Maria Hadden

Let’s have an “If she weighs the same as a duck, then she’s made of wood” cunting for Chicago Alderwoman Maria Hadden.

But first let’s correct the record and refer to her with the more inclusive (and proper) title of Alderperson.

This stupid cunt is actually an elected Democrat city official. Her proposal for stopping the unprecedented rise of murder in her once great and now degenerate city is to ask gang members to voluntarily limit the shooing of people to the overnight hours…between 9PM and 9AM.

Her logic…very simple; if people know that they or their children are likely to shot during certain hours, they will not venture out during those hours and they will be more likely to monitor their children during those same house thus reducing the number of the homicides in the city of Chiraq.

At least one other brain dead cunt agrees with her. Tatiana Atkins, who is co-founder of some group called, “Native Sons…”

STOP! In this day and age do we still permit such non-inclusive, obviously misogynistic groups to exist? Uh…Native Offspring would be…

WAIT! Isn’t referring to non-indigenous Americans as natives cultural appropriation?

Fuck it! Moving on…

In a twist of irony obviously lost on the thinking impaired founder, she endorses the late night ban on shooting as a first step and says:

“Things didn’t become this way overnight and change won’t happen overnight.”


This new learning amazes me Mx Atkins. Tell me again how sheep’s bladders may be employed to prevent Covid.

Nonetheless, her stupidity pales in insignificance to Alderperson Hadden who actually proposed the idiotic notion that the murder rate will go down if gang members voluntarily limit their murders until nightfall.

All I can say is, this dumb cunt better not go out after dark!


Nominated by General Cuntster.

66 thoughts on “Maria Hadden

  1. So …hand over the city to the gangs ?
    Power share with them.

    Chicago in the 60s had a excellent Mayor.
    Mayor Daley.

    Daley was happiest seeing a hippy or sootie get his nut cracked off the police force.

    Here’s his take on the monkey antics of the civil rights troublemakers

    “emphatically and very definitely that an order be issued by him immediately to shoot to kill any arsonist or anyone with a Molotov cocktail in his hand, because they’re potential murderers, and to shoot to maim or cripple anyone looting.”

    Great stuff?

  2. It’s a fantastic idea.

    Everyone likes a timetable..

    12 til 1 pm attempted mugging stopped by drone attack.

    1 til 2 pm organised shoplifting resolved by Dirty Harry.

    2 til 3 Drug dens closed by white phosphorus grenade.

    3 til 4 Blek Lies Mither eradicated by mass hanging.

    4 til 5 tea.

    6 til 7 Outdoor drug dealing cured by massed armoured car assault.

    8pm til 8 am no unaccompanied blek allowed out without a permit signed by me..and I don’t have a pen.

    Oh and if there’s time put the apologist windbag demonrats straight in the oven.

    What a bunch of deluded cunts they are.

  3. I like to take advantage of a good deal.

    Off-peak train fares
    Economy 7 electricity
    Free parking in town after 6pm
    Pub Happy Hour, 5pm to 6pm
    Free murders, 9pm to 9am

    What’s not to like?

  4. Wasn’t she an advocate of defunding plod in that city?

    And now she wants to have an Open All Hours policy… or rather a Shoot All Hours Policy just so long as its between 9pm and 9an, which obviously the gangsters (white gangsters obviously: there are no black gangsters) will immediately abide by!

    Do these deranged cunts get paid for thinking this shit up!?

  5. My boy niggy is a badass mothafucker and he listens to his big ass Momma
    Dontyu go out shoo-in with guns until nighttime Leroy, shoe some respect boy.
    Now he’s warned, shooda told him earlier Momma he listens to you

  6. An overnight purge, all the black gangs on the streets shooting each other, brilliant idea.

    Early morning the dumpster guys go round picking up the trash.

  7. The only people who should be out in the streets of Chicago at night ,
    Are police officers and Batman .

    Anyone else shot for resisting arrest.

  8. Surely there must be some waste ground (what they call a vacant lot) in Chicago? Just cordon it off and the architects can shoot each other 24 hours a day. I’m a fucking genius. Who’s voting for me then?

  9. I can imagine gangsters setting their alarm clocks for 9pm as they get ready for a mid-afternoon kip.

    Hopefully they’ll also factor in the change in daylight saving time otherwise they might end up on the Naughty Step for shooting people outside of the agreed times!

