Oprah Winfrey [5] and ‘The Rock’

Cunters may be aware that the Hawaiian island of Maui has recently been devasted by wildfires, causing loss of life and great damage to property and the livelihood of the islanders.

Still, the people of the island should be of good cheer, for help is at hand. Those two sterling humanitarians, Oprah Winfrey and Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, have set up ‘The People’s Fund of Maui’, and recorded a passionate appeal for Joe and Jane Citizen to put their hands in their pockets and send money to help the Maui residents out.

Now okay, Oompah and ‘The Block’ have pledged $10 million themselves (don’t know if they’ve actually donated it yet), so that seems pretty generous, doesn’t it?
But hold up. Estimates of the combined wealth of these two stand at an eye-watering $3.3 BILLION. That’s right; three point three thousand million dollars. On top of this, Oompah has been buying up land on the island hand over fist, and now owns c. 1,000 acres (an area larger than the size of Central Park in New York) which reputedly has its own private fire-fighting force.

Fucking hell, these two could easily fund a whole rescue package between them from down the back of their sofas. Come to that, why aren’t they hitting on their billionaire pals like Musk and Gates, and their megarich Hollywood friends, instead of trying to bilk ordinary people already grappling with the problem of making ends meet due to inflation and recession?

Nah. Better to do a spot of very public virtue-signalling instead; you know, show the world that you’re just a couple of ordinary dudes who are there and ‘doing what we can’. Go on; demonstrate to us that you’re all heart.

Well, I say that you’re just a couple of image conscious slebs pouring more lubricant onto your already well-oiled publicity machine, and I call bullshit on the pair of you.

Cynical? Moi?


Nominated by : Ron Knee

60 thoughts on “Oprah Winfrey [5] and ‘The Rock’

  1. There is something dodgy about the whole Maui business and the subsequent land grabs.

  2. I recall a rumour around about 2018 that Winfrey was going to run against Trump in the 2020 election. How glorious it would’ve been watching Trump make fun of that racist, Jabba billionaire while she tried to create a coherent sentence.

    • That bitch’s influence and money practically got that bastard Obama elected – twice – the worst president in US history….or so we thought until now.

      She really is a vacuous, virtue signalling cow. Famous for giving cars to downtrodden members of her shitty show’s audience. Oh Oprah you’re so wonderful, kind and generous. Funny how the same media never reported the same people giving the cars back because they could never afford the tax bill which comes with getting a brand new car for nothing. Hmmm.

      Another example of a champagne socialist, America hating, race baiting hypocrite. Death is too good for some people.

  3. Winfrey is a particularly interesting case.

    The woman’s worth an estimated $2.5 billion. She’s 70 years old.

    Why on earth is she buying up tracts of Maui? What the fuck does she want them for? She’s already got as much money as God. She can never spend even a fraction of her wealth.

    On top of that, under that pr veneer of being a warm and wonderful human being, the reports and stories indicate she’s a real piece of work.

    There’s certainly something unsavoury about her.

    Morning all.

    • Although I don’t know Oprah personally – I’d be willing to be my bollocks that she’s an absolute fucking bitch with a chip on the shoulder as big as her fat black arse.

      Perhaps a wealthier darker hued version of a Holly Willoughby for example.

      Morning Ron / all

      • Probably as vile as that tuppence licker Ellen degenerate..
        Heard she is a nasty piece of work..

    • My guess is she’s a shell for entities protecting access points to the underground tunnels connecting many adjacent islands where child trafficking has long been a feature and potentially where Lahainia’s kids have been spirited away ?

      Winfrey has close connections to this murky world if you happen to know anything about her friendship with ‘spiritual mentor’ Dr ‘John of God’.A convicted child groomer and rapist previously Haitian based.

      The genetic purity of Hawaiian folk goes back way beyond recorded history,some say to the Atlantean/Lemurian timeliness which would give their children,i imagine, the most efficacious,vintage adrenochrome infusions to the ruling pediocracy of our planet.?

      • “…protecting access points to the underground tunnels connecting many adjacent islands where child trafficking has long been a feature and potentially where Lahainia’s kids have been spirited away …”

        Jesus fucking H … do you have the slightest proof of sub sea tunnels connecting the Hawaian islands?
        Do you have the slightest idea of the cost, technical difficulties and sheer mong-brained inadvisability of boring tunnels through such seismically active zones?

      • The aliens did it for us. They were clucking for some of that vintage Hawaiian child adrenochrome and just fucking lasered their way through volcanic rock under miles of the Pacific ocean.

        Apparently their race is called the Du-Zerz.

    • Anyone who has accumulated that level of wealth that wasn’t inherited, has been into some things which were not entirely on the up and up.

      This bitch has all the connections you could wish for when it comes to generating money from money. I am certain there’s a private club of ‘back scratchers’ where deals are done, favours are extended and so forth.

      She’s on my list of people whose ultimate demise I will celebrate. Pelosi, Blair, Obama, any Clinton….the list goes on.

  4. I never knew Ian Wright was worth that kind of dough, fucking BBC over paying the staff again..

    Must be good money in looking like a easter island statue if Plymouth is worth that much..

  5. I’ve never known what Oprah Winfrey gets paid for, let alone the billions she’s amassed doing it.
    She won’t be seeing any money of mine no matter how good the cause.

    • She does do a no holds barred interview your grace, I’ll give her that.

      The SkidMarkles have never got over that public shredding she gave them.

  6. Clever strategy, if you own a bit of paradise and the surroundings have been flattened by fire get Joe Public to fund the restoration.


