It occurred to me today that we are getting towards the end of summer, so logically will start thinking of autumn and winter, days getting shorter and so on…but not least because of the predictably timed rash of news stories about exciting new Covid variants.
Today I have seen news items about variant Pi, variant BA.6 and variant Eris ( who was apparently the ancient Greek goddess of discord and chaos) and also stories about how we must all start wearing masks again and aren’t lockdowns a jolly good idea. It shows the utter contempt that the media, sinister government advisors and pharmaceutical companies have for the public that they have the brass neck to start wheeling this old shit out again for yet another year. I really hope there are riots if anyone tries to impose all this crap again. Even the dullest bulbs I know wouldn’t go along with it at this point (unless a bit of furlough was thrown in). What an utterly cretinous bag of old wank.
Nominated by Mary Hinge.
More on this from Jeezum Priest below.
Here we go again.
There’s a new strain of Covid ( what, another one?) and already the Press are speculating, well more like sounding as if it’s a done deal, about a return to mask wearing and possible lock downs to ” protect the NHS”, you know.
Interestingly, there’s also a lot of comments, in various publications, that lock downs and masks DID prevent the spread of Covid.
That’s not what you were saying early, when enquiries and committees started looking into the Governments response to the pandemic. Do you really think we have so little ability to think rationally?
Also, if you want to “protect the NHS”, stop spaffing money on foreign aid, legal aid for illegals, accommodation for the same that turns out to be unsuitable, vast sums of money to Rwanda and France, and spend it on the NHS – and NOT more managers/diversity officers, either.
While you’re at it, maybe cull the deadwood in the HoC and HoL, too!
Flu season is apon us once more.
That is all.
Exactly ?
The only mask I will be wearing is a tricky dicky one when I start knocking over banks.
On the understanding I can find one that’s open.
Catch 22. You need to rob a bank to be able to afford the fuel to get to a branch that’s still open.
Clearly the twats at SAGE are short of a bit of cash now that the first pandemic has been put to bed. So now they want to be called in again to stir some shit for a couple of years, get paid handsomely for it before fucking off again.
Rinse and Repeat.
Funnily enough they haven’t even completed the first enquiry.Twats.
Surely nobody is falling for this again are they?
Fool me once,
shame on you
Fool me twice,
Get to fucking fuck motherfucker*
*Bastardizing English in true Septic fashion
I’m not ?
My poor old mum has.
Still with government in charge I imagine we are safe…
It’s not like there is a infectious virus in China, so let about half a million fly in for Chinese New year?
Or even let a bunch of unknown Shitholians cross the Channel unvetted.
That wouldv’e been
A) Racist, and
B) displeased the CCP, who our all-knowing highly competent government wanted help from in building nuclear powerplants and telecoms infrastructure
It’ll gain no traction,even the fucking spineless cunts running the country into the ground realise that they are skint so can’t offer a handout after being told to panic by a mad professor or two.
There’s no money for “lockdowns” and everyone knows that the complete over reaction to Bat AIDS was and continues to be an utter financial catastrophe.
“Follow the science”…straight into Oven.
Well I think we should bankrupt the country -again.
You can never be to careful.
Morning, MNC. Birmingham CC is showing us the way!
Diversity is their strength, I bet they have trouble pulling in council tax ?
As the experts tell us the world is now at boiling point we can look forward to some serious tropical shit coming our way soon. How about lassa fever, dengue fever, ebola, monkeypox, cholera? Marvellous.
Covid? Oh do fuck off, the Dylan Mulvaney of the virus world.
Our sun will ultimately call the real shots.I suspect ? it’s current daily flarings will produce something way more dramatic than the 1859 ‘Carrington-Event’ where just a few telegraph poles melted.
The next anticipated one will fry the whole techno-matrix our economic systems are reliant on.(Mad-Max territory) and the reason,i suspect,there’s this whole ‘block out the sun’ bs from certain quarters on regular rotation (good luck with that egg-head science man) trying futilely to steal a march on the inevitability of our planets 12k year cleansing cycle with the sun being the prime catalyst this time around.
As the late Dolores Cannon pointed out,our planet is a living breathing entity and we are but fleas on a dog as it attempts to recover from aeons of environmental degradation.
Polaris covid means a nuclear winter for cunts.
Surely no twat will fall for any of their shit ever again. Not that I did last time. Just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it fucking exists!
In any case, the level of hysteria will have to go some to reach the level that Trump is achieving this autumn. Hair sniffin’ Joe is toast.
Follow the science and fuck off.
Good morning, everyone.
The best way to deal with people wearing masks is to laugh at them. By that, I mean point at them and laugh. They are easily-terrifed, gullible turds who probably fell for Project Fear in 2016. The mask-wearers driving in their car, alone, deserve special mention as they are special. Special fucking Needs.
You have to think like the cunts, they may be in the car, they may be alone but air is coming in from outside and it could be infected ?
They could easily solve that problem by connecting the air intakes to the exhaust.
Hmmm, nicely timed to coincide with a drop in Pfizer’s share price . That won’t do . I wonder if they just happen to have a new magic vaccine which works 10% of the time provided you have 17 jabs .
That should help them up their dividend payouts
No doubt it `cures` 1 in 10 and kills 3.
Po;ari covid – it’s enough to make your riah stand on end!
FFS. That should be Polari, obvs!
