Spanish kiss fallout

Spain won the wimminz ‘World Cup’ recently and one of the players was seen in a quick kiss of the lips with the male boss of the Spanish FA, when collecting her medal.

Explanations vary as to whether it was instigated by the man or the player herself. The Spanish FA point to evidence (agree that it is debatable etc) that the rather butch lass lifted the man off his feet to draw him near.

But I digress. While it’s not normal to plonk a kiss on in the lips of a lady you’re not shagging, in some cultures it’s not seen as being quite as bad. In some cultures you see non gay blokes doing it. I’ve seen the old Yugoslavia team kissing each other on the lips after a goal. Maybe they were all gays, but I doubt it.

And remember, this kiss was in a moment of celebration and jubilation, even if I do think the Wiminz World Cup is Mickey mouse bullshit.

In my opinion, yes, he shouldn’t have done it (if he actually did that is!).

But the reaction to it all has been ridiculously over the top. These split arses including ‘our lionesses’ (do fuck off!), are going on like the cunt tore her kit off and arse raped her live on the telly, then invited all the male members of the crowd to have a go on it.

Of course, they’re calling for him to be sacked and have his life ruined already. ‘Unacceptable sexism from a patriarchal organisation’ say ‘our lionesses’.

Well I hope the Spanish (and English) FA bring in some real equality and tell the wiminz that from now, all funding for them is to be provided from the money they generate. Not by stealing from the ‘patriarchy’.

Strong, independent wimminz, innit?

Fuck off.

Bbc news

Nominated by Cuntybollocks.

More on this subject by Norman below.

More hilarity over the circus shitshow that is wimmins football.

Like the blacks and the BLM mob, these cunts are never happy. Like the ‘Lionesses’ with their money and merchandising, you just knew there would be something the winners would be moaning about too. Sure as eggs is bloody eggs.

Spain’s womens team wins the Minnie Mouse World Cup. Time for celebration. right?


Instead of celebrating, the wimmin footballers and the female social media hordes are having a massive chimp out. Because Federation president Luis Rubiales kissed playerJenni Hermoso on the lips after Spain’s Women’s World Cup win. Needless to say, those ever so perfect people at FIFA have suspended Rubiales.

Alright, he should have asked. But had she done it to him, no cunt would have given a shit or batted an eyelid. And, had it been two blokes? They would call it a ‘seismic historic moment’ and a ‘giant leap for LGBTQXYZ’. And, had she kissed another team mate? I have no doubt it would have been viewed as cheeky hijinks and gleefull cries of ‘what a character’ would have rung out. Caught in a moment and all that crap.

But, because it was a striaight fellah, a minor incident has been turned into a major crime and a witch hunt. As is their wont, these Me Too types will now hound this man into the dole queue and possibly into the ground. Thanks to these psychos, we now live in a world where a wolf whistle or a drunken hand on a knee is on a par with rape. Make a complaint against Rubiales by all means. But an enquiry for sexual violence? They really need to get some perspective and they also want to ask a real rape or assault victim what sexual violence is really like.

And besides, I remember Big Joe Jordan kissing Jimmy Greenhoff after Jim scored the winner in the 1979 FA Cup Semi Final Replay. It’s been going on for years.

And even more kiss and tell tales from Sir Limpy Stroke below.

Jesus H – the kiss on the lips of Jenni Hermoso (Spanish female football player) by Louis Rubiales (Spanish FA President) continues to monster the news all over.

Hermoso declares it was non-consensual, Rubales ignores calls to resign, his wife locks herself in a church and goes on hunger strike. Talk about Spanish Practices. For my money the real issue is Spanish Garlic Breath. Will accept that the ugly slaphead cunt looming down from a great height and planting a wet rubbery smacker is one to frighten the horses.

No evidence as yet that a tongue was involved (a la Jimmy Saville) but the inference may be drawn. Add to that the stench of garlic – a habitually Spanish phenomenon – and the situation gets, as our American friends have it, exceeding gross. I have experienced the old Spanish Kiss a few times in a long life and I think back to just post war when the various demob camps were visited by a Spanish filly, a flamenco dancer who travelled around with her maracas in a little Austin van. Forget the fillie’s name but never that kiss. Her supple tongue work was finished off by the belch of Hades, a blast of wind straight out of the deserts of North Africa via the rancid fishing ports of Morocco and originating in the spice and stench of the Maghreb.

My sympathies miss Hermoso and may you ride the heights of media exploitation and the depths of compensation.

