I came across this from Yanis Varoufakis. (me neither)
He is having a go at Sunak for appealing to:
“nativist, rightish, anti-climate policy segments of the population… ”
“destroying” the UK’s green credibility in a desperate bid to appeal to sections of the public.”
Yep that’s actual voters. Who perhaps don’t buy into paying for green bullshit to reduce CO2 by about 1% worldwide while China and the rest carry on with coal.
This cunt is apparently a ‘former Greek Finance Minister’. Perhaps the one that thought the Euro was a good idea for Greece.
It’s good to know there are esteemed politicians who know best.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
Ironically, this buffoon also suggested that the massacre of Israeli civilians earlier this week is the inevitable outcome of Israel’s oppression of Palestinians.
The man is a complete idiot, and what he has to do poking his nose in British affairs is no one’s business.
This twat was Minister of Finance when the Greek economy went down the shitter in 2015.
Nuff said.
Fuck him! He can fuck off back to Greece and take the Suntan Kid with him.
Pair of cunts, both of them come from the same bucket of slime.
And this is from the Greek Finance Minister or ex should i say. Is he the one that turned Greece into a shit tip years ago and put the poor Greek cunts in debt, I think all the public sector increased their pensions and holidays inline with the EU, even though they had fuck all money. Most of the Greeks in the hospitality industry deal in cash, so very little going to the governments coffers. Anyway what the fuck has this got to do with him? the greasy little cunt. And typical of the BBC to make a story out of it. Cunts
The Greece that was and the Greece that is are worlds apart. Today they are a sterling example of socialism turning a once great people into parasites latched permanently on to the government tit.
No one bit of science is being used to support the climate change lie. Wishing something to be true doesn’t make it so even if a large swath of your peers and colleagues are in agreement. Consensus is not science. Climate change is just as real as a male claiming to be a female.
“No one bit of science is being used to support the climate change lie”.
Global average temperatures have risen over the last 150 years. I don’t know whether these temperature rises are man-made, God-made or Mother Nature-made, but they’ve happened and if you don’t believe this there is no hope.
No hope for what, Hardy?
Found the piece below to be interesting.
Note how often the words adjustment and estimate are used. Simple data manipulation & guesswork in other words.
Global temperatures haven’t even been monitored for 150 years.
Maybe they have, but where is the evidence to say that it’s all to do with humans ? How much of the atmosphere is Carbon ?
Fuck off Stavros, you are referring to the majority of the population.
He seems to get his fucking neb into British politics on a regular basis, he was anti Brexit giving his fucking opinion.
Plate smashing cunts, no wonder the country is a bankrupt basket case..
Stick a aubergine up your arse you poundshop right said Fred tribute act..
Anus Varicose is the neo-marxist nutjob who bankrupted the Zorbas in 2015 and had to go crawling to the Krauts to bail them out. So why do the BBC seek comments from a failed Greek politician on matters that don’t concern him? Ah I know, because he’s a failed left-wing politician, and therefore his opinion really counts. I’m surprised he didn’t mention the Elgin Marbles at the same time.
And next up with expert comment, Gordon Brown on timing the market to sell the nation’s gold reserves at the best price.
Slightly off topic. I see the pair of just stop oil arseholes who climbed up the Dartford bridge have had their appeal to the Crown court thrown out.
Jolly good. Now serve your fucking time like men and stop being whimpering Ponces.
Deportation beckons once they are released because they’re both foreign types.
Carry on. ?
Jolly good show!
Evidence that the Crown Court can sometimes get it right. Had to happen sooner or later.
One’s a Kiwi so once he’s done his time with all the violent, drug-dealing boneheads in prison, we can deport the fush’n’chups eating cunt back to his home, which is ironically a prison full of violent, drug-dealing boneheads.
The other ones a Kraut.
He’ll be going back to his beloved EU, Where plod treat JSO like something you would scrape off your shoe.
Norwegian government have just done a report which shows man made climate change is bs ( paraphrasing here).
Here’s hoping the bbc accidentally piss off the mob they claim to like and they set fire to it.
possibly related, Norway are currently pumping out gas like it is going out of fashion to load up Europe’s storage ready for winter.
Meanwhile, the UK government are hammering oil and gas company profits with a windfall tax so punitive that it is uneconomical to drill for oil and gas under the current regime.
While the Norwegians are raking it in, we are hamstrung because of green bullshit.
Some weird shit going on here So Long, Odin. The Norwegian government say man made climate change is bull shit yet run a tax system so heavily loaded against ICE that sales of electric cars in the country have now passed 90% of market share. At the same time they export huge quantities, and make a fortune out of, oil and gas their biggest export market being the UK! Hypocrisy? Schizophrenia? WTF?
