Here we go again – my Piss Boiler of the Year – fucking Black History Month!
What the fuck is this shite all about? Rewriting history from a distorted black perspective? Banging on about nasty ol’ whitey enslaving the poor black exploited Africans? Pandering to the effnick minority populace? or just plain old fashioned wokery.
In any case let’s put this in perspective. I have Functional Neurological Disorder. It effects 1 in 10 of the population to some degree or other and yet no bugger has ever heard of it. So we have FND awareness DAY. Yes, DAY. Not a MONTH, a DAY! In case you missed it – and you most likely did – it was in March.
So, a medical condition that effects 10% of the population get a whole day to bring it to people’s attention whereas woke fuckwittery promulgated by 6% of the population gets a WHOLE FUCKING MONTH!!!!!
So when is Cancer Awareness Month? Oh. There isn’t one.
When is mental health awareness month? Oh. There isn’t one.
And while we’re at it, when is White History Month??
What the fuck are these cunts going to force on us next? Just Stop Oil Month perhaps…?
Nominated by: Dioclese
Supporting link provided by: Geordie Twatt
Black history hour would be more relevant..
When’s far east history month?
Or Indian month?
Always the fucking blacks.
Well, today is hug a muzzıe day in London when all the terrorists/peacefuls come out in force to demonstrate (what cunts they are).
Fucking brown bastards.
And bollocks to the apes too, they’re on the side of the camel shaggers.
Us whites truly are the minority in the world. Worrying. About time we used our superior IQ’s to put these darkıe devils back where they belong.
Aye. I saw footage of old shows talking about OJ murdering his wife. He got off but bollocks to that.
Anyway, it was interesting to see the black audiences reactions on these shows at the time in Yankeeland (like Montel). Fucking saying she got what she deserved etc. Clapping and whooping at such comments.
Basically, kill whitey it seems.
Fucking bastards!
They whooped and gibbered for OJ more because he beat ‘da man’.
Whitey was just collateral.
Not for me. They just hated honky as far as I could tell.
Probs a member of the ‘Boulee’ a specialist Masonic lodge for harvests, with Jay Z and other assorted crappers being heavily subscribed.?
Nice to see Bill there in the header pic!
You see… The jazz
With the, bippity …an the boppity…jazz is like pudding.
I like pudding
Pudding my dick where it don’t belong
Got realeased from spending the rest of his life in prison on a legal technicality.
Otherwise known as black privilege. Can you ever see Weinstein ever getting let out on a technicality?
Or Derek fucking Chauvin?
Fuck me, he could have irrefutable video evidence that it was some other cunt and he’d still never get out.
BLM certainly know how to make sure that 90% of the population view them with contempt.
Black History Month 2035 (as taught in schools up and down the land)
1st man on the Moon-Louis Armstrong
Inventor of light bulb – Lenny Henry
IC engine – Eddie Murphy
Flight – The Wrai-aiight Brudders
The internet – KSI
Television-Denzel Washington
Winston Umbongo’s speech “We is never surrenda brudda. Me gonna brap brap yo ass, Adolf. Me is fight dem mandem in dee KFC. Me put hole in Dem mandem in dee streets. And on dee basket hoop cart. Hear me now! Bumbaclart!”
Wrai-aight Brudders
You are Anthony Joshua and I claim my crispy new Faaav Naira note
This needs condensing proportionately aligning with B lack historical achievements that have benefited mankind.
Say 5 – 10 minutes ?
In schools, they realise they can’t just keep using athletes to show black achievement, so they really have to scrape the barrel.
Diane Abbott gets used ????
Black History Month.
Black Science Ten Minutes – including tea break
Not to worry,its only about complete indoctrination and total subversion.
Unsurprisingly I strongly reject everything they are and represent.
They are,along with the caliphate cunts,nothing but troublesome dross we would be a million times better off without.
They know what they are,that’s why some of the cunts and their debased followers dream shit like this up,its some sort of prop to make them feel they have something to be proud of…which of course is why they tell lies about their “historic achievements”,all of which are fantasy.
They’ve done nothing in thousands of years,everything they have came from the work,industry and success of Europeans.
So they can fuck off.
We live in a world where saying 2+2=4 is white oppression.
Rename it white nations will be history month.
It just goes to show how fucking useless and irrelevant the majority of black people are.
It takes an entire month every year to try and demonstrate that they achieved more that picking cotton.
Even then they have to change historical fact so that they appear to have made some sort of contribution.
And they were shite at picking cotton.
That’s why they were forgotten.
Black History???
Laid around under a tree on my lazy black arse doing fuck all for a millennium …& that’s fucking it!
Hardly something to crow about for a whole month, is it M’Bongo?
Sort of off-topic, but still periphery interest.
BBC headquarters “attacked” with red paint:
The butcher’s bill so far…
2,230+ Palestinian civilians killed so far of which…
645 were … CHILDREN!
