(In case you missed it – A reminder to our UK posters that the clocks went an hour last night at 2am – end of BST, which means spending that extra hour remembering that one remaining clock you always overlook! – Day Admin)
I’m truly delighted to see that ‘Attitude’ magazine has voted the delightful Ms Mulvaney as its ‘Woman of the Year’.
This is a real poke in the eye with a sharp stick to all those bigots and transgender haters who argue that a woman with a dick can’t be considered as a ‘real’ woman, and that the choice is gaslighting women everywhere.
Thankfully ‘Attitude’ has shown us that there’s no place in the Britain of today for such backward thinking, especially with regard to Ms Mulvaney, who must be rated as one of the world’s most beautiful and sexy women by any man with red blood in his veins.
So I say ‘bravo!’ to Ms Mulvaney and to ‘Attitude’ magazine. Stunning and brave!
Nominated by : Ron Knee
Send him to Gaza as the peace envoy.
Send him to Wuhan as a lab rat
Amazing. In the first two comments. The solutions are offered..
Compliments gentlemen
Superb options.
Thankyou gents!
Attitude magazine? Sponsored by virgin Atlantic, maybe they can train it up to pilot one of their fruity planes full of deviants..
If its as good a pilot and it’s a convincing women it should end well.
And it’s glad to be in London, maybe take it out to Peckham or Wembley I’m sure the locals will be very understanding and friendly..
About 20 years ago I was on a flight and just before take off the pilot came on and starting talking to the passengers. It was a bird.
Now, I’m sure now there are many fine lady pilots. Indeed, now if I hear one coming over the tannoy it doesn’t bother me (although I worry about them parking the plane at the end.) Back then though, I’d never come across one (steady) and I voiced a quiet but panicked ‘Ugh! Ugh!’ As I did this, I instinctively looked at a few passengers nearby and all the blokes were doing the same thing. Eyes bulging, some muttering stuff while doing it. I was honestly expecting a few shouts of “Stop the plane!/I wanna get off! We’re all gonna die!”
As with most things, modern technology has advanced to such a point that flying a plane, especially a jet liner, is piss easy, so even birds can do it. Even I could fly one!
On a related matter, I’ve worked out that when showing the footy highlights on youtube, the bloke seems to make the main commentary, while the screeching harridan does the replays – it’s now so simple – just mute the replays! I didn’t bother watching the rugby works cup final incase they had wimminz presenters. Apparently SA one – a team made of quotas. Pointless.
True Lord C and ATPLs would agree with you. They would also tell you that they earn their money when things go tits up. There have been numerous instances over the years where disasters have been avoided thanks to the skill and experience of the pilots. Such instances hugely outnumber events where the pilot screwed up but of course the prangs make the news. The great strength of having a human pilot is that, to use the modern expression, he (or she) can think outside the box. It is a long, hard road to become an ATPL. The first step, PPL which I did back in the eighties requires half a dozen ground exams, a solo cross country navigation exercise and a flight handling test. On completion I was authorised to fly a single-engine up to 5.7 tons MTOW In daylight in good weather.
The results of lack of skill and experience can be seen on the roads daily. I once drove our elder to Exeter on the first frosty day of the winter. The number of cars upside-down in the hedges was so impressive we started to keep a running total.
This shameless faggọt has caused the market capital of Tranheuser-Busch approximately $4bn and still minces around like he’s done nothing wrong.
He’s already an obvious freak and degenerate and hopefully soon, he’ll inevitably be outed as a pædo (as the majority of traņsbumders are).
With any luck, he’ll follow in the suicidal tendency footsteps of any number of his fellow dress-sporting mutants and soon be as dead as Matthew Perry.
Tranheuser-Busch make shit beer and deserve to go bust. Just goes to show Mulvanney’s not a complete cunt.
Amazing. In the first two comments. The solutions are offered..
Compliments gentlemen
WTF have I done ?
Drowned in a jacuzzi…
I wonder if barrymore was seen slinking away..
how do Perry die? All a bit obtuse in the media. Was it a stephen mulligan type event?
Drowned in a jacuzzi. My bet is he fell asleepon the jacuzzi somehow.
He’s had drug and booze problems but was supposedly clean now.
They say you shouldn’t speculate, but it’s human nature, so fuck it.
As a former betting man, I’d go with a relapse after he took some opiates (which is what he was addicted to) and knocked himself out accidentally while sitting in a jacuzzi.
And at least he went rich Hollywood cunt style.
