That woman who kicked a horse/pony and trial by social media.
Well, the woman who was filmed/recorded by hunt saboteurs kicking her steed has been found not guilty in a trial by jury.
I love this. The initial evidence was pretty damning but a jury sitting for several days found her not guilty.
This is where it gets really good, having lost her job as a teacher she probably has a case for wrongful dismissal.
The cherry on the cake is that the jury consisted of eleven men and one woman.
How can a jury in modern Britain not have a trannie on board? There are ,according to the BBC et al 100 sexes if you support the decimal system and a gross (144) if you are into Imperial measurements.
As ever, I thank my more gifted cunters to supply the links.
Nominated by Guzzigu, link by Jeezum Priest.
She is an evil cunt and deserves all the abuse that she gets.
The judge and half of the jury were probably members of ‘the hunt’.
Kicking and slapping a horse is not cruel?
Fuck right off.
A horse is about twice as sensitive as a human to any touch.
It’s like slapping a dog on the nose and then claiming that you were doing it for his own good.
Are you telling me you don’t batter your hound round the honker with a roll of wallpaper?
If you imagine having the sensitivity of your bell end all over your body then that’s how a horse is.
You can give a crocodile a good kicking if needed.
It’s a dinosaur and can’t feel anything.
Not so for a horse and anyone that knows anything about horses would never kick or slap one.
The woman is a cunt.
I know fuck all about horses but I’d never dream of hitting one.
The reason she’s found not guilty is mainly due to the unreliable source of provided evidence (especially in the era of deep fakes), you can adjust any video to fit your agenda if that’s your goal, she’s as much of a cunt as the saboteurs, I actually despise both sides equally in this case!
except it seems when there is some here say regarding a racist word
She wants setting on fire.Witch.
Anyone guilty of cruelty to animals should be chained to two vehicles moving in opposite directions and have their bodies ripped apart.
Fully agree
Judges in their wigs are more convincing than many Trannies.
Nah, she’s a cunt. She got off on a technicality.
Three sexes : man, woman, indeterminate
More than that is woke bullshit…
I might buy her a my little pony as a gift.
I don’t get it.
The cow’s filmed ‘disciplining’ the horse by striking it repeatedly and booting it, then she’s found not guilty of striking and booting it. I must be missing something.
Hope somebody does the same to her, see how she likes it.
Morning all.
If I did that to my children, I am sure the courts would rule differently.
Plus she has a face that looks like a horse, tight ass though.
You’re not wrong about the tight ass. Jodhpurs enhance the look as well.
She needs to learn. The court should have sentenced her to bending over and being properly thrashed with a riding crop.
I’d do it. Sometimes you’ve got to be cruel to be kind.
She looks like she likes a little hanky spanky.
I would put a bag over her head though, can’t get over the fact she looks like Kellie Maloney.
Animal cruelty is about as low as human behaviour can get.
Without benefit of a gas chamber first.
This evil bitch is destined to suck cocks in Hell.
Jury sitting for 7 day’s on a horse kicking case.
ARE the cunts moron’s….?
Yes they are
She should suffer a kick in the cunt with my size 13 steelies. Fucking cruel bitch.
Difficult one. Chastisement is needed sometimes with animals and they’re more likely to forget it. Not with children though. They should only be spoken to about right and wrong.
Horses are intelligent animals.
They don’t respond to being hit or even being shouted at.
Any horse trained for riding will understand the word “No”.
That’s all that is needed.
To understand how sensitive a horse is then watch the poofters riding them for dressage.
The horse will react to even the slightest movement of the rider.
People think that to ride a horse you have to pull on the reins.
You don’t.
To make a horse go to the right (for instance) you do not pull it’s head to the right.
You lay the rein on the left side of his neck and the horse will go to the right to get away from the sensation.
Such is the sensitivity of a horse.
And she fucking knows it.
I stand corrected. She must’ve had a bad moment and needs a fondling also.
I hope a Shire horse kicks her in the cunt.
Good morning.
