That woman who kicked a horse/pony and trial by social media.
Well, the woman who was filmed/recorded by hunt saboteurs kicking her steed has been found not guilty in a trial by jury.
I love this. The initial evidence was pretty damning but a jury sitting for several days found her not guilty.
This is where it gets really good, having lost her job as a teacher she probably has a case for wrongful dismissal.
The cherry on the cake is that the jury consisted of eleven men and one woman.
How can a jury in modern Britain not have a trannie on board? There are ,according to the BBC et al 100 sexes if you support the decimal system and a gross (144) if you are into Imperial measurements.
As ever, I thank my more gifted cunters to supply the links.
Nominated by Guzzigu, link by Jeezum Priest.
I’d quite like to shag this lady, she’s a pretty bit of posh totty to me ?
Looking at the footage available, I (personally) don’t think she was in control of the situation, and probably wasn’t too good with horses. OTOH some horses can be right cunts. I have worked with them.
Sorry, Artful Cunter, this “Any horse trained for riding will understand the word “No”.
That’s all that is needed.” made me wince with particular reference to one riding-school TB. Horses, additionally, have an evil sense of humour. I throw this in as personal experience.
What subsequently happened to the woman for panicking when surrounded by sabs intent on fucking up her day, and that of the hunt, was obscene. I agree with this cunting. And I’m pretty sure the bloody sabs* amplified the event for their own ends. The verdict was correct IMO.
*Hunt saboteurs. Think Just Stop Recreation.
The video evidence is quite clear. She’s a vile, brutalcunt who probably salivates as the fox is torn apart. She should be ridden around, spat upon, and whipped, just like an old nag. After that, take the sadistic bitch to a kbackers yard, dig a hole, then do what she deserves. They shoot horses, don’t they.
Dead right Captain..
This sadistic slag claims she was ‘disciplining’ the pony. The animal has no concept of right and wrong. And whatever it did or didn’t do, it wouldn’t be on purpose. Do I hit my cats when they pick at my trousers or bring in a field mouse? Do I fuck. This sick posh bitch reminds of what inspired George Orwell to write Animal Farm. A young Orwell witnessed a a farmhand beating a big Shire Horse just because he could.
Also, how many other times has this repulsive bint done this to that pony or other animals? There is simply no excuse for it. And, of course, if this bullying tart was kicked and punched like that herself, the assault charges would be out there before you can say ‘Fox Hunting Cunt.’
Fuck the fox then ?
As Jerry Sadovich said ‘Dolphin friendly Tuna, fuck the Tuna’.
Fuck off with your bullshit.
Oh, you’re a cat person.
High up in the cunt community then.
I’m nominating fucking freaks like you soon.
Beat me to it, after we are finished exterminating foxes , badgers, grey squirrels, raghead wasps, bastard big spiders – those cunting felines should be next.
Who’d think an ant-vaxxer was an anti-social dimwit?
Funny, how there is whining about trial by social media. But it’s been going on for ages. That ASDA employee who was sacked for posting a Billy Connolly clip on his personal Facebook account. The poor bloke was grassed on and hounded to death on social media.
And Gina Carano dared to compare social media grasses to Nazi informants, and there were endless faceless nameless sad cunts on Twitter squealing ‘Fire her now!’ And those scum at Disney, of course, did fire her,
Nobody really gave a fuck about both those cases (and others). But because some plumb in her gob cunt and Daily Fail pin-up gets the treatment, it’s an outrage all of a sudden.
When you die, your cats will eat you.
You seem to have an unhealthy beef with Norman. Not taken your anti-psychotics again?
Woman kicks horse – OUTRAGE! Edited videos all over net. Commentary from people who have only seen horses on TV. And have never tried to saddle one…
Horse kicks woman – tumbleweed.
Got no truck with this.
Animal cruelty, don’t make me laugh.
Pop down to the local halal slaughter house, then prepare a piece about treating our furry friends nicely,
As for horses, the French eat them.
I can see your point, Leonard, as long as you include kosher slaughterhouses, as does the EU. Which agrees with you. Incidentally, not all halal slaughterhouses slaughter without stunning the animal first. All kosher ones do…