101 thoughts on “Spanish kiss fallout

  1. Even if he slipped her a good bit of tongue, I say; Get to actual fucking fuck bitch!*

    *Another Septic variation of the bastardized English language.

    • Are they still on strike until he is ruined?

      Just that it’s hard to tell because nobody watches women’s football?

      Probably the first strike where those funding women’s football (ie the men’s game) are actually saving money

  2. He ought to get shirty about getting prickle burn from her Lord Kitchener-esque moustache.

    • He’s looking at charges for sexual assault.
      Possible jail time.

      See, it’s not like men’s football where they give each other love bites and stop just short of wanking each other off.

      This is ladies football.

      As a typical Spaniard he tried to slip her the tongue and grope her a bit,
      If he’d of been french he’d of had his cock out while kissing her.

      I never knew Spanish women were so frigid!!

      • Hi General, I’m in the airport just about to fly to Denver. I have packed my pointiest stick to poke a cougar* in the face with when I get to Rocky Mountain national park.

        * or maybe an otter. Or a koala bear.

      • Bon voyage Thomas.

        Obviously you will feel guilty by flying so no doubt when you get to denver you will only eat vegans food to compensate.

        Good show.

      • Hey Thomas,

        Cougars are hot! If you’re going to poke them in the face I recommend using something other than a stick.

        Oh wait…you mean Mountain Lion, Puma, Panther, Catamount etc. Sorry, my bad.

        No Koala’s here in the States but if you meet a Grizzly you’ll need something more than a stick.

        Remember…weed is legal in Colorado…

        “Rocky Mountain high
        In Colorado
        Rocky Mountain high
        In Colorado…”

        Seriously, I hope you have a wonderful time here in our fair land.

        Keep us posted.

        Bon voyage

      • I trust you’ll be hiring a van with fake ID and be putting a mattress in the back? I hear Wallmart has a special on ball pein hammers, duct tape and chloroform.

        Bon Voyage.

        Probably not a good idea to keep us posted to be honest. Definitely don’t send any fucking links to photos for god’s sake 😉

      • Lots of truck stops I hear Thomas. Ripe pickings there if serial killer documentaries are anything to go by.

      • No Koala’s and no Kangaroos.

        But keep your eyes open for the rare North American Speckled Wallaby.

        It can often be seen at either dawn or dusk drinking in the High Billabongs of the Rockies.

        It’s no coincidence that it’s associated with bongs in Colorado.

      • Fetch me something back Tommy!

        And not a fuckin fridge magnet.

        Or a dead prostitute

      • Thomas,

        Don’t pay any attention to the advice given by your fellow countrymen.

        Immigrants commit crimes all over the States and are rarely held accountable.

        And don’t take anything back for any of them. If they want trophies, let them come over and cut off the victim’s ears themselves.

        Fucking feckless cunts. Not an ounce of initiative between the lot!

      • If you mean an actual mountain lion Thomas, you’ll need more than a pointy stick.

        Be careful in them thar hills.

        Can I expect to hear about you on a true crime podcast soon?
        Or perhaps a missing 411 case maybe?

    • And if it had been Berlusconi he would have grabbed pussy and attempted to slip a finger up the pooper…

  3. Opportunism from the sisterhood. The silly dago cunt should not have gone near her with a barge pole. Serves him right for having such poor taste and judgement. Makes you wonder how such a dome headed fuck-wit got a high profile role in the first place? Still, they had to find something to talk about given wendyball is such shite. Fuck off.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Good point that.

      Thick as fuck. That’s his biggest crime here. I bet he thought nothing of it.

      Split arse ‘pro’ (ha!) football can be summed up in three words.

      Moan, moan, moan.

      You could give these whining cunts every penny from the men’s game,the cash from Sky/TNT and force 60,000 ‘spectators’ to attend at gunpoint for 100 quid each, and the big chinned Alex Scott would still say ‘More needs to be done’.

      Fuck them all.

      Their sport is a bag of wank and most are sick of them infesting the coverage of the men’s game and whining to fuck.

      Two sugars.

      • yeah she’s seen laughing with the other players. Then someone one of the players saw the trouble that it could cause. And the Sisterhood turned on a sixpence.

        Or whatever a sixpence is in Spanish.

      • Women’s international football should be left to competing at the Olympics at U-23 level. There’s no real interest beyond that.
        However If associations and clubs want to field womens team in a league structure at a huge financial loss, that is up to the clubs. Barcelona and Bayer Munich have teams in other less lucrative sports being part-financed by the income of the men’s football, so it’s not that novel an idea, but let’s not have the fuckpigs of the media gaslighting the public over it being something it clearly isn’t. Without outside funding from the zealots in the media and FA, smaller clubs should not worry about setting up another squad or two and paying them on professional contracts if they aren’t bringing in the punters or sponsorship.