Divine retribution Jack.
Which county?
I can’t get on my high horse over this individual case. (b’dum-tssh), but I don’t agree with trial by media, social or otherwise.
If the RSPCA has consulted a vet and the vet thinks harm was caused, the jury seem to have ignored that.
I would like to perpetrate the same actions on this cruel horse faced cunt myself, can you imaging the shit storm, Sarah Mould was punched in the face and kicked by Fuglyucker a 25 stone mechanic, i would be hung drawn and quartered.
Anyway the way i see it, she has deserved everything she got with bells on, first of she was on a fox hunt, i thought it was illegal, but even if it is legal that still makes her a cunt, then she was stupid enough to let herself be filmed punching and kicking a horse, so 2 more cunt points there, then it turns out she teaches past tense small children, with her temper i wouldnt want her anywhere near my kids and its a travisty this cunt x 20 has a wrongfull dismissal case.
The way i see it, im glad ger life is ruined, all the abuse she has suffered she deserves and rightly got, long may it continue.
I hope the horse decides to throw her headfirst into a brick wall. only then when her cunt of a husband spends the next 10 years wipeing her arse will justice be done.
There are things you do and dont in the UK. punish a muzzy fine by me, miss treat an animal and fucking good luck if you get caught……cunt
This comment is life-affirming and brilliant: Fuglyucker for president, I’d say.
I only let her off for being a woman. I’m a soft philogynist at heart.
We know.
The Bristol four got off after admitting guilt ?
The nom is about trial by Twatter or fuckin X, regardless of the guilt (or not) of this woman her life was ruined by social media long before it went to court.
It’s like the latest shit show around that black woman in the Brixton shop, the ,’edited’ video on X makes it appear the shop owner was the guilty party but was he…. I have seen other footage, I assume prior to Twatter video where the woman is trying to beat the shit out the bloke.
All hell breaks loose and the local chimp army come out demanding his fucking head.
Social media should be fucking sent to the scrap yard where it belongs, all the cunts posting stuff of whatever wrong doing should give it to the police.
It doesn’t even have to something illegal, express an opinion like ‘women only spaces should be for biological females’ and you will be crushed by the Twatter police ?
It’s funny if you are just an anonymous ‘Joe’ but if you are a business the Twatter police start demanding boycotts and your suppliers must cast you adrift or they will be targeted as well.
There’s far too much ‘ Don’t give me the facts, my mind is made up’ nowadays.
she is an obvious cunt….however on a positive note she does have a very attractive ‘mummy mound’ in that dress which has given me a bit of movement.
Are you volunteering to give her a punishment fucking
‘The court rules that you taken from this place and subjected to a good hard (ish) fuck by Mr Chugger’ ?
the FUPA
(Fatty Upper Pelvic Area)
Trial by social media you say.
None more pertinent than Rubiales in Spain.
Quite frankly the biggest witch hunt I’ve seen and that is saying something these days.
I am father to two daughters and iI probably wouldn’t have lost much sleep over what he did to Hermoso, if she was my daughter
He hardly fucking raped her did he?
An absolutely brilliant example of how the world has gone utterly fucking mad
Yes, an absolute shit show, it has turned out to be the crime of the fucking century, forget the Letby woman, she was small fry compared to the diabolical kiss.
I’d like to see him try that on with a horse, lol.
She had a great arse in those Jodhpurs mind.
Talking of social media have you noticed how the BBC only does HYS comments enabled for really benign subjects
They never open up the comments field when they are talking shit about say, asylum seekers .
The BBC is the ultimate echo chamber
I have lost count of the number of times my comments have been removed .
That said they all say ‘refugees are fucking savages” and we attached to a League 2 match report as they won’t allow me to comment anywhere else but still …..
If I slapped a refugee, could I expect a fair trial?
No chance . Unless they were white I suppose.
Fat chance of that. I am just waiting for the next government visa fast track scheme / initiative.
This time, let a Libyan in. Cunts hated us when Gadaffi was in power but they’re gonna be shaking the tin cans soon enough.
