The other half and I have been to Shropshire this week and visited some of the small towns – mostly pleasant and apparently sensible places, but having their fair share of middle aged to elderly, usually fat, middle class pretend hippie women, wearing yards of trailing tie dye, ankle bracelets, wooden jewellery and with masses of unkempt hair.
I have noticed these types down South in places like Totnes, Frome and of course Glastonbury. I suppose they move to these nice places because they have a few quid and not much to do, so gravitate towards so-called alternative lifestyles .
I did not think this phenomenon had spread further north. I suppose others might say, with some justification, that they aren’t doing any harm, although they do seem keen on demonstrating for such issues as open borders and climate change.
My annoyance is summed up by that stupid poem about “when I am older I shall wear purple” – no love, how about you start acting like a sensible person of your actual age, smarten yourself up a bit and pay attention to what is actually going on in the world.
It’s not like older women get a great press as it is, so stop letting the fucking side down.
Nominated by : Mary Hinge
Christ, I nearly spat my cereal out as o thought there was going to be a picture of an Asian Hippy Woman and I mean a fat one, rather than a ‘New Age Traveller-type’…but this one is bad enough!
Sounds like you found a hive of lib dum supporters.. must be their annual conference soon, so what lucky village church hall got the booking this year.
I shudder to think of what some of the girls I shagged half a century ago now look like. Mind you, I am no oil painting but then again I never have been.
Strangely enough I have found out in recent years two of my ex-girlfriends have turned into lickers.
I must have been fucking awful……….or awful fucking.
If you’re goin’ to San Fransisco,
Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair,
If you’re goin’ to San Fransisco,
You’re sure to find some homeless drug addicts defecating in the street there.
Hmm, doesn’t quite scan. Never mind.
Alternatively, go to Gaza where, in upholding the values of the 1960s you can drop flowers down the nose cone of a Hamas rocket launcher and say ‘Peace man’. Yeah, best of luck with that.
No need to go to Gaza when London resembles it these days.
I nearly didn’t recognise suzy izzard, he is rocking that look..
Purple really does bring out the bile in my stomach.
Purple is for the type of loony woman who, when she isn’t voting for the Limp Dumbs or waving her EU flag, is having her moustache lasered.
You wouldn’t like my crushed velour purple suit then, BZ?
No I’m sure you look fabulous thomas..
Like a young jack Nicholson in the joker.
She’s so swishy in her satin and tat.
In her frock coat and bippity, boppity hat.
Oh God, I can do better than that……
David Bowie.
She also looks Hebrew.
Queen Bitch, top tune. Great clip on youtube of that on Old Grey Whistle test, can’t be bothered finding the link though.
My mates elderly mum dresses like a hippy type, always has as long as I’ve known her. Or maybe she’s just never had any dress sense.
How can anyone put on a green top, purple trousers, orange socks and a collection of beads along with scruffy hair, then look in the mirror and say “fuck me, I look good!”
Maybe they’re reliving their youth, or what they would have liked to have been when younger.
A bit like those elderly blokes you see dressed up like Jimmy from Quadrophenia.
I used to know a family with 5 kids, nice, intelligent family, but the mum and 2 of the girls dressed like they were colour blind. The range of colours they wore at any given time was astonishing.
Ha ! What a nom ! We have a few of these in our neck of the woods.
One in particular is a right piece of work.
She looks remarkably like the header pic.
Ethel used to be quite friendly with her. Despite having different political views
Until the old hippie, when chatting about Brexit, was informed that me and Ethel had voted for it.
To add fuel to the fire, I said that I was an admirer of Nigel Farrage.
Fuck me, I thought she was going to have an aneurysm ?
I’m glad to say that relations have broken down completely ?
For ages I’d been telling Ethel that the woman was a fucking head case.
Offering as evidence, the fact that she was knitting white poppies to ‘ fight Brexit ‘ ?
I’ve still not worked that one out.
The other thing that beggars belief. Is the fact that she corresponds with a convicted murderer, who is on Death Row in the good old US of A.