Most of us on here’s equivalent would be drowning in a tin bath in front of the fire.
We can only hope.
I see that its latest incarnation is as a lesbian who wants to get pregnant and give birth.
Truly this would be a miracle of nature, and I await develops with complete fascination.
I don’t blame him for Bud Light’s failure, I blame the woke marketing team that thought it was a good idea to use him. Even then, they should have stuck with it but the backtracking made them all look like the bunch of cunts that they are.
Dylan’s got a rubber face hasn’t he?
Like he was made by Nick Parks.
He’s done wonders for the sale of frothy piss Bud Light,
Almost destroying the company overnight,
Who’s his female idols?
Typhoid Mary?
Calamity Jane?
Yoko Ono?
Ron? You ok Ron? It is still Ron isn’t it?
It’s Ronda now.
Wasn’t that a beach woman ?
I’ve got what you mean sammy
Back to the bands.
I’m going through a bit of a funny phase at the mo Sixdog, but I’ll be okay I’m sure.
Can you endorse my DogPiss brew before you go full Alpha again please?
I’d be happy to Six, but I don’t want to wipe a couple of billion of the share price.
There’s nothing wrong with this mental that couldn’t be fixed with a wall and a firing squad.
why waste bullets. Let the arabs bum him to death – they like that sort of thing.
Some truth in that LC, according to one of my uncles anyway, now sadly no longer with us. He used to work out in the ME region and spent a few years out in Saudi Arabia.
I mentioned about, ‘I bet you don’t see many puffs out there.’ He just laughed (he was straight just to clarify) and said that there were more puffs out there than here, they just hide it but that there were (not so) secret places the puffs all met.
He even said that when blokes out there offer you to come to their house, it’s not always for hospitality and meeting their family, it’s because some of them want to bum a honky arse, so be careful and politely refuse, unless you (general you) actually want a bit of Arab cock up your arse, of course.
Good idea Lord C. He could walk down the queue for the goat offering his scented prolapsed rectum as an alternative. Many takers I’m sure.
I was told exactly the same thing CB, again by a man who had worked out there for some years.
Why do I get the feeling that the creepy little weirdo is going to meet an untimely end at one of fat Reg’s debauched parties.
He’s going to be invited as the celebrity spunk sponge and end up floating face down in the pool after a serious Lubbocking.
Can’t wait to read all about it in the tabloids.
Apparently, bit of a cover up at that pool party. Maybe too close to some high ranking essex plod? The dildo went missing after their first visit – so I’m told. All this is allegedly of course.
A rubber fist I heard
I`m filling out my entry slip for “Black Woman Of The Year”. I think I stand a fair chance.
Samantha Belle?
Virtue signalling any it’s purest. I’m with JK Rowling on this. Mulvaney should be sectioned, the cunt.
A fucking freak and degenerate.
He is a mistake of nature. I vote for vivisection.
Or Ford F350 trucks, one on each limb and pull. Result.
This little fanny probably has to wear nappies already, having had his arsehole reamed that many times that turds just drop out in a random fashion. ?
No sphincter control see ?
Don’t make it giggle.
Or it will have a little accident.
Prime candidate for an early demise.
The warped little cunt.
Morning chaps. ??
Sounds like my elderly dog JC!! uncanny.
I noticed on the link this sicko talks nearly identically to Lynette Nusbacher, narrator on abandoned engineering. Another freak that has been surgically altered so as not to resemble a man. No way can they ever be called a woman, no matter how much the left stamp their feet and scream.
Worryingly, Nusbacher is a military strategist. If someone is sick in the head, should they really be let anywhere near an organisation capable of causing damage?
Back to the subject of the nom, I see it was sponsored by Virgin Atlantic. Their advert full of degenerates says it all. Anyone confusing Dylan Mulvaney with a woman, and woman of the year at that, needs re-educating with a pickaxe handle.
That fucking sicko Nusbacher is all over American Cable TV AND she teaches at fucking Sandhurst!
Western civilization is indeed doomed.
By the way…for those of you wondering why I referred to Mulvaney as a he and Nusbacher as a she…Nusbacher did in fact have “gender reassignment” surgery so she must really believe she is a woman if she’s willing to have her manly bits removed…unlike that degenerate little creep Dylan who is just pretending so he can become famous.
Both ‘he’ in my book.
Just a bloke with mutilated genitals in a frock and a bloke in a frock.
