Far Left Activists and Reality

This last week, there have been a few high profile incidents of leftist activists getting murdered by black people in America. A white, middle class, far leftist activist woman, let a chap into her plush apartment and was promptly raped and killed. Another do gooding type would let homeless black people use his house (he was a gay so I’m not sure if there wasn’t something else going on). He ended up murdered by a chap he let in. There was also the incident in the link.

While I do not agree with celebrating the murder of a far left activist type (who liked to call people Nazis on social media for saying they felt the local streets were getting unsafe), I’m not sad about it. This is the sort of smug, posh cunt who puts those he sneers at in situations of potential danger, such is his refusal to see reality. Would poo poo those saying the streets were unsafe. He was also a high up in Antifa. A cunt, in other words.

Well, as he and his (also leftist activist) girlfriend chatted on a local bench at 4am (in a dangerous ‘diverse’ area…only a libtard living in a fantasy world would not see this was a bad idea), a black man passed them and then started pushing and hitting some parked motorcycles.

Me? Well I wouldn’t have a lass out on such a street with me at 4am in the first place, but this couple, despite, I’m sure, their instincts telling them to walk in the opposite direction, walked towards this obviously disturbed and dangerous bloke.

Probably ‘racist’ to walk the other way, eh? Well, he actually ended up speeding up towards this bloke to talk to and calm him it seems. Well, reality is a cunt I’m afraid and the stupid cunt is now in a wooden box after getting stabbed to death.

The killer returned to spit in the lass’s face (she was lucky he didn’t kill her too). He was right in her face, but according to some reports, she could not describe the attacker to police.

Maybe shock, or maybe protecting her ideology until the end? Even when her boyfriend is murdered right in front of her? She didn’t call the cops either, and just poked at her fella. A passer by called the cops. Seemed a bit cold I thought. Maybe shock, but who knows?

Leftists are saying too many are gloating over these deaths, but on the whole it is not gloating. Gloating would be cracking open a bottle of champagne or dancing on their graves.

Gloating is not saying that they brought this on themselves, and it’s better folk like them get to feel the effects of the world they want to force upon everyone else, rather than those suffering their ideology.

Reality, I’m afraid, is a cunt.

If only these people had been a little bit ‘racist’, they’d still be fucking alive.

And that’s the truth of it, whether you like it or not, I’m afraid.


Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

41 thoughts on “Far Left Activists and Reality

  1. I really hate those rent-a-cunt cunts in the SWP, turning up at every fashionable protest with their little placards, proclaiming their support for nutcases everywhere.
    Of course, if somebody organises a march about something, they’ll immediately stage their own pro-Palestine, pro-BLM, anti-Islamophobia, pro-goat shagging coalition or whatever demo.
    I hope (and bet) that the security services are all over these cunts like a nasty rash.


  2. Thanks CB,that’s put me in a right good mood.

    When you live your life via Twatter telling other people off and being a smug cunt it’s always nice to see the real world come crashing in.

    A culling of these soft as shite immo loving cunts would be most welcome,and as always it’s usually the Dark Key that’s the murderer.

    Fuck the lot of them and Good Morning.

      • Fuck me that story’s been buried, hasn’t it? Neve heard of it until now.
        Mind you, I’m probably being silly. If it was a black lad getting killed off honkies it would also be buried, wouldn’t it? (cough Stephen Lawrence George Floyd).

        I read it and the moose limb’s killed two gays, decapitating one of them. Not an attack on the gays, he says. ‘Voices’. Mental elf innit?

        And he told the cops homosexuality is a sin but they found his spunk all over one of his victims lol.

        Wait till the peacefuls in the nick hear about that.

        The big gaylord.

      • Buried indeed.

        The offspring of the usual deeply ungrateful evil “asylum” third world dung that the West just waves in by the tens of thousands.

        Just wait til this Middle East war gets going,then we’ll see just what we’ve let in and how much gratitude they have.

      • ‘..Wait till the peacefuls in the nick hear about that.’

        All he has to do is say that he was engaged in a spot of the old Muruna for the cause…I’d normally have used the “J” word there, but I see that after the weekends shit down in ol’ Stabbistan, the Met have educated us all by saying that the “J” word has many, many fluffier and rainbow coloured meanings other than ‘kill the infidels’.

      • ……murder the infidels, destroy the infidels, annihilate the infidels, behead the infidels. See, there are a few.

  3. Black live matter ?

    Where was that Derek bloke, if he had been on shift he could have put his knee on the Soots neck with the stupid lefty cunt crying ‘facist’ with his last breath.