It’s simple, there is likely to be an election next year so no lockdowns, the blues are fucked already, a lockdown would mean zero seat in the house of cunts ?
But if there is a return of a different strain of the bad cold and the government do nothing in terms of massive financial aid, all the usual suspects will come out and play the “woe is me, I’m so poor on my £1100/m on benefits” or /”it’s racist, innit” victim card.
It’s for the greater good so get inline.
Excellent Infidelgastro. I think the lady staring like that with those grey blue eyes adds an extra chill to the message
I wish a virus would kill off the MSM.
Still pumping out fear for the idiots.
A clear response is required to any masks/lockdowns ; Fuck Off, Fuck Off again, when you have fucked off, kill yourselves slowly and painfully.
The worse cunts of the century.
If getting pinged on my mobile because I was within 100 yards of someone with covid and therefore I have to have 10 days off work then bring the fucker on I say, up the covid
Funny how every new variant is either more contagious or causes more severe symptoms than previous ones.
I certainly won’t be wearing a mask, depriving the public the pleasure of gazing on my handsome features.
The media and government should be pleased; Is this an example of ‘re-wilding’ the virus?
As for the NHS, fuck it. The service is broken.
I encountered an NHS manager yesterday. You wouldnt trust him to be in charge of the pediatric unit. Spoke in the most patronising manner, as if I had dementia and hearing loss. A completely institutionalised freak and passer of the buck.
The reason the NHS can’t really cope at winterbis because they hire morons. The levels of bureaucratic idiocy now rivsl the DWP.
In order for the government to reintroduce lockdowns and/or mask wearing they would have to convince the medical profession that the vaccine is ineffective.
Well good luck with that, lol.
We’ve got shit loads of test kits from a few years ago that my wife insists on keeping and I keep arguing – why!!?!?!?
If there are new strains, these kits, courtesy of some company that a cunty, greasy handed Matt Hancock type set up and rinsed the Govt. for millions and now kicking back in the Caribbean, sipping pina coladas on a yacht while being noshed by two Eastern European hussies thank you very much, are fucking useless.
They’d be more use stuck up the ass.
I think you will find that they are out of date.
Chinese agricultural workers in Spain did have their arseholes swabbed in late 2019. It may have been here and circulation far earlier than the media reported.
*circulating, cunt of a phone.
Just to add to the hysteria, weather forecasters (well paid guessers, more like) are forecasting a very severe winter, lots of snow, freezing temperatures etc.
Also petrol and domestic energy prices are due to rise in leaps and bounds because of it, and the government’s lack of a Plan B when it comes to protecting the National Grid because so many daft cunts have moved over to electric and almost overloading the grid.
On top of all that public buildings might collapse due to dodgy concrete.
And by adding this new strain into the mix the country is well and truly fucked. Correction, it’s already fucked, but now it will double-penetration fucked!
Happy New Year (assuming we all don’t get washed away by a tsunami!)
? and we are about get legislation that will force you to go green, if you don’t, up to 12 months in Diane Abbotts knickers.
If it goes through there will be able to add stuff in at the stroke of a pen, I can see smart meters being mandatory all controlled by a computer that says No.
Net Zero is coming, and you had better get fucking used to it ?
Tell you what, if Nandy’s knockers were available I’d take the go green shit.
the country is arse-fucked, fisted and has a huge black diseased dong down its gullet, and still gargles for more.
Look on the bright side; you might visit your crumbling 1960s hospital and get told you have a terrible disease by a Pakistani doctor whose broken English is made even more incomprehensible by his face nappy, and that nothing can be done, not because there’s no cure or treatment, but the trust won’t pay for it and even if they did the nurses are too busy to treat you, making tik tok videos in the corridor.
However, you’ll be saved from a lingering death and further medical incompetence by a beam falling on your head as you leave the hospital.
Constructive destruction.They can’t risk spooking the horses.More of us than them.
Same old same old.SAGE can boil themselves in steaming horse ??.After what Doris and co demonstrated in the last one(a shambles) they are mistaken.Shit weasels.
Hope there’s another lockdown, then I can go about my business at leasure again.
Covid is the new influenza.
Lots of people will die of all sorts of infections and diseases this winter. I might be one of them. You might be one them. It’s been that way for thousands of years.
The MSM and the authorities doing yet more fearmongering ain’t going to help anyone.
Keep calm and carry on, and have a drink.
Morning all.
PS great double nom from Mary and JP.
None of this ever made sense from day one of the whole fiasco.
Lockdowns (but we’ll let any cunt from the 3rd world rock up)
Social distancing (eh)
Cloth masks (enough said)
Vaccination or 5 (not for the benefit of the recipient you understand – but for the benefit of everybody else)
Clown world.
I read somewhere that the symptoms of one of these new variants are a cough, runny nose and sore throat.
Or a ‘cold’, as we used to call it.
Do you think they might catch the Covid serial killer this time round ? I doubt it. They still haven’t caught Jack the Ripper.
the NHS are so fucking retarded over the mask protocol that when I went for a check up and masks were still being worn, the dumb bitch at the reception asked me to remove my mask with chemical filter and put on one of their useless face nappies.
It wouldn’t surprise me one bit that lockdowns might happen in the USA as it would allow democrats Biden to run the election campaign from a studio like last time. An AI Biden spreading fear, coming to the screens across a Nation
Just put joes nappies in a separate drawer to the face masks or he’ll be sniffing his own hair.