        Equal opportunities do not necessarily lead to equal outcomes. The sooner the wokies accept this the better it is for them.

  4. I heard it took 3 hours to untangle their moutsaches.

    All Spanish women have moutsaches and hairy nipples. Fact.

    • And presumably Italian birds too, CB?
      Who look like a young Monica Bellucci until they hit 35, then transform overnight into Hattie Jaques in Carry on Abroad.

      • Aye, the Eye ties seem to have no middle ground. Walk around Rome or Milan and you’ll see perfectly attired ladies with great bodies and perfect hair. Leggy stunners everywhere. Like a fucking catwalk it is, even queing for a bus.

        Then, as the clock strikes midnight for their 40ths, they emerge from their front doors 10 stone heavier, wearing an outfit borrowed from Ena Sharples, donning a big fuck off moustache and some hairy face warts.

        Although they cook non stop and are fucking good at it.

        Every cloud Thomas…

    • moustaches

      On the rare occasion I actually need auto correct, it sits there laughing, flicking the v’s. The cunt.

  5. Can anyone else see a pattern emerging here?
    Mark Sampson removed as England wimminz coach following accusations of sexist bullying, which was never proven. ( I believe he settled out of court with the FA )
    Phil Neville hounded out as England wimminz coach after a few poor results in friendlies ( yes I know he’s a shit coach, but this was different)
    France wimminz players walk out over sexist bullying.
    15 Spain wimminz refuse to play following accusations of fucking all sorts.
    81 Spain wimminz walk out because the feminazi’s have kicked off when their captain originally didn’t seem to give a shit about the ‘kiss’ incident.
    A little common sense seems to prevail when the Spain coach is sacked but then rapidly disappears as a wimminz is appointed as his replacement.
    So there you have it. The only involvement they want from a ‘patriarchal organisation’ is the money the mens game generates so that they can dress up in replica kits whilst demanding equal pay.
    Cut them loose and let them fend for themselves.
    They’ll soon realise that sisters can’t always necessarily do it for themselves.

    • Why didn’t he wait till she was in the showers before sexually assaulting her?

      That’s what I’d of done.

    • Correcto! It sends to be the thing they love most about men – their money.
      It always amuses me in the dating ads when they put ‘OHAC’ (own house and car) when very often they legally stole it in a divorce settlement.

  6. You can’t imagine a similar situation after a proper football game. If Kate Middleton was awarding a trophy in a real football tournament, no man would object.

  7. Can’t see what the problem is.
    No one turned a hair when Liz stuck her tongue down Bobby Moore’s throat.
    Good morning.

  8. Just a continental habit. Like pissing in the street.
    I watched France/NZ rugby last night and a huge, hairy arsed frog kissed his team mate. Probably felt his arse too.
    Nothing to see here.

  9. Oh for fuck sake, Manuel, if you’re going to force yourself on her then at least do it properly.
    Left hand on the right buttock squeezing hard, right hand cupping the left tit whilst rubbing the nipple twixt thumb and forefinger, groin forced into hers and scour her mouth out with your tongue before thrusting it down her throat to see if you can taste what she had for lunch.
    Instead he gives her a peck on the lips.

    Between you, me and the country cream gatepost I think he might be a poof.

  10. I’ve no problem with what the did, it’s just a normal “in the moment” thing.

    But in this world we live in now and given that he’s in a high profile job, didn’t he stop to think about how these attention grabbing whores and the “meeeeeja” would react?

    I’m so glad I love as far away from that world as is possible in “working class” land in a scummy market town where chav slags still routinely present themselves like baboons in the pubs in town when you go out.

    Fuck it all x

      • It’s shit and full of council slags and trollops mate, but, it’s a fucking step up from living in a shithole like Tower Hamlets, Hackney or fucking Croydon (the worst place by a mile I’ve ever visited in this country) !!

    • I think he should get 15yrs in prison.

      Otherwise he’ll probably attack someone else.

      • Off topic

        Morocco has had a earthquake killing over 600 people
        And damage estimated to run into hundreds of pounds.

        Be that climate change.
        How bazaar

      • Excellent way to state the weekend,love a nice big earthquake and lots of rubble.

        Can’t wait for my fry up and a bit of news coverage.