Dressing as s lady on a Saturday is common for the British officer class. Well used to poovery. Nusbacher just took it a little further.
Dylan is a gay bloke LARPing as a silly bint. He has retained his cock, which is why many women are incensed.by this sad gay cunt.
Exactly Sir duke! he Areh (prounced Areck) nusbacher is the reason i no longer watch ‘yesterday channel’ i also remember the cunt from some 80s tv computer gameshow then a curly haired 4×2 cunt?
Can it catch the AIDS?
Yes, UT.
Monkeypox too.
But because it isn’t a real woman, vaginal warts are an unattainable goal.
Oh dear.
What a shame.
Never mind
Did you see that big wobbly Chivers Jelly, Tyson Fury get knocked on his arse ?
Hahaha !
The look on his face !!
We haven’t seen the last of Ngannou.
I believe that John Fury has called out Mike Tyson.
Now that I’d like to see.
Iron Mike banjoing that cunt around the ring.
Most enjoyable ?
I’ve yet to see it JTC..I shall settle back later with some fine ale and laugh my bollox off at the panto.
I find Fury humorous and he can fight but he’s not one of the greats…much smaller fighters of bygone years would have had him in the shit..Marciano would have leathered him for instance.
Good morning sir.
Yes Unkle
Right. A brew and watch England’s inevitable collapse against India in the cricket World Cup now. Playing like a bunch of Joey Deacons so far this tournament.
Our batting is looser than this cunt’s ringpiece, and the bowling as ineffective as he is at keeping his turds from dropping out of it when he coughs.
Dirty freak.Bludgeon it to death using a cricket bat.
Just don’t give it to one of our players, they’d miss the cunt.
Woman of the year or woman for a year? A man is woman of the year!? Must be a kick in the cunt for many women out there.
Maybe Tyson fury should get himself a dress, he needs a new career now.
I believe the gypsy king got lucky last night? Should’ve lost according to every cunt I know who watched it.
One of the greatest heavyweights ever? When a non pro boxer beats him? (he won really, as bad as Canelo’s ‘draw’ with GGG in their first fight.)
Imagine what a prime Mike Tyson would’ve done to him if this cunt, in his s first boxing match, knocked him down?
Fury is (was?) very good, but one of the best ever? Bollocks. Shite era.
He still makes me laugh though.
Just to clarify, obviously I mean GGG won that fight easily on points if the judges weren’t bent.
Hats off to that Francis Ngannou,
Right handful!!
In Guinness book of records for being the hardest puncher in ANY sport.
I was that upset I drowned Matthew Perry in a hot tub.
Friends. I liked the 3 birds on it. Very tasty they were back then.
Following from another poster’s idea, here is the order I would’ve done them. Would’ve made a good episode.
The One with Cuntybollocks.
1. Aniston – mouth (to get me going)
2. Cox – arse
3. Kudrow – suck tits
4. Cox – cunt ‘on top’ (while Kudrow sucks my balls and Aniston snogs Cox)
5. Kudrow – fisting (as Cox sucks me off and Aniston pees on Kudrow’s face)
6. Aniston – cunt (jackhammer pounding – Cox sits on Aniston’s face while while Kudrow sucks Cox’s tits.)
7. If you’re still reading this then you’re more disturbed than I am.
Kudrow – yes.
Cox -when she was in that He-Man film, but looked a bit scraggy in Friends and Scream.
Aniston – not my type.
Perhaps he should fight Dylan next?
I wish Shaun would Deadpool this degenerate son of a Ditch Digger.
Should of got that German bloke with the trilby hat who did autopsies in front of an audience to open him up and see what he’s made of
He’s 98% spunk Fenton.
Others spunk, of course.
Gunther von Hagens.
The Hamas fan club will soon sort the cunt out, perhaps best change to falcon chick sniffing.
Good morning gang.
I never heard of “Attitude” magazine. Is it for real? Is it sold somewhere?
Tis for those who like bumfoolery to beaver trapping. I had to look it up got as far as Wiki then left.
I’m sick to death of and disappointed with everyone discussing nonentities yet again. The only thing of interest, came from Sam Beau and hope she meant it with her entry for Black Woman of the Year, when hoping she stood a “fair” chance. She for me, wins witticism of the year.
And yet your posts have us riveted. If you don’t like the posts here, you know what to do…
Mostly I ignore such things and sometimes I have to exert my spleen.
Not sure who appointed you headmaster Sammy?
But I say whatever I want.
The medical staff have arrived and I’m being attended to right now.