The fact that there is no doubt of this cunts guilt. Because he’s black makes his sentence racist, in this silly cow’s eyes.
The country is full of these left wing, comfortable, we know best, anti democratic screeching old trouts.
The products of sixty years of liberalism.
Down with this sort of thing !!
Off topic. The fact that England players will be wearing Israeli AND PALESTINIAN !!! armbands is an absolute fucking disgrace.
Wokegate is all for it .
The little cunt.
Unsurprisingly, the MSM output is slowly drifting back to its mainstream position of tacit Palestinian support.
Even in the face of photos of murdered babies.
Fucking incredible ?
Good morning.
It’s to appease the peacefuls. I have little doubt that the poisonous mayor of London has had his say.
Thsy just keep pushing to see what they can get away with.
If the game had been next week, the players would’ve set fire to the Israeli flag.
They shouldn’t even be bothering. Do you remember games having their little polticial statements over, say, The Vietnam war, The war in former Yugoslavia or the violent revolution in Iran?
No, because the world, sadly, always seems to have some conflict going on somewhere.
A bunch of retarded millionaire footballers (who do not give a toss anyway) holding up a banner or wearing an armband, does sweet fuck all to stop said conflicts anyway.
I’m sick of this ‘down with this sort of thing’ before every fucking event nowadays.
But wearing a Palestinian flag after the shit Hamas just pulled, just to appease our wonderful Muslims? Fucking disgraceful.
Anyone found on the streets of Britain supporting the vermin that is Hamas should be shot on sight.
Let the old hippies sort that out.
The French have got it right. T
Rozzers out twatting the shite out of the peacefuls out buring cars and shee-eet. Even if you’re taking sides, the 4x2s in France aren’t doing the same shit.
And knowing there won’t be any repurcusions for ‘institurional racism’ later on.
Go on, Gendarme Michel, knock some fucking skulls together.
Southgate and his England boys virtue signalling and siding with terrorists?
Say it ain’t so.
Morning all.
ps: If any of Wokegate’s snowflakes could find Israel, Gaza or Minneapolis where the patron saint of racial struggle himself Saint George Fentanyl resided on a map, then I’d be most surprised.
This is what happens when thick as pigshit people seek to give us peasants their insights. FFS, Southgate doesn’t even know much about football so I doubt if his geopolitical musings are up to much.
Wokegate: We just want peace for all. Including the Palestine people. They are the victims of racists, saying they know nothing about art for some reason. ‘Yes, he doesn’t understand modern art. He’s a Palestine.’ It’s a disgrace.
“Knitting white poppies to fight Brexit”
The footballers should commemorate NEITHER Israel nor Palestine, given that both sides are foreign mutt, bigoted, child-murdering cunts.
Is that too controversial a statement for IsAC?
The kind of fucking cunts that make you want to vote for Hitler.
I have a mate who’s going out with a ‘white witch’.
All crystals and healing. Chakras and bongos. Puddled but harmless enough. Dresses like a young 60s hippy. She must be 60 if she’s a day. House smells funny – weird candles and sticks burning.
Reckons she can perform magic. She didn’t appreciate my request to prove it and ‘make the sofa levitate then’.
Do I believe her?
Not a lot.
And my mate didn’t appreciate me joking that he’s only seeing her cos he hopes she might take him to a bongo orgy in the woods one night, with hopefully some younger trainee witches. But what if he gets bummed by a bunch of fat, hairy druids instead?
I thought that said “trannie” witches for a moment. Don’t put that idea about for fucks sake……..we’ve got enough nutters about as it is!
I’m not googling that.
Probably need therapy at the images revealed.
I googled it! and came up with facecunt ‘tranny witches international’ did’nt fucking go any further with that fuckery.
On one of my recent trips to Denmark to see a band I love in a venue I love, I got talking to an old Christiania hippie. ‘Lotte’
If I wasn’t so keen to get back to Roskilde to start drinking heavily, I would most definitely have been in there.