    • I live in a market town but it’s less scummy and more plummy, yummy mummy.

      Sammy would love it.

  11. The Japs do that cosplay thing. They dress up as rail ticket inspectors and hang around train stations pretending to be one. They do it for all kinds of jobs. The fucking loons

    Women’s football at the ‘highest’ level is like dess up cosplay.

    Those glitzy press conferences for their ‘World Cup’? The ‘fans’ attending for free (tramps, battered wives looking to get away from their husbands, lezzas and kids forced to attend by their lezza teachers).

    The commentators and pundits not mentioning hilarious mistakes during the games and hyping it all up like it’s a big thing?

    It’s fucking Cosplay.

    • LARPng (Live Action Role Play)

      Just like a lot of these middle-class cunts playing at being revolutionaries, anti-fascists and environmentalists.

      They do it because they did useless degrees and can’t get the jobs they want. They’re bored little Jonties and Amelias. It’s quite sad how many of the uncovered antifascists turn out to be either eternal students living off mummy and the state, or teachers and public sector menials

  12. It’s normal that we kiss a woman on both cheeks. That’s how we greet and bid goodbye to women, even if we don’t know them too well.

    It’s normal to address a young woman as “guapa”, “bonita” or “chica”.

    For instance, you would call over a waitress or shop assistant with “Ay guapa”.
    You might thank them with “Gracias bonita”.

    Older women may be called “Reina”.

    Nobody that I have met gives a flying fuck about women’s football.
    On the day of the final my local sports bar had athletics on the televisions.

    The Barcelona women’s football team are recognised as being the best in the world. They play at the Johan Cruyff “stadium”.
    It has a capacity of 6.000 and has never been sold out, despite tickets prices being less than 10 euros.

    The worst attendance that they have had is less than a thousand.
    Barcelona have the past and present winners of the Balón D’or in their team.

    The best team in the world cannot possibly continue to play without the massive financial support of the men’s team.

    Luis Rubiales is being persecuted for a moment of jubilation.
    The Spanish FA and the Government are calling for him to be charged with sexual assault with a possible jail sentence of 4 years.

    The Spanish teams football coach Jorge Vilda has been sacked for supporting Rubiales.
    The mother of Rubiales went on hunger strike until “justice was done”.

    I really hope that all men who are in any way involved in women’s football is following this shit show.

    If you are the President of a men’s football team signing off the cheques to be paid for the women or the cleaner of the changing rooms, pull out now.

    These fucking women will have you in court and ruin your life just for looking at them the wrong way.

    In some way I am pleased that this has happened.
    Let the women try to survive without men.
    They won’t last long.

    • Seeing as he’s such a massive fan of women’s football I think he should be forgiven.

    • Women’s footy is not only shite but it’s so fucking toxic.

      Everything surrounding the “lionesses” is toxic.

      You’re a sexist bigot if you don’t support it.
      You’re a gammon if you’re a bloke who doesnt like to watch it.
      The team itself “too white” and needs to diversify with immediate effect.
      “More needs to be done” to enhance the game even though it’s being propped up by the men’s game.

      The icing on the cake however in all this woke fuckwittery is that if say a certain Jude Bellingham or Rodrigo (of Oilchester City) identified as “transexual” then they’d walk straight into the Lionesses or Spanish women’s team.
      And they know it.

      That would give them something to really complain about except they wouldn’t dare would they.

      Get to fuck.

      • Supposedly the men “yeah right” are playing today.

        Hopefully vlad will send a malfunctioning missile into Poland by mistake..

        Or the gays will scratch Hendersons eyes out for taking the peacefuls money..

        Hypocritical cunt.

      • Henderson’s excuse made me laugh. The brass neck of it. I’m paraphrasing, but it was something like:

        ‘I haven’t abandoned gay rights or all my LGBT friends, but if I wear the rainbow laces I would be disrespecting Muslims in the country I’m now living in and that wouldn’t be right either.’

        What he really means is:

        “I’d tell people to eat their newborn children if you gave me enough cash. I don’t give a fuck about any cunt but myself. I only went with the gay shit for sponsorship and to put feelers out for a potential media career when I finish playing. However, these mad sand rats are giving me 3 million a month tax free for 3 years. Who needs Match of the Day after that? I’ll fucking buy the BBC and make Shearer and Linkeker my fucking slaves. Now get out of my way!’

  13. Should of gave her a Glasgow kiss instead..
    Probably wouldn’t of been as much fuss as this storm in a teacup..

    Which has just reminded me, back to the washing up love, those plates won’t wash thereselves.

