This is old news now but it hasn’t been covered here as far as I can tell.
To cut to the chase, Thurrock council is effectively bankrupt after investing over half a billion into a solar farm owned by a wideboy who used it to buy a bugatti and various other luxuries.
They invested in his business, which seems to have been massively over-valued. Thurrock Council hoped in return for their investment they would receive interest payments worth millions.
This time next year Wodders we’ll be millionaires.
Said solar farm tycoon then wound up his companies with the council facing a £200 million shortfall because of the risky investment.
Who the fuck agreed to sign off on this?
£130 million never actually went anywhere near the company and the spiv sorry tycoon no longer lives in the UK….
Of course said wheeler dealer used the proceeds to buy the mandatory bling like a jewel encrusted watch like a premier league footballer would buy.
He might even get away with it.
Not sure who comes off the bigger cunt here but as always it’s the taxpayer who ends up footing the bill.
Nominated by Harold.
It’s the public sector….
There’s always plenty more of others people money to waste .
These so called council chief executives couldn’t run their own bath without flooding the house..
Pay the money back or 20 years in prison,I think that’s fair?
Sorry ps, im talking about the council cunts..
didn’t Thatcher threaten to make Lady Porter of Westminster Council pay back some money after a rates fuck up – she pissed off to Israel before she could et her collar felt.
There is a solution that will satisfy everyone. The oven. The Solar Oven:
The taxpayers won’t get their money back but Kavanaugh will get what he deserves and the Town Council can say they meted out justice.
The Just Stop Oil crowd will be happy too.
Practical Green solutions for a Modern Britain. Everybody wins!
Will cunters who tattle on other cunters be put in there too? Yes GC, I know about that.
Since when has it been the business of a local council to ‘invest’ our money? I thought it was spunked immediately on overpriced essential services?
And why didn’t they find a bloke doing a very poor George Michael impersonation suspicious?
The cunts round here are doing it. A private company gets all the council work, builds houses with council money, but takes the profits. All the shareholders are councillors as are the directors. When I queried this, I was told that “everyone is doing it”. So, that makes it ok then?
Just look at the cunt! Then look at his fucking name! He might as well have a big neon sign over his head……I AM A THIEVING PIKEY!!
Yet, these brain boxes couldn’t fucking see it! Fuck me, are they all members of the Royal Family or what?
That was precisely my first though!
Thurrock Councillors must be entirely made up of women of a “certain” age who were so busy throthing their knickers, they didn’t actually listen to what this obvious spiv was saying!
Exactly so, Freddie, Jeezum. I have a foreign coin some bastard slipped to me in change in place of a pound. I wouldn’t risk investing it with this obvious twat. Reminds me of a company who sells second-hand cars and run a television advert fronted by Rylan Clark. I wouldn’t dream of buying from them. I guess the wokey prats on Thurrock council would see that as prejudice and bigotry. In my circle we call it acting on your instincts.
Nottingham City Council did something similar but on a smaller scale. They decided that setting up their own energy company was a great idea. Ironically named Robin Hood, it took money from the poor and gave it to the rich.
The council leader whose idea it was left under a cloud only to resurface as the chair of some pointless committee on £1,000 a day. His previous career as a social worker obviously meant that he was the perfect choice for such a role.
I just looked up the committee that he chaired, it was on to manage nuclear waste ffs !
He was a social worker Guzzi. Tells you all you need to know.
Thurrock should be carpet bombed to glass, for that abortion of a river crossing..
Only in this fucked up country do you queue for 30 minutes then pay for the privilege.. oh and lakeside is a shit-hole full of chavs
I am an Essex resident and, indeed, Lakeside is a festering boil on the backside of Essex (and that takes some doing).
P. S.
Have they owt left in petty cash?
Only, I’ve got a bridge I’d like to sell them.
They got one already, eco nuts hang off it occasionally..
All eco nuts should be hung from bridges.
They did have some petty cash left JP.
They spent it on a pot so at least they’d have something to piss in.
I wonder if he is closely related to the infamous homosexualist, Nylon Clark, the Essex Secondhand Car Dealer, etc., etc. ??
We’ve got one of these Pike key types round our way at the moment. A nasty piece of work who specialises in intimidation, arson, theft and obtaining money with menaces whilst masquerading as a property developer.
Needless to say, it’s just been discovered that he has obtained all the necessary licenses from our borough council. Also needless to say, he is well known to other councils who have spent years in the courts trying to get rid of the cunt.
It’s almost as if brown envelopes were involved.
Perish the thought.
same here – local architect is in the same lodge as the head of planning.
Ha, ha, ha. The race for green energy is the gift that keeps on giving. Wind farms might as well have been dreamed up by the fucking Joker as a wheeze for soaking up all the cash in Gotham. Cover the whole cuntry in solar panels and four star hotels for immies Hee, hee, hee. Watch random citizens burn in their electric vehicles. Ha, ha, ha. Rip off their savings in exchange for boilers and pums they don’t need. Inject them all with weird juice. Ha, Ha, Ha. Hee, Hee, Hee. Fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
‘pumps’ obvs. Ha, ha, ha.
An increasing number of councils are in financial difficulties now.
I think at the last count it was well into double figures, but the only ones I can remember are Thurrock, Slough, Woking (should have made the pizza express a tourist attraction and that might have helped), Birmingham City and somewhere else ooop in the North East,
So much for levelling up.
when anyone goes on about “leafy Surrey” I remind them that both Woking and Mitcham are in Surrey. If the “I-Spy” book had a white taxi driver in Woking, it would be worth a million points.
