swarthy terrorist types kidnap her, the fucking second she sets foot off her carbon neutral winged unicorn by the way, she can then enjoy the reality of her situation. As they use her as a bargaining chip and three holed activity centre, she can reflect on her choices while chained to a fucking radiator for 20 years. The stupid cunt.

Listen sweetheart, get back in your box and keep telling us how the world is going to end. Just like all those other cunts like you did in generations past (ice age, global warming, giant solar flares, oil running out etc).

And now the fourbees are banning your bollocks from the curriculum. Ha!

Thinks she’s a fucking expert on everything now, like me.

Fuck me, next these thick, uneducated bints will be telling us how to play football…

…oh wait.

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

107 thoughts on “Greta Thunberg (18)

  1. It laughable how this thick tart’s taken in the gullible and fickle and given money for playing truant.

  2. It’s her parents fault.
    If they had smacked the little mitmot upside the head more,
    She probably wouldn’t be a borderline jailbird.

    Although she’s worth fuckin millions so what do I know?

  3. There’s already a growing backlash against Greta Sixfingers.
    People have seen through her fake virtue signalling bullshit; more so since she is now a confirmed millionaire and her “future” is assured.

    She is nothing but an attention-junkie, probably driven on by her greedy parents, all of whom don’t give two fucks about climate change.

    She is a poster girl for young Gen Zs, Gen Alphas and grubby old men in flasher raincoats (sorry, mis), to wank over all day long. Pity she can’t fuck off to the really hardcore countries where pollution is rife, along with deforestations, lack of human rights; genuine misogyny and homophobia is the norm.

    But typically like most woke cunts, she doesn’t have the balls to venture out of her safe bubble of Western Europe and North America. And if you criticise her she resorts to “I’m autistic don’t you know!”

    Gawd help any future boyfriend that shacks up with her!

    • She is indeed a attention junkie. She loves having her name and face shown on the news. She’s childlike.

      The trouble is, because she’s a mong, she really doesn’t understand what she’s actually protesting about, or why.

      Her expression never changes, the lights may be on but there really is no one home.

    • People use Autism /Aspergers as an excuse for sll sorts of bratty behaviour these says. Same with ADHD.
      we’re supposed to taken their word for it but the card always gets played when they’re behaving like cunts, never anywhen else.

  4. The very epitome of everything wrong with many European progressive types.

    It’s always about The Latest Thing,something to protest about,something to post on social media.

    If Europe doesn’t eventually(and sooner than many think) stand against the Religion of Peace forcefully then it will simply cease to exist..

    Which will in turn lead to all these vegans and other hippy rubbish being swept away by violence along with their Rainbow chums by the medieval hordes.

    Israel is a thorn in the side of all the Middle Eastern extremists and their entire families who want us dead,so more power to the IDF.

    The Swedish troll is indeed a cunt.

  5. Not many celeb types back Israel do they?

    Maureen lipman, err.. Bernie winters,
    That’s it!!

    Thought the Jews were meant to control the media and showbiz?
    Well that’s obviously bollocks.

    Palestine on the other hand, like Saturday night at the palladium crossed with Glastonbury!!
    All star show.

    That in itself should point out where to stand.

    Come on Israel ✡️

      • I would fuck the fillings out of Fenella Fielding!

        Something deeply horny about her!

        She’s a bit sken-eyed?
        Might be that.

      • She’s been dead for a few years.

        You’ve been hanging around with that Cunt Engine too much.

        Greta isn’t that daft. Fucking loaded.

        Stole what future? Fucking 19 with a few mill banked? A few tweets a week, probably written for her is her ‘job’, paying more than most of us could ever dream of.

        Fuck me, I’d have shagged Ivy Tilsey up the shitter then eaten Ena Sharples out for a few mill at 19.

      • Fenella was as fit as fuck in Cary on screaming. Always gives me the horn. But the effect dissipates as soon as Kenneth Williams appears alongside her.

      • I signed declaration too. But I am not telling anyone as I I not a virtue signaller.

        Good afternoon, everyone.

    • At school, we got, “what are you skenning at”. The reply was “I can sken if I want”.

      • I was far too good looking to ever hear ‘Sken!’ from an annoyed lass at school.

        They’d swoon if I just looked in their general direction. I was so good looking, I was almost a public health hazard. One lass in our street pretended to be a boy so she could hang around with me and play footy with me on the field. Wanted to get close to me you see. Cut her hair short and wore boys clothes. True story. Caused a right kerfuffle. Wrote a suicide threat letter to me when I found out he was a she. Marry me or I’ll kill myself she said. Parents called in. Fucking terrified I was. I was only about 10 or 11.

        The lasses on the last day of school tried to more or less rape me on the art tables. Pinned me down, trying to get me pants off. I was terrified they’d see my very, very average nob. Teacher came back and let them carry on at first (thought it was hilarious , the cunt) then finally told them to leave me alone. All because I was fit as fuck.

        You people just don’t understand the perils of extreme good looks. A veritable handicap.

      • Pfft.

        Your bland looking compared to me.

        Ive had to have police protection due to my gorgeous face and dazzling personality.

