Jonathan Van-Tam [2]

A cunting please for Sir(!) Jonathan Van-Tam who has been rewarded for giving away billions of pounds in public contracts to Moderna et al, and helping shape the whole Covids response shitshow, with a job at err Moderna.

Daily Sceptic Link.

He famously said that having taken the jab folks ‘shouldn’t behave with wild abandon and go off to bingo halls’ – as it became clear that the jabs did not stop you getting it and did not stop you spreading it (Covids)!

It is, of course, impossible to force our expectations of our public servants any lower. But this gravy guzzling scum floats effortlessly to the top.

Follow the science? No, follow the money…

Nominated by : Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea

36 thoughts on “Jonathan Van-Tam [2]

    • Sorry arfur – have been travelling. Yes I was shocked, I tell you.

  1. Is this happened in the world of finance, you’d be done for insider trading – how is this different?

  2. The response to that virus by government and their advisors was nothing short of organised crime of a level that would have the Mexican cartels drooling.

    Pigs at a trough.


    • Absolutely UT – look at the contracts that were handed out for friends / families of the Govt.

      I put a posting up on Ali Beebie, akin to this, which was swiftly removed and when I fought back I got ‘cancelled’ – they got a piece of my mind on email, surprised I didn’t get a knock at the door from the funny police.

  3. JVT, seems like a nice chap.

    If you are an expert in your field then it seems quite natural that pharma and vaccine companies will want your advice/input.

    Also part time football pundit ?

    • Agree…its his field of expertise. Any job he would go onto in a senior position could plausibly be attributed to bribery/backhanders/preferential treatment etc.

      I dont see a cunting here. He wasnt paid by this company whilst being employed as a government advisor. Whether we beleive in covid or not, I would much rather someone who knows whats he’s talking about recommend a product that does the job, than a snake oil salesman who is simply recommending a product because he’s been paid to do so, or has a financial interest in it.

      You cunt experts too readily and when you do desperately need expert advice they arent going to be as will to advise if somewhere down the line later in their career someone comes up with a tenuous link to suggest wrong doing

  4. I’m hearing rumors of new mask and lockdown mandates. Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. I will not comply with this nonsense again in any way. They first said masks and lockdowns didn’t make a difference to the outcome. Now they have back tracked, saying they helped. They did nothing of the sort. All It did was lead to developmentenl issues in children, who couldn’t see people’s faces. This lead to them not learning how to form words ect. All our cunt leaders no masks, getting pissed up at our expense. The dodgy deals for jabs which where fudged through testing, despite not being safe. The PPE which was all shit, but lined a few rich boys pockets. Oh and the economy is fucked, not because of Russia(a useful distraction?). It’s was binned years ago by our beloved leaders. I believe this was about control all along, and it still is! So fuck you cunts, never again!

    • We know lockdown did fuck alL apart from cause more deaths down the road.

      Academic estimates outside of the fear-mongering media and government put the lives saved by lockdown at 30,000, and that is for the whole of Europe, .less than 0.007% the population. This follows from the average age of someone dying from covid at 83, a year or so older than the average age of death across society for all causes.

      Of course, these studies are being ‘debunked’ by ‘serious’ scientists, including Ph.D candidates looking for clout on Twitter and lucrative gigs later in their career.

      • For sure,; if you go looking it won’t take long to unearth some very uncomfortable reading. Shame most can’t be botherd, or would rather just do as they are told. Alcohol deaths up, su1c1de up, death from everything else up, mental health admissions up. Our government are doing a cracking job of flushing out country done the shit pan. It’s strange how during COVID no one died from flu! We need to get a grip, while we still can.

    • Bang on CC. I suspect, with this originating in the US of becuase old cunty sleepy Joe’s friend in big phama are shaking the tin can.

      What better way to help his friends than my raising fear again – and not long before another election…

      Just waiting for that jug eared Daki cunt Rishi to announce something big to divert our attention.

      I fukcing hate that cunt and his millions.

      • I am also a cunt for my bad spelling and grammar. That’s what happens when you eat and type.

  5. Van-Tam seems ok. Big Boston footie supporter which makes a change from fucking Man Yew or Chelski, the usual shite.. Dont blame the cunt for following the money.
    He wasnt the fucker giving his mates bent contracts.

  6. Anybody at all who pushed any of this bullshit from day one are/is/were a complete and utter fucking cunt.

    Van Tampax is only one of many unfortunately.

    • He is a whopping great sack of shilly shit. Goebbels would have been proud to have him as a trusted lieutenant.

  7. After all the noise, all the conspiracy theories, all the defiance.
    We’ll just have to comply.

  8. Jonathan van Tam, April 2020

    ‘there’s no evidence masks prevent infection’.

    This was changed after the government got a plane-load in from… Turkey.

    Suddenly every cunt was to wear these highly effective face nappies while I had already bought the proper ones with filters.

  9. And to think we cunt the Africans for corruption , when we have it down to a science.

    Also I had long wondered what the guy who played Pigsy in Monkey was doing since he stopped acting.

    Now I know

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