As for the British government clamping down on UK oil and gas production, inside story is that this is in order to mothball the limited reserves as insurance against future dislocation in the oil market.
Meanwhile brings to mind that the socialist nirvana of Venezuela is in shit order and stoney broke despite holding the world’s largest known oil reserves while the world is desperate for oil. You couldn’t make it up.
As for this Greek twat, simply not to be taken seriously.
He should concentrate on the problems his own country is facing, and leave us to sort ours out ourselves.
And that kebab he sold me last week was crap.
Found this a few minutes ago on biasedbbc.org:
Scroblene. OCTOBER 11, 2023 AT 8:39 AM
Subject: C’est vrai….non?
They’re not happy in Gaza ..
They’re not happy in Egypt ..
They’re not happy in Libya ..
They’re not happy in Morocco ..
They’re not happy in Iran ..
They’re not happy in Iraq ..
They’re not happy in Yemen …
They’re not happy in Afghanistan …
They’re not happy in Pakistan ..
They’re not happy in Syria ..
They’re not happy in Lebanon …
They’re happy in Australia ..
They’re happy in Canada ..
They’re happy in England ..
They’re happy in France ..
They’re happy in Italy ..
They’re happy in Germany ..
They’re happy in Sweden ..
They’re happy in the USA ..
They’re happy in Norway ..
They’re happy in Holland ..
They’re happy in Denmark ..
Basically, they’re happy in every country that is not Muslim and unhappy in every country that is!
Not Islam.
Not their leadership.
Not themselves
AND THEN- They want to change those countries to be like, THE COUNTRY THEY CAME FROM WHERE THEY WERE UNHAPPY!
Excuse me, but I can’t help wondering…
How frigging dumb can you get?
Everyone seems to be wondering why Muslim Terrorists are so quick to commit suicide.
Let’s have a look at the evidence:
– No Christmas
– No television
– No nude women
– No football
– No pork chops
– No hot dogs
– No burgers
– No beer
– No bacon
– Rags for clothes
– Towels for hats
– Constant wailing from some bloke in a tower
– More than one wife
– More than one mother-in-law
– You can’t shave
– Your wife can’t shave
– You can’t wash off the smell of donkeys
– You cook over burning camel shit
– Your wife is picked by someone else for you
– and your wife smells worse than your donkey
– Then they tell them that “when they die, it all gets better”???
Well No Shit Sherlock!….
It’s not like it could get much worse!
(Shamelessly stolen from a good chum)!
Vote 8 likes
Super stuff Moggie! One of the best posts I’ve seen on here.
Quality post, Moggs.
Brilliant post that, Mog.
These ragheads are masochists. Under the rule of the Shah, Iran had the lot. Casinos, nightclubs, dancing girls. Tehran was a bit like the Las Vegas of the Gulf.
Then the old Shah gets kicked out and that loon the Ayatollah gets in. He promptly bans everything: music, films, nightlife, even television. And, the thing is, the demented cunts love the bastard. Absolutely adored the cunt. Astonishing.
I enjoyed it when they pulled his corpse out of the coffin at his classy funeral.
Perhaps further proof what generations of inbreeding does to people.
Sends them fucking doolally.
Who cares what some fuckin Greek cunt thinks?
Greeks are just oily bummers.
Sort of Freddie Mercurys without the talent.
Even their Heroes were friends of Dorothy.
Jason and his gold sheepskin
Achilles couldn’t walk in heels.
All fighting over Alan of Troy.
Skirts and sandals, oiling each others muscles,
The dirty bastard’s.
Pay him no heed he’s just a foreigner.
Alexander the Great big girl
Kojak sucking on his substitute
Nana MeScoreda on Lesbos.
The cunt probably got a midnight call from that other cunt Von Der Leyen ordering him to splurt out some incoherent “Climate” guff to help prop up the fast listing luxury cruise ship that is the “Climate Emergency”.
A bit late in the day but even the feather bedded eco cunts in various govts of the West are beginning to realise that the vast majority of plebs cannot afford nor want heat pumps,electric cars and soylent green for every meal..
Oh and they’ve realised that importing LNG from the Arabs and Biden is bankrupting their domestic manufacturing industry..
Fuck em,they keep at it and they’ll have bigger shit to worry about than Bhuna Sunak backpedalling as the penny drops.
What a bunch of cunts.
Oven for Zorba.
The fact that fucking Greeks feel they can take the moral high ground with us shows how low we have fallen. And who’s fucking fault is that? Wouldn’t have happened in Maggie’s day. The Argies tried it and got the fuck blown out of them.
The Greeks invented poofery.
Pour petrol over him and light a match.Twat.
Smashing fuckin crockery the cunts?
Nowt clever about that.
And they like that fetid cheese.