        And most of them became infatuated with me,
        Had to be moved on.

        Remember that courtroom scene in ‘Miracle on 34 th street’?
        Where they bring in sack after sack of letters to Santa,
        Proving Kris Kringle is legally Santa Klaus?

        That’s my valentine’s Day norm.

      • In fact I probably won’t be allowed in heaven in case I make the angels self conscious.

      • That’s nothing.

        Remember those Beatlemania scenes outside the Fab 4’s Scouseland terraced houses, as fame broke for them?

        If I went to the shop on my BMX to get a can of Quattro (remember that? Fucking rank wasn’t it?), it’d be a mix of Beatlemania and that Indian ‘Suttee’ thing, with some birds voluntarily throwing themselves onto bonfires because I said I wasn’t interested.

        250 dead lasses a day, just because I was too fit. I inadvertently killed more than Shipman x Sutcliffe in the end.

        It was a fucking disgrace.

      • Mirrors sob if I don’t look at my reflection.

        I once licked a stamp and the Queen had a orgasm.

      • I think it refers to a squint, a turn in the eye. Can’t say it now, incase a tear appears in it.

      • Its true.

        I walked past Lidl as Miserable was being escorted in though a side entrance by security and the police were pepper spraying randy pensioners.

      • I’m afraid stand in front of windows as somebody might mistake me for Henry Cavill, especially without my shirt on.

  6. Her parents are the grasping cunts who were looking after her finances until she turned 18.

    As Greta probably can’t count past 10 without taking her socks off, she has no idea how much money she actually has or indeed the value of that money, because she’s a retard.

    Considering she went to a special school, bunking off a double session of finger painting and crayon eating on a Friday afternoon was never really going to impact her education or her future career as Stockholm’s chief window licker.

  7. How the fuck can a 20 year old dribbler know much about the geopolitical situation in the world when she left school early and only recently stopped wearing nappies and feeding of her mum’s titties.

  8. I think I’ve diagnosed her problem – foetal alcohol syndrome, which results in retarded growth (she’s 4’11”), intellectual disability and characteristic facial features shown here:

    Small head, short nose, smooth philtrum, thin upper lip, low nasal bridge etc etc. Yep, it looks pretty damning, Greta’s mum was a pisshead 21 years ago.
    Blame her.

    • May as well just put her picture in the link as she looks fucking identical.

      I wouldn’t ride that Mong into battle

    • I wondered why the kids whio took ‘rural studies’ instead of science all had a similar look.

      ‘Alright, Council-chops. How’s the colouring in?’

  9. As if the Palys, Hamas or any Sand Dwellers give a fuck about Nut Zero, gay rights or personal pronouns. If Thundercunt lived out there she would be more likely to be hung from a crane than allowed to spout her demented crap.

    I don’t understand how woke cunts can make common cause with these nut jobs, who are diametrically and visciously opposed to everything the Wokies say they stand for. It’s simply because they have standing in their demented hierarchy of victimhood.

    • It’s because the wokies are actually binary! If a Tory or a working class oik supports something ( e.g. Israel ) then the wokies feel they have to support the other side. Despite the fact they would end up hanging from a crane as you say.

      • I’d let the peacefuls at these various cunts, let them know what they are actually supporting, the clueless wankstains.

  10. Its strange how young girls go downhill rapidly. Take the girl Emily Lloyd from “Wish You Were Here” fame in the eighties. Then a few years later, I saw her begging near the Islington Angel and Liverpool Street station, asking if she could use anyone’s mobile and didn’t seem interested when I asked her about her debut acting career. She just brushed it off with a so-what.

    • She was good in that role, strolling around shouting “up yer’bum”. She’s the daughter of Trigger actor, Roger Lloyd Pack. It could have been so different for her. She was offered the lead roles in Pretty Woman and Mermaids, but turned them down due to mental health issues. Sadly, she never quite got it back together.

  11. Reminds me a bit of our own favourite grifters, Meagain and Hazbeen.

    Attention-seeking narcissism, massive sense of entitlement, blinkered hypocrisy.
    Another born grifter.

    Morning all.

    • Imagine a 3 way sex orgy with Migraine, Greta Six-fingers and Fuckwit Harry!

      Harry wouldn’t have a clue where to start or what to do when faced with two nagging, perfectionist cunts like them!

    • I see the beckham cunts have dropped them and arse licking chimp boy. What do they want do you think?

  12. Ah the good old days before social media, these cunts didn’t exist.
    It’s a fucked up muddled up, shook up world except Isaac …?

  13. Pity she hasn’t visited Dhaka, Bangladesh – one of the most polluted cities on the planet.
    Pity she hasn’t visited the Amazon Basin – illegal tree logging is totally out of control.
    Pity she hasn’t visited Papua New Guinea – illegal lead and gold mining is devasting the area.
    Pity she hasn’t visited Gambia, Senegal and Mozambique – illegal tree logging, salt and gold mining, unlicensed transportation of dangerous liquids, over fishing, over population, genuine abject poverty.
    Pity she hasn’t visited Hotan, China – another heavily polluting city that has the equivalent PM2.5 air pollutants of ALL the countries in western Europe.