Did the jury trip over their white sticks? If I was to witness such a display the perpetrator would have had a couple of slaps with my walking stick. Disgraceful display worthy of a spoilt child and back in my day would have resulted in a permanent ban from the hunt. Just goes to show how low things have sunk in this country.teachers riding to hounds for fuck sake.
Did the jury trip over their white sticks? If I was to witness such a display the perpetrator would have had a couple of slaps with my walking stick. Disgraceful display worthy of a spoilt child and back in my day would have resulted in a permanent ban from the hunt. Just goes to show how low things have sunk in this country.teachers riding to hounds for fuck sake.
I read the article and was quite taken aback.
Comments on the BBC, from this horsey, entitled slag like:
“In that moment [Bruce] has done something incredibly dangerous and, in that exact moment, I decided that the right thing to do was discipline him quickly.
“The loss of my career, the hand-delivered death threats to me and my children, and the distress caused to my family cannot be undone.”
On the RSPCA, she said: “They are an animal charity, whose concern is animal welfare. They are the only charity in the UK with the power to prosecute.
I’m sorry. Did miss something. She is excising violence towards an animal as acceptable. Did the jury sleepwalk into this, or did she drop her knickers in the woods for the 10 male jurors – she looks like someone who might go dogging.
Fuck this horrible cow, but at least she didnt misgender Eddie Izzard. Then she really would get death threats.
I saw this, fucking cracked me up! Don’t know who I feel sorry for more, Pink or Edders.
According to Eddie, he’s not bothered about being misgendered.
Just as well the state of him
Wonder if Dick Fiddler was on the jury. ?
Something deeply unattractive and unpleasant about a woman who would be cruel to a horse.
Or any animal.
I’m glad she got sacked.
Horses are beautiful creatures but a bit bipolar .
I wouldn’t want to incur the wrath of something capable of kicking my head clear off my shoulders.
My father in-law Is a horse dealer.
He’s got no teeth where a horse kicked his teeth out
And my missus has a wonky finger after a horse bit off her finger as a kid and she had to have it reattached.
Horses are moody as fuck.
Handle with care
Sounds like my wife MNC.
Mine too Max.
Mine too.
Just thought you`d like an update on these cretins …
Money raised so far …
Nowt at all for 27 days. Oh dear.
She’ll have to go on the game.
??????? tough titties!!!!Pair of pillocks.Stay there and not to return.
The jury’s decision may seem perverse on the face of it but I suspect that a considerable influence on that decision was the common knowledge that the RSPCA like all big charities really exists only for its own benefit and enrichment. The evidence has been reported in the press now for decades and shows no sign of decline. It really set the standard and taught the other big charities how to do it.
Example here. A few years ago but plenty of similar cases over recent decades.
Interesting also to read how much the chiefs are paid.
So despite thinking she was guilty as fuck the jury decided to find her not guilty because they dislike the RSPCA?
Christ on an e-scooter.
The justice system in this country is a joke.
Well yes MJB,juries do sometimes bring in decisions which don’t accord with the facts. Years ago a boy of about ten was hit by a heavy lorry and killed. the lorry driver had one eye and no licence. He was prosecuted for several traffic offences but was not jailed. The boy’s father got hold of a sawn-off shotgun, found the miscreant on the street and blew a hole in him. He also did the slag who accompanied him. He was put on trial for very serious offences which would carry sentences of many years. The jury cleared him of all charges.
Wakey wakey Admin
Probably in stitches over the video of Vine getting his bike crushed ?
Funny isn’t it Geordie, routines. I religiously check out IsAC at 7am, 11am and 3pm for the days cunts.
Me too LL.
If this goes on much longer I’ll start suffering cunt withdrawal symptoms.
What are we going to do now?
Send out a search party
I’d still like to kick this cunt in the fanny, really hard. Next, I’d kick her arse around her horse yard, then piss on her.
I might have a dump on her nasty, cruel face to finish.
Foul piece of shit.