And olives.
Can’t get enough olives the sick bastard’s.
They rub olive oil in their hair, drink it, pour it on salad, cuckoo for it.
I told them straight in Crete.
Shove it up yer arse?
Don’t waste petrol.
Used chip fat.
In a video he did for Unherd he said he didnt believe in borders and said Lord Byron didnt need a passport to travel to the continent.
Well he would nowadays chum.
P.S. we’re keeping the Elgin Marbles. you lot can’t be trusted to look after them.
We should crush them marbles.
Into dust.
And mix it with plaster and make a bust of Jim Davidson with it.
See how they like that.
Can’t be trusted with them, the parthanon still has a scaffold round it.. lazy cunts still haven’t finished it after 2000 years..
To many ouzo breaks..
I saw some bloody dozy tourist step over the “don’t cross” barrier, despite it being written in umpteen languages, to take a photo at the Parthenon.
I can’t believe how quickly the armed police removed him. There must be a hidden gorge somewhere, where they threw the sacrifices.
Greeks eh, lost half of Cyprus, haven’t done anything for 2000 years and gave their sons to older men to learn the ways of love.
Have your Marbles back and fuck off!
“ nativist, rightish, anti-climate policy segments of the population… ”
Not a bad description of your average UK voter Stavros. Just the sort of people Dishi Rishi is belatedly realising will decide his future next year.
In fact, if Rishi had the balls to really echo the voice of the majority, he’d be looking at another 5 years in power.
This country as a whole does not fall for all the climate bollocks, despite what sections of our media wish to tell you.
Live with it, you greasy, Marxist twat.
Oi Yanis.
Cyprus is Turkish.
Stop occupying Cyprus.
Northern Cyprus is lovely mis that’s the Turkish part. Lovely beaches people sun and cheap beer. And they like British
So they should Everyonesacunt!
We are after all the benchmark of civility.
Won’t be going though.
Sounds dreadful ?
Fuck off you siesta-loving, ouzo quaffing, melon/goat fucking, gyros noshing cunt!
This fucking clown bubble n squeak helped turn Greece from a popular resort for European holidaymakers, bringing to the country a fortune in tourism revenue to a bankrupt, expensive quasi third world country, reliant on German bail outs.
Go sit on a fucking gyros and spin around, you bald greek cunt.
And go souvlaki your own fat head.
Why do Greeks wear necklaces?
So they know when to stop shaving.
….and that just the women.
I would take more notice of Old Benskins Alamac 1657 long range weather forecast for Western Australia than this dopey useless cunt. Who’s paying the twat would be an interesting read.
Unkle Klaus?
I read somewhere that a Greek is just a Turk who thinks he’s Italian.
I believe that Greece is known as “the Cradle of Democracy.” In fact “democracy” is derived from the Greek word DEMOS meaning “the common people.”
So what happened to the common people then Zorba you globalist, EU loving, proven economic dullard? Yeah we know…..fuck the common people, they’ll do as they’re told because we know best. Yeah, fuck you cunt…..and the donkey you rode in on.
Bet he is a chum of Bliar.
I’ll let you know Stavros, if I need some advice from a plate smashing, slapheaded homosexualist.
I’m not dragging my knuckles anywhere. I need them in good condition so I can keep punching Linekunt ( insert any cunt name you like ) in the face until they are red raw. It will be painful but I’m prepared to suffer for the cause.
The ever incompetent FA.
The Football Association is unlikely to light the Wembley arch in the colours of the Israel flag because of fears of a backlash from some communities. And we know who, right? The same savages it always is…
Funny, how the FA didn’t think twice about eulogising a career criminal who pointed guns at women….
Ukraine flag is fine because their rivals are Russians. Honkies. They won’t take to the British streets in their (uninvited and unwanted) thousands and burn shit down.
Third world genes/retarded religion/cousin shaggers.
This is literally our government and coppers shitting out and letting these fucks have free reign, all because the big bosses don’t want to be called institutionally racist and lose some pension/pay off.
Fuck that. If the British government want to fly a 4×2 flag (I wouldn’t btw, but not to stop peacefuls from going nuts), then these fuckers need to pipe the fuck down.
Never forget, these cunts are in the land our fathers made FOR US.
Not for them.
They can suck it up, or if they can’t handle it and start going apeshite, get kicked to fuck by the rozzers then deported.
Fuck, wrong link…?
I see Scotland has now got its own version of Cressida Dildo.
And guess what her first words and priority are?
Stopping Glasgow drug gangs?
Curbing knife crime?
Just making Scotland safer in general?
No. What she said was ‘Scotland’s police are institutionally racist’.
Doesn’t this Yanis chap own a kebab shop in high St. Islington?
I am sure I have been there.