I have CSO, Common Scense Order and BLM, Be Like Me, Combined. I have it every minute of the day. Glad there’s no cure. Even the AWAKE disease doesn’t effect me. No need to wear a mask, or keep my distance. Where I live, you might see the occasion bleck, once in a blue moon. Living alone helps when watching the telly and being nostalgic, they aren’t to be seen. Makes me wonder where they come from in the first place ? Think I vaguely remember watching some programme as a child, about white men discovering them in the jungle and they would exchange gifts. They gave us ivory in exchange for tin lids to wear round their necks.
I accept Visa®, Amex® and all major credit cards.
My contribution of 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Zimbabwean dollars is on it’s way to you now Sam.
That’s one penny I’ll never see again.
I don’t even have 2 ape knees to rub together.
The addlebrained want ‘black Crimean War nurse Mary Seacole’ on the £50 note in place of Alan Turing to demonstrate the ‘seismic contribution made by the UK’s diverse communities’.
Bit of a problem with that though. Seacole was only a quarter black, three quarters white. She wasn’t a nurse, she was a hotelier and restaurant owner. Yes, she did help wounded soldiers by giving them drinks and succour. She also sold drinks and sarnies to spectators (sick bastards) watching the battles unfold.
In 2004 she was voted the greatest ever black Briton. Clearly there wasn’t much competition.
Con-artist, brass and madam too, wasn’t she?
Not sure about that Cb, but do a bit of delving and it’s clear she was a businesswoman first and foremost. Yes, she was kind to wounded soldiers, but Florence Nightingale was the true nursing heroine of the Crimean War. Historians who have stated this fact have been denounced as racist, surprise surprise.
I think the phrase used at the time was ‘brothel-keeping quack’…
It was between her and Diane abbott, and flabbottus did the vote counting.
Alright, we’ve all heard it before, but as black lives matter so much to Starmer and his bunch of poofs, here is some heartfelt advice from Black Labour (recorded live in Brixton):
Thank you WC, just as I was sitting down to lunch.
The notion that all people originated in Africa before spreading throughout the world is bollocks.
Cradle of Life?….. Fuck off!
When a black woman and a black man produce a kid, the colour of that child will be black.
Black skin does not fade over generations of living in colder climates.
Once black you and your future generations will remain black, as long as there is no white intervention.
No mixed relationships.
So where did white people come from?
I don’t think that black people left Africa in any numbers until they were shipped off for slavery.
For one thing, they are too fucking lazy.
Indeed TAC, especially when you consider Eskimos.
Polar bear: pure white
Artic fox: pure white
Eskimos: pure orange as if they’ve smeared themselves with Wotsit dust.
Maybe evil whitey crash-landed from outer space after travelling from Planet Honky?
Oh, they’ve got the origin of us honkeys covered…
In the best traditions of juvenile fiction, us blue eyed devils have an origin story as being the evil creations of a brilliant black scientist…
That Yakub story not only makes claims about whitey but posits a black origin for all ancient civilization.
If you are going to lie then lie big.
Something I gather Horrible Histories has taken to heart, innit bruv.
I should have added that this sub par pulp Science Fiction stuff is Nation of Islam nonsense (small wonder that they’re now in bed with the other purveyors of bad SF as a religion – Scientologists).
I was first told about Yakub something like 28 years ago rather hesitantly by one of my West Indian friends – he thought I might be offended.
They (NOI) were regarded by my friend’s section of the community as being a cult of dangerous nutjobs, at the time he was worried about his eldest son getting involved with the cunts.
They found human bones in Eastern Europe that predate ‘Lucy’ by several tens of thousands of years.
Wonder if they will be teaching that at Black history mumf.
I don’t see the problem. The whole of black history fits nicely into a month, in real time.
Black history, nope not seen any near me
Palestinian protests in London, by the time they have finished Israel will have wiped out a few more Reg heads.
Reg heads?
Elton John is involved with the Gaza situation?
Those Hamas pricks won’t be singing “I’m still standing” by close of play today.
They can sing “Sacrifice” instead…
Don’t go breaking my arse
Support for Hamas is a criminal offence say the gov, but I bet they don’t arrest a single one of these cunts protesting on our streets.
Publicly expressing support or encouragement for a proscribed terrorist organisation is unlawful in the UK.
I suspect we’ll see a few token arrests, but not holding my breath.
They are only going to arrest anyone with a Hezbola or Hamas flag, apparently the Palestinian flag is OK ?
It’s just stop oil day everyday for our chiggun liggun media.
As for Black History, most of it is debunked as soon as it is published or broadcast.
‘We wuz kangz’.
‘ you waz slavez’.
As if they needed help reminding them.
They seem to fixate on it, but conveniently forget the first people to enslave the Africans were other Africans, and the practice of genocide was visited on them by the more powerful tribes, as well as the Arabs.
Here’s a bit of Black History;
Black-on-black genocide has continued all the way through to independent Zimbabwe under Mugabe.