  14. It’s always interesting that the fucking politicians stick their brown noses into this sort of storm in a teacup,calling for investigation and prison terms..

    Just like the virtue signalling Orwellian shithouse cunts they are.

    Morning gents

    • Agreed.

      And these same cunts will be clamouring for complementary tickets for El Clásico at Camp Nou on the 29th October.

  15. just wait until trans women want to be part of the women’s football teams and not just Spanish but the England team and all the other teams as well.

    A recipe for gender disaster

  16. A few years ago, pre-covid, I went to see the Sunderland A.F.C. women’s football team play a league match at South Shields.
    Crowd 600….less than what South Shields get.
    But we have the BBC cunts ramming it down our throats and trying to pretend there is some genuine grass roots support for the sport, when it is a top-down elitist enforced phenomenon.
    Cunts the lot of them.

  17. What I don’t understand is why when the media reported on this non event they didn’t reach for the usual cliched background music?

    ‘ Started with a kiss
    Never thought it would come to this
    It started with a kiss
    I never thought it would come to this…..’

    C’mon ffs, up your game MSM!

      • He did nothing wrong.

        That bird’s face all battered and bruised and her the next day on Arsebook saying he did it? Obviously never happened. That audio? Must’ve been faked. More to that audio Utd say. Well why not release it if it exonerates him? Because no cunt is buying it.

        She suddenly dropped all charges. The rozzers went ahead anyway, but a bit difficult to get a conviction when that happens.

        Rumours she was paid of like that Jacko kid are just rumours, of course.

        I know what I heard on that audio and her face told a thousand words.

        That’s what can happen ladies, I’m afraid. It’s not like the adverts and I’ll leave it at that.

      • Rachel Riley knows what happened. She must have had intimate knowledge.

        Anyway she’s moved onto this new fella Antony.

        Sticking her oar in.

        She ought to be on the board at Man Utd as some kind of behavioural enforcer.

        She’s been a Manchester United supporter ‘since before she was born’ see.

        What is it with these mathematicians? Carol is equally gobby.

      • Rachel Riley is fit as fuck.

        I think she’s an airhead who should shut her trap.

        But she’s fit as so can say what she likes if I can have a go on it.

        Them’s the rules.

      • Rachel Riley is a slag.
        And she has some neck, preaching about United wrong ‘uns. Considering the (cough) freebies she has had off them over the years.

        Also, didn’t she leave her old man for some greasy cunt on Strictly Cunt Dancing? And didn’t she very quickly get up the duff by this cunt?

        As I said, S.L.A.G.

  18. Oh god, what has become of us over recent years?

    Who remembers when the Royal Australian Navy rescued Tony Bullimore over a thousand miles out in the Southern Ocean? First thing Tony did was to kiss the big bearded sailor who pulled him out of the water. No-one turned a fucking hair. His wife, the most down-to-earth black lady, when told of his rescue announced loudly and cheerfully; “The old bastard’s alive!” In that moment she did more for race relations than a thousand of these latter day black women with Double-barrelled surnames and PhDs who dress outlandishly and are on TV regularly, stirring the pot. Back in the UK a psycho-babble expert appeared on TV and said that Tony would need counselling and psychiatric help. when this was put to Tony his response was; “Nah, I’m going down the pub.”

    I have no interest in football played by either sex but having now seen the “offending” video clip several times it looks to me like a natural response in the euphoria of the moment. After all, not only did his side win but they had just beaten the English, payback for what we did to the Armada!

    • Greasy Spaniards and pungent frenchies are always kissing people aren’t they?

      They say cultural
      I say sex pests.

      I’m a great kisser
      Probably one of the leading kissers in the country.
      But only the missus nowadays.

      Have any other ISACs ever kissed a woman?

      I expect a few have tried,
      Drooling all over the woman or misaiming and planting a snog on the poor ladies forehead.

      You should practice in a mirror
      Or do what I did and purchase a shop dummy to practice on.

      • I bet that greasy Spaniard does a bit of rimming, perhaps that’s why she was upset, he still had the taste on his lips ?

      • Two South Africans walking through the jungle when they see a lion licking another lion’s arsehole. “Unusual thit, Deon,” says one of them. “Ya”, says Johan. “It’s trying to git the teste of thit n..g..r its just eaten out of it’s mouth.’

        Bernard Manning

      • “Have any other ISACs ever kissed a woman?”

        I suspect a few of exaggerating their sexual exploits Mis, but I doubt we have many incels on here. You need to shake off that Eton College mindset you know.