It may also have been my subconscious mind telling me that the smell of patchouli oil is a warning sign that we should have learned from several decades back and to run like fuck.
The silly old moo’s more mauve than anything don’t you think ?
Only playing at it for something to do.
Selling mauve minge scented candles ?
She looks the type who absolutely loves diversity but lives as far far away from it as is humanly possible.
I’ve always fancied a bit of ‘ chalice and blade ‘ fun with a sexy witch.
Unfortunately, there aren’t many witches around here ☹️
Not to my knowledge anyway.
Probably for the best.
Could get turned into a frog ?
Best you can hope for Jack is cherie blair the original witch, as sexy as a cold plate of dog sick..
Though I imagine she would be up for it as Tone is to busy double teaming dame keir with mandy..
Thanks Barry.
For subduing my ardour.
Fook me !
Who needs enemies ? ?
She/lt certainly has a dodgy masonic lineage which is a Talmudic/Luciferic creed at the high realms of trouser rollers.Her Boothe ancestry connects with John Wilkes Boothe the ‘Knights of the Golden Circle’ lodge assassin of Abraham Lincoln, a man who incurred the wrath of the Rothschilds by being too cosy with their sworn foes the Russians, who came to his aid during the American Civil War.
They do like to keep things ‘in house’.
Loads of these wimmin down our way. Purple hair, stand in local elections for the Greens or Lib Dems as they unerringly select the wrong ‘good causes’. They dress dress exclusively from charity shops eg ‘Mare and Foal Sanctuary’ and ‘Cats Protection League’. Just as well as that is all there is in the high street.
I do not have a problem with their nonsense unless they start clogging the highway with their eco protest shit. It is their menfolk who are the real cunts. Faux pikeys in colourful clothes, long white hair and wispy beards, knitted waistcoats and sandals. Self-righteous wankers with yoghurty dribble and stinking of weed. Quoting Dylan and Donavan as if they are in any way relevant. “Caterpillar sheds its skin to find a butterfly within.” Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
A splendid observation of the hopeless cunts sir.
Thanks, Unkle. Probably no need for the oven this morning. Peace, man.
I don’t know about that.
Best to keep busy.
In my little northern town we got the lot, aging hippies, 70 year old mods, cowboys, every kind of old but not letting go of the past kind of elderly rebel on a mobility scooter you can think of.
I know this nom is aimed at the usually middle class and middle aged woman who’s adopted a certain look because she wants to be the wacky earth mother in her group of friends but good luck to them.
I prefer them to the fat fish wives shouting at their obnoxious brats wearing ‘sports’ gear in the same way Sam Stinky Winky Smith wears stockings and thigh boots.
Given the shit going off in the world just now I think I’m more willing to forgive minor cunts more leeway.
Me and the Mrs were in Lancaster a couple of years back and the amount of 60 year old Paul Weller wannabes was unbelievable.
Complete with that twatty hairstyle (you know the one with the weird fringe and sides) Fred Perry’s and Parkers.
There’s one or two of the tragic cunts around here but there were 20 times as many there for some reason.
Was maybe ok in 1980 but for fucks sake let it go.
Some of these old bags are probably bored middle-class libtards, all part of the Woke virtue signalling brigade and subscribers to the Guardian.
Anything they don’t like; anything remotely right of centre; anything remotely out of kilter with heir warped view of the world and out they come protesting in the street or posting on social media about how evil society is becoming; that we should welcome “refugees” and that fossil fuels is monumentally bad and that we should all give peace a chance.
However, their little bubble goes pop when:-
a planning application for a 1000 migrant asylum centre is approved in their particular neck of the Suburban woods.
ditto a massive wind farm/solar panel farm.
ditto social housing.
In other words they’re all fucking NIMBYs who don’t really believe in what they’re banging on about if it means the realities are going to affect them personally!
Exactly like dame keir saying he is a yimby. Cunt probably lives in a gated community so no chance of a asylum centre there..