One other council is on the cusp of bankruptcy ( can’t remember who?) but there are 26 other councils to follow apparently, there’s a company called ‘sunnica’ who want to put solar panels on 2 thousand acres of farmland across cambridgeshire & west suffolk i believe! well fuck me that’s bigger than jezzer clarkson farm (1000 acres) and thats fucking massive, at the same time they want to fuck up the heritage coast where i live which is in an sssi, aonb and nature reserve, plan on running offshore cables right on to our coast, fucking great pylons everywhere, massive scars on the land, through peoples allotments, fucking great trucks ambling along narrow country lanes a complete fuck and total fuck up justso this cunt of a company can import more electricity from the continent, well they can fuck off.
My experience of working in the public sector after 30 years in industry confirmed that it is:
Incompetent, by and large.
Not measured as a private organisation would be
Promotes invariably to incompetence level
Is full of timeservers.
Otherwise it’s jolly good.
I imagine they do marvellous employee birthday do’s.
No expense spared..
All a bunch of cunt truffles.To the gallows.
Like every other green energy solution, a waste of money. What these councils need to be investing in is my Helium 3 mining project on the far side of the moon. My pal Naz has an uncle who works in the kitchens at the Indian space agency and he reckons we can borrow their kit when they ain’t using it.
Anyway poppadom mining incorporated is looking for local authorities to invest in this very green venture. Cash only though right…..
To be a councillor you either have to be a cunt to start with, or be prepared to brainwashed with cuntism.
These council cunts will always try to cover for their stupidity by claiming they are skint because they don’t receive enough cash from central govt.
Of course this is a lie,they are fucking morons who know they are accountable to nobody so they just burn through money without a care in the world.
If we weren’t a failing state that has a million agencies that are supposedly in place to prevent such crass behaviour but are in fact utterly hopeless,toothless money pits themselves then I’d say those responsible should forfeit all possessions,pensions to pay for it.
But they won’t in Windbag Britain.
Oven (sorry General,not solar).
But being the gonad it the wicked government fault, councils have been working miracles for the past13 years..
All those climate and diversity hires were crucial to running a local service..
Incompetent buffoons..
I’m also ‘failing to owe billions’.
What terrible English.
That paper really has sunk since Viner became editor.
Very easy to spend and waste money you didn’t earn…they should be hung from lamposts with barbed wire.
Given how enormously fat so many councillors and public sector types have become, it would almost be slow decapitation.
No chance:
God knows what Spelthorne council have been up to, they’re reported to be 2 billion pounds in debt!
Come friendly bombs….
Well imagine my shock.
A renewable energy scam.
If a renewable energy project isn’t fucking over wildlife and the natural habitat then it’s fucking over the taxpayer.
The other thing you can guarantee as well is that there won’t be very much energy being generated.
Good morning Harold/all.
Council tax is a load of fucking bollocks and shouldn’t even fucking exist anyway.
We pay (well some of us are least) a fucking fortune in income tax already. More than most countries around the world. Taxed to fuck for decades and for what? Fuck all it seems.
If our money was used properly and not to line the pockets of cunts who’ll scratch politician’s backs, then we might get somewhere.
I’ll tell you this and I don’t give a fuck. It will get worse the more ‘diverse’ councils and MPs get.
We have no right to point the finger and laugh at African corruption. It’s the same shit here now
These cunts that are found to be doing deals with our money, simply to get rich (and to fuck with the country it seems) should be fucking strung up.
At the very least, these ‘idiot’ officials (they know what they’re fucking doing by the way…troughing and being nepotistic) should have all their assets seized and their pensions cancelled.
Might start seeing a bit more value for money.
And the net zero shit is perfect cover for these cunts.
I honestly can’t understand it!
In that photo that bloke looks a trustworthy chap who you would trust implicitly. Just look at him, honest John.
Bank robber ‘john’ more likely.
I love a story about a bank being robbed. It’s so heartwarming and ironic.
No doubt there’ll be some form of investigation which will sit for months at an exhorbitant cost to local taxpayers.
This will then conclude that nobody was actually at fault for this farce. Nobody will be sanctioned, disciplined or fired.
That’s alright then.
Morning all.
Although I am in a good mood after finding out Stephen Lawrence’s brother is now on the Suckdick Khan board which will advise MET Police policy from now. The photos I saw of this panel didn’t appear to have a honky male. Thank fuck I say. I mean, what good have white people ever done for the people of planet Earth?
Great to hear that it’s not only the mother who can make millions from her son’s murder. I just hope they add all his other relatives too. A few mill each should do it, as long as they get to tell me how racist and privileged I am for being born white in my own fucking country.
I am voting for any ‘far right’ nutjob out there from now. Fuck this shit.
The sad thing is CB, that the hard of thinking who voted for Johnson in 2019 will automatically switch over to Dame Charmer and Labour in the next election.
Thinking that things will somehow improve under their stewardship.
The anti white rhetoric will be ramped up to full steam ahead under those bastards. As if it isn’t bad enough already.
A mate of my brother’s worked for the Local Education Authority. He said how much they waste on stationary and computer equipment. They’ll spend more than double the market price on computers from a favoured supplier rather than shop around.
Next time you see these woke slobs on strikevremind them of where the school is spending the money, rather than those ‘nasty tories’.
I’ve said it before but Sheffield will be next. The waste and mismanagement from our council is truly staggering.
I thought they already were, OC, as the seems to be no visible sign of money being spent on anything, the bastards.
The city centre is a fucking warzone. I work round Quays area and waiting for my bus after a late shift is always an unsettling experience.
Did he sell them a monorail also,same as in the Simpsons,Fuckin morons.
Monorail! Monorail! Monorailllllll!!