India – Rape Centre of The World

First some background:

Back in the ’60s I used to do a bit of hippydom in India but always with a flush toilet. Nothing more toxic than hippy shit. Place to go before it all got fucked up was Goa. Magical vibe, palm trees by the sea, miles of golden sand, open air dining, open air drug use, open air fucking. Not too much clap about then and anti-biotics still worked. It took Mick Jagger to pox me up. Genuine free love courtesy of The Pill you see.

Looking back at the holiday snaps I have to admit that I was a beautiful long haired boy then and the fillies were very obliging. Alas Tempus Fugit, now yours truly is an ancient fat old fuck as are most of the fair fillies that tempted me. Referring back to the topic, there were tribes of feral Chelsea dahling brats of the lower upper classes unleashed by their spaced out parents to celebrate Gaia and get inducted into Life.

Little Tarquins and Cressidas in their tie dye kaftans puking up all over the golden sands abandoned to the communal creche while their parents are away on their Tantric sex workshops and picking up the latest Psychobabble. Then Ralph and Ffiona were ready to party the night away. There were the occasional gang rapes and beach robberies but the most dangerous jasper on the beach was the itinerant ear cleaner who would walk up to hippy cunts sleeping off their Nirvana and stick a small metal spoon in their ears and clean out the earwax for a few Rupees. I fought a few of those cunts off. Legendary ear infections were the result if they got you.
Legendary times but if any Cunter wishes to follow the old hippy trail to South India be warned that India and particularly Delhi is the rape centre of the world – but perhaps that might be an attraction for some of you.


Nominated by Sir Limply Stoke.

52 thoughts on “India – Rape Centre of The World

  1. They must be going some to top the table ahead of Pakistan and South Africa. Of course, Indians now make up the majority of the immies now flooding across the Channel. We will soon be vying to top the league.

      • @MJB

        By Sunak kicking the Net Zero can or should that be “scam” down the road for at least another 5 years, shows that there may be a modicum of common sense and logic floating around somewhere inside the walls of parliament.

        As much as I despise the Tories – a Labour government will be 10 times worse.

      • The next rocket will take a Gupta and they will be able to claim the first open ‘air’ shit on the moon

    • I said many moons ago (pardon the pun) – WTF are we sending foreign aid £££millions to India, when they have money to burn on a space program.
      There is a Massive £wealth disparity between Indias elites and the poverty stricken plebs scratching for their next meal in a rusty tin shed.
      If thousands are to be saved from starvation & floods in bangladesh, let the £££Billionaires like Sunaks in-laws put their hands in their greedy fucking pockets.

  2. I got a train to India once.

    No, sorry, that was Birmingham.

    I suppose a trainline from London to Dehli would probably cost the same as HS2 has slready.

  3. Like so many other countries, I can’t help thinking they were better off under British rule. We’d have had these filthy, coolie rapists swinging on the end of a rope in public where they belong.

    • Can’t think what you mean Geordie. Just look at South Africa, Rhodesia, Pakistan, Burma….. Oh, yes.

  4. I have never forgiven them for what they did to poor Daphne Manners. That Merrick chap had the right idea.

  5. Well I’m thankful i don’t live in a country with that kind of filthy vermin walking the streets..

      • Isn’t Luton the gateway to Londonistan, where they train the new rulers of this somewhat green and very unpleasant land?

      • Not sure about that Moggie but having done a fair amount of work in Luton I can assure you that the general mudslime population there support the perpetrators of the various terrorist atrocities carried out in the name of islam. They really are a nasty disaffected shower of cunts.

  6. I see from the link that the suspects were shot dead by the police.
    At least if they can’t prevent crime, they have a very efficient way of making sure that the perps won’t reoffend

  7. I don’t give a shit what foreign cunts do in their own country, none of my fucking business. But when they come over here in their millions then it is my fucking business. The answer, which the Guardian doesn’t want to hear, is to get them all out and back in their own cuntholes. We’ve got our own trash to deal with, we don’t need to import somebody else’s. And Gunga Din in Downing Street can fuck off with them the slimy cunt.

    • India’s population, at 1.48 billion, is now the largest in the world.

      Soon to be coming to a street near you.

  8. Talking of Indians;

    Took our younger to Luton airport on Wednesday to catch a flight. Baggage drop opened at 05:10, closed at 06:30.Flight due to take off at 07:10 and we were asked to check in an hour beforehand. We were in the terminal at 05:30, dropped the baggage and went to check in at 05:50. The guy at check in looked at the paper work and with a sarcastic sneer said; “You’re a bit late aren’t you?”

    I didn’t say anything. Had I done so the conversation might have gone in a direction where I couldn’t have resisted the temptation to lean over, grab him by the hair and smash his brown face down on the desk.

  9. No way id rape a Indian woman, they’re the last women I’d rape.

    We stopped them raping each other back in the day.
    And strangling each other with the ropes of silk,

    Thuggees we called them
    Where you get the word thug .

    In the glorious days of Empire Indians behaved wonderfully or they got a Henri Martini volley in the guts.

    Limply was a hippy?
    A hippy AND a board treading thespian?!

    The man has no shame,
    UKs answer to Peter Fondue.

    • Looking at the nom picture, I’m wondering if they’re protesting that no man would touch them with a barge pole.

    • Don’t forget “sati” Mis, the practice of immolating the widow on her deceased husband’s funeral pyre. Some of these widows were twelve years old. Banned by the British, they are still trying to supress it today.

  10. Why are their kids so good at spelling bees? I also noticed that they seem to have a good work ethic as the kiosks are always open and the same people work them for years.

  11. Every second rape in Australia is by these filthy dirty stinking indians,They should all be shot in the face the moment they arrive in the country.

    • They have Norman.

      Malmö used to be pretty tame and boring until the illegal’s moved in and enriched the place.

      Now you’re more likely to die of a poorly aimed grenade or AK47 round than you are of boredom.

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