Still I think the government missed a trick at the Labour conference. With all the hotels booked up for delegates and supporters.
Should of bussed into a thousand dinghy rats and turfed all the fuckers out of their rooms..
In front of all the media, watching as lammys leopard skinned suitcase bounced into the road..
Or loose knickers rayners suitcase bursting open and a dozen dildos fly out.
Smile for the cameras.
But that just happens to the common people..
I suspect Raynor will spend her free time scouring hotels for migrants and getting her “room” well and truly serviced!
Hate to say it, boomers can be the worst as there’s no way to change their minds (BBC’s word is the word of God to these cunts). Set in stone. Yes, not all boomers by any stretch, but we all know them.
Cat amongst pigeons there, I’m sure.
Good morning.
Cricket’s on. Brew made. Get to fuck.
Pickled in the marxist infused ‘Aquarian-age’ shit and shinola of yore with no evolved philosophical/political hinterlands to call upon ?
Just like those deluded cretins who wanted free acess to the 1970 isle of wight festival without ponying up for the privilege of seeing some of the greatest musical acts ever assembled ? Doors-Who-Tull-Joni-Cohen etc.Like this knob-end at 5m 20sec.
Is the header pic an ageing Nina Hartley with her clothes on for a change?
Asking for a friend. ?
If you booted up AI image generating software like that bing garbage and typed in “Older Jewish woman with botox gone wrong and face recently on fire and put out after having 200 pounds of horse manure dumped on it” i am fairly certain, you would get a similar result to her mush. She almost looks like something the ADL would decry as an antisemitic poster made to stereotype Hebrews.
Also Hippies have always vermin and should be subjected to waterboarding.
Hippy women?
They adore me.
Think it’s the beard.
Gandalf fetishes.
That and the tattoos.
Big Celtic knotwork tattoo on my chest.
” Oh wow!’ they say.
Suppose theyre used to undernourished lentil fed Jeremy Corbyn types?
Yes, I’m like catnip to these daft cunts.
My burden is being incredibly charasmatic
For some strange reason Scarborough is full of this type of ageing hippie woman All tie-dye and early Pink Floyd. And magnetic healing and other jumbo-jumbo.
It’s the fair with all the Parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme..
Or nowadays crack, weed, fentanyl and heroin.
Wasn’t “Parsley…” a song by Simon and Garfunkel that came out during the early hippy era of the mid 60s?
Bloody song is stuck in my head now!
Scarborough fair techno..
Enjoy the earworm ?
Simon and Fartgunkle? I always think of “Cecilia” (and Bartoli).
For some reason, probably hippy of folksy related, I have a Vaughan Williams “Vision”, but not of aeroplanes, rather fields of Parker-Knolls, but only their infamous, ubiquitous armchair. Probably piss-soaked. My apologies, but I saw a pic of that Miriam Gargoyles earlier, and almost spewed my breakfast. Filthy old baggage.
Yellow teeth
stained fingers from the wacky baccy
silent but deadly farts from eating lentils and cuscus
piss-stained undercrackers
hairy armpits
ingrowing toenails
brittle or greasy hair
But probably has a 23 plate petrol Range Rover parked round the corner, sends her kids to private school and won’t except anything less than £4.5 million for her 6 bedroom detached in Surbiton, Surrey.
These women were much more loving and likeable to know than the evil selfish fat maniacs you get today.
Good point, although I will ask that annoying old hag Yoko Ono, to come round and sit on your face while see sings/screeches “Imagine” at you.
Agree.Tattooed land whales in leggings abound.
Whenever I get a whiff of patchouli I’m suddenly back in 1968, aah those were the days. Time is a cunt.
Imagine the minges on these old birds…like an ancient woodland with moss and ivy everywhere.
Along with a few earwigs, Venus flytraps and stagnant urine.
Good cunting, men also fall into this bracket. There’s a couple where I live.
What makes me laugh is the absolute hypocrisy of all of this, I believe it is attention seeking.
