Ageing Hippy Women

The other half and I have been to Shropshire this week and visited some of the small towns – mostly pleasant and apparently sensible places, but having their fair share of middle aged to elderly, usually fat, middle class pretend hippie women, wearing yards of trailing tie dye, ankle bracelets, wooden jewellery and with masses of unkempt hair.

I have noticed these types down South in places like Totnes, Frome and of course Glastonbury. I suppose they move to these nice places because they have a few quid and not much to do, so gravitate towards so-called alternative lifestyles .

I did not think this phenomenon had spread further north. I suppose others might say, with some justification, that they aren’t doing any harm, although they do seem keen on demonstrating for such issues as open borders and climate change.

My annoyance is summed up by that stupid poem about “when I am older I shall wear purple” – no love, how about you start acting like a sensible person of your actual age, smarten yourself up a bit and pay attention to what is actually going on in the world.

It’s not like older women get a great press as it is, so stop letting the fucking side down.

Nominated by : Mary Hinge

75 thoughts on “Ageing Hippy Women

  1. Aging women who have luminous coloured hair are particularly grotty.
    Women in their 60s with a hairdo like a 17 year old student.

    Young people with that coloured hair look like cunts. But older ones are even more ridiculous.

  2. Having lived in round Sowerby before briefly leaving I fucking feel your pain. There was a lot of this shit in the Hebden bridge area…

    To be fair they were better neighbours than the drug dealing, Nike Shox wearing balaclava cunts of Denton, but the continual preaching and lack of respect for not opening their car door into your car was abhorrent.

    I had a thing for goth / emo girls, would be nice to see an older lady look respectable with ‘different’ hair, but one who looks like a tramps bell end. Not sure the combo exists.

    I have to ponder, Mary Hinge; does their hair smell as bad as the babatunde braids do on the 219 going from Ashton to Manchester? I would think not, but the mind does wander and curiosity does creep in.

    • There’s often a whiff of patchouli oil, which some seem to find fragrant but always smells like mouldy washing to me. Someone told me years ago that it is used to mask the smell of dope smoking. I forgot to mention that cunts with raging toenail fungus should not wear sandals.

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