      • I started off with girls, and continued with women.

        It’s not a habit I’m proud of. I’ve even allowed girls and women to kiss me.

        The shop dummy is a good idea for the incel community when the casing of their well-used ‘dakimakura’ has the texture of a poppadum.

  19. Did he shove is hand down her shorts, answer no.
    A kiss on the cheek is fine but not on the lips.

    A social media video of her on the team bus laughing about it.

    Then, everyone is offended on her behalf, and that was the problem, she would have probably let it go but once the #metoo mob kicked off she was under pressure to get in line and make a complaint.

    What a load of nonsense over fuck all, but it gave old fat arse Emma Hayes an opportunity to give her gob another airing in the Guardian

    • I managed to wade through the article SoI. Even for the Guardian it impressed me as a spectacular load of waffle. maybe I would have understood if I was a follower of football.

    • No offence SOI, but I’d rather go at my nuts with a cheese grater, then sit in a bath of deep heat while sewing needles are pushed inti my eyes as Diane Abbott sits on my face after having a shit without wiping, than read a whiny ‘muh sexistisms’ Guardian article by Emma Hayes.

      • Hehe, yes it is a tough one but I saw the story yesterday and I though ‘here we go again’ ffs.

        For arfur, I am surprised they didn’t run out of ink, fat arse could go on for ever ?

  20. Fuck the Armada! “God’s righteous judgement of these barbarous wretches.” Oh no, that was the Paddies wasn’t it? All fucking overexcited w*gs anyway.
    This was never about the innocuous kiss. It was all about the manager who is big mates with the kissing cunt. The players didn’t like him because he worked them too hard, was too physical and was a MAN! So the whole lot of them resigned, including the female back room staff and the paella bashers had to sack him.
    Two fucking weeks after winning the World Cup! If only that sack of shit Wokegate could get the same treatment.
    It’s all about wokie politics, nothing to do with the game of football. That’s where we are now. The wokies are everywhere, their fingers in every pie.

  21. Out of interest, after trotting round the field after a game, are women’s snatches letting off steam similar to a race horse after a gruelling race ?

  22. Anything to keep the attention on these tarts, the game is over, you have been tolerated, but now you can fuck off, no one is really interested and they never were.
    Aside from that the word on the stasse is she has been fucking this guy on the side for a while, maybe she has a husband or something, so this wasn’t convenient for her, who knows.
    It never seases to amaze me how this poxy situation, the nobody gives a fuck about is still news, its just more attention seeking fuckmuppery to keep wimminz football interesting, the reality is its more interesting watching the cars rust….. Back to the kitchen bitches…..

  23. Damned cad, if she were my daughter I’d horsewhip both of them before getting Father Ted to perform a forced marriage. Bloody outrage. Chota peg, Ravi, and turn off the sodding television.

  24. Not a story I can even pretend to give two fucks about.

    All it does is demonstrate the witless fagg0try of the corporate and social media, feeding on and regurgitating McNuggets of churnalistic garbage.

    Table scraps for the mind.

  25. Just watched some clips of the 70s on ITV 4 this morning. Barry Sheene just won some race – he’s got a fa-g on the go, three grid girls around him. Gives one a peck on the lips – she gives him a little look, then gets stuck back in with a full on snog. What a bloke – what times. Mind you, Hunt would probably have shagged her there and then.

    • Different times indeed Lord C. Of all the young men I have met over recent years most of them don’t even hold a car licence let alone a bike licence and of those who do half of them are only authorised to drive autos. Still, I guess that’s all you need to drive a Tesla or any similar over-hyped milk float.

  26. The problem is not really women’s football. It’s women’s football in men’s football.

  27. Agenda driven bollocks – no surprise our so called media are pushing this as hard as they can even though most are limp wristed pork pushers. Meanwhile as our country falls apart and far more pressing issues are swept under the rug.
    PS, where can I buy a bag of machine guns and grenades to do a Michael Falling Down Douglas thingy?

  28. OT but good to see Wokegate squirming (and failing to convince) about Henderson right now.

    ‘We know what we stand for’ he says.

    Fuck all then, obviously.

    • And likeable brain donor Joe Cole, ‘It’s not right managers are held to account for such things.’

      Well Joe, he was the one who decided to pipe up as some kind of social justice warrior. No cunt asked him to do that.

      Well, now the libtards are turning on him. He was happy to ride the wave of wokeism to make him untouchable and now those days are overit seems. Aww. Bless.

      The tosser.

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