Look at me, I am carefree, smoke weed, hug the trees, drink soy plant based spunk lattes, read poetry and don’t work becuase I am against the establishment.
Truth is, Daddy died and probably left a shit load of money so you live in some warped sense of reality and probably never did a hard days work in your life – you cunt.
Most likely these cunts live in energy hungry homes, drive big cars and don’t give a fuck about anything apart from themselves.
Funny you mention that.
I know a lad (not well, more an acquaintance from my distant past) who was a proper ‘right on’ Wolfie Smith type. Into the green stuff back in the 90s. Didn’t wash. Kept getting and losing crappy jobs (unreliable, hungover etc). Smoked weed, took loads of ees at festivals etc.
His parents were loaded. I didn’t know until I ended up in their house by fluke. Was visiting the lakes (I can’t remember what part we were in we went all over) and in a pub with my ex. He was with his family and came over to say hello. Small world and that.
Anyway, we got invited back. Fuck me. That house must’ve been worth a million then in the early noughties. 2-3 mill easy now. I say house, it was bordering on mansion. Huge grounds. Beautiful views.
Anyway, he was moaning (the lad) about life being easy for his parents (wages, property costs, pensions etc) and that their ‘selfish’ generation took his future.
Long story short, his parents have both since passed on. As the only child, he inherited the house, sold it and (I heard second hand to be fair, but wouldn’t surprise me) now lives in a modest home he bought and lives like a king on his ‘stolen future’, whilst sneering at cunts working 9-5 as being ‘sheeple’.
There doesn’t appear to be a word for these cunts as they are only just starting to appear, as boomers die off and they inherit their homes and inheritance.
There needs to be a word for these twats. Any suggestions?
/ (ˌtrʌstəˈfɛərɪən) /
noun – British informal
A young person from a wealthy background whose trust fund enables him or her to eschew conventional attitudes to work, dress, drug taking, etc.
Or were you referring to the ‘living off the dead boomer’ bit, in which case I’ll do a bit more digging.
Cheers Mickey.
I’ve heard of trustifarians. That’s as close as I’ve heard, but these cunts are a bit different.
Aye, it’s not that I’m too arsed about moaning, lefty twats inheriting big fuck off houses (bound to happen), it’s the one’s who then sneer at others for working ‘for the system’ whilst not working and living off a few mill in inheritance, just getting shitfaced every day and going off to ‘Goa’ or wherever. First class, of course, but these people are all for ‘the poor and the refugees’.
Cuntiness off the charts.
I fucking hate them, even though I’ve not come across or heard of that many, but they are starting to reveal themselves.
You`ve got to keep those crinkles under control. I use soot.
… or good old fashioned stove polish (if I can`t get soot) …
As a person from Shropshire, I can confirm that hippies have been a permanent fixture in parts of Shropshire since the 1960’s.
Perfect example being that there was a hippie commune set up during the 1960’s in Llanfyllin (25 miles away from Oswestry) but the hippies never left and, in fact, settled down and raised families.
I can attest to this, having grown up in Oswestry and having associated with their 2nd generation hippy kids around the turn of the millennium in the Greyhound Pub in Oswestry. Hippies are very much a common phenomenon in Shropshire.
I also live and worked in Shrewsbury for many years and due to Shrewsbury’s DnB movement, the town gets filled with hippies whenever there is a Drum n Bass night (Perception Friday). I don’t understand why hippies love DnB but apparently it gets them wet or hard.
My neck of the woods seems to have a disproportionate amount of these flouncing Rainbow-Harpies.
Most of them are ‘artists’ or ‘photographers’, and I’d say all of them are someway involved in hippie shops that sell healing crystals/incense/hand-made tat produced in India, at ‘I saw you coming’ prices, and made by kids earning $1 a day.
The only worry these fuckers have is which delicious ethnically sourced granola to have for breakfast, before driving off in the Overfinch to conduct yoga lessons.
I fucking detest the fucking trustafarian, virtuous, Spare Rib reading cunts.
Their kids are much the fucking same too.
Namaste, you bastards.