  7. I’ll don my tin hat again and suggest that someone set these fires deliberately and that the elite fancy living here when the rest of the world has been turned to rat shit.

    • I think there is something to this. A retreat from the fallout, whether nuclear or otherwise, ruled by Ursula von der Leyen.

  8. I wonder if their accountants told them its all tax deductible?

    Anyhow I hear them Hawaiis do a good burger.

    The fat cunts.?

  9. Wherever there’s an oppurtunity, there’s a scumbag/s waiting to take advantage.
    Hope the residents tell them to fuck off.

  10. Harpo can fuck off after sticking her black nose in and stirring things up with rusty bollocks and his black wife. All because of having those pair of cunts in our faces. Just thought I’d mention that which has nothing to do with this shit I’m not interested in. Good day.

  11. Just like one or two of the BLM founders – now living in plush gated-mansions in some posh areas of New York or LA, far removed from the shite holes they emerged from but left all the bros behind to rough it in their own criminality.

    But I am sure Oprah is a complete saint and cares only for those homeless people who have nothing but the shirts on their backs.


  12. Once these money grabbing “celebs” have a taste of publicity any event good or bad is used as an opportunity for more and the twats that worship these cunts should be put up agin the wall soft headed fuckwits, most “stars” suffer from the “Tony Blair ” messiah complex in one form or another, obviously not to the extent of King Cunt.

  13. These black cunts rail against evil whitey, for the slave trade and the Empires ( especially ours ) that we created.

    Yet their behaviour, be it in a Western democracy or a despotic African or Caribbean shithole, has, at best, the thinnest veneer of human decency and democratic process.

    They put themselves on a pedestal and look down on us, with condemnation.

    Their blinkered eyes failing to see their hypocrisy.

    If I had my way, we’d still have an Empire. It would rule the whole world.

    And the world would be better for it.

    Good afternoon.

  14. There’s a lot of hoopla over here about how wonderful Hawaii is. Many Yanks consider it the ultimate vacation destination. Perhaps not being a Yank, I don’t share that view. I would like to clamber up the side of a volcano for a laugh, but there are other places in the world where you can do that. Aside from that, I don’t care much for beaches.

    Best thing to come out of Hawaii? Tia Carrere. Someone I’d like to come into, if you know what I mean.


    You’re welcome.

      • You just know Jack Lord got a ton of pussy back in the day.

        Cool show.

        Did you know…..they’ve re-made Hawaii 5 O? And Magnum, FFS. Can’t leave the classics alone can they?

      • Don’t start, LL. 🙂

        I’m still quite tickled by your Dai Hard reference the other day and I’m still laughing at your quite brilliant Koran Koran reference from a couple of weeks back. I laughed so hard at that I nearly passed out. It’s still funny weeks later. Comedy gold my friend, comedy gold.

      • Yeah I heard about the reboots but never bothered with them knowing full well they’d be shite.

        Perhaps the UK should do some reboots instead:-

        “Bognor Regis 5-0”
        “Ethel & Hutch”
        “The Streets of Morecambe Bay”
        “Charlie’s Trannies”
        “Clacton Vice”

      • Cheers IY, I saw your comment about the Die Hard marathon, a big fan myself, well the first three if I’m honest, a bit like the first couple of Terminator films. Incidentally I saw something about Bruce Willis and his dementia on the news the other day. A terrible disease for anyone.

      • “The Streets of Morecambe Bay” – that is my absolute favourite from your list, Techno. Really funny.

        Hillsborough Blues
        Chester PD
        Hartlepool To Hartlepool
        Islington Steele

        Ummm….I’m out.

      • Both the Dukes of Hazzard and Starsky and Hutch films of the noughties are awful, the latter especially.

        Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson play themselves, not the characters as depicted in the TV programme.
        It’s just hugely expensive cosplay for an audience of slack-jawed millennial dude-bro cunts who’ve never seen the original series.

  15. The issue about Winfrey is her constant whinging about her life in the States when she wasn’t quite so rich and full of the Billy-Big-Bollocks.

    But I do wonder how her life would have panned out had slavery never happened and the West Indies, Jamaica et al had never been colonised. Which would have meant Winfrey and millions of other persons-of-colour would have been born, bred and ultimately died “at home” rather than being shipped off to the the UK, the US, Spain or Portugal.

    Had that scenario actually happened would she be the billionaire we see today in the States? Would she have the same influence, freedoms, power and choice she has today in the States?

    I think not, and a lot of that is down to the fact the West Indies and Africa are still looking backwards, constantly wanting more and more money from those ‘orrible Western countries, while the West – for all its fuck-ups – has made a big difference for a lot of people and also brought some wealth and independence for those prepared to put the graft in.

    But now the libtards want to undo all that. Instead they want to fuck over the workers and hand the money and power to the feckless, whinging cunts who play with a full deck of victim cards!

  16. Hope everyone on Maui fucks off to another island, so the land becomes worthless.
    Greedy fat fuck.
    Celebs are like vegans now, in that any celeb will tell you when they’re being “charitable”. It’s the same as money grabbing children in need in the UK. Loads of greedy rich celeb cunts asking you for money, when in fact could they easily double any amount raised in the past. What’s worse is most get a fee for doing it too.

    • I’d really like to learn just how Oompah’s charity for Maui is actually being administered.

      Are staff being employed? How much is going to overheads? How much cash has actually been handed out to the vicims so far?

      These days I’m cynical where charities are concerned. Any charity.

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