Giving people that extra hour of darkness, does things to us.
Just chill out, relax (innit?) and join in being a cunt about everything.
Will do Cunty.
Cunts rabbiting on about about their sex, wishing to be the opposite, should be hauled in and have everything removed.
Starting with their heads.
But nonentities can be cunts, Sammy.
And a nonentity who does anything to get fame is a proper cunt.
And our whole reason for being here is to have a go at cunts.
All cunts.?
It makes me wonder about this whole marketing game. You come up with a hit idea and you are an “expert” and a “genius”. If it bombs you get the sack and move on to the next agency. Seems like a piece of piss to me. How you come up with the idea of selling beer using a trannie role model is way beyond me.
Recently we’ve had the example of “Victoria’s Secret” using fat birds and trannies to sell their shit, an idea they quickly dropped when their sales dropped through the floor. I mean, how hard can it be to figure this shit out? Yes, fat birds buy lingerie but they don’t want to be reminded that they are porkers while doing so. You don’t have to be very bright to see that surely? I should have gone into this marketing scam, I have exactly the right levels of cynicism and contempt for the customer to make a fucking fortune!
In answer to previous questions, Dylan’s role model is Audrey Hepburn. Apparently he is obsessed with her and all his facial surgeries have been attempts to look more like her. Take a look at her photos and you can see it.
He really is a sick, mental little fuck.
I don’t remember Audrey knocking back many beers in her time.
He’s more Audrey Heartburn
Bring Up Your Breakfast at Tiffany’s.
I’ll be taking my heartburn tablet Lansoprazole soon and then enjoy my breakfast before it gets dark. Sleep tight Mis.
More Arthur Mullard.
Audrey Loosebum
Did you know, Arthur Mullard was a incestuous dirty bastard. Raping his daughter of only 13 years old.
She must have had a huge clit……
A very overrated actress in my humble. Her rather exaggerated poshness always gets on my nerves.
Attitude is for the professionally gay so they can publish whatever crap they like. Hardly anyone will read it.
If they want to be openly misogynistic then it’s up to them.
Fucking clowns.
Should it be called rent boy attitude then?
‘Professionally Gay’ is what it should be called.
Dylan Mulvaney – simply stunning. And so brave.
Here’s another little reminder for you all, as Dylan flounces in her sexy little leather shorts.
The horn section is, of course, called upon to exercise the appropriate degree of self control.
Morning all.
All mens magazines have gone bent. Not just the poofy ones.
In the old days, gorgeous women would feature on the covers of GQ, Esquire and so on. These publications still exist, but now they always feature men on the covers.
And womens magazines are full of trannies, hairy blokes in dresses peacefuls in headgear, or fat women. It’s like attractive, sexy and beautiful women have been cancelled/banned. Lizzo on Page 3 is the order the day these days. Dystopian, it really is.
GQ and Esquire were metrosexual pamphlets in the nineties. The gayest magazine for men always seemed to be the fitness ones. The young gay loves to keep in shape and well-groomed.
‘Lad mags’ were for lager louts and mockney/Essex cunts and the only laddish publication I liked was Viz.
Mulvaney’s Desert Island Discs…
Chic – Le Freak
The Hollies – Born A Man
Sweet – Little Willie
Chuck Berry – My Ding-A-Ling
Shirley Bassey – I Am What I Am
Led Zeppelin – Moby Dick
Anthrax – I’m The Man
Rolf Harris – Jake The Peg (With The Extra Leg)
You forgot Its favorite song…Lola by the Kinks.
I met It in a club down in old Soho
Where you drink Bud Light and it tastes just like Karma Cola….
Forgot that one, General.
Classic from a great band.
Remember when Brucie ‘Bonus’ Jenner was named ‘Woman of the Year’?
And that revolting freak that is the Labour Party’s ‘Womens Officer’?
And now this Mulvaney circus act…..
I think even the Bunny Mag has had a trannie Playmate of the Month.
The mind well and truly boggles.
Another ‘Woman’ of the Year from a couple of years ago.
Virtue signalling at its lowest (I don’t think it’s a case of these poker-up-the-arse cunts just having a laugh).
I haven’t seen an ‘athlete’ looking less feminine since the Soviet era about fifty years back.
If only the Kiwis had that in their front three on saturday. They wouldve trounced the Springboks.
OT from OT….
The latest from Old Trafford.
Bloody Chinx…
Same with Stamford Bridge, and that was 10 years ago.