  10. Wow.

    One of the great things about ISAC is it never fails in highlighting yet another complete and utter fuckwit worse than the last one when you thought ‘surely this is as low as it can go’.

    Brilliant cunting.

  11. Maria looks cheerful in the picture above,
    Wooly haired and wooly minded,
    The type that although she colours outside the lines always paints a happy picture.

    A rainbow picture of all creeds, colours, sexualities, living together
    And slaughtering each other after 9pm

    • Happy rainbow people..bumming and murdering each other with Gay abandon.

      Splendid..I think I’ll raise a glass to Sasha Power to the Blek People Johnson shortly.

      Is there a timetable for 1..closing the police investigation into the wonderfully diverse murderers and 2..switching off the life support for the poisonous cunt?

  12. Cunt.

    Nothing more to add really cos I don’t know her bruv, init.

    Perhaps let all the sensible ffolk stay in during those times and the idiouts out so they can kill each other.

    #CharlesDarwin #NaturualSelection

  13. You can imagine old Suckdick Khan warming to this idea with a few similar ideas of his own:-

    No stabbings during school rush hour
    Microaggressions banned between 9am and 10pm
    No driving of ICE cars regardless of age between 7am and 7pm
    No turning on the gas central heating in winter between the hours of 4pm and 3:58pm (yep, no spelling mistake: you’ll have 2 minutes of warmth before being told to switch off in order to save Greta)
    Call to prayer for everyone regardless of faith 5 times per day without fail.
    And the list goes on.

    Yep, Suckdick would love that, the shit!

  14. Further to her 9pm – 9am rule, this evidently sensible woman should also make it a requirement for murderers to wear pink carnations on their lapels and carry copies of the Washington Post under their arms.
    The forces of law and order could then quite legitimately gun them down on sight.

  15. Shes not considered those who work shifts ending at 9pm.

    The little bloke driving home through a war zone.

    The young girl catching bus home after working in a supermarket .

    Innocent people caught up in her bullshit.
    Why ?
    Because she’s never had a real job.
    Because she can’t think things through to the finish and consider the ramifications.
    Because she’s lazy
    Because she’s a gang culture appeaser
    Because she’s in a job she’s not capable of performing suitably.

    The fuckin dunce

  16. It’s sad when reality has come to this troff of shite being even considered , in a responsible elected position.
    They really have fkd up in the land of the free when they tolerated Californias liberal left bollocks agenda in the 60s 70s and infected fuckology all over the place.
    A mess that the criminal deep state cunts and corporations take full advantage of and do not care how backward their own people are going. The Jab works there because there all fucking paranoid about health and prescription drugs being the most unhealthy fat cunts on the planet. I give up on any hope for the USA
    “woke up this morning
    for school
    got myself a gun”

  17. Any brothers who want to settle a score and off some other oxygen thieving waste of skin outside of shooty time, feel free.

  18. commitIng murder in the arranged time limit will reduce prison sentance. Makes sense. When’s happy hour ?

  19. Chicago sounds awful!

    No wonder Al Capone moved out to Alcatraz!!

    Well, after reading this we won’t be buying their pizzas anymore.

  20. Just when you think you’ve seen and heard it all.
    What a noddy no-brain.
    Perhaps most astonishing, people will still vote for them.

    • Since we are told that punctuality and time keeping are racist constructs, probably not.

      • Good point @LL. Can the pavement apes tell time..

        Timekeeping is set by welfare office open and chiggun shops closing..

    • Depends if you hit the cunt or not. If you miss you just get one of those tags to make sure you don’t go out before 9pm.

  21. All she needed to add was no law enforcement during shooty hours and she’s made The Purge a nightly event, fucking genius.

    What a total cunt!

  22. Hahaha! Hope Chicago is still getting the busloads of wetbacks to add to the carnage.

    This imbecile thought The Purge was a promotional video from a democrat thinktank.

    Soon Chicago will be like Detroit. fucked beyond hope.

  23. Not completely off topic I think. Election for Nadine Dorries’ (AKA the lazy troughing scouse slag) replacement is on 19th October. Conservative candidate is Festus Akinbusoye. If Hollywood made a film about Idi Amin he could play the main character without any need for make-up or prosthetics. But I guess you will have already deduced that fact from the name.

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