The ethnic cleansing of Ndebele minority by Mugabe’s ZANU-PF from the Matabeleland is known as a genocide.
The ‘Gukurahundi'( early rain’ in Shona)had concentration camps, torture, the lot.
And let’s not forget, according to the UN estimates there are something like 27 million people of all colours currently classified by them as being slaves globally (50 million if you include forced marriages…) and that it’s getting worse.
Figures that they produced for 2022 were –
Region: no of slaves : slaves/1000 population
Asia/Pacific: 15.1 million (3.5 per thousand)
Europe/Central Asia: 4.1 million (4.4 per thousand)
Africa: 3.8 million (2.9 per thousand)
The Americas: 3.6 million (3.5 per thousand),
Arab States: 0.9 million (5.3 per thousand people)
The estimated total for all slaves shipped from Africa across the Atlantic over the peak 300 years the bulk of the transatlantic slave trade ran is between 15-20 million, over the same period, they estimate 8 million Africans ended up being slaves in Africa.
For the trans-Saharan trade from Africa to the arabs over 11 centuries up to the 20th the total figure is estimated to be between 11-15 million.
On average, taking worst possible case figures, that works out at
Trans-Saharan (~800’s-1900’s): 13,687 black slaves/year
Transatlantic (1500’s-1800’s): 66,667 black slaves/year
Africa-Africa (1500’s-1800’s): 26,667 black slaves/year
and then we have, according to the UN.
Africa-Africa (2021-2022): 3.8 million black slaves
At least they had the excuse of whitey running plantations in Africa back in the day for that historic Africa-Africa slave trade figure…but pay no attention to the elephant in the room that is the modern slavery figure merrily shitting on their ‘only whitey bad’ slavery narrative.
Black History vacuum.
Slightly O/T, have you seen the pictures of londonstabistan today.
Hundreds of terrorist supporters on the streets.
A fucking disgrace.
The BBc are Fucking loving…..!
Blacks still have cargo cults and tribes that chuck spears at passing aeroplanes.
Cargo cults were a thing I stumbled on recently, when watching disgracefully racist videos.
They still exist and there are a few different kinds. One I saw somewhere in Africa, had a tribe hanging outside the fence of sn airport runway. Worshiping the planes.
Apparently, these are filled with treasures from their gods/ancestors, but’ve guessed it…the evil honky is stealing it from them!
Fuck me, blaming the honkyman for everything must be a genetic fucking trait in these cunts.
Black history started with Europeans or perhaps Arabs.
Who could write and record.
Without European culture there would be no black history at all.
Let’s have it right, the fucking n*gnog has done nothing of note, nor ever fucking will! Lazy cunts, the fucking lot of them. The only things they are capable of is playing the victim card, just like the Liverpool FC fans, that yo-yo knickered, quadroon, yank slut that married that that ginger cunt and the Red Sea pedestrians!
Black History Month.
Got to give our ethnic replacements in our ancestral homelands, something to feel good about.
Got to make em feel welcome haven’t we. Otherwise they might not want to stay.
I say give em six months. And as many flat screen TVs and trainers as they like during that time an all.
Reparations innit.
Wonder if us whites will get a month dedicated to us once we’re a small minority?
Here in the colonies February is Black History Month. June is Pride month for the gaze. October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. Not sure beyond that but a Month for brown people is in there too.
In reality nearly every month is White Guilt Month.
Did you know that the UK is a raycist country? I didn’t until I was told as part of Black Hysteria Month. Apparently I have been mixing with Uncle Toms all my life. And there was I thinking I was dealing with reasonable people like myself who were not obsessed with their skin colour. Silly me. I will be going on a course that will put me right and ensue I take the knee along with policemen, politicians, NHS fatties, and footie players. Of course I will still be a raycist, but at least I will know my place. Fuck right off.
Good afternoon, everyone.
As in China, the state will slowly but surely “re-educate” us into their way of thinking….!
Good afternoon. We are soooo racist that we allow so many different cultures and religions live here with open arms.
Down the road in my manor in London is the largest Mosque in Europe outside the Middle East, that’s really racist isn’t it.
Don’t see many whities being welcomes in raggy head land or in the jungle – spot de white boy normally.
They all need to shut up or fuck off – had enough of it.
The latter
I wouldn’t be surprised if we have Jewish history month next year…
No one talks about the Egyptians and how they enslaved hundreds of thousands of darkies – seems to be a white man poison only.
They’ve got fuck all the celebrate, the hook-nosed cunts. No wonder the People’s Front of Judea wanted fuck all to do with them!
is-a-cunt decides what colour we are. By the way, how do we change it ?
O/T but sort of linked.
All 6 Australian states have voted against the ‘Indigenous Voice’ bollocks in their referendum. I reckon IsAC’s cunting of it yesterday swung the vote.
That Albinese cunt the PM of Australia is gutted?
Like all referendums the stupid bloody oiks voted the wrong way.
Let’s redo the referendum usually follows…