    Instead, where does this cunt go to protest? safe places as London, Oslo, Paris and Berlin – places with some of the lowest CO2 levels on the planet, with the least deforestation, fully licensed gold and lead mining, controlled fishing etc etc.

    She is in essence a cowardly cunt who doesn’t really believe in her principles just so long as she grabs the news headlines no matter how desperate she has to resort in order to attract attention.

  14. She needs to get down to Palestine and give all those swarthy types a strongly worded lesson about all that 2 stroke fuel their using in their rockets

  15. Like all over privileged white liberal lefties she is brave enough to have a pop at cultures and religions that don’t fight back .
    She and her fucking ilk wouldn’t have the guts to walk up to the peacefuls and tell them they stink and robbed her of her childhood

  16. Even though I’d like to go down on her, she appears to have a bit of the syndrome in her.

  17. I just want to play with those little tities and spunk all over her face (note to self, stop reading Mr Cunt Engines posts).

    I think she likes getting arrested, hoping one of those coppers will give her a fucking in the cells.

  18. Who cares what some truants opinions are on the middle East?

    Is there a ‘say NO to the ceasefire ‘ for people who want the bombing of Gaza to continue?

    Because I’d sign it.

  19. The Thunberg fuckwit will not be so chippy when ISIS start the stonings and crucifixions in Sweden.

    • She won’t give a shit. Her and her vapid parents will be on an exclusive all expenses paid, sponsored dinghy heading for Dover and offered/given a rather large 6 bedroom detached in the Cotswolds.

  20. And a Merry Xmas to you all !

  21. Hmm, well there’s some very valid points raised in this particular nom! Some very valid points indeed. Are the Palestinians in the right? Or are the cuntish Red Sea Pedestrians getting just a little bit too big for their yarmulkes! However, there is one question here that hasn’t been asked, until now. The most important thing we should be asking is “is our Greta shaved up like a racing Hamster, or does her lady garden resemble an Owls nest?” There, I’ve said it!

  22. This nig and nog need to fuck off:

    Pleased that money has been raised for the coppers families; it was a bit extreme sacking them.

    Nothing to hide then don’t bleat. Problem (and reality) is in parts of London nig and nogs are mostly to blame for the amount of drug crime and stabbings so it is no surprise that the police sometimes behave they way they do. OK, maybe they were a bit over zealous but all we see if the waycist way they reacted. If Portuguese nog doesn’t like it, perhaps he should fuck off back there where I know the police aren’t as civil as they are here…

    • She only upset because that’s more money than she’s ever made in prize money..
      Fuck her and her andre 3000 husband.

      • Andre 3000 ????.

        Agreed. The way she is bleating she’s proper jealous no one has set up a crowdfunding site for her.

    • Just had a look on Wikipedia. The stop and search incident takes up 90% of the entry.
      Running round in circles doesn’t make you immune from the law. Deport her fucking boyfriend.

    • He takes avoiding action when the police try to stop him. Then when the police catch up with them, to put it mildly they throw a tantrum.

      Oh do fuck off.

      • Indeed. Nog allegedly sped off when asked to stop, why do that unless you have something to hide.

        No my friends, if he wanted to hide he should have stood in a dark cave and closed his and not smiled, perfect camouflage.

  23. Related story – JSO protest in Parliament Square broken up today by plod in minutes, 62 arrests.
    Presumably Roman and Indigo made the crucial error of stopping the Greggs van making a delivery.

  24. I heard that the Swedish gnome has moved to the UK……some big house in Dorset apparently. I don’t know if that’s true but it would make sense. She would be more than welcome by all the libtards and the Home Office would fall over themselves to give her citizenship. I imagine she’s more popular than old Shamima down in Whitehall.

      • That would make sense too. The BBC would have a fleet of vans parked permanently outside for their daily interview schedule. Greta could make a fortune flogging them vegan food, a nice little earner.

      • Vegan, Gluten free and dairy free.

        Saw a cooking programme where teams had to do the catering for a BBC crew. One little snowflake was sll of the above, plus allergic to citrus fruit.

        That’s taking attention-seeking to a new level. Must be a right laugh at bbqs.

  25. She is volunteering for DP rape and having her scrawny neck cut….
    Greta just shut the fuck up and fuck off back to your own shit house of cuntry.
    Still raining and an Irish fucking storm heading in.
    Cunts all of them.

  26. Greta may not be under age but she still looks it. She needs to get away from Sweden with all those “Friends of Palestine” roaming around. They would completely destroy her front bottom and she would understand the reality of “you have stolen my childhood.”
    In a few years from now she should have enough dough to fuck off and hide where all the other rich libtards are planning to hide, leaving us cunts behind to face Abdul and the Forty Thieves.

  27. If you dont support either palestine or Israel you will be shot because ‘Silence is violence’ and ‘words are violence’. Support the curent thing or else, particularly if you work in the arts/entertainment industry.

    Been quiet on Twitter lately? Get virtue whoring if you ever want to work in luvvie-land again.

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