  4. If you are on the street at 4am, especially with a bird, you are putting yourself in a highly dangerous situation. Apparently these do gooders were waiting for a bus, had he never heard of taxis the stupid cunt? Perhaps he gave all his money to some do gooder charidees who pissed it up the wall?
    Even if the bus came along straight away you are now trapped in a steel tube with all sorts of drugged up, armed to the teeth cunts. Sorry, but there are some people who are so naive they deserve everything they get. The bird got lucky and one can only hope she finds herself a real man with a fucking brain. Unlikely though……these types tend to flock together to congratulate each other on how much better they are than trash like us.

  5. Well he learned a valuable life lesson there..
    Or he would of, if he wasn’t such a dumb naive fool..

    Murdered on malcolm x boulevard..
    Malc would be chuckling in hell..One less white devil

  6. I really do like to see these televised mass demonstrations by the far left. As I reflect on times past, scope scanning a n excellent and ver rich target environment .
    My finger remains itchy, even to this day.

  7. Good. No sympathy for left-leaning scum, and anything to reduce their numbers is a positive thing. Older people of a more cautious and sensible ilk understand that there is plenty of fact behind prejudice, you cannot safely run your life any other way.

  8. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-67201589

    What they mean is they won’t be needing the hotels as they are just going to rubber stamp all their bullshit “claims” and release the filthy cunts into the country to do as they like.

    In part this is due to the sort of ridiculous cunt from the excellent nom that infest the civil service,Guardian reading afghan loving shite working against the best interests of what’s left of our nation.

    O v e n.

    • Which means they’ll put them up in private housing at our expense, creating even longer queues of people fighting over available rental properties. This in turn, eventually increases property prices making it even more difficult for many to buy a home.

      Couldn’t buy and soon, probably can’t rent. They’ve given all the rentals to Abdul and his smelly mates.

      The crazy thing is, a lot of cunts in this position will still be saying ‘wefugees welcome!’

      Fucking spastics!

      • These fucking spastics should be forced to take the cunts in, at fucking gunpoint if necessary, pay for them, feed them, give them private medical treatment and, when they inevitably start their criminality, share the same fucking cell.

  9. These left wing types will never learn or would never ever admit that they might have even been wrong.

    We’ve seen this ostrich parasitic syndrome at play in the very recent past.

    For example – the lad butchered on London bridge by an Islamic nutcase’s parents and the parents of the Nottingham student, recently butchered by a sub Saharan African.

    First thing they start spouting is about “Tories” and “be kind” bullshit. While their children’s dead bodies are still fucking warm.

    A mind virus indeed.


  10. They still won’t get it, they’ll learn no lesson because these lefty types are blind to the obvious.
    The Gays For Palestine were a bit shocked when one of the peacefuls ripped away their rainbow flag at Trafalgar Square the other day. They’ll probably just make another one, not reflect on what would happen if they visited Gaza.

    • They needn’t bother, Gaza will be here in 20 years, or less, and it will be popcorn time for the clear thinkers like us.

  11. These are the same kind of cunts who think that they can walk up to a wild grizzly bear for a selfie and a cuddle.

    No matter how much they are warned they think the people giving the warnings just don’t understand the bears.

    Don’t mess around with predators because they will fuck you up, even two legged hood rats!

  12. Reminds me of a story from America. Some dozy wimminz was on a camp site cooking burgers with her 12 year old son. A bear came sniffing around and instead of raising the alarm she sent the kid over with a burger to feed the bear.
    He was so cute and furry and awwwww, he looked so hungry.
    Well he didn’t fancy the burger so he ran off with the kid’s arm instead. These thick cunts think that wild animals are just like them……be nice to them and they will be nice back. They think the same about human wild animals. It doesn’t work like that libtards. They don’t give a shit about how nice you are, they don’t think like you, arseholes.

    • Yogi bear doesn’t just want your pic-a-nic baskets he will also take a bite out of your arm or leg..

      So ranger smith will have to blow that mother away..

      Leaving boo-boo to fend for himself..

  13. I will give these dead lefties some credit. Overt leftist political policies are usually idealistic, juvenile and utopian – they see the world as they would like it to be: not as it is. At least in private these dead leftists walked the walk and weren’t hypocrites…….. to their detriment.

  14. Sound cunting.

    As Morrissey once intoned “I might feel slightly sad but I won’t cry.” In my Joker mode, which I increasingly adopt as I watch the world fuck itself in the arse, “Ha, ha, Ha, ha, hehe, heeheeee!”

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  15. These are the sort of cunts who post on Facebook about ‘evil’ not being real, then go backpacking around North Africa and get battered, mugged and raped.

    Fuck ’em.

  16. Far left activists are such morons they’d join a bus queue, thinking it’s a demonstration.
    The best bus would be provided by the Onkel Tel Bus Co., with whitewashed windows, and a good supply of dodgy exhaust fumes to the passenger compartment. Even the driver’s cab, if you-know-who’s father